
「zashiki」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(2ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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It is the oldest private residence in Imai-cho and kado-zashiki (corner room) connected to the south corner of the main building as well as the rooms on the second floor were also constructed during the same period as that building. 例文帳に追加

今井町では最も古い民家で、また主屋南隅に接続する角座敷および二階部屋も同期のものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, in the "Nanboroku" there is a description that 'During the period of Joo, yojohan zashiki had been partially improved, replacing haritsuke (fixed walls which are pasted paintings on paper) to tsuchikabe (clay wall), wooden latticework to one of bamboo, and the Koshiita (baseboard wood paneling and finishing trims) of Shoji has been removed, and toko is covered with a thinner coating or plain wood, and the room with the interior above is called "Kusa no Zashiki" (hut of grass; tea hut).' 例文帳に追加

『南坊録』には更に「紹鴎になりて、四畳半座敷ところどころ改め、張り付けを土壁にし、木格子を竹格子にし、障子の腰板をのけ、床の塗りふちをうすぬり、または白木にし、之を草の座敷と申されしなり」とある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He copied 'Namu Amida Butsu' with mud and hung it in a zashiki (a Japanese-style tatami room), and said that Amida Nyorai praised these Namu Amida Butsu. 例文帳に追加

「南無阿弥陀仏」を泥にて写させられて、御座敷に掛けさせられて仰せられけるは、不可思議光仏、無礙光仏もこの南無阿弥陀仏をほめたまふ徳号なり。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The main room (zashiki, a room or place floored with tatami mats) consisted of toko and chigaidana (set of staggered shelves) in front, tsukeshoin or hirashoin (one type of window used in a shoin style room) on the side of veranda, and chodaigamae (a built-in ornamental doorway found in the raised area of a formal style reception suite) on the opposite side. 例文帳に追加

主室(座敷)の構成は、正面に床と違棚を設け、縁側寄りに付書院または平書院を設け、反対側に帳台構を造った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The words, 'replaced haritsuke to tsuchikabe' mean the haritsukekabe (wall surface of a fixed door, Fusuma sliding screen, or wooden wall pasted paper and cloth) pasted torinokogami (an eggshell colored, handmade paper with a smooth, glossy surface), which is also called Fuku-shoji (sub-shoji) and used as a zashiki wall of Shoin-zukuri. 例文帳に追加

「張り付けを土壁に」とあるのは、鳥の子紙を張ったはめ込み式の張り付け壁の事で、副障子ともいい、書院造りの座敷の壁面として使用された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The origin of tokonoma is oshiita (a zashiki kazari of a thick wooden board settled at the bottom of the wall in the Medieval Period) in the Medieval period, and the tokonoma had been accomplished in the Shoin-zukuri Sukiya (a house built in the style of a tea-ceremony hut), and in Shoin-zukuri in the style of sukiya (traditional style of Japanese residential architecture building in the style of a tea-ceremony house), in the early modern period, in a quintessential way. 例文帳に追加

中世の押し板が起源であり、典型的には近世初期の書院造、数寄屋風書院において完成した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In manzai, a pair of performers called "tayu" and "saizo" is a basic unit, but in performances not in front of houses, but in "zashiki" (parlor), the number of performers are from more than three to up to a dozen. 例文帳に追加

萬歳は太夫(たゆう)と才蔵(さいぞう)の2人が1組となるものが基本となるが、門(かど)付けではなく座敷などで披露されるものは3人以上から、多いもので十数人の組となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A shinobue is a yokobue that is used in festivals (matsuri-bayashi, satokagura, shishimai, and so on) stage music such as folk music, Kabuki and classical Japanese dance (hogaku-bayashi [orchestra of Japanese classical music]) and zashiki music (literally, music in tatami-room; hauta [a Japanese traditional song or ballad sung to the accompaniment of the samisen, Japanese banjo] and kouta [a ballad sung to samisen accompaniment], and so on). 例文帳に追加

