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The move by Tadafusa MATSUDAIRA (domain head of the Shimabara clan) who was the domain head of the Fukuchiyama clan at the time, to the Shimabara clan (present-day Shimabara City) in 1669, was the catalyst for Fukuchiyama establishing a sister city relationship with Shimabara City. 例文帳に追加
当時の福知山藩主であった松平忠房(島原藩主)が、1669年(寛文9年)の国替えによって島原藩(現在の島原市)に移り住んだのがきっかけとなり姉妹都市となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
After the battle, she lived as a hermit with her sister, FUJIWARA no Kuniko (daibu (master) sanmi (Third Rank)), in Hino, Yamashiro Province (currently, Fushimi Ward of Kyoto City). 例文帳に追加
戦後は山城国日野(京都市伏見区)に住む姉の藤原邦子(大夫三位)の居所に隠棲した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Norman, Oklahoma, the United States of America (the Declaration of Friendship was signed in October 2000, and the sister city agreement was signed in September 2005.) 例文帳に追加
アメリカ合衆国オクラホマ州ノーマン市(友好都市宣言が2000年10月に調印され、2005年9月に姉妹都市提携が結ばれた) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In Nankoku City, the Izunahime no Mikoto enshrined at the Izuta-jinja Shrines are traditionally called "Mihashira no menokami" (three sister goddesses). 例文帳に追加
また南国市では伊都多神社に祭られる伊豆那姫命は三柱の姉妹神であるとの言い伝えもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Zuiryu-ji Temple (Omihachiman City), which was founded by Nisshu (Tomo), the mother of Hidetsugu and an older sister of Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, was relocated in 1961 to the location where the Honmaru (the keep of a castle) once stood. 例文帳に追加
本丸跡には秀次の母・豊臣秀吉の姉の日秀(智)が開基の瑞龍寺(近江八幡市)が昭和36年(1961年)に移転されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Now that i'm really looking at you, do you have a twin sister who lives in the city, has a pet dog named spike that looks just like that one?例文帳に追加
でも よーくよく見ると... あなた 双子の妹が 街に住んでない? スパイクって言う これとそっくりな犬飼ってるでしょ - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
Since Uwajima City and Honolulu, Hawaii have a sister-city affiliation and Ehime Prefecture and the State of Hawaii are also in the same kind of relationship, volunteers from Maruho ushioni hozonkai (the Ushioni preservation group of the Maruho district) and Uwajima-shiyakusho ushioni hozonkai (the Ushioni preservation group of the Uwajima city office), collectively called Uwajima ushioni hozonkai (the Ushioni preservation group of Uwajima City), participate in Matsuri-in-Hawaii, a festival held in Honolulu on the first Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in June every year. 例文帳に追加
宇和島市とハワイ州ホノルルや愛媛県とハワイ州の友好姉妹都市の関係で毎年6月第1金・土・日にホノルル行われるまつりインハワイでは、丸穂牛鬼保存会と宇和島市役所牛鬼保存会の有志が宇和島牛鬼保存会として参加している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Toshizo's older sister, Nobu SATO, was married to Hikogoro SATO, who was also their cousin and Nanushi (headman of the city) of Hino-jyuku, Hino city; it is said that Toshizo often visited the residence of Hikogoro. 例文帳に追加
歳三の姉佐藤のぶは姉弟の従兄弟でもある日野市日野宿名主の佐藤彦五郎に嫁いでおり、歳三も彦五郎宅にはよく出入りしていたと言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Within the facilities, based on the features of Kameoka City's overseas sister cities, the park has a cute small building modeled after a Western castle, a pond with waterfowl, a large and heavy bell donated by Suzhou City in China, a Japanese dry landscape garden and so on, all of which are popular with the city's residents. 例文帳に追加
施設内には亀岡市と提携を結んでいる海外の各都市にちなみ、西洋の城をモチーフにした小さくかわいらしい建物、水鳥が憩う池、中国・蘇州市から寄贈された重厚な鐘と枯山水風の庭園などがあり、多くの市民に親しまれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Since 1965, Firenze has had a sister city relationship with Kyoto City, and the event called 'Let's look for Firenze, Toscana at the Nishiki Market' (January, 2005 -) began in order to commemorate the 40th anniversary of their friendship, and was one achievement that the Nishiki Market has produced through their food-based cultural exchange with Firenze. 例文帳に追加
