
「選局時間」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(2ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 選局時間に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 222



To provide a tuner for capable of finishing channel searching in a short period of time and recognizing the reception channel of digital broadcast. - 特許庁


To solve the problem that it is troublesome since it takes a time to change channels when selecting a channel by using a remote control in a television receiver. - 特許庁


Before the stream_type is obtained by analyzing PMT, the stream_type can be obtained. - 特許庁


After the lapse of the specified time, the focusing on the data broadcast is carried out (step S5) and the channel selection processing is completed. - 特許庁



To shorten a time required until video presentation on a television receiver in UP/DOWN channel selecting operation. - 特許庁



To provide an automatic channel selection device that can implement automatic channel selection processing in a frequency band where digital and analog broadcast waves are intermingled in a short time. - 特許庁


To solve a problem that it takes much time to carry out processing of a join packet on each occasion when a program distributed by multicast via an IP network is selected. - 特許庁


To shorten a time required for selecting a channel more than before in a digital broadcast receiver having a built-in double tuner. - 特許庁


As a result, the receiver can readily perform carrier search and can be select the desired channel, in a short time and with certainly. - 特許庁



To provide an optical interference tomographic device which selectively captures an approximate tomographic image and a detailed local tomographic image of a sample object, with a simple procedure in a short time. - 特許庁



To automatically select and record a program which people are possibly interested in among programs being broadcast in the same time zone. - 特許庁


To provide a time-division communication method that does not waste a channel for a radio station incapable of intercepting communication and attains an efficient communication. - 特許庁


When the favorite channel is selected, program data corresponding to a time section including the present time are read, a program with the highest past viewing frequency is specified, and a system controller 16 controls a tuner 13 so as to select a channel that broadcasts that program. - 特許庁


To provide a channel selection time display device which displays an allowable time for each figure to be input so that the user can input figures easy while confirming a desired channel number to be selected. - 特許庁


To obtain a receiver for suppressing an increase in cost and reduction in time required for channel selection at channel zapping using a channel up/down button. - 特許庁


To provide a receiver, a reception method, and a reception program capable of demodulating a signal transmitted from a selected transponder in a short period of time at the time of viewing and channel selection. - 特許庁


To shorten time required up to the end of selection of all channels in a composite video display device for successively tuning plural previously preset channels and displaying plural videos on the screen. - 特許庁


The channel selection control section 3 stores the channel information to a channel information storage section 4 in cross-reference with a time band including a current time specified by a time management section 5 when receiving the channel information from the channel selection section 2. - 特許庁


To actualize reduction of time required until transmission of images from the starting time of power feeding process by using, for the station selecting process, station selecting data transmitted during the period up to the end of activation from start of power feeding process in the digital broadcast receiving apparatus. - 特許庁

MPEG標準に準拠したデジタル映像信号を送受信する衛星通信システムの受信装置においてPLLタイプのLNC(Low Noise Converter)からの信号をする場合に、選局時間の高速化をはかる装置を提供する。例文帳に追加

To provide a receiver for a satellite communication system transceiving a digital video signal in compliance with the MPEG standards that can shorten a channel selection time in the case of selecting a signal from a PLL type LNC(low noise converter). - 特許庁


To provide a receiver with an automatic channel selection function where a channel automatically selected at application of power is matches with a desired channel for its time zone by a user becoming high possibility. - 特許庁


To obtain a digital broadcast receiver capable of increasing a tuning speed and executing tuning of high operability in digital broadcast capable of changing the number of channels to be broadcasted in accordance with a time band. - 特許庁


To provide a digital broadcast receiving apparatus capable of quickly and automatically selecting the same program as a program reception of which being made impossible during channel selection without scanning frequency bands. - 特許庁


That is, when the user performs zapping processing, since the tuning processing time of the reception part 14 can be omitted, the zapping processing time is shortened. - 特許庁


The state monitor memory unit monitors whether the BML browser or the HTML browser is run, and sets the channel selection time in consideration of the finishing time of the application. - 特許庁


To provide a television receiver where switching of picture pattern is quickened because a channel selection time is decreased, a picture update time in the case of multi-screen display is decreased and continuity of a slave screen can also be enhanced. - 特許庁


A program selection menu including a program guide of each station broadcast at a next time zone is displayed on the screen at a prescribed time before the end of the program viewed at present. - 特許庁


