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The capital is needed.とは 意味・読み方・使い方





意味・対訳 資本が必要となる

経済のにほんごでの「The capital is needed.」の意味

The capital is needed.

「The capital is needed.」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 17


should it become apparent that a capital increase is indeed needed due to a large increase in lending in response to the current financial and economic crisis, Japan intends to fulfill its role as a main shareholder of the AfDB.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

我が国としても可能な限りの協力を惜しまないつもりです。 - 財務省

The capital money needed to give loans for injured victims or those whose house and household goods were damaged by disaster, is borne.例文帳に追加

災害により負傷し、又は住宅、家財に被害を受けた被災者への災害援護資金の貸付に必要な原資を負担する。 - 厚生労働省

Due to the crisis, private capital inflows to the region have been on the decrease. Against such background, it is a question of vital interest to the countries in the region how they might meet the enormous demand for the capital needed to improve their economic infrastructure, the linchpin of development.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

危機の影響により、中南米諸国への民間資金の流入が減少する中、中南米諸国が開発に必要なインフラ整備を進めるための膨大な資金需要をどうやってまかなうかが重要な課題となっています。 - 財務省

In addition, however, a continuous review of IMF facilities is needed in order to ensure that the IMF is well equipped to provide sufficient financial support in an appropriate and expeditious manner in the event of a capital account crisis.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

しかし、それに加えて、万が一資本収支危機が発生した場合に備え、IMF が十分な資金支援を適切かつ迅速に実施できるよう、現行制度に対する不断の見直しが必要です。 - 財務省

The amount of capital needed, however, is so enormous that it must be raised in the international market as well as in the domestic market.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

しかし、そのために必要となる資金は膨大であり、国内での資金調達だけでは不十分で、海外からの資金調達と組み合わせていく必要がありましょう。 - 財務省

Should it become apparent that a capital increase is indeed needed due to a large increase in lending in response to the current financial and economic crisis, Japan intends to fulfill its role as a main shareholder of the AfDB.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

仮に、現下の金融・経済危機対応のためAfDBが大幅に融資規模を拡大させた結果、危機後に資金(リソース)不足が見込まれると判断される場合には、我が国は、主要株主としての責務を全うしていく所存です。 - 財務省


Such approval is needed because of the capital control by China. This agreement aims at enhancing bilateral cooperation including by ensuring mutuality of investment in government bonds and facilitating information exchange between the authorities of both sides in charge of foreign reserves management, given that China has already invested a substantial amount in Japanese government bonds (JGBs).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

中国が日本の国債への投資を既に相当行っていることから、国債投資の双方向性を確保し、両国外貨準備当局による情報交換の促進を含めた協力拡大を図るものである。 - 財務省


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!

Weblio英語表現辞典での「The capital is needed.」の意味

The capital is needed.

「The capital is needed.」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 17


However, as the securing of employees rapidly becomes difficult and feelings of an insufficiency of regular employees mount, there is concern that the accumulation of human capital needed by enterprises will continue to become more difficult.例文帳に追加

しかしながら、従業員の確保が急速に困難になり、正規雇用者に対する不足感が高まる中で、企業が必要とする人的資本の蓄積が難しくなっていくことが懸念される。 - 経済産業省

As the book says, 'The barbarians are unaware of the unit of ri and they count the distance by days; its national boarders are five month from east to west and three months from south to north by a ship, surrounded by the sea; also the east is higher and west is lower in altitudes; the capital of Yamatai Kingdom is in Yamadai Kingdom according to Gishi-wajin-den (the first written record of Japan's commerce),' Wa people did not know about the unit ri (one ri is approximately 3.927 kilometers) used for distance measurement and instead they used the number of days they needed to move from one place to another.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

「夷人不知里數但計以日其國境東西五月行南北三月行各至於海其地勢東高西下都於邪靡堆則魏志所謂邪馬臺者也」とあり、里数を知らず日で距離を測る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The IMF is granted, to begin with, the capacity to do so by its Articles. What's more, such borrowing by the IMF can also be taken as a means to recycle private funds that have taken flight from crisis countries. Thus, I believe that this approach deserves serious deliberations. Moreover, in order to ensure private-sector involvement in crisis resolution, it is necessary for the IMF to carefully monitor the capital outflows from crisis countries, and, when needed, it should require private-sector creditors to agree with a debt rollover or new provision of funds, as a prerequisite for such public assistance.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