1965年以来フィレンツェ市は京都市の姉妹都市で、四十周年を記念して始めた「錦市場でフィレンツェ・トスカーナを捜そう」(2005年1月-)などのイベントを通じ、錦市場がフィレンツェと食文化交流を続けてきた成果の一つである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In his childhood, he was adopted by Hanzaemon NAGANAWA living in Ishida Village, Haguri County, Gifu Prefecture (present Kakamigahara City, Gifu Prefecture), whose wife was a sister of SHIMADA's real mother, while he was entrusted to Kauemon KAWASHIMA, SHIMADA's maternal grandfather living in Hino Village, Atsumi County (present Hino, Gifu City) after Hanzaemon's death. 例文帳に追加
幼いころ、羽栗郡石田村(岐阜県)(現在の岐阜県各務原市)永縄半左衛門の養子となり(養母となる半左衛門の妻と実母とは姉妹にあたる)、半左衛門死後は厚見郡日野村(現岐阜市日野)にいる母方の祖父、川島嘉右衛門に預けられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
However, according to a Ueshima family record (written copy of the document from the end of the Edo Period) that was found in 1962 in the possession of an old family in Ueno City, Mie (today Iga City), stated that Kannami was the third son of Gensei UESHIMA of the Iga Hattori clan, and his mother was Masashige KUSUNOKI's sister. 例文帳に追加
ところが、1962年(昭和37年)、三重県上野市(現・伊賀市)の旧家から発見された上嶋家文書(江戸時代末期の写本)によると、伊賀、服部氏族の上嶋元成の三男が猿楽(能)者の観阿弥で、その母は楠木正成の姉妹であるという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
According to the kamijima-ke bunsho (documents of the Kamijima family; it was the manuscript from the end of Edo Period) found in 1962 from an old house in Ueno city (present day Iga city) in Mie Prefecture, the third son of Gensei UESHIMA is Kanami, the master of sarugaku (form of theatre popular in Japan during the 11th to 14th centuries) or Noh and his mother is a sister of Masashige. 例文帳に追加
なお、昭和37年(1962年)、三重県上野市(現・伊賀市)の旧家から発見された上嶋家文書(江戸時代末期の写本)によると、伊賀、服部氏族の上嶋元成の三男が猿楽(能)の大成者である観阿弥で、その母は楠木正成の姉妹であるという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Winning Yoritomo's confidence, Zenjo was rewarded with Nagao-ji Temple in Musashi Province (the present Myoraku-ji Temple in Tama-ku Ward, Kawasaki City) and married Awa no Tsubone (a daughter of Tokimasa HOJO) who was a younger sister of Masako HOJO, Yoritomo's wife. 例文帳に追加
頼朝の信任を得た全成は武蔵国長尾寺(現川崎市多摩区の妙楽寺)を与えられ、頼朝の妻・北条政子の妹である阿波局(北条時政の娘)と結婚。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Takeda-ryu Kyubado (Kamakura City) insists 'Yusai's younger sister married Nobushige from the Aki Takeda clan' (considered a father of Mitsuhiro and Ekei ANKOKUJI), 'Nobunao could be a younger brother of Mitsuhiro.' 例文帳に追加
武田流弓馬道(鎌倉)は、「幽斎の妹が安芸武田氏の信重(光広、安国寺恵瓊の父とされる)に嫁した」とし、「信直は光広の弟か」としている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Since his father, Fukushin Kishitsu, is enshrined in Unzanbesshin-do Hall, in Unzanmen, Fuyo District, South Korea, the sister-city exchanges are active between Hino-cho and Unzanmen. 例文帳に追加
父の鬼室福信が韓国の扶余郡恩山面にある恩山別神堂に祀られていることから、日野町と恩山面との姉妹都市交流がさかんに行われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In January, 419, the Emperor made Sotooshi (also read Sotoori) no iratsume, a younger sister of the Empress, enter into court (which was called judai, meaning an imperial consort's bridal entry into court), but this fell under the Empress's displeasure, and he made Sotooshi no iratsume live in the Fujiwara no miya Palace (in present-day Kashihara City, Nara Prefecture). 例文帳に追加
7年12月(419年1月)、皇后の妹・衣通郎姫を入内させるが、皇后の不興を買い、藤原宮(奈良県橿原市)に住まわせる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Tamagaki (also known as Tamakaki, year of birth and death unknown) was the younger sister of Moriyoshi FUKUMOTO, who had the title of shokan (an officer governing shoen (manor)) of the estate of Niiminosho (Niimi City, Okayama Prefecture) of the Kyoto Kyoogokoku-ji Temple and Sotsuibushi (government post in charge of police and military roles). 例文帳に追加