お祭り(祭囃子、神楽里神楽、獅子舞など)、民謡、歌舞伎・日本舞踊(邦楽囃子)などの舞台音楽、座敷音楽(端唄、小唄など)で用いられる横笛。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the "Yoshiwara Saiken" published in 1775, in the late Edo period, the total number of courtesans was 2021 including 50 sancha (including 8 yobidashi), 357 zashiki-mochi (including 5 yobidashi), and 534 heya-mochi (courtesans who had their own private residential room). 例文帳に追加

江戸時代後期の安永4年(1775)になると、吉原細見には散茶50人(内、呼出し8人)、座敷持357人(内、呼出し5人)、部屋持534人など(総計2021人)となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Tamura family never thought of Seppuku on the same day, thinking they were to hold him for a while instead, nailing the fusuma of Naganori's zashiki (a Japanese style guest room with tatami flooring). 例文帳に追加

田村家でも即日切腹とは思いもよらず、当分の間の預かりと考えていたようで、長矩の座敷のふすまを釘付けにするなどしたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After the death of her husband, she moved from Nishinomaru O-oku to Honmaru O-oku and lived in Ichino Goten shin zashiki (Shogun's mother's room) after renaming it "Matsuno Goten." 例文帳に追加

広大院は夫の死去後、西の丸大奥から本丸大奥に移り、一の御殿・新座敷(将軍生母の居室)を「松の御殿」と改称して住むようになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In those days of class consciousness, it did not seem to be a practice among private citizens to build a zashiki with tokonoma on the second floor of their houses as it could be construed as looking down on the other people. 例文帳に追加

二階にこのような座敷を造ることは、階級意識が強かったこの頃では、上から人を見下げるということで、一般民家には用いられなかったようである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After around the mid-Muromachi period, the popularity of tatami mats rapidly began to spread and were bedded in small rooms such as shoin (zashiki of Shoin-zukuri or living and study room), but in a large room like kaisho, tatami mats were used in oimawashi (where the long side of tatami is set against the wall), leaving a wood floor in the center. 例文帳に追加

室町時代の中期頃から畳が急速に普及し始め、書院(書院造りの座敷、又は居間兼書斎)などの小室には畳を敷きつめるようになったが、会所などの大広間では、周囲に畳を追回しに敷いて、中央は板敷を残していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, even though it changed drastically on a superficial level, the Japanese traditional culture has an aspect of being able to point out very Japanese coherent elements and trends (e.g. even if rooms in the house changed from zashiki (Japanese style tatami room) to a Western-style room, the custom of taking off shoes when entering a house is not changed). 例文帳に追加

しかし、表面的に大きく変化していても、その中に一貫する極めて日本的な要素や傾向を指摘できる面もある(例:住居が和風の座敷から洋間に変わっても、室内に靴を脱いで上がる点では変わらない)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During the Muromachi period the value of chaire was enhanced as a container for powdered green tea, and when better pieces began to be selected with the progress of formalization of shitsurai (placing decorations suitable for a season or ritual onto appropriate indoor places) (see "Kundaikansochoki" (book of secrets about zashiki-kazari (decoration of room or study with shoin (one of Japan's most important residential architectural styles, established in Momoyama era)))), especially excellent pieces were given a name and ranked as "masterpieces." 例文帳に追加

室町時代には抹茶を入れる容器として価値を高め、室礼の様式化に伴って優品が選ばれるようになると(『君台観左右帳記』を参照)、特に優れた物には銘が与えられて「名物」となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, it was in 1464 when Yoshimasa decided to go into seclusion and he had already started his hobby career before the Higashiyama period by having Noami compile Kundaikansochoki (book of secrets about zashiki-kazari (decoration of room or study with shoin (one of Japan's most important residential architectural styles, established in the Momoyama era))); the possibility that Juko instructed the Way of Tea to Yoshimasa during his years at Ogawa-gosho Palace still remains. 例文帳に追加