By this, the channel indication can be made for an appropriate time at the time of the channel selection. - 特許庁


Thus, a prescribed frequency range can be swept in a short time to select channels and the time required to start a service can be reduced. - 特許庁


In this case, the display information includes designation of a display color, a background color, designation of presence of inversion display and blink display, designation of display start time and display erasure time, and selection of a station to which a display device is connected. - 特許庁


A control module communicates with the RF transceiver, determines a group identifier and a station identifier based on the beacon, and selects one of a default IFS time or a second IFS time based on a received data packet. - 特許庁


A mobile station measures channel variations of a time direction and a frequency direction, and selects a CQI compression method actually applied based on a CQI update cycle transmitted from a base station, a CQI channel size, and the channel variations of the time direction and the frequency direction. - 特許庁


By referring to those tables, a proper base station is selected, position detection accuracy is improved and position detection time is shortened. - 特許庁


To provide a digital broadcasting receiver capable of shortening time from when starting channel selection to when video display is completed by acquiring, before channel selection, video format information and aspect ratio information on the program of a channel to be selected before channel selection is made after setting the video format information and the aspect ratio information to a monitor, a caption decoder, and an OSD display section. - 特許庁


To provide a digital broadcasting receiver that can shorten the time, starting from the time when channel selection to the time when normal video image display is completed, by acquiring video image format information on the program of a channel to be selected and the aspect ratio information prior to channel selection, and by setting the video image format information and aspect ratio information to a monitor for starting the channel selection. - 特許庁


A channel selection means sets a reception standby time in a channel used in the emergency-transmission base station device longer than that in a channel used in the normal-transmission base station device, and sequentially scans channels used in the respective base station devices to select a channel optimized a reception state as a reception channel. - 特許庁


To provide a radio communication system allowing a radio communication apparatus to select a radio base station apparatus for connection in a short time, and to provide the radio communication apparatus and the radio base station apparatus applied to the radio communication system. - 特許庁


To provide a base station management server capable of reducing processing time required when an optimum combination of power parameters controlling transmission power of an uplink is selected for each base station device. - 特許庁


To solve the problem that a tuner for program acquisition is needed in addition to a tuner used for usual viewing and listening because a host station has to be selected for a fixed period of time in the case of acquiring program data from a VBI (vertical blanking interval) of terrestrial analog broadcasting. - 特許庁


To shorten a time from reception start to reproduction start of videos and audios without uselessly discarding packets acquired before receiving channel selection information of a transport stream transmitted from a broadcast station. - 特許庁


A base station selects a code, that is currently in unused state and is usable from a plurality of codes associated with access opportunity, defined by a selected signature and time slot, in response to receiving a transmitted signature. - 特許庁


Since the programs of the basketball games in the same category are auditioned without switching the transponders by selecting the first transponder at a receiver, the tuning time is shortened. - 特許庁


A processing section selects the working day and working time zone wherein the obtained degree of the effect is a minimum (3-3), and updates the software of the base station according to the result of the selection (3-6 to 3-8). - 特許庁


A selection means 46 selects a plurality of program data whose broadcast time zones are not overlapped with each other on the basis of a program data list 24 and the user preference data 22 by traversing a plurality of broadcast stations. - 特許庁


A processor selects an operation day and a time zone at which the influence extent determined is minimum (3-3) and then updates the software at the base station depending on the result selected (3-6 to 8). - 特許庁


To provide a broadcast wave reception terminal device which selects a channel with an emergency warning broadcast program on air and shortens the time up to the presentation of the emergency warning broadcast program to users, and to provide a broadcast program selection method. - 特許庁


To solve the problem that a radio with a selective call function must receive MSK signals for a long time in order to increase selectable call channels, resulting in longer disconnection at the beginning of each talk. - 特許庁


Then, by connecting a selected program 2 with the monitor 3 via a switch 4, it does not take time until the start of viewing, when a viewer selects a channel. - 特許庁


To provide a television receiving device for a mobile, which is capable of automatically selecting the channels of the other broadcasting station whose broadcasting program can be received well in a comparatively short time even when the mobile is located at a location where an electric field deceases in strength in the service area of a certain broadcasting station. - 特許庁



The control circuit 4 stops the demodulation of at least one bit frame among the plurality of bit frames in a state that one broadcasting station is turned, and retrieves the other broadcasting station whose receiving state is satisfactory by using a dead time generated according to this. - 特許庁


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