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A big family?の部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 62


In tea ceremony of powdered green tea, in the Edo period, it preserved Sohen school with Sohen YAMADA who was called one of the big four and was a leading disciple of SEN no Sotan, SEN no Rikyu the 3rd, and also established the old school of tea ceremony of the Ogasawara family with a descendant of Choin FURUICHI who was called the best pupil of Juko MURATA. 例文帳に追加

また、抹茶の茶道においては、江戸時代に千利休三世の千宗旦の高弟で四天王と呼ばれた山田宗偏を迎えて宗偏流茶道を保護したり、村田珠光の一の弟子と呼ばれた古市澄胤の後裔を迎えて小笠原家茶道古流を興した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is apparent that the Royal Family has no relationship with ethnic Koreans, as in Paekche there was a big difference in terms of ethnics between the Fuyo royal family and the common people of Kan-zoku; they did not even share the common language, and the common belief is that there is no blood line between the Paekche people and the ethnic Koreans who live on the Korean Peninsula. 例文帳に追加

実際には、そもそも征服王朝である百済において、扶余たる百済王族と韓族たる民衆とでは言葉すら通じないほどの民族的差異があったこと、加えて、百済の民衆と現在の朝鮮半島に暮らす朝鮮民族との間にすら血統的連続性はないこと、などの通説からして、「天皇家が朝鮮民族の血筋を引いている」という表現は明らかな誤謬であるといえる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Some of his episodes are included in 'Sangyoan Zasshi' (Journal of Sangyoan), in which Tangen KIMURA, who studied under Tanshin KANO, Tanyu's son, discussed painting; for instance the reason why Nakabashi family took over soke (the head family) was because of Tanyu's consideration to enable Yasunobu to earn his daily bread, which is ill-intended and differs from historical facts; and when a roju (senior councilor) told him and two big brothers to paint, Tanyu said to him, "Watch your expert brothers paint," which humiliated him. 例文帳に追加

探幽の息子の狩野探信に学んだ木村探元の画論書「三暁庵雑志」では、中橋家が宗家を継いだのは、安信が食いはぶれないようにするための探幽の配慮といった、史実と異なる悪意が込められた話や、ある時、三兄弟が老中から絵を描くよう言われた際、探幽に「兄たち妙手が描くのを見ておれ」と申しつけられ恥をかかされたといったエピソードが記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From the late Sengoku period to the early Edo period, the government also showed favorable attitudes towards Furyu, and in 1604, on the seventh anniversary of the death of Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, the commerce and industry people of Kyoto held a big Furyuodori with support from the TOYOTOMI family. 例文帳に追加

また、戦国時代(日本)末期から江戸時代初期には権力側にも風流に好意的な風潮も見られ、慶長9年(1604年)の豊臣秀吉の7回忌に合わせて京都の町衆が大規模な風流踊を開いた際には豊臣氏からの支援を受けている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Supported by commercial capitalists and intellectuals of big cities, and Mitsubishi, the party maintained the political gradualism with the two pillars of ideas of "flourishing of the imperial family" and "people's happiness," setting a goal to establish the moderate constitutionalism based on British constitutional monarchy, bicameral system, suffrage restricted by property, and the expansion of sovereign right. 例文帳に追加

都市の商業資本家・知識人層・三菱を支持基盤として、「王室の尊栄」・「人民の幸福」を2大方針として政治漸進主義を唱え、イギリス流立憲君主制・二院制議会・財産制限選挙制・国権拡張などの穏健な立憲政治を目標に掲げた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, since the decline of Gokenin (shogunal retainers of the Kamakura bakufu) resulted from not only the burden at the time of Mongol invasion attempts against Japan but also the downsizing of mid- and small-scale Gokenin to ultrasmall-scale Gokenin due to the Soryo system (the eldest son system for the succession of the head of the family) referring to division of succession, and from being buffeted by the progress of monetary economy, it was impossible to stop such a big movement. 例文帳に追加

しかし、御家人の凋落は、元寇時の負担だけではなく、惣領制=分割相続制による中小御家人の零細化、そして貨幣経済の進展に翻弄された結果であり、そうした大きな流れを止めることは出来なかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the following day, Masamura HOJO, Sanetoki HOJO, and Yoshikage ADACHI came to Tokiyori's private residence, and discussed how to deal with the gokenin of Yoritsune's group, but they could not take prompt actions, because the movement of Yasumura MIURA, Daigozoku (a big local ruling family) who had not clarified his attitude was unknown. 例文帳に追加

