
「部分行列」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 129



subspace matrix  - Weblio英語基本例文集

(1)基本行列:「1」の位置が三角行列となるように設定された部分行列J (2)行置換行列:基本行列の行順序を入れ替えた関係を有する部分行列例文帳に追加

(1) Fundamental matrix: partial matrix J where the positions of "1's" are set to become a triangle matrix; and (2) Row substitution matrix: a partial matrix J having a relationship where the order of rows of the fundamental matrix is replaced. - 特許庁


A zero matrix setting unit 110 sets a zero matrix which is a submatrix of a parity generator matrix g and whose elements are all "0". - 特許庁


A generator matrix includes a circulant matrix part containing one or more circulant matrixes and a non-circulant matrix part having the same number of rows as the number of rank deficiencies of a part check matrix. - 特許庁



A partial three- dimensional data generating part 107 generates a partial measurement queue obtained by estimating and complementing the missing value of the partial tracking queue and generates partial point group data representing a partial shape from the partial measurement queue. - 特許庁



A tracking queue generating part 104 constructs a tracking queue, and a tracking queue dividing part 105 divides the tracking queue and generates plural partially overlapped partial tracking queues. - 特許庁


The check matrix is divided into a plurality of partial matrices equal in a row direction and column direction. - 特許庁


To execute encoding using a generator matrix, corresponding to a rank deficient check matrix and containing a circulant matrix part. - 特許庁


According to an embodiment, an encoder 101 includes a lower triangular matrix and performs quasi-structure encoding using a generator matrix corresponding to a part check matrix which is made by removing the same row as the lower triangular matrix from a rank deficiency check matrix composed of one or more circulant matrixes or a zero matrix. - 特許庁



Then matrix elements of the element matrix and the arrangement matrix are sequentially read out and stored in the first local memory, and in each reading, an element corresponding to a matrix element read out from the arrangement matrix in the first partial vector is multiplied by a matrix element read out from the element matrix. - 特許庁



The matrix generation part 18 puts together the 1st partial matrix and 2nd partial matrix which have been weighted individually to generate a composite approximate matrix. - 特許庁


Each cell generates a partial error value based on a portion of an inverse of an error location matrix that identifies locations of any data blocks having errors. - 特許庁


The DSP 215 converts a correlation matrix R obtained by an analyzing part 218 into a partially orthogonalized partial orthogonal matrix R'. - 特許庁


In this case, the column-processing row-processing operation unit 120A uses the dispersion submatrix in which column weight is less than or equal to that of the first submatrix. - 特許庁


The adaptive type signal processing block obtains a correlation matrix of a plurality of received electric signals, extracts a plurality of partial matrices from the correlation matrix, calculates a partial correlation matrix by averaging the plurality of partial matrices, determines a weight coefficient based on the partial correlation matrix, and produces a first intermediate signal by combining the plurality of received electric signals using the weight coefficient. - 特許庁


Rather than reading a row of a first input matrix and a column of a second input matrix to produce a column of a product matrix, a column of the first input matrix and a single element of the second input matrix are read to produce a column of partial inner products of the product matrix. - 特許庁


A redundant part A2 of a generator matrix A used for encoding or decoding loss compensation is formed with a two-dimensional arrangement including the following fundamental matrixes (1) and (2) having a division number G and a partial matrix J being a square matrix of a homogeneous number as constituent units and a row substitution matrix. - 特許庁


The receiving parts 2 comprise fewer queues, and the forwarding parts 4 become less complex. - 特許庁


A correlation coefficient calculation part 214 calculates a correlation coefficient between the group of the characteristic amount matrixes and a group of the metadata matrixes in each subspace. - 特許庁


The matrix expressing the motion of the image input device is extracted from the decomposed partial matrixes, and a conversion matrix between the extracted matrix expressing the motion of the image input device and the motion matrix generated from the attitude information is calculated (E). - 特許庁


In a missing value estimation part 105, a missing value selection part 106 selects one missing value in the matrix W, a partial matrix preparing part 107 prepares a partial matrix out of the matrix in order to estimate the missing value and an initial value setting part 108 sets up the initial value of the missing value. - 特許庁


Further, in each operation, partial matrix elements of the element matrix and the arrangement matrix are read out from the first local memory and stored in the second local memory, and in each reading, an element corresponding to the matrix element read out from the arrangement matrix in the second partial vector is multiplied by the matrix element read out from the element matrix and the operation result is outputted. - 特許庁


A similarity matrix creating means 23 creates a matrix whose elements are the similarities between the elemental structure data based on the similarities between the elemental structure data created by the similarity between elemental structure data creating means. - 特許庁


The present invention solves an eigenvalue problem using a sum of projection matrixes for each subspace. - 特許庁


A content recommendation part 23 uses the partial approximate matrix to recommend contents. - 特許庁


If the value is included in the subset, a bit in the matrix is set to 1, and set to 0 if not included. - 特許庁


An intrinsic mean matrix is determined by selecting a subset of the high-level features. - 特許庁


To enable an extracted highly dense partial matrix to include a necessary row and column. - 特許庁


The major part of this invention introduces the null vector and the optimum sequence from a couple of matrices of P1/2 and Qα without the need for the matrix square arithmetic operation and the inverse matrix arithmetic operation. - 特許庁


