
「不承認」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 不承認の意味・解説 > 不承認に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 29



adopt a nonrecognition policy  - Weblio英語基本例文集


not causing disapproval  - 日本語WordNet


Those documents will be vetoed.  - Weblio Email例文集


harsh criticism or disapproval  - 日本語WordNet



They communicate disapproval by shaking their heads. - Tatoeba例文



the speech act of disagreeing or arguing or disputing  - 日本語WordNet


They communicate disapproval by shaking their heads.  - Tanaka Corpus


disapproval expressed by pointing out faults or shortcomings  - 日本語WordNet


When being unable to cope, a "disapproval" response is given by attaching a reason to the train diagram command system 1. - 特許庁


3 政府は、前項の場合において不承認の議決があつたときは、速やかに、当該対応措置を終了させなければならない。例文帳に追加

(3) When a resolution of disapproval has been made in the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, the government shall promptly terminate the countermeasures.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



The Registrar shall consider the matter and issue a certificate thereon or a notification in writing of disapproval thereof, as the case may be. - 特許庁

(8) 優先権主張手数料を,法定金額によって及び(7)に定めた期限内に納付しないことは,優先権の不承認を生じさせる。例文帳に追加

(8) Failure to pay the priority claiming fee in the legal amount and time limit provided for in paragraph (7) leads to the non-recognition of priority. - 特許庁

(20) (18)の規定が満たされない場合は,OSIMは本法第 22条第 4段落の規定により,優先権の不承認を決定するものとする。例文帳に追加

(20) If the provisions of paragraph (18) are not fulfilled, OSIM shall decide the non recognition of the priority according to the provisions of Art. 22 paragraph (4) of the Law. - 特許庁


The train diagram command system 1 examines the train diagram changing plan again based on its reason for the "disapproval" response. - 特許庁


The receipt of proof output instruction data are then disabled upon receipt of proof acceptability data indicating disapproval of the single, tangible copy. - 特許庁

2 施行日前にされた旧法第十五条第二項の承認の申請であって、この法律の施行の際、承認又は不承認の処分がなされていないものについての処分については、なお従前の例による。例文帳に追加

(2) With regard to the disposition of applications for approval under Article 15, paragraph (2) of the Old Act which were filed prior to the effective date and for which approval or disapproval has not yet been determined at the time of the enforcement of this Act, the provisions then in force shall remain applicable.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第2 段落又は第20 条の規定を守らなかったことを理由とする優先権の不承認は,出願日又は国内段階への移行日から6 月以内にOSIM によって決定される。例文帳に追加

Non-recognition of priority for failure to comply with the provisions of paragraph 2 or Art. 20 shall be determined by OSIM within 6 months of the filing date or of the date of entering the national phase. - 特許庁

(4) 後願に関して国内優先権を主張しないこと,又は優先権書類の提出若しくは国内優先権主張手数料の納付をしないことは,主張される優先権についての不承認を生じさせる。例文帳に追加

(4) Failure to claim the internal priority in the subsequent application, failure to submit the priority document or to pay the internal priority claiming fee leads to the non-recognition of the claimed priority. - 特許庁

通告日から 2月を超えない,許可された期限内に,優先権書類の翻訳文を提出しないことは,優先権主張についての不承認を生じさせる。例文帳に追加

Failure to submit the translation of the priority document with OSIM within the granted period of time, that may not exceed 2 months from the notification date, shall lead to the non-recognition of the claimed priority. - 特許庁


If upon submission of a comment in due time or upon expiry of the period the inadmissibility of the conversion is determined or if the request in accordance with par 2 was not met, the request for conversion shall be rejected by decision.  - 特許庁

(2) 許諾書をOSIMに提出するための期間は,本法第20条第1段落又は第7段落に規定する優先権の主張の場合は,優先日から最大で 17月である。その期間内に提出がされない場合は,(本法第 22条第 4段落の規定に従って)OSIMは主張された優先権の不承認を決定する。例文帳に追加

