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I have a facial boil. There's a painful lump at the back of one nostril. - Tatoeba例文


{Ultra LSI that exceeds the memory of one megabit}  - EDR日英対訳辞書


I have a facial boil. There's a painful lump at the back of one nostril.  - Tanaka Corpus


A parish chief is appointed to each parish.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


(1) 庁は,職業代理人の登録名簿を備え置くものとする。例文帳に追加

1. The Service shall keep a register of professional patent representatives. - 特許庁



The adhesive layer 6 is preliminarily bonded to the glass plate 1. - 特許庁


Cooking time-announcing information for announcing a cooking time is also memorized in the memory 1. - 特許庁


It abolished the traditional Daiku-shoku Sei and established counties, wards, towns and villages in their place (Article 1).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This sheet feed adjusting device comprises a tension adjuster 5 for adjusting the tension of the nonwoven fabric 1 in order to feed the nonwoven fabric 1 to an application device at a predetermined fixed speed. - 特許庁


第六十三条 弁理士会に、会長、副会長その他会則で定める役員を置く。例文帳に追加

Article 63 (1) The Patent Attorneys Association shall have a President, Vice President and other officers as prescribed by the Regulations.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第四十六条の四 協会に、会長、副会長その他会則で定める役員を置く。例文帳に追加

Article 46-4 (1) The Institute shall establish a chairperson and president, deputy presidents and other officers specified by the Constitution.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


A plurality of acoustic parameters 7 determining acoustic characteristics of a hearing aid 1 are stored in a non-volatile memory incorporated in an integrated circuit 3 of the hearing aid 1 and adjusted by a hearing aid adjustment device 5. - 特許庁


The container 1 for the cooked noodle has a paper-made cup 2 for filling the cooked noodle A, a soup storing dish 4 for storing the soup B dissolvable by heating, an ingredient storing dish 6 for storing the ingredients C and a lid 8 for the container. - 特許庁

なお、2011 年11 月のタイ工業連盟(FTI)の試算でも、洪水による経済的影響*56 は1 兆1,200 億バーツ(約3 兆240 億円)、うち製造業が4,750 億バーツ(約1 兆2,830 億円)である。例文帳に追加

According to the estimates of the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) released in November 2011,the economic impact of the floods56 was 1.12 trillion baht (about \\3.24 trillion), of which the manufacturing sector reported 475 billion baht (about \\1.283 trillion) in loss. - 経済産業省

メルコスールはIMF の統計によるとアルゼンチン(3,700 億ドル)、ブラジル(2 兆900 億ドル)、パラグアイ(185 億ドル)、ウルグアイ(403億ドル)、ベネズエラ*1(2,907 億ドル)の総計2 兆8,100億ドルのGDP 規模を有する。例文帳に追加

According to the IMF statistics, the MERCOSUR 's GDP size is a total of US$2,810 billion, which consisted of Argentina (US$370billion), Brazil (US$2,090 billion), Paraguay (US$18.5 billion), Uruguay (US$40.3 billion) and Venezuela*1 (US$290.7 billion). - 経済産業省

第三十六条 委員会に、専門の事項を調査審議させるため、専門委員を置くことができる。例文帳に追加

Article 36 (1) The Commission may request an Expert Commission Member to examine and deliberate on specialized matters.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第六条 特別の事項を調査審議するため必要があるときは、臨時委員を置くことができる。例文帳に追加

Article 6 (1) When necessary, ad-hoc committee members may be appointed to investigate and deliberate special matters.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第十四条 委員会に、専門の事項を調査させるため、専門委員を置くことができる。例文帳に追加

Article 14 (1) Expert advisers may be appointed to investigate technical matters.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


A memory 1 stores the character data of a telephone directory such as names and telephone numbers. - 特許庁

また、投資については、2014 年の外資系企業による投資目標を昨年実績の108億ドル(約1 兆円)の3.2 倍となる350億ドル(約3 兆2,000億円)に、国内企業の投資目標は昨年実績の37 兆8,000 億ルピア(約4,000億円)から4.7 倍の177 兆9,000 億ルピア(約1 兆9,000億円)とし、内外の資金を活用した発電所や幹線道路、鉄道などの大規模インフラ投資をすすめていく方針が示された。例文帳に追加

Indonesia set up a target to accept $35 billion (about 3.2 trillion yen) of investment by foreign companies in 2014, which is 3.2 times larger than the actual amount of the last year, 2009, which is $10.8 billion (about 1 trillion yen), and for the investment by Indonesian companies as 177.9 trillion rupiah (about 1.9 trillion yen), which is 4.7 times higher than the actual record of 2009, which is 37.8 trillion rupiah (about 400 billion yen). The government announced its policy to promote large scale infrastructure investments such as power plant, highway, and railway projects utilizing both foreign and domestic capital. - 経済産業省


If it is detected that the viewing time of the analog broadcasting is less than that of the digital broadcasting, the value +1 is recorded in a digital viewing memory. - 特許庁


In addition, the small-dividing device 1 has a tenser 7 adjusting the tension of the yarn Y fed from the length measuring and storing device 5 to the downstream side. - 特許庁


