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英訳・英語 awareness of disaster prevention
該当件数 : 12件
Raising awareness about disaster prevention for things such as earthquakes is crucial. - 時事英語例文集
In response to recent disasters in various regions of the world including Japan, awareness of disaster risk management has grown globally.発音を聞く - 財務省
One of the lessons Japan has learnt is that damages of disasters can be reduced by human efforts such as establishing disaster prevention facilities and raising people’s awareness of disaster prevention.発音を聞く - 財務省
To link this growing awareness to the implementation of specific disaster prevention measures, strong political wills are needed at the global level.発音を聞く - 財務省
The significance of such “soft” measures, going forward, we expect the World Bank and developing countries to specifically acknowledge in enhancing disaster prevention efforts.発音を聞く - 財務省
"We hope people give this strap to their friends and family members and show more concern for each other. We also hope people become more aware of disaster prevention," says a Mutsuraboshi staff member.発音を聞く - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
To enable intercommunication without caring of the area, wherein a helicopter is located, even when calling the helicopter or when calling disaster prevention institutions from the helicopter. - 特許庁
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Weblio専門用語対訳辞書での「防災意識」の英訳 |
Weblio例文辞書での「防災意識」に類似した例文 |
I thought about what is important for disaster prevention.
When a natural disaster strikes
disaster resulting from the carelessness of human beings
該当件数 : 12件
To construct an information providing system which undertakes to install a refuge guiding mark clearly showing a nearest refuge and to perform maintenance of the mark not only to prepare generation of disaster but also to make a citizen and a local resident have a consciousness of disaster self-prevention to guard their life and property for themselves and to prevent consciousness of disaster prevention from efflorescing. - 特許庁
I think that the lesson we have learned from the recent disaster is that in disaster prevention, it is important not only to develop the necessary physical infrastructure but also to mainstream the importance of disaster prevention in the mindset of both policy makers and citizens.発音を聞く - 財務省
Thus, it can be quickly installed on the existing vibration absorbed body such as the installation equipment 2 or household furniture and equipment with simple operation, coping with recently increasing disaster preventing awareness. - 特許庁
To provide a table clock capable of enhancing disaster prevention consciousness for people, by receiving an abnormal noise with electromagnetic waves (in particular, AM wave) for notifying the possibility of earthquake occurrence, and by displaying the seismic intensity of the earthquake which has actually occurred. - 特許庁
The second lesson, coming from the shortcomings in Japan’s disaster prevention policy, is that we must maintain crisis awareness over a long time with regard to infrequent, yet devastating large-scale disasters, and that we build systems without excessively depending on infrastructure.発音を聞く - 財務省
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