(2) The time period for filing the authorization with OSIM, in case of claiming the priority provided for in Art. 20 paragraph (1) or (7) ofthe Law is of maximum 17 months from the priority date; otherwise, [according to the provisions of Art. 22 paragraph (4) of the Law], OSIM decides the non-recognition of the claimed priority. - 特許庁

(4) (2)又は第30条第(13)を適用する場合は,許諾書は国内段階の開始日から3月以内にOSIMに提出しなければならない。その期間内に提出がされない場合は,国内段階の開始日から 6月以内に OSIMは主張された優先権の不承認を決定する。例文帳に追加

(4) Where the provisions of paragraph (2) or of Art. 30 paragraph (13) apply, the authorization shall be filed with OSIM within 3 months from the date of opening the national phase; otherwise, within 6 months from the date of opening the national phase, OSIM shall decide then on-recognition of the claimed priority. - 特許庁


Within thirty days after receipt of the last affidavit or after the clarificatory hearing, the Mediator shall submit his findings including a draft decision to the Director General or the Director who shall consider the same for approval, disapproval or other actions within thirty days therefrom. - 特許庁


The Registrar shall consider whether in all circumstances use of the trade mark in question in exercise of rights conferred or to be conferred by the proposed assignment or transmission is in the public interest and shall issue a notification in writing of approval or disapproval thereof, as the case may be, and shall seal to the notification a copy of the statement of case in its final form. - 特許庁

規則 16.7 不承認決定の公告に含まれる事項 (証明書を交付しない旨のACCC決定の公告について規定している)法律第175条(4)(b)の適用上、公報における公告には、公告に係わる決定について、1975年行政不服審判所法に従うことを条件に、行政不服審判所に再審理を申請することができる旨の陳述を含めなければならない。例文帳に追加

(c) the principles relating to unfair practices product safety and product information set out in Part V of that Act. - 特許庁


With respect to an operation arrangement proposal 15 presented by the operation arrangement apparatus 2, the presentation order of the operation arrangement proposal 15 and the selection of a main proposal among a plurality of operation arrangement proposals are automatically adjusted based on histories of approval 17 and disapproval 22 by the commander so as to present the operation arrangement proposal in accordance with an actual service. - 特許庁

第百六十条 経済産業大臣、都道府県知事、日本電気計器検定所又は指定検定機関は、検定、変成器付電気計器検査、装置検査若しくは基準器検査又は第七十六条第一項、第八十一条第一項若しくは第八十九条第一項の承認の申請があったときは、経済産業省令で定める期間以内に合格若しくは不合格の処分又は承認若しくは不承認の処分をしなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 160 (1) The Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, the prefectural governor, the Japan Electric Meters Inspection Corporation or a designated verification body shall, when he/she or it has received an application for a verification test, the electric meter with a transformer inspection, the fitting inspection, the inspection of verification standards, or the approval set forth in Article 76, paragraph 1, Article 81, paragraph 1 or Article 89, paragraph 1, make a disposition of pass or fail, or of the approval or disapproval within a period specified by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


A certificate of registration shall remain in force for ten years; Provided, That, without need of any notice from the Office, the registrant shall file a declaration of actual use and evidence to that effect, or shall show valid reasons based on the existence of obstacles to such use, as prescribed by these Regulations, within one year from the fifth anniversary of the date of the registration of the mark. Otherwise, the Office shall remove the mark from the Register. Within one month from receipt of the declaration of actual use or reason for non-use, the Examiner shall notify the registrant of the action taken thereon such as acceptance or refusal. - 特許庁



Any person who desires to obtain the Registrar's certificate under section 39(6) of the Act shall send to the Registrar with his application on Form TM2 a statement of case in duplicate setting out the circumstances and a copy of any instrument or proposed instrument effecting the assignment or transmission. The Registrar may call for any evidence that he may consider necessary and the statement of case, if required, shall be verified by an affidavit. The Registrar may hear the applicant and any other interested person. The Registrar shall consider the matter and issue a certificate thereon or a notification in writing of disapproval thereof, as the case may be. The Registrar shall bind and seal a copy of the statement of case to the certificate or notification. - 特許庁


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