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該当件数 : 12



I read the media report just this morning, so I would like to reply to your question after receiving a briefing from the FS.  - 金融庁


Moreover, today, I telephoned a person who devoted his efforts to financing for SMEs until July this year in his capacity as president of Senpoku Credit Cooperative (SENPOKU SHINYO KUMIAI), which is based in Miyagi Prefecture, and asked to have consultations with him. He will visit the FSA from around 1 p.m. Tuesday, and in addition to the senior vice minister, the parliamentary secretary and I, the FSA Commissioner and other senior FSA officials will listen to what he has to say about his experiences for about one hour.  - 金融庁


During the Cabinet Office's Policy Meeting held this morning, the issue of money lending was brought up in the discussions, in which a flurry of concerns were raised in regards to the full enforcement of the revised Money Lending Business Act expected in June. May we assume that there will be no changes whatsoever in your plan to fully enforce the revised Act in June, even if a flurry of concerns or objections are raised by members of the Democratic Party in the upcoming FSA's Policy Meetings?  - 金融庁


The Banking Act places considerable emphasis on public interests and the FSA and you, as the Minister for Financial Services, are responsible for oversight on that. Your argument that you cannot comment on specific cases does not quite satisfy me. I intend to continue asking you about this case in the future in relation to banks' responsibility.  - 金融庁



I think that I have read a newspaper article about something like that. Quite naturally, financial institutions should properly protect customer information. I do not think that it is appropriate for me to make comments concerning specific companies. In any case, as rules are rules and laws are laws, the FSA will strictly monitor the situation.  - 金融庁



Last week, the Tokyo Stock Exchange announced the outline for a market for professional investors, which featured the adoption of much more relaxed rules than those applicable to existing markets, such as not setting any particular numerical criteria for listing and requiring only semiannual disclosure, instead of quarterly disclosure. As the establishment of markets for professional investors was also included in the FSA’s Better Market Initiative (Plan for Strengthening the Competitiveness of Japan’s Financial and Capital Markets), what do you expect of the TSE’s market for professional investors and what do you think will be the challenges in maintaining the quality of listed companies?  - 金融庁


However, frankly speaking, FSA staff worked hard under me during the nearly two months of my tenure as the Minister for Financial Services. For example, as you know, after concern grew about the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, all senior FSA staff devoted themselves to dealing with the situation although September 15 was a holiday. All the time, they maintained communications with me and took appropriate actions quickly. I hope that they will continue performing their duties properly under my successor as a variety of problems are expected to arise.  - 金融庁


Since the impact of the global market turmoil is spreading to financial products not directly related to subprime mortgages as I told you earlier, we must keep watch on this from a broad perspective. Nevertheless, if we compare the situation of Japanese financial institutions and that of the so-called LCFI (large and complex financial institutions) in the United States and Europe, some of which have booked losses to the tune of trillions of yen, we can say that the impact on Japan has been relatively limited.  - 金融庁


In response to a report issued by the FSF (Financial Stability Forum), I understand that the FSA has asked individual financial institutions to make appropriate disclosure regarding securitization products based on their own judgment. From the movements of stock prices following the announcement of financial results by banks, it is not clear whether the market has made a proper assessment. How do you view the results that have been disclosed up until now?  - 金融庁



At any rate, neither the Prime Minister, the Minister for Financial Services nor the FSA Commissioner has the power to issue instructions to the SESC under laws, as I said earlier.  The FSA has authority over the SESC only with regard to budgetary and organizational affairs.  There must be a clear border between the power of state and the free market.  In that sense, the appointment of SESC commissioners is subject to Diet approval, so this commission has a strong degree of independence.  I expect that it will take necessary actions in this case as well.  - 金融庁



There are plans to dispatch survey teams to study the situation in other countries if necessary. Accounting standards constitute a basic element of the economy, so this debate should not be limited to technical matters. Accounting standards constitute a basic element of the economy, so this debate should not be limited to technical matters. In that sense, this concerns economic activities of diverse companies, including unlisted companies and small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs). In that sense, this concerns economic activities of diverse companies, including unlisted companies and small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs). As for Japans tax and accounting systems, a man named Shoup came to Japan after World War II (to make recommendations concerning the Japanese tax system) on behalf of the GHQ (General Headquarters) of the occupying forces, as you may know. In Japan, accounting and tax systems are closely related to each other, while in the United States, they are very separate. In Japan, accounting and tax laws are very closely related to each other. In Europe, too, tax and accounting systems are closely related to each other. But they are very separate in the United States.  - 金融庁



I spoke with FRB (Federal Reserve Board) Chairman Bernanke two weeks ago and also had a chance to speak with People's Bank of China Governor Zhou Xiaochuan this week. Frankly speaking, this is, as a matter of fact, a kind of issue to be decided on by the global forum of the G20, as it relates to stability of financial institutions worldwide and, at the same time, the definition of capital adequacy, and the quality and quantity debate, among other things. A dozen years or so ago, Japan was hit by a financial crisis. When I was previously a minister, I witnessed something similar – the failure of the Hokkaido Takushoku Bank – which resulted in a credit crunch and credit withdrawal that, as many of you must remember, indeed caused a large number of companies to go under one after another. In that sense, it is not necessarily a positive thing to make a capital adequacy ratio higher and higher.  - 金融庁


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