たまがき/たまかき(生没年不詳)は、京都教王護国寺領の新見庄(岡山県新見市)の荘官、惣追捕使の福本盛吉の妹とされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In 1880 (at the age of 0), he was born to the eldest daughter of the real sister of Kaoru INOUE, Genkun (the statesmen who contributed in the Meiji Period), and Yahachi AYUKAWA, a former samurai of Choshu Domain (the 10th family head), in Ouchi Village, Hikawa County, Yamaguchi Prefecture (present day Ouchi area, Yamaguchi City). 例文帳に追加
1880年(明治13年、0歳)、明治時代の元勲井上馨の実姉の長女を母とし、旧長州藩武士鮎川弥八(第10代当主)を父として、山口県氷川郡大内村(現在の山口市大内地区)に生れた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Moreover, his mother, i.e. an older sister of Yozaemon KUNITOMO (a vassal of Keijun MIYABE) is said to have been from Kunitomo Village, Sakata District (a leading gun producing district at that time, present-day Kunitomo Town, Nagahama City) near Miyabe Village and Mikawa Village. 例文帳に追加
また吉政の母すなわち国友与左衛門(宮部継潤家臣)の姉は宮部村と三川村にほど近い坂田郡国友村(当時有数の鉄砲の生産地。現在の長浜市国友町)の出身などである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In 1870, he was appointed as Daisanji (second to a governor) (position of Karo 〔chief retainers〕) of the domain of Tonami, but his real income was small compared to the total number of feudal retainers of domain, so Hiroshi went through a lot and had no other way than putting out his sister Sakiko (later, Sutematsu) for adoption to Hakodate City in almost the same way as reducing the mouths to feed. 例文帳に追加
明治3年(1870年)に斗南藩の大参事(家老職)となるが、藩士総数に対して実収は少なく、浩自身も妹・咲子(後の捨松)を函館市に口減らし同然に里子に出すなどの苦労を重ねる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Matsuo Hideaki, the owner and head chef of Kashiwaya, a Japanese restaurant in Osaka, was invited to the fair because Chicago and Osaka are celebrating the 40th anniversary of their sister-city relationship this year.例文帳に追加
今年,シカゴと大阪は姉妹都市関係40周年を祝っているため,大阪の日本料理店,柏(かしわ)屋(や)の店主であり,料理長の松(まつ)尾(お)英(ひで)明(あき)さんがこのイベントに招待された。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
Based on Akiko's works, in the 'Drama Division of the National High School Arts Festival' held in Yawata City, Kyoto in August 2006, a play entitled 'Kimi Shinitamou Koto Nakare' was performed that depicted a sister and her younger brother who were stand-up comedians at the mercy of the time during World War II. 例文帳に追加
与謝野晶子の作品をモチーフに、2006年8月、京都八幡市で開催された「全国高校総合文化祭演劇部門」において、第二次大戦の時代の波に翻弄される漫才師姉弟を描いた「君死にたまふことなかれ」が上演されたことがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
It is known that Yodo-dono invited her cousin Nobuo ODA, who was wandering around Kyoto City, to Osaka-jo Castle to allow him to live there, and when her younger sister Go remarried Hidetada TOKUGAWA, Yodo-dono adopted Sadako TOYOTOMI, a daughter between Go and her former husband Hidekatsu TOYOTOMI, and brought her up as her own child. 例文帳に追加
淀殿は京都で放浪していた従兄の織田信雄を大坂城に招いて住まわせたり、妹の督が徳川秀忠に再嫁する際に前夫豊臣秀勝との間にできていた豊臣完子を引き取って我が子同然に育てた事も知られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
According to "A letter by Kaneo KURASU" in the collection of Kanazawa Library which was sent on May 16 from Rokuhara Tandai Minamikata (Rokuhara Tandai South) in Kyoto to Myoninbokena, the second choro (patriarch) at Shomyo-ji Temple in Kanazawabunko (in Yokohama City), the situations of Kyoto after the incident observed by Rokuhara Tandai Minamikata, where the head officer was Sadaaki HOJO from the Kanesawa line of the clan whose grandmother was a sister of Tokimura HOJO, were as follows: "The situation in Kyoto became turbulent. 例文帳に追加
金沢文庫に残る5月16日の京の六波羅探題南方から金沢文庫・称名寺(横浜市)の二代長老明忍房剱阿に送られた「倉栖兼雄書状」によると、北条時村の姉妹を祖母にもつ金澤北条貞顕が探題であった六波羅探題南方では、このあと、次のような状態だったという、「京中連々騒動す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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