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It is only a half-day journey to Katase, Koshigoe, and Enoshima.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A short night/leaves a slice of moon/in shallow water  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The maid-servant downstairs looked up the staircase and made a mocking face at the crockery disaster.  - D. H. Lawrence『プロシア士官』


Yonosuke meets a mysterious lady, Katase Chiharu (Ito Ayumi), and falls in love with her.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave



A burial jar (found from the outer banks of the shugo, which was a Chubu Setouchi type earthen coffin with a cover of the Tokai type lid)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



On November 18, 1766, the village official of Katase Village, bordered on the west by Koshigoe Village, submitted a petition opposing the extension of the shooting practice field.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Ko type: Horizontal stone knife (wing-shaped flake) which has one blunted edge; distributed mainly in Setouchi, Kansai, Chugoku and Shikoku regions  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Techniques in the Paleolithic period include blade technique to remove vertically long flakes and Setouchi technique to remove horizontally long flakes, however, flakes in the Jomon period seem to be made more freely by hitting and cracking the core and there were not strict standards.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After being defeated at various places, the Taira family escaped to Katashina-mura, which is located near Oze and surrounded by steep mountains, and Heike no Ochudo settled there and prospered.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



After Prince Munetaka left the hotel in Katase (Fujisawa City), a procession of court ladies, palanquins, court nobles, attendant warriors and others welcomed the Prince to enter the residence of the shogun in Sagami Province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



In 1728, as part of the Kyoho reforms, Sadayu Sadataka INOUE (the government official of Teppo Kata of the Tokugawa shogunate) established Soshu Hojutsu Chorenjo, a shooting practice field for government officers of Bakufu teppo kata (the gun division of the Tokugawa shogunate) in the seashore from Yanajima Village (the mouth of the Sagami-gawa River) to Katase Village.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Inarionmae, Inarienokibashi, Inarinakano, 1-chome Sujikaibashi-Minami, 1-chome Sujikaibashi-Kita, 2-chome to 11-chome Sujikaibashi (10 towns of 2 to 11-chome counted as one Oaza), Yamamura, Jukyuken, Sujikaibashi Katamachi, Genba, Toriizaki, Kitashin, Nanasegawa, Minami Hasuike, Kagiya, Kita Hasuike, Gokuraku, Jinai, Ijiki  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


(28 towns integrated into Fukakusa village in 1889) towns of Ijiki, Jinai, Nanasegawa, Kita Hasuike, Minami Hasuike, Kagiya, Yamamura, Inarienokibashi, Inarinakano, Inarionmae, Jukyuken, Genba, Kita Shin-machi, Gokuraku, Toriizaki, 1-chome Sujikaibashi-Kita, 1-chome Sujikaibashi-Minami, 2-chome to 11-chome Sujikaibashi (counted as 10 towns), Sujikaibashi Kata-machi  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


During their stay in Edo, 8 members left the group; Sadajiro TANAKA (lord chamberlain, 150 koku, due to causing a drunken frenzy), Shozaemon OYAMADA (100 koku, due to running away after stealing money from Gengozaemon KATAOKA), Seiemon NAKAMURA (lord chamberlain, 100 look, unknown reason), 十八 (reason unknown), Riheiji NAKATA (30 koku 4, reason unknown), Koheita MORI (onando (in charge of storage room), 20 koku with salary for 5 servants, reason unknown), Magozaemon SEO (retainer of the Oishi family, reason unknown) and Isuke YANO (foot soldier, 5 koku with salary for 2 servants, reason unknown).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

飛ぶ鳥の 明日香の河の 上つに 石橋渡し 下つに 打橋渡す 石橋に 生ひ靡ける 玉藻もぞ 絶ゆれば生ふる 打橋に 生ひをれる 川藻もぞ 枯るれば生ゆる 何しかも わが王の 立たせば 玉藻のもころ 臥せば 川藻のごとく 靡かひし 宜しき君の 朝宮を 忘れたまふや 夕宮を 背きたまふや うつそみと 念ひし時 春べは 花折りかざし 秋立てば 黄葉かざし しきたへの 袖たづさはり 鏡なす 見れども飽かず 三五月の いやめづらしみ 念ほしし 君と時時 幸して 遊びたまひし 御食向ふ きのえの宮を 常宮と 定めたまひて あぢさはふ 目言も絶えぬ しかれかも あやにかなしみ ぬえ鳥の 恋嬬 朝鳥の 往来はす君が 夏草の 念ひ萎えて 夕星の か往きかく去き 大船の たゆたふ見れば なぐさむる 情もあらず そこゆゑに せむすべ知れや 音のみも 名もみも絶えず 天地の いや遠長く 偲び行かむ み名に懸かせる 明日香河 万世までに はしきやし わが王の 形見かここを巻2-196例文帳に追加