As occasion demands, an auxiliary sheet 7 is stuck to the reverse side of the tatami mat 1 for adjustment of thickness and prevention of slippage. - 特許庁


This is a volume of the three letters sent to Saicho, and is called after the initial phrase on the first letter.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

名目GDPは1 兆5 千億ドルで、経済規模ではインドネシア(5,120 億ドル)が一番大きく、タイ(2,730 億ドル)、マレーシア(2,220 億ドル)が続いている。例文帳に追加

Combined nominal GDP is $1.5 trillion. As for the size of economy, Indonesia is the largest ($512 billion) followed by Thailand ($273 billion) and Malaysia ($222 billion). - 経済産業省

調整を行う系統を 予め決めておく 初回に全系統の調整を行い、その結果により選択する 調整を行う度に系統を変更させる、という方法で定める。例文帳に追加

The adjustment is determined by the following methods: (1) to determine a system to be adjusted in advance, (2) to adjust all systems first and select a system on the basis of the result, and (3) to change a system every adjustment. - 特許庁

第十二条 行政庁は、処分基準を定め、かつ、これを公にしておくよう努めなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 12 (1) Administrative agencies shall endeavor to establish disposition standards, and to make such standards available to the public.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The voice conference apparatus 1 demodulates the received electronic certificate in a voice signal format and then stores it. - 特許庁


A memory 12 stores a current master volume value and a level control amount of an electronic volume 1. - 特許庁


The optical disk device 1 therefore surely performs reproduction from a point desired to start without passing through the point desired to start the viewing by fast forwarding. - 特許庁


He visited the Soviet Union as chairman of the Boy Scouts of Nippon, and when he received rice balls made from rice sent from Boy Scout members who gave one grain of rice per boy, he ate them with tears in his eyes.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A cassette shell 1 incorporates a memory 13 for storing information indicating the total length of a magnetic tape 1. - 特許庁


To provide a main storage device to enable correction a failure of one chip of a storage element with the number of redundant bits smaller than the number of originally required redundant bits to correct the failure one chip of the storage element. - 特許庁


When the elevator 1 breaks down, since information for failure examination is conveyed from a storage part 4, storage part 5 and storage part 6 of the elevator 1 via a general public line 10, failure examination can be performed immediately after the breakdown. - 特許庁


The semiconductor storage device 10 comprises a memory section 1 having a plurality of memory cell groups C00 to Cnm, a redundant memory section 2 having a plurality of redundant memory cell groups, and a redundant circuit section 13 for activating the redundant memory cell groups in the redundant memory section 2 based on an address signal 101 for inhibiting access to the memory section 1 and accessing the memory cell group in the memory section 1. - 特許庁


The model time-series data is divided into sections Y_i (i=1, ..., n) of an individual pattern at predetermined places in time series in advance, and feature quantity time series y_i (i=1, ..., n) by the sections are extracted. - 特許庁


Data for n-channels portion are stored in a switch buffer 1, and the message of an optional length of each channel is stored in a message memory 2. - 特許庁


The vehicular seat air conditioner is equipped with a blow duct 7 sending air conditioning air to seat blow fans 3, 4, 5 sending the air conditioning air from an on-vehicle air conditioning unit 6 to seat faces of seats 1, 2 to be seated by occupants. - 特許庁

第十九条 地方委員会に、委員長を置く。委員長は、委員のうちから法務大臣が命ずる。例文帳に追加

Article 19 (1) The Regional Board shall have a chairman. The chairman shall be appointed by the Minister of Justice from among the members of the Board.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


On January 30, 1254, the governor of Mutsu Province held a feast to Imperial Prince Munetaka and Yasutsuna presented harness.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On January 25, 1257, the governor of Mutsu Province held a feast to Imperial Prince Munetaka, and Yasutsuna presented a harness.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the memory blocks 0, 1, the expansion areas 0, 1 are arranged for respectively storing the flags of one bit. - 特許庁


Liquid feed piping 23 is used for feeding the slurry from the broke slurry tank 1 to the molding material preparation tank 2. - 特許庁


In a signal feature extraction device 1, a mask storage unit 20 stores a plurality of masks previously given identifiable mask numbers. - 特許庁


A UML figure creation section 1 creates the UML figure in a memo configuration which is added with an extended area for the assignment of memo information to a note. - 特許庁


The amount of the reparations of 450 million taels specified in the Peking Protocol (850 million taels in total with the interest) was a really astronomical demand to the Qing Dynasty whose annual budget was less than 100 million taels.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The air heated by the heat exchanger 9 is introduced to a moisture permeation membrane type humidifier in a humidification-ventilation apparatus 1 to increase humidification amount. - 特許庁


The server 1 stores CM data for outputting a CM program by adding attribute information specifying a user watching the CM program to the data. - 特許庁


The server 1 stores CM data used for outputting a CM program by adding attribute information specifying a user watching the CM program to the data. - 特許庁



The memory controller 12 calculates an exclusive OR of the flags being stored respectively in the expansion areas 0, 1 and selects one area out of the expansion areas 0, 1 as the valid expansion area in accordance with the calculated exclusive OR. - 特許庁


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