
「2列目」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索










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They’re on the second aisle from the left. - Weblio英語基本例文集

2の select のオプションの配例文帳に追加

Array of options for the second select  - PEAR


B mixture pixel signals in an B mixture pixel region 12ba (2, 2) are mixed using B pixel signals to be generated by B pixels of 2 line 4 row, 4 line 2 row, 4 line 4 row, 4 line 6 row and 6 line 4 row. - 特許庁

最初の文字2の文字が含まれる場合に true を返す例文帳に追加

Returns true if the first string contains the second one  - NetBeans


最初の文字2の文字から始まる場合に true を返す例文帳に追加

Returns true if the first string starts with the second one  - NetBeans



The second sequence to be compared is not changed. - Python


Returns the part of the first argument string that follows the first occurrence of the second argument string  - NetBeans


To improve the air conditioning feeling of occupants in the second row seat 2 and third row seat 3. - 特許庁


G mixture pixel signals in an G mixture pixel region 12ga (1, 2) are mixed using G pixel signals to be generated by G pixels of 1 line 4 row, 2 line 3 row, 2 line 5 row and 3 line 4 row. - 特許庁



In such a case, one side increase 2 is formed after knitting the forward knitting column 1 and before knitting the middle knitting column 3, and the other side increase 4 is formed after knitting the middle knitting column 3 and before knitting the backward knitting column 5. - 特許庁


2では、split メソッドを使って、文字を配に分割しています (区切り文字はコンマ)。例文帳に追加

The second line uses the splitmethod to split the string into an array, using the comma as a delimiter.  - NetBeans


In the case of configuring a 8 to 1 selector, four sets of '2 to 1' selectors 1-4 are placed on a 1st row and one '2 to 1' selector 5 is placed on a 2nd row. - 特許庁


These increases 2 and 4 are respectively inserted in the knitting width of the forward knitting column 1 and the knitting width of the backward knitting column 5. - 特許庁


R mixture pixel signals in an R mixture pixel region 12ra (1, 1) are mixed using R pixel signals to be generated by R pixels of 1 line 2 row, 1 line 3 row, 3 line 1 row and 3 line 3 row. - 特許庁

最後右から 2に立っている少年が雄太です.例文帳に追加

The boy standing in the back [rearmost] row, second from the right, is Yuta.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典

2のグレーのセクションで「Make my day」文字のあとに「Gray」という単語を追加します。例文帳に追加

In the second, gray section, add "Gray" to the "Make my day "string.  - NetBeans

2のグレーのセクションの「Hello World」文字のあとに「Gray」という単語を追加します。例文帳に追加

In the second, gray section, add "Gray" to the "Hello World" string. - NetBeans

コールバック関数の 2の引数として渡すパラメータの連想配例文帳に追加

Associative array of parameters passed to as second argument to the callback function  - PEAR


The second constructor creates a simple string value.  - PEAR


Two cut rows 1 are made parallel to each other, each of the cut rows 1 is formed in such a manner that straight cuts 2 and valley-shaped cuts 3 are alternately intermittently arranged, and the straight cuts 2 are located inside both ends of the cut 3. - 特許庁

少なくとも緯糸(2) に沿って配された繊度が110dtex の融着繊維のような止め剤(3) により前記織物の経糸(1) と緯糸(2) とが止めされる。例文帳に追加

The warp yarns (1) and the weft yarns (2) are held by a sticking agent (3) such as fusible fibers arranged at least along the weft yarns (2) and having 110 dtex sizes. - 特許庁

結果セットにのカラム数が 2 つより多い場合は、2のカラムから最後のカラムまでの値の配が、連想配の値として返されます。例文帳に追加

If the result set contains more than two columns, the value will be an array of the values from column 2 to n.  - PEAR


A lower stitch row 2 and an upper stitch row 3 which are stitch rows for casting off are formed using the start end part 0 as a beachhead, and casting-off is performed by repeating a process in which any one of stitches from the upper stitch row 3 is overlapped with an end part stitch adjacent to the upper stitch row 3 among the stitches of the posterior knitted fabric part 20. - 特許庁


When there are rice, salt, water, and sake, they are placed in the following order from the left facing the kamidana: water, sake, rice, and salt, or water and salt in the first row and sake and rice in the second, or water and salt in the first, sake in the second, and rice in the third.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Returns the part of the first argument string that precedes the first occurrence of the second argument string  - NetBeans

最初の引数文字の中で、2の引数で設定された位置から始まり、3 番の引数で設定された長さを持つ文字を返す例文帳に追加

Returns the part of the first argument string that starts with the position set by the second argument and has the length set in the third argument  - NetBeans


Therefore, if a minivan whose second row is a bench seat is used as a taxi, most operators remove the seat in the third row and use it as a vehicle with a carrying capacity of five.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Pixel signals B2, B6 in the (2, 2), (6, 2) and pixel signals B6, B10 in the (6, 2), (10, 2) are averaged to generate averaged pixel signals B2' and B4'. - 特許庁


This device is equipped with an item attribute input means 1 which inputs attributes of column items including IDs for identifying the column items, an item attribute storage means 2 which adds the inputted attributes of the column items and stores them by table documents, and an item input means 4 which inputs column items of respective rows according to the attributes stored in the item attribute storage means 2. - 特許庁


