該当件数 : 103件
Hot-Spring Footbaths Relax Olympic Athletes - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
私は てっきり レイナちゃんを リラックスさせることを➡例文帳に追加
I want to relax reina a lot clearly - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
To provide a mobile telephone apparatus with which a user can be relaxed. - 特許庁
To provide a relaxation apparatus which provides a relaxing effect by rocking the body and thereafter providing a refreshing effect. - 特許庁
To provide a relaxing device capable of applying refreshing effects after application of relaxation effects by swinging the body of a user. - 特許庁
Further a means for relaxing the learner during learning is provided in the learning system. - 特許庁
An audio reproduction part 65e is further provided for indicating the progress of measurement to relax the subject. - 特許庁
This apparatus is further provided with a voice reproduction section 65e for understand the progress of the measurement and relaxing the subject. - 特許庁
Further, a sound reproduction part 65e is provided so as to recognize the progress of the measurement and relax the subject. - 特許庁
To provide a radiation image capturing apparatus capable of relaxing a subject when capturing images. - 特許庁
To change the cushion property of the back and seat of a chair between a work time such as OA work and a relaxation time. - 特許庁
a tranquilizer (trade name Valium) used to relieve anxiety and relax muscles - 日本語WordNet
To loosen the muscles of the whole body of a treated person and to mentally relax the body. - 特許庁
To cool the head and to relax the brain by a simple constitution. - 特許庁
This relaxing device relaxes the human body by a rocking action of a human body support member 3 by rockingly supporting the human body support member 3 for supporting the human body with a base stand 1. - 特許庁
When the occupant is required to be relaxed when he feels bad or an accident occurs, the aroma generator is operated by good timing and the relax type aroma can be supplied to the inside of a cabin. - 特許庁
To provide a nebulizer which can be operated for an indoor atomization for the purpose of relaxation in the case of other purpose than a treatment. - 特許庁
Thus, the abnormality of the body is warned to the user and the user relaxes by viewing the outside landscape. - 特許庁
To provide a foot pedal and a foot board that relax a muscle of a foot and induce a playing style that combines power and sensitivity. - 特許庁
To provide a slimming device capable of achieving a slimming effect by relaxing a human body while massaging and improving the metabolic activity of the human body. - 特許庁
In the relaxed and comfortable posture of leaning the upper half body on the mounting body 16, the muscles are effectively stretched and the lithe body is kept. - 特許庁
To promote the reaction of the human body by a difference in height between the right and left and relax daily life or restore a poor physical condition. - 特許庁
An outer rotation of the eyeball is generated for adjusting the sight to be relaxed with the aid of a concave lens. - 特許庁
By peeling the resin film 3 from the injection position 4 and loading it on a using position to cool an appropriate position of the human for relaxation. - 特許庁
To provide a bathtub device capable of generating water streams inside a bathtub to enhance the sense of relaxation of a bathing person. - 特許庁
To provide a bathtub apparatus which can be used together with a bathtub and enables a bather to exercise in a relaxed state. - 特許庁
To provide a bathtub apparatus which can be used together with a bathtub of a general house and enables a bather to exercise in a relaxed state. - 特許庁
To provide a toilet deodorizing device for completely removing odor of feces and enhancing feeling of relaxation in a toilet. - 特許庁
A controller 24 is configured to control a reclining mechanism for tilting a backrest part 31 to switch the motion from relaxing swinging to repeatedly perform the motions in the erecting direction and in the reclining direction, so that the user in the relaxed state is refreshed. - 特許庁
To provide a massage machine which is used in various usage states in accordance with the various postures of a relaxed body and by which a massage effect is effectively and easily obtained in the respective parts of a body and is sufficiently given to the relaxed body by combining favorite pillows when the machine is used in a lying posture. - 特許庁
To provide a finger ring bringing about the enjoyment, aesthetic change, and relaxation effect of a rolling ball disposed on the inside of a rotating outer ring. - 特許庁
The massage machine has an arm support part 1 and, when the user puts on the arms on the arm support part 1 in a posture of receiving the massage, can massage the person to relax the muscles around the shoulder joint. - 特許庁
The relaxing effects can be enhanced by including at least one kind of herb (or an extract therefrom), milk (or an extract therefrom) or common salt (sodium chloride) in the bathing agent comprising the theanine. - 特許庁
To provide a finger ring promoting blood circulation in the brain by rotating a ball or an outer rotary ring to bring about a relaxation effect, and providing aesthetic change of a rolling ball. - 特許庁
To provide a vehicular ion generating device for continuously giving relaxing effects, hair moisturizing effects, and skin wetting effects to an occupant in a vehicle or continuously giving sterilizing effects thereto. - 特許庁
While there is no command from the operator such as before starting the imaging or during the imaging, music is played from the bone conduction speaker 20 or the voice command narrow-directivity speaker 30 to make the subject relaxed. - 特許庁
To provide a relaxation apparatus capable of improving easiness in getting on and off when a user gets on or off body support means. - 特許庁
To relax users by using heat generated by a lamp box during projecting images and uniformly scattering an aromatic component in the whole room in an image display projector. - 特許庁
To provide a jacket for lower half bathing to be used for keeping the heat of the upper half of a body unsoaked in hot water and promoting sweating, enabling a user to relaxedly continue lower half bathing, and easy to maintain after using. - 特許庁
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