Birds are on the wing, Over the Asuka River, Whose upper rapids Were spanned with a stone bridge, Whose lower rapids Were spanned with a wooden bridge; Towards the stone bridge, Fine and green water-weeds grow, And then withering, Soon prosper exuberantly; Toward the wooden bridge River-weeds grow up waving, And then withering, Soon prosper exuberantly; Like those water-weeds As soon as the Prince arose, The Princess rose, too, Waving like the water-weeds; When the Prince lay, The Princess after him lay, Toward him waving; Why could she forget the Prince By whose side she stood, In the Palace where he passed His mornings and evenings? Why did she leave it vacant? When she was alive, when she was well and happy, In the springtide She decked her hair with flowers, And in the autumn Adorned it with yellow leaves; She intermingled Her sleeves with the Prince's sleeves, And she watched the moon Full and clear as a mirror With admiration, With love and deep affection, Standing by his side; On another occasion She went out with him To the Palace of Kinoe, Where delicacies Were graciously offered to them; This part of Kinoe As her everlasting place, The Princess departed; And we can't see nor speak with her; Be that as it may (or Yet, nevertheless,) Swollen with the deep sorrow, Like the fairy bird, Longing for the departed, Line the morning bird, The Prince did come and go, Like the summer grass Pining and withering away, Like the evening star Going and sinking in grief; Like a swaying ship, The Prince's heart kept wavering; As this I know not How to comfort his sorrow; So I know no way And simply wish to retain The tone of her voice, Only to remember her name For ever and ever, As long as heaven and earth, Her beloved name Committing to memory, And love on her name By the Asuka River For generations As the precious memento Of the dear, deceased Princess (Manyoshu, Volume 2 -196).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Utaemon performed many successful characters in his lifetime, and those were Shirabyoshi (women who play Shirabyoshi (Japanese traditional dance)) Hanako of "Kyo Kanokomusume Dojoji" (The maiden at Dojo Temple), Yatsuhashi of "Kago Tsurube Satono Eizame" (Basket bucket in red-light district), Yukihime of "Gion Sairei Shinkoki" (The Gion Festival Chronicle of Faith)(Kinkaku-ji Temple), Tokihime of "Kamakura Sandaiki, Kinugawa-mura" (Three Generations of the Kamakura Shogunate in Kinugawa Village), Yaegaki-hime of "Honcho Niju-shi ko, Jusshuko" (24 Paragons of Filial Piety of our Country, Incense Burning), "Oiwa of "Tokaido Yotsuya Kaidan" (Tokaido Yotsuya Ghost Stories), Sadaka and Omiwa of "Imoseyama Onna Teikin" (An Exemplary Tale of Womanly Virtue in Mt. Imose), Yodogimi of "Hototogisu Kojo no Rakugetsu" (The Sinking Moon over the Lonely Castle Where the Cuckoo Cries), Tonase of "Kanadehon Chushingura, Kudanme" (The Treasury of Loyal Retainers, 9th act), Komachi and Sumizome of "Tsumoru Koiyuki no Seki no To" (The Barrier Gate), Umegawa of "Koibikyaku Yamato Orai, Ninokuchi-mura" (The Amorous Courier on the Yamato Highway, Ninokuchi Village), Tamate-Gozen of "Gappo Anjitsu (hermitage of Gappo), Sesshu Gappo ga Tsuji (A Kabuki Drama of Unfettered Evil)," Masaoka of "Meiboku Sendai Hagi" (The trouble in the Date Clan), Onoue of "Kagamiyama Kokyo no Nishikie" (old brocade pictures of Mt. Kagami), Hanjo of "Sumida-gawa Gonichi no Omokage" (Latter-day Reflections of the Sumida-gawa River), and he acted many types of female roles, such as a daughter, princess, Katahazushi (female role of nyobo (a court lady) of a samurai family or goten jochu (palace maid)), and keisei (courtesans with high dignity and literacy).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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原題:”The Prussian Officer”

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