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該当件数 : 27



A stroke and pat detecting part 21 detects a stroke and a pat based on the output of a position detecting sensor, and an action deciding part 22 outputs a motor control signal 104 to move the robot responding to the stroke or the pat. - 特許庁


When the player performs a drag operation as if to stroke the touch panel 13 for example, the head of the character C is swung from left to right and a performance making the player feel as if he were stroking the true character C is put on. - 特許庁


To provide an operation detection system capable of performing an operation input by touching and stroking the whole palm of the hand. - 特許庁


However, these Toraifu's dealings had enough effect to stroke Japan's fur the wrong way, and it brought 'Seikanron' (insistence on making Korea open to the world by military power) in Japan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



The liquid providing device 11 and the fuzz stroking device 12 of the joint finishing device 10 are integrated by a contact face device 13 which is wet with liquid. - 特許庁



By stroking, etc. a face displayed on the liquid crystal display device 14, the touch sensor 19 reacts and the movable members 13, 16 are activated, thereby enabling the robot toy 10 to be activated with sensory and delicate operations. - 特許庁


Then, before drying the aqueous graining coating 11, the surface to be coated 2a is smoothed with the fixture for graining coating 12 having knitted fabrics 34 at the end point. - 特許庁


Only by dragging and stroking the line desired to be smoothed with a mouse in a cutesy-pie manner, the line image in the dragged proximity region can be smoothed. - 特許庁


They were encouraged by the triple intervention and founded "Republic of Formosa" on May 25 with the Qing dynasty as a suzerain and Tang Ching-sung who had been dispatched as a xunfu, as governor.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



To quickly, easily and beautifully apply mascara to the eyelashes by increasing the amount of the mascara to be attached to brush bristles and by applying much mascara to the eyelashes through gentle stroking. - 特許庁



To provide a robot and a control method to detect a stroke and a pat by a user to the robot head and other parts with simple structure without equipping a special sensor. - 特許庁


Moreover, an input operation of an affirmative evaluation is made by stroking a touch pad 21 and an input operation of a denial result is made by patting the touch pad 21 so that evaluation inputs are made by the direct feeling operations. - 特許庁


In this case, a feed element (50) forming a wedge-shaped gap space (61) together with the perforated board (42) strokes the perforated board (42) at the trailing edge (53) thereof. - 特許庁


The applicator for the eyelashes includes multiple grooves disposed in parallel at fixed pitch, which have a prescribed length in an applying direction (a direction for stroking the eyelashes) and hold the fibers in the cosmetic in an aligned manner in the applying direction. - 特許庁


It was suppressed after the oppression where all people were killed by sword irrespective of age or gender by samurai of Hidaka and Muro Counties such as the Horiuchi and Sugiwaka clans under the command of Nagamori MASUDA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This car washing method using a parking space for one car has a washing liquid spraying step for spraying a washing liquid, in which a detergent is dissolved, a wiping step for wiping a vehicle body surface, on which the sprayed detergent is applied, in a stroking manner, and a dry rubbing step for rubbing the surface with a dry cloth. - 特許庁


To discriminate pressing forces which are different in input mode, e.g. pressing force by stroking operation, pressing force by beating operation in a pressure sensitive sensor for detecting a pressing force to output specified pressure sensitive characteristics, thereby further expanding the use of the conventional pressure sensitive sensor having various product advantages. - 特許庁


When a user bearing a mobile device A performs an operation such as tapping and stroking an electrode of a vending machine with a finger after performing the operation to select an article for purchasing on the vending machine, the communication state of human body communication between the mobile device A and the vending machine fluctuates with the user as a medium. - 特許庁


To provide a tactile sensor which has simple structure and which, like a human finger, can simultaneously recognizing surface hardness and surface roughness of an object by stroking the object, and to provide a surface form measurement system using the same, and a surface form measurement method. - 特許庁


The extruder 4 has a screw 40 for kneading and guiding forward the material 80 therein and a spatula section 5 moving to stroke an inlet surface 30 at its forward side in a state in which a predetermined interval D is maintained on the surface 30 of the unit 3. - 特許庁


According to a user's operation for a mouse for petting the head or giving snack, the agent data for determining the characteristic and behavior of the electronic pet 103A is updated to vary the behavior of the pet itself displayed by animation according to the breeding environment. - 特許庁


The agent data deciding the character and and behavior of the pet 103A are updated in accordance with the operation of a mouse by a user for patting the pet 103A on the head, giving snacks to the pet 103A, and so on, and the behavior of the pet 103A itself displayed in the animations is changed in accordance with the breeding environment. - 特許庁


This brassiere is so designed that the top of the bust is previously made sharp in a good shape using a material with excellent moisture absorption, and ease allowing to put a few fingers in is made in the under front bust and soft lace or lacing in a few horizontal lines is attached thereto so as to be loose enough to sightly stroke the skin at every movement. - 特許庁


Internal air is pushed to the upstream side by stroking the lower side of the film extension part 50 pressed at the upper side by the first pressing face 42a from the downstream side toward the upstream side by the deaerating member 44 by moving the film extension part 50 to the downstream side. - 特許庁


The massage unit is provided with: a top scalp massage means A for massaging the scalp of the vertex by rolling rollers 2 forward and backward; and the side and rear scalp massage means B for massaging the scalp of the temple and occiput by vertical stroking through the use of a columnar element 6 which is bent at the tip like bending of the first joint of the finger. - 特許庁


To provide a hopper opening/shutting system for a transplanter which is required prevention of collapse of mud, smooth and certain transplantation by setting the load needed for elevation and opening of the hopper at minimum (only load of hopper spring) and tracks of a pulling action of the hopper is carried out as a copying effect (patting effect) to the slope of the opening hole. - 特許庁



Paintings by Shohaku, who was already referred to as a 'maverick' or 'mad' painter in the art history of the Edo period, dealt with traditional subjects such as hermits, Karajishi (Chinese lions) and Chinese fables, but the way they were presented was unconventional and daring, with ugly and comical subjects that jangle the nerves and cannot fail to make strong impression.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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