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該当件数 : 23件
And, when disk capacity becomes full, the program is recorded in the further next optical disk. - 特許庁
To manufacture good appearance soybean curds by preventing hanging downward and meandering of a conveyor belt and preventing leakage of soymilk, and forming no seams or wrinkles on the soybean curd surface. - 特許庁
次は タキシードを来た男の話で 彼は 蛇みたいにクネクネして 混雑をかき分けて カラフルなドレスを着た女性に 会ったんだ例文帳に追加
The story of a man in a tuxedo who snaked his way through a crowd to meet a woman in a colorful dress. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
When recording instruction by timer recording is performed, video a program is recorded in the initial optical disk, and when disk capacity becomes full, the program is recorded in the next optical disk. - 特許庁
The earthenware used in burial rituals include the Miyayama-type special vessel stands and jars as well as the Totsuki-type cylindrical haniwa, which is said to be the oldest haniwa evolved from the foregoing along with the next oldest group of haniwa including special jar-shaped haniwa, cylindrical haniwa, house-shaped haniwa, weapon-like haniwa and human-shaped haniwa.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Consequently, even when a sorted material clogs in sieve meshes between the adjacent sorting rollers 11-14, the material is certainly returned to the inside of a sorter casing 3 or the next sorting roller side by means of the sorting roller whose peripheral velocity is higher. - 特許庁
Next Nestor counselled Agamemnon to send Ulysses and Aias to Achilles, and promise to give back Briseis, and rich presents of gold, and beg pardon for his insolence.発音を聞く - Andrew Lang『トロイア物語:都市の略奪者ユリシーズ』
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該当件数 : 23件
To solve the problem of leaking rain from a joint of a cement plate when it rains, up to finishing waterproofing work, when a waterproofing backing of a building is a plate shape such as a hard wooden piece cement plate. - 特許庁
After Nagayoshi's death, the three men emerged as custodians of the successor Yoshitsugu MIYOSHI who was still a child and all of Nagayoshi's brothers were deceased and collaborated with Hisahide MATSUNAGA, another Miyoshi commander wielding similar power, in the assassination of Yoshiteru ASHIKAGA (Eiroku no hen).発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Next, an exposure time for obtaining the white balance is obtained and also the shading correction coefficient of each pixel is obtained from the exposure time and the full range of an A/D converter 7. - 特許庁
The method of manufacturing this PTFE covered tube includes the steps of applying polytetrafluoroethylence resin dispersed coating material to a metallic wire, baking and sintering the same to form a PRFE covered tube 91, brading 92 a metallic wire on the PTFE covered tube, subsequently locally removing the metallic wire braided layer of the metallic wire braided PTFE covered wire, and then covering the local braided core material with an outer covering material 93. - 特許庁
When a long trend exists in the past unused time, the new set value is made shorter than the current one because there is a high possibility that the device ends in failure (the next access to the device is not generated during the time) even if the device is maintained in a full energizing state while it is not used. - 特許庁
Apparently, Naritsuna also followed the Kamakura bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) because Naritsuna's elder brother, MINAMOTO no Aritsuna, joined MINAMOTO no Yoritomo when Yoritomo rose up in arms (the place name 'OIGAWA village' in Atsugi City, Kanagawa Prefecture, seems to have had a relationship with Naritsuna or Naritsuna's son Mitsutsuna OIKAWA, but formerly it was also written as '及河' and was properly read as 'OIGAWA' in a dull sound.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The place of Katsura was known for the court noble's villas from olden days, and there used to be a villa belonging to FUJIWARA no Michinaga (it was called Betsugyo at that time instead of Besso, both mean villa) in the same place during the Heian period.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
A share bit rate arithmetic section 171 calculates a proper bit rate to encode an image signal of a succeeding frame on the basis of a temporal change in the feature parameter denoting the complicatedness of the image and shares the bit rate to a plurality of the processors 13_-1. - 特許庁
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