Because a tear made at the end of the cut 2 or the cut 3 on this side reaches the next cut 3 or the next cut 2 even when the tear strip is torn in either direction, each cut row 1 is continuously cut, a paper material can be cut without being torn off between the cut rows 1, and delamination is made hard to cause. - 特許庁

最初の引数文字の中で、2の引数文字に設定された文字を、3 番の引数文字の対応する位置にある文字に置き換えた文字を返す例文帳に追加

Returns the first argument string where symbols set in the second argument string are replaced by the symbols of the third argument string in a corresponding position  - NetBeans


In an illuminant array 1, light emitting elements (8, 6, 4 and 2) of even numbers are arranged at the upstream side (first array) in a moving direction of an image carrier, and light emitting elements (7, 5, 3 and 1) of odd numbers are arranged at the downstream side (second array) of the same. - 特許庁


Conventional hojo architecture often consists of a total of 6 rooms arranged in a 2x3 arrangement but that of Daitoku-ji Temple is different in that consists of a 2x4 arrangement of 8 rooms with two rooms of the second row on the right serving as the tassho (burial place) of founder Daito-kokushi (Shuho Myocho), Unmonan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The light receiving block on the first row in the direction perpendicular to the traveling direction has four light receiving elements 3 (A[1], B[1], A'[1], B'[1]), and the light receiving block on the second row has four light receiving elements 3 (A[2], B[2], A'[2], B'[2]). - 特許庁


A second row seat 2 and a third row seat 3 are respectively divided in a plurality of seats in the same dividing position, and a doorway side seat 3b of the divided third row seat 3 is formed to be folded and housed in a luggage compartment 5. - 特許庁


The sheet comprises at least one sheet of a non-woven fabric 2 provided with penetration cuts 3 forming a plurality of columns 4 horizontally arranged in a row, each of which columns is formed of a large number of cuts longitudinally separated from one another at predetermined intervals. - 特許庁


The phonemic sequence waveform part 3 extracts a candidate phonemic sequence from the speech database 1 while successively paying attention to each phonemic sequence inputted from the phonemic sequence output part 2, and selects and outputs the optimal phonemic sequence. - 特許庁


The whole thickness part 3 and the ruler part 4 are arranged one after the other and the whole thickness part 3, the cut 2, the ruler part 4 and the cut 2 are formed in this order repeatedly. - 特許庁

表の 3 行2 に html:submit value=Login / 要素を移動し、表の 3 行が次のボールドで示す部分になるようにします。 trtd/tdtdhtml:submit value=Login //td/tr例文帳に追加

Move the html:submit value=Login / element into the second column of the third table row, so that the third table row appears as follows (changes in bold):trtd/tdtdhtml:submit value=Login //td/tr - NetBeans


The first is the mark ID (an integer), the second is the mark position in frames from the beginning of the data(an integer), the third is the name of the mark (a string). - Python

これは, 直, 2進, 電気機械的, ディジタルの特殊的計算機で, 再生記憶装置を持つものであった.例文帳に追加

It was a serial, binary, electromechanical, digital, special-purpose computer with regenerative memory.  - コンピューター用語辞典


The second argument specifies the delimiter character(s) to be used to separate that string into "major" tokens.  - JM

の役2つの文字を比較して「正しい」順序を探すことである。 これに対してstrcmp (3)例文帳に追加

is to compare two strings and find the "right" order, while strcmp (3)  - JM

2の引数は、SQL の UPDATE 文で使用する WHERE 句を表す文字です。 ただし WHERE キーワードそのものは含めません。例文帳に追加

The second is the text of the WHERE clause of the corresponding SQL UPDATE statement, excluding the WHERE keyword.  - PEAR

2のパラメータ $filter は、SQL の論理式を含む文字で、SELECT コマンドの WHERE 句に AND で連結されます。例文帳に追加

The second parameter, $filter, is a string that contains an SQL logical expression that will be ANDed with the WHERE clause of the query before the SELECT command is submitted.  - PEAR

一方、2のパラメータの配では、無視させるパターン (関数名)の一覧を指定します。例文帳に追加

While array as second parameter, gave a list of pattern (function name) that must be catch and ignored.  - PEAR


A joint part supporting member 2 is fitted in a bridging state to a row of support legs 1 arranged at specified spaces. - 特許庁


An item selection means 2 calculates similarity degree data in each object item by comparing voice recognition character string data with the character string data of each object item and stores the calculated data in the table 1. - 特許庁


This tape is so designed that female metals 2, 2, and 2 of in a plurality of lines are attached to the length direction of a tape base fabric 1 and the head part 2b of the female metals 2 after the second line are hidden by a covering fabric 3 on this side to cover the fixing pieces 2a of the female metals 2. - 特許庁


形式のフォーマット文字 format で指定されたメッセージである。 errnum が 0 以外の場合、2のコロンとスペースの後にperror(errnum)で指定された文字も書き出す。例文帳に追加

format string format, and, if errnum is non-zero, a second colon and a space followed by the string given by perror(errnum).  - JM


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