そもそもIMFは協定上市場からの借入ができることになっていますし、危機国から逃避した民間資金を還流させるという位置づけも可能ですので、是非真剣に検討が進められるよう期待しています。 - 財務省

Accordingly, it is suggested parts and components have been needed to be exchanged among manufacturing bases across borders in the region, the trade of parts and components has expanded among production bases, and at the same time, capital goods such as industrial machinery necessary for the production activities have been actively traded.例文帳に追加

そのため、国境を越えて各地に分散した製造拠点間で部品のやり取りが必要になり、生産拠点を結ぶ部品貿易が拡大するとともに、その生産活動のために必要な産業用機械等の資本財も活発に取引されていることが示唆される。 - 経済産業省

If there is no likelihood of an industry regaining its international competitiveness even in the future, rather than taking measures to boost competitiveness, opting for measures to facilitate the shift of labor and capital to those industries where they are needed would contribute more to the sustained growth of the economy.例文帳に追加

仮に当該産業の国際競争力が将来も回復する見通しが立たないならば、競争力向上のための施策ではなく、むしろ労働者や資本を必要としている産業に円滑に移動させるための施策を選択する方が、一国経済の持続的な成長にとっては望ましいであろう。 - 経済産業省

Although we have already issued an instruction for acting as quickly as possible, there will be procedural work to be done after the bill’s enactment. As the application for capital injection must be screened before capital is actually injected, leading to the provision of loans, I fear that time is running out. So, I have instructed the FSA again to make sure that funds properly flow to where needed by the end of the year, although the bill is still under deliberation in the Diet.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

これは出来るだけ早く対応するようにと既に指示は出しておりますけれども、いずれにしても作業も成立後もかかるわけで、それから「さあどうぞ」といって審査をして、そして注入して貸し出しをするということになると、本当にぎりぎりの状況に来ているなというふうに私は認識をして、さっきも金融庁の方に、これは国会で今ご審議いただいていることではありますけれども、とにかく年内に必要な資金が適切に行くようにしてほしいという指示を改めてさっき出したところです。 - 金融庁

It continues to be essential for the IMF to improve its financial instruments and to put in place an effective precautionary framework to cope with capital account crises, both ex ante and ex post.It is both legitimate and appropriate for the IMF to express its commitment to provide, as needed, sufficient emergency financing to countries that still have some vulnerabilities despite their sound economic policies, in order to help them maintain market confidence.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

資本移動の規模や変動が飛躍的に増大したグローバル化経済にあって、健全な政策運営を行いつつも、一部に脆弱性を抱えている新興市場国に対して、必要に応じ緊急資金支援の用意がある旨をIMFとしてコミットしておくことにより、これら諸国の市場における信認を確保することは、国際通貨システムの安定を担うIMFの中核的役割と位置づけられるべきです。 - 財務省


(Reason 3) Ideally, the water supply work should be run on full cost recovery basis in which both capital cost and O/M cost are covered by the water rate. In Myanmar, however, it is very difficult for the local government to mobilize financial resources for building water supply system. The diffusion of the water supply system has not progressed yet, and some cities of substantial size is equipped with no water supply system. In the early stage of development, it is necessary to utilize funds from the central government and the foreign organizations in order to build the nationwide water supply system. Then, it may eventually come the day to mobilize resources from the financial market by issuing local bonds in the near future since it may not be sufficient enough to cover all the costs necessary to diffuse the system by the funds from the central government and the foreign aid. Regarding the issuance of the local bond, it is not probable for the local government to make it real without back-up of the central government. In order to serve this function, it must be needed a ministry which is in charge of planning and executing those funding within the central government.例文帳に追加

③水道事業は、理想的には水道料金により資本費用と維持管理費用を賄うフルコスト・リカバリーが原則であるが、ミャンマーのように、全国的に水道整備が遅れており、相当規模の都市でも水道が無い都市がある状況下においては、地方自治体が水道整備資金を自ら調達することは困難であり、初期においては中央政府の財政資金や外国援助資金を投入することが必要となる。 - 厚生労働省


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