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該当件数 : 33



I have been here since the year before last.  - 斎藤和英大辞典


I am new to the place, and must grope my way in the dark.  - 斎藤和英大辞典


From this standpoint, the FSA has been making efforts toward achieving "better regulation" since last year.  - 金融庁


Since last year, the financial crisis that erupted in the U.S. and Europe has caused the global recession.  - 金融庁


昨年来のアルゼンティン危機は、日本でもBond Holderが存在することから、社会的な注目を集めています。例文帳に追加

This is due to insufficient investments in social sector and the weak social safety nets.  - 財務省



Since last year, JBIC has been carrying out surveys and information gathering regarding the issuance of Islamic bonds. - 経済産業省


The ADF has already reviewed its policy, primarily on the borrowers', and hardened loan terms and introduced a graduation policy.  - 財務省


Meanwhile the finance gap19 of businesses in the United States shows that corporate debt has been trending upward since last year (see Figure 1-2-26). - 経済産業省


Yamato Shinbun newspaper reported in the article on June 10, however, that he began to recover from the mental breakdown he had suffered from the end of the year before, but while he was under the medical treatment of the mental breakdown at home, he suffered from another illness.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


EU においては、昨年来、欧州証券規制当局委員会(CESR、Committee of EuropeanSecurities Regulators)が、IOSCO の行動規範の遵守状況を調査し、欧州委員会(Commission of the European Communities)に対し報告している。例文帳に追加

In the EU, the Committee of European Securities Regulators has been investigating the status of compliance with the IOSCO Code of Conduct since last year and reporting the results thereof to the Commission of the European Communities.  - 金融庁



Another important task is to promote international cooperation to prevent future financial crisis and to establish a robust financial system, based on lessons learned from the crisis erupted in the US and Europe in 2008.  - 金融庁


Because financial crises in emerging market economies for the past two years were partly due to the rapid in/outflow of short-term capital, safeguards should be taken against short-term or speculative capital movements. - 財務省


The economic turmoil in emerging as well as transition economies since last year has indeed demonstrated the risk of a serious deflationary spiral of the entire world economy.  - 財務省


The economic turmoil triggered by the Asian currency crisis last year has made it all the more difficult for us to help developing countries achieve economic growth and to reduce poverty.  - 財務省


As has been often pointed out, overdependence on the US dollar was obviously one of the causes of the currency crisis that erupted in Asia last year, and this has led many countries in the region to look to the yen to play a greater role.  - 財務省


During the past year, we went through several crises, including food crisis, oil price surge, and the financial and economic crisis. Now, swine flu threatens to turn into another global crisis.  - 財務省


The economic and financial crises we have witnessed in the last two years in Asia, Russia, and Brazil have prompted discussions about these challenges.  - 財務省


While this might remind you of the G7-led discussions since last year about the establishment of an enhanced IMF Facility which would provide a precautionary line of credit, the new facility I propose goes a step further.  - 財務省


Last year, a succession of natural disasters, including large typhoons that hit many places in Japan, the Niigata Prefecture Chuetsu Earthquake(NPCE), and the Indian Ocean Tsunami triggered by the large-scale earthquake off the coast of Sumatra, caused enormous damage for a great number of people. - 財務省

また、昨年来の世界的なIT 関連製品の需要鈍化もあり、特にNIEs 向け輸出は昨年以降一貫して前年同月比でマイナスとなっている。例文帳に追加

In particular, exports of electrical equipment to NIEs show a consistent decline in and after 2011 in terms of ratio to the same month of the previous year and this partly resulted from the deceleration in demand for IT-related goods worldwide, starting last year. - 経済産業省


We understand that Yamato Life - whose profit structure was unusual for its dependence on high-risk, high-return securities investment to cover the high cost of the insurance business - has fallen into this situation because of an increase in losses related to its securities holdings caused by the deterioration of the market condition since last year.  - 金融庁


Discussions on the rebuilding of the regulatory framework to prevent a recurrence of the financial crisis have also been held at G-7 meetings (meetings of Group of Seven Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors) and G-20 meetings (meetings of Group of 20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors and Group of 20 summit meetings) since last year  - 金融庁


Japan has also been providing a variety of external supports aiming at stabilizing the global economy, such as a lending agreement of up to $100 billion with IMF to augment its capital base, assisting developing countries in the recapitalization of banks, trade finance and environment-related investments through the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC).  - 財務省


Regarding crisis resolution, I welcome the introduction of collective action clauses (CACs) begun last year by many countries issuing their international sovereign bonds in the New York market where there had been no such market standard. I hope to see other countries follow suit by introducing CACs in their bond issues under foreign jurisdictions.  - 財務省


However, given the fact that the latest turmoil in the monetary and financial markets in the emerging economies since last year is due in large part to the abrupt flows of short-term funds, we need to consider how to respond to the short-term or the speculative movements of capital.  - 財務省

TPPは、原則として2015 年までに100%の関税を撤廃するという高いレベルの自由化を指向したFTAであり、サービス、知的財産保護制度、協力等の幅広い項目を備えており、昨年来、米国、豪州、ペルー及びベトナムがTPPへの参加を表明している。例文帳に追加

TPP is an FTA with a high-level liberalization goal to reduce all trade tariffs to zero by 2015, in principle, covering all the mainstay areas of services, intellectual property protection, and cooperation. Since last year, the United States, Australia, Peru and Vietnam announced that they would be joining the TPP. - 経済産業省


Last year, the German government began discussions on a comprehensive investment regulation similar to the Exon-Florio Amendment in the United States and developed a draft amendment (the 13th revised bill on the revision of the Foreign Trade and Payments Act and its implementing regulations) to the Foreign Trade and Payments Act. - 経済産業省


To cope with the severe economic and employment situation, the government has been revising the Employment Adjustment Subsidy since last year, including relaxing the eligibility criteria and raising the subsidy rate. Amid the rapid deterioration of the employment situation, an increasing number of companies are using this subsidy program. - 厚生労働省


As for the former side, since last year, we have already taken administrative measures such as revising the treatment of restructured loans and partially relaxing the capital adequacy ratio requirement, and introduced broader schemes, including the revision of the Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions and a substantial expansion of the quota of governmental guarantee.  - 金融庁


As Italy, which will chair this meeting, has not announced the agenda, it is difficult to make specific comments. In light of the past course of events, we may generally say that a consensus toward the reconstruction of financial regulation and supervision has been confirmed, as specific concepts were indicated at meetings held since last year, including the G-20 summit.  - 金融庁


With regard to crisis resolution, I welcome the introduction of collective action clauses (CACs) since last year by a large number of countries in their international sovereign bonds in the New York market where there had been no such market standard.I hope to see other countries follow suit by introducing CACs in their bond issues under foreign jurisdictions.  - 財務省


For the countries in East Asia, this meant a major turnaround. For the twenty years that preceded the crisis, these countries enjoyed high and steady economic growth, accomplished fairer distribution of wealth, and succeeded in reducing poverty. Now, their economic performance has started plummeting, the unemployment rate has kept climbing, prices have risen, and public spending has dropped. All this means a serious impact on the people, particularly those in poverty.  - 財務省



As to issues concerning creditors, Japan has proposed for several years that: (1) disclosure and risk management of market participants, including highly leveraged institutions (HLIs) such as hedge funds, should be strengthened; (2) risk management by the counterparties to hedge funds and supervision by the authorities on those counterparties should be strengthened; and (3) emerging economies should adopt appropriate defensive policies and maintain the integrity of their markets. For example, monitoring by the authorities of emerging economies should be intensified when markets are being influenced by the activities of investors such as hedge funds.  - 財務省


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