ただし、義政が隠居を決意したのは1464年(寛正5年)であり、能阿弥に君台観左右帳記を編纂させるなど東山時代以前に趣味生活に入っているから、珠光が能阿弥を介して小川御所時代の義政に茶を教えた可能性はなお残る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although many ordinary samurai such as Hatamoto (direct retainers of the shogun) or Gokenin (lower-ranked vassals) had residences which differed little from folk houses, upper or middle class Samurai Yashiki had mud walls, Nagayamon (a gate and long house for vassals), and Shikidai (an entrance hall with a wooden floor), and even lower class ones had at least zashiki (a tatami-mat reception room) of Shoin-zukuri style (a typical traditional Japanese style house), attempting to display their high status. 例文帳に追加

旗本や御家人などの一般の武士の住まいは民家とそれほど変わらない規模の建物であったことも多いが、上級や中級の侍屋敷では土塀や長屋門、式台を構え、下級のものも少なくとも書院造の座敷を設けるなど、格を示すような特徴を持っていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is, therefore, considered that this building was deliberately built to jut out in the street (Honmachi-suji) in the north with renjimado (window with vertical or horizontal wooden laths or bamboo) of nurigome (painting walls, etc. with thick plaster) style being installed on the northern and eastern sides of zashiki on the second floor making it an ideal place to look out for enemies and to watch movements in town. 例文帳に追加

したがって、本建物は故意に北側の道路上(本町筋)に突出していて、二階座敷北と東の両面に塗籠(ぬりごめ)の連子窓を設け、外敵の見張りあるいは町内の動向をさぐるに格好の場所であったと思われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In terms of the above characteristics, except for the second floor zashiki, the structural style of Imanishi-ke Jutaku has a commonality with that for the other existing old private residences in Imai-cho but only the former has maintained its original shape while the other houses have been altered as needed. 例文帳に追加

以上の特質のうち二階座敷を除けば、今井町に現存する古い民家に共通した構造形式を用いているが、その中でも旧形をよく保存されてきたのは今西家住宅のみで、他の建物では随時改変されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During this restoration, it seems that the second floor was modernized by various improvements including; a new bearing wall running in an east-west direction at the center of the former four-tatami room on the south side of the butsuma, a closet in the butsuma on the north side of that wall, a hatch for going up and down between the main floor and upstairs installed on the west side of the room on the south side and another closet in zashiki in the betsuma on the east side. 例文帳に追加

このとき仏間南旧4畳間の中央東西に筋違い用の壁を新しく設け、同壁の北に仏間側からの押入れ・南間西に二階昇降口、東に別間座敷側の押入れを、それぞれ新設し、二階も現在風に改変されたようである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Michodai (a nobleman's room for living or sleeping) (御帳台) is a name of zashiki (room or place floored with tatami mats) at the back of the omashi (or gyoza, a room or a seat for a nobleman) in the main building of a residence. It looks like a micho (a curtain or hangings for a nobleman, or a nobleman's room) before the gods.' 'This is commonly called nando (storeroom) -gamae. Because furniture is placed in a storeroom, it is also written as micho-dai (御調). But micho-dai (御帳台) is the right word.' 'In addition, chodai is placed one step higher. I think that nurigome (room with plastering a wall) means chodai. Chodai is an owner's bedroom next to a storeroom to place tools. Moreover, since chodai is a bedroom, it is coated tightly by plastered walls for precaution.' 'It is wrong that michodai is a place in where armed samurai are hidden. It simply means a storeroom itself. Whether or not a warrior is hidden in the room depends on the owner's intentions. it is completely undetermined how to use or what to use it for.' 例文帳に追加

「御帳台の事。主殿の御座のうしろにある座敷の名なり。神前などの御帳のごとし」「これを俗に納戸構えというなり。納戸には調度を置く故、御調台とも書くなり。納戸には調度を置く故、御調台とも書くなり。されども、御帳台と書くを本とするなり」「また、帳台は一段高くするなり。按ずるに、塗篭めは帳台の事なり。帳台は、主人つねに寝る所にて、それにつづきて納戸あありて諸道具を納め置く。また帳台は、寝所なる故、用心の為に壁にて塗篭めるなり」「御帳台は用心のために武者を入れておくところなりというは非なり。ただ納戸の心なり。武者などを隠し置くべき事は、その主人の心によるべし。これ方式にてかくの如くするという事にてはなし」とある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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