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該当件数 : 1170



Game servers will have a separate /opt as most gaming servers are installed there. - Gentoo Linux


Game servers should have a separate /opt as most game servers are installed there. - Gentoo Linux

俺は レベル3の フォトン・リザード2体で オーバーレイ!例文帳に追加

I overlay the two level three lizards! - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

オーバートンは ベルトランの弟を殺した例文帳に追加

Overtons killed beltran's little brother. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


それで オーバートンは ベルトランの弟を殺した例文帳に追加

And the overtons killed his little brother. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


例えばこのガルベストンの家は 他の全ての家がハリケーンで例文帳に追加

For example, in galveston, here's a resilient home - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

ニュートンの法則によれば この時 壁が押し返す力は例文帳に追加

And newton says the wall is going to apply force back - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


Not the richard burton who was married to elizabeth taylor - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


A bed sheet, a pillow case, a quilt cover, a bedcover, or the like, is cited as the bedding. - 特許庁


私はフランク・バートン・・ cia特別捜査官だ例文帳に追加

My name's frank burton. I work for the cla. the ci a? - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


パークアベニュと56番通りは 混沌と化しています例文帳に追加

I'm here live on park avenue and 56th street where it is complete chaos. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


His backpack goes ballistic in some other direction. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

私はフランク・バートン・・ CIA特別捜査官だ例文帳に追加

My name's frank burton. I work for the cla. the ci a? - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

全て好みだ バートンマティスは 家族や既知の知人もいない例文帳に追加

Mathis doesn't have any family or known acquaintances. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


linen or cotton articles for a bed (as sheets and pillowcases)  - 日本語WordNet

ベネット博士もバートンを 信用するなと・・例文帳に追加

Because dr. bennett was right about not trusting burton. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


The valve insert comprises a bush assembly, a piston assembly and a spring. - 特許庁


In another embodiment, a touchpad disposed on the base assembly has a width that extends substantially into palm rest areas of the base assembly. - 特許庁


Vancouver (Washington State, the United States of America. Not to be confused with Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Compared to the great distance that had separated him from Daisy it had seemed very near to her, almost touching her.  - F. Scott Fitzgerald『グレイト・ギャツビー』


When the power piston is not operated, the sealed chamber R3 is communicated with the reservoir 4 via the valve mechanism 27. - 特許庁


In most cases this entry is not required because the drivers will probe the hardware to determine the chipset type. - XFree86

rootの抜け穴は歴史的に、基本システムサーバも含め、root 権限で実行されるほとんどすべてのサーバプロセスで発見されています。例文帳に追加

Root holes have historically been found in virtually every server ever run as root, including basic system servers.  - FreeBSD


A cylinder main body 23 of an air cylinder 22 is provided on a base plate 2, and its piston rod 26 is protruded below the base plate 21. - 特許庁

とんどの場合は X サーバがグラフィックボードを調べてメモリ量を認識するので、指定する必要はない。例文帳に追加

In most cases this is not required because the X server probes the graphics board to determine this quantity.The driver-specific documentation should indicate when it might be needed. - XFree86


The 80X86 encodes all conditional bytes with an opcode and a displacement byte, since most jumps are to nearby locations.  - コンピューター用語辞典

なぜ韓国店まで走って─ 別のタバコのカートンを 買ってきてくれないの?例文帳に追加

Why don't you run on down to the koreans and get us another carton of ciggies? - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

金髪モデル スージー・ハントの エリザベス・テーラーと リチャード・バートンのような ロマンスが昨日発覚例文帳に追加

Blonde model suzy hunt stepped on to the dizzy elizabeth taylorrichard burton roundabout of romance yesterday. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


The exhaust bypass valve is fully opened in starting the internal combustion engine, and almost all of the exhaust quantity is bypassed to flow into catalyst so that the catalyst activation is hardly delayed, as compared with a case where there is no turbine in an exhaust manifold rear stream side. - 特許庁


small herring-like plankton-eating fishes often canned whole or as paste  - 日本語WordNet

このまれな場合は、何故それらをインストールする必要があるのかを知るべきです。 ほとんどの場合、1つのパッケージのみで事足ります。例文帳に追加

In this rare case, you should find out why you need to install both.In most cases you can do with one of the packages alone.  - Gentoo Linux


When the bipolar transistors are of Darlington connection type, a unipolar transistor is connected between the base of each of the bipolar transistors and an emitter of the final stage of bipolar transistor. - 特許庁