翌日、時頼の私邸に北条政村・北条実時・安達義景が集まり、頼経派御家人たちへの対応を協議したが、去就を曖昧にしていた大豪族三浦泰村の動きがまだ不明であったため、速やかな処断を行うことはできなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When Sado hankan (Doyo SASAKI) was defeated, he invited the general to his palace as something of norm, within a kaisho as big as six rooms, a tatami with the enormous family crest was lined up together, and even honzon (the principle image such as Mandala), wakie (scroll), flower vase, incense burner, tea pot, and tray were lined together, and the study room had sanskrit written by Ogishi (Chinese calligrapher), literature written by Kanyu (Confucianism scholar in Korea), sleeping quarter with a pillow smelling of Winter daphne, took the sleeping gear and placed it on donsu (Chinese blanket), and the twelve rooms of the samurai serving far from the lord had hanging birds, rabbits, pheasant, and swan piled up high, and big cylinder that could contain as much as three seki (541 liters) contained sake (Japanese rice wine) and stopped two Buddhist followes, and said, 'try to serve a shot of wine to anyone who visits this lodging.' 例文帳に追加

爰ニ佐渡判官入道々誉都ヲ落ケル時、我宿所ヘハ定テサモトアル大将ヲ入替、尋常ニ取シタヽメテ、六間ノ会所ニハ大文ノ畳ヲ敷双ベ、本尊・脇絵・花瓶・香炉・鑵子・盆ニ至マデ、一様ニ皆置調ヘテ、書院ニハ羲之ガ草書ノ偈・韓愈ガ文集、眠蔵ニハ、沈ノ枕ニ鈍子ノ宿直物ヲ取副テ置ク、十二間ノ遠待ニハ、鳥・兎・雉・白鳥、三竿ニ懸双ベ、三石入許ナル大筒ニ酒ヲ湛ヘ、遁世者二人留置テ、誰ニテモ此宿所ヘ来ラン人ニ一献ヲ進メヨト、巨細ヲ申置ニケリ - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is on record that Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA constructed a big bathroom and invited Daimyo and so on, who wrapped up their clothes taken off in a piece of cloth attached with their family crest to avoid mixing up their clothes with others and after taking a bath put on their Shozoku (costumes) on the cloth, and the sheet used on that occasion are understood to be the oldest record of both roles of 'Furoshiki' and 'Hiratsutsumi' having been played. 例文帳に追加

足利義満が大湯殿を建てた際、招かれた大名などが入浴する際に他者の衣服と間違えないよう家紋を付けた布に脱いだ衣服を包み、湯上りに際してこの布の上で装束を調えたという記録があり、この時用いられていた敷布が「風呂敷」と「平裹(平包)」の双方の役割を果たしていたものとしての最古の記録と考えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although Narimasa was often regarded as an adversary of Hideyoshi like Katsuie SHIBATA, since he disliked Hideyoshi and fought in the same Hokuriku area when Nobunaga was alive, a document of the Maeda family describes that he became so upset unlike a lord about the attack of the Toyama-jo Castle usurped by the Uesugi clan and had big quarrel with Katsuie for a period of time, so it seems difficult to say that he had good relationship with anti-Hideyoshi side. 例文帳に追加

大の秀吉嫌いで、信長存命時には同じ北陸方面で戦ったことから、秀吉の敵対者として柴田勝家とひとくくりにされることが多いが、一時期、上杉方に奪われた富山城の攻略では大将とは思えぬ取り乱しぶりで勝家と大喧嘩したという記録が前田家の文書に残っており、必ずしも反秀吉という面で親密な関係にあったとは言い難いようだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After that, its ownership was transferred for a while to FUJIWARA no Kanshi (the Empress of the Emperor Goreizei), his daughter, but around 1060, it became customary that important events of imperial families and sekkan-ke (the top family in the govermental hierarchy), such as big banquets by sekkan-ke, the ceremony of assuming the position of Toshi Choja (the chief of the Fujiwara clan), the ceremonies of instituting a crown prince and an empress and coming-of-age ceremonies, were held here, and therefore, it was decided after the era of FUJIWARA no Moromichi that the place would be owned by Toshi Choja (the chief of the sekkan-ke) in each generation. 例文帳に追加

その後、一時期頼通の娘・藤原寛子(後冷泉天皇皇后)に譲られたものの、康平3年(1060年)頃より以後の摂関家の大饗や藤氏長者就任の儀式、立太子や立后、元服など、摂関家及び皇室の重要行事はここで行われる慣例が形成され、所有者も藤原師通以後は代々藤氏長者(=摂関家当主)の所有と定められた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The army led by commanders supporting Heike (the Taira family) including Taifu Hangan (or Taifu Hogan, inspector at the fifth rank) MINAMOTO no Suesada and Hogan (inspector) of Settsu Province TAIRA no Morizumi fought against the Minamoto clan including MINAMOTO no Yoshimoto and MINAMOTO no Yoshikane in the outskirts of Kyoto and in the base of the Ishikawa-Genji, Ishikawa-no-sho of Kawachi Province; since the army of Heike was too big to be beaten, a lot of members of the Ishikawa-Genji were killed in the battles and the power of the clan declined greatly. 例文帳に追加

派遣された平家方の侍大将大夫判官源季貞、摂津判官平盛澄の軍と源義基、源義兼らは洛外や石川源氏の本拠地である河内国石川庄で抗戦するが、大勢を覆すことはできず、一族の多くが討たれ、石川源氏の勢力は大きく衰退する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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