When the control piston 14 falls down, the check valve 58 is opened, excessive fuel is delivered to a fuel chamber 28, and the needle valve 19 falls down. - 特許庁


The hand terminal has a memory to memorize the numbers of the cartons in correspondence with the parts by way of reading the bar codes of the labels stuck on the cartons by the bar code reader at the time of packing the parts displayed on the screen of the hand terminal in the cartons. - 特許庁


In the wide area network using the Internet as a backbone, an ISX/ISP provider especially selected, a router of the ISX/ISP provider rotes an Alter WAN packet of the wide area network along a private tunnel through the Internet and the private tunnel consists of data paths with a wide bandwidth and less hope number of times. - 特許庁


The pressure accumulation imparting valve 5 consists of a piston valve, a spring body and a piston cover , or consists of an insertion valve seat, a piston valve, a spring body and a piston cover. - 特許庁


A floating-up level of the movable base from the reference base therein may be a very small level to reduce or substantially nullify sliding resistance between the movable base and the reference base. - 特許庁


Detective Mitch Preston (Robert De Niro) is a strait-laced 28-year veteran of the Los Angeles Police Department.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

導電性担体と、前記導電性担体に担持され(1)で表される組成を有する触媒微粒子であって PtuRuxGeyTz (1)但し、uおよびxは、それぞれ、30〜60atm%、20〜50atm%で、yは0.5〜20atm%、zは0.5〜40atm%であることを特徴とする触媒である。例文帳に追加

This catalyst is characterized by a conductive carrier and a catalyst particulate carried by the conductive carrier and having the composition represented by formula (1): PtuRuxGeyTz (1). - 特許庁

gid は整数、名前およびパスワードは文字列、そしてメンバリストは文字列からなるリストです。 (ほとんどのユーザは、パスワードデータベースで自分が入れられているグループのメンバとしてグループデータベース内では明示的に列挙されていないので注意してください。例文帳に追加

The gid is an integer, name and password are strings, and the memberlist is a list of strings.(Note that most users are not explicitly listed as members of the group they are in according to the password database. - Python


Overhead Tinker Bell shouted "Silly ass!" and darted into hiding.  - James Matthew Barrie『ピーターパンとウェンディ』

とんどのブラウザはまだ Digest 認証をサポートしていませんので、どのブラウザがリソースへアクセスするかを制御できる場合のみ Digestを使用するべきです。例文帳に追加

Since most browsers don't yet support Digest authentication you should only use Digest if you can control what browsers will be accessing the resources.  - PEAR


Each of the vane piston units U1-U12 comprises vane 42 sliding in a rotor chamber 14, and a piston 41 making contact with the non-slide side of the vane 42. - 特許庁


Each of the vane piston units U1 to U12 is composed of a vane 42 to be slid in a rotor chamber 14 and a piston 41 to be brought into contact with the non-sliding side of the vane 42. - 特許庁


When remote control data are actually distributed, the distribution server CDS finds out the apparatus data ED-t corresponding to the space S-j where the user exists currently based on the schedule data, and reads out a remote control data to be distributed to the mobile terminal MS-k based on the apparatus data ED-t. - 特許庁


A belt for fixing a cushion to the wheelchair is added to the cushion cover in addition to a body fixing portion. - 特許庁


In the case of a vibration in a high speed region, a pressure of operating oil is adjusted by adding strong spring force of the valve spring 17c of the second pressure governing valve 17 to the weak spring force of the valve spring 16c of the first pressure governing valve 16 according to movement of the piston 3. - 特許庁


The operation lever 2 is connected to the spool 5 and a piston 6 and the selector valve spool 1 are connected to the sleeve 7. - 特許庁

NetBeans の PHP エディタのスクリーンキャストに簡単なデモがあります。 アプリケーションにデータベースが必要な場合、IDE では、ほとんどの主なデータベース、特に MySQL がサポートされています。例文帳に追加

For a quick demonstration, see the NetBeans PHP Editor screencast.For applications requiring a database, the IDE supports wide-ranging support for most main-streamdatabases, especially MySQL. - NetBeans



In an internal combustion engine having a hydraulic system for variable driving of valves, one tappet 16 has two separate piston parts 160A and 160B connected to two separate pressure chambers, and the pressure chambers control the driving pistons of two separate valves of the same engine cylinder. - 特許庁


浜島書店 Catch a Wave
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原題:”The Great Gatsby”

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