A characteristic amount DB 201 clusters the characteristic amount matrixes by group when storing them at predetermined time intervals, and determines a subspace for each group of the characteristic amount matrixes. - 特許庁


In order to calculate a product of a matrix and a vector, an element matrix in which non-zero elements of a matrix are arrayed and an arrangement matrix indicating the positions of the non-zero elements of the matrix are stored in a system memory, a first partial vector is stored in a first local memory, and a second partial vector is stored in a second local memory. - 特許庁


method for transposing multi-bit matrix wherein first and last sub-string remains unchanged while intermediate sub-strings are interchanged  - コンピューター用語辞典


A rotation movement separating part 15 divides elements of the conversion matrix into a rotation part and a parallel movement part in accordance with the place of an element. - 特許庁


Element matrix in relation to each element of the analysis part is found by using a boundary condition in divided surfaces of the analysis part. - 特許庁


Matrixes He, Hd, Ir are unit matrixes, (He, Hd) expresses an information bit part and Ir expresses an inspection bit part. - 特許庁


A weighting processing par t 19 and an LSA arithmetic part individually weight a 1st partial matrix corresponding to the meta-data group M1 and a 2nd partial matrix corresponding to the meta-data group M2 while taking features of how heterogeneous meta-data influence each other into consideration. - 特許庁


To provide a linear transformation matrix calculation device for obtaining a linear transformation matrix wherein similarity between partial spaces belonging to different categories is increased and wherein similarity between partial spaces belonging to the same category is reduced. - 特許庁


This data low density parity check (LDPC) encoding method comprises a step for defining a first M×N parity check matrix, a step for generating a second parity check matrix having M×M triangle part matrix based on the first parity check matrix, and a step for mapping the data to the LDPC code word based on the second parity check matrix. - 特許庁


Next, a companion matrix corresponding to an m-th primitive polynomial f(x) on GF(q) [x] and powers of the companion matrix are generated, and an operation is performed for the partial secret information and the generated random numbers on the finite fields GF(q) according to combination to be determined based on constitution of the generated companion matrix and the powers of the companion matrix to output mn pieces of partial distribution information. - 特許庁


In this method for transmitting information through a transmission channel related to a first alphabet, the matrix H of n×n of orthogonal superiority relating to a second numerical alphabet including at least three different values which are not zero and a set composed of at least one partial matrix for which the respective partial matrixes includes (p) rows (p≥2) among the rows of the matrix H are taken into consideration. - 特許庁


When a preset encoding rate is a second encoding rate larger than a first encoding rate, a column-processing row-processing operation unit 120A uses a dispersion submatrix that selects and integrates the same number of columns as that of a first submatrix from a dispersion inspection matrix according to a second inspection matrix that corresponds to the second encoding rate. - 特許庁


The data decoding device includes: a check matrix including a submatrix which indicates a parity restriction and used for LDPC decoding; a first decoding module configured to decode data by using the submatrix so that the parity restriction is satisfied; and a second decoding module configured to LDPC-decode the decoded data by using the check matrix. - 特許庁


When approximately factorizing learning data 110 into a basis matrix F and a transposed matrix G^T of a coefficient matrix G, the basis matrix F and the coefficient matrix G are forcibly revised by using teaching label data 120 representing a category of the learning data so that the learning data 110 belonging to the same category approach in subspace defined by the basis matrix F and the learning data belonging to a different category separate in the subspace. - 特許庁


The specific check matrix is generated by, with a predetermined check matrix initial value table as an initial value, disposing one element of a partial matrix corresponding to an information length N-P corresponding to an encoding rate in a term of 374 columns in the direction of columns. - 特許庁

こうして正規化ラプラシアンLが得られると、W_Z,W_Y,W_Xの低ランク近似行列のそれぞれの固有ベクトルを並べた行列であるV~_Z,V~_Y,V~_XとLを用いて、(σL + I)の部分の逆行列が有利に計算される。例文帳に追加

Since the normalized Laplacian L is obtained in this manner, V~_Z, V~_Y, V~_X as matrices with respective eigenvectors of low-rank approximate matrices of W_Z, W_Y, W_X arranged therein and L are used to favorably calculate the inverse matrix of the part of (σL+I). - 特許庁


The specific check matrix is generated by disposing one element of a partial matrix corresponding to an information length N-P corresponding to an encoding rate in a cycle for the unit of 374 columns in a column direction with a predetermined check matrix initial value table as an initial value. - 特許庁


The specific check matrix is generated by, with a predetermined check matrix initial value table as an initial value, disposing one element of a partial matrix corresponding to an information length N-P corresponding to an encoding rate in a term of 374 columns in the direction of columns. - 特許庁


Measured matrix data are obtained by totaling the temporal fluctuating quantity of feature points in images from time-series images, and decomposed into partial matrixes expressing the motion of an image input device, the shape of an object, and the moving speed of the object (A, B, C). - 特許庁


At an image correction section 106, a transformation matrix is partially calculated by using the lattice-point information and the transformation matrix is used for correcting, thus generating a corrected image having no distortion. - 特許庁



In an LU decomposition method for a blocked matrix, for respective SMP nodes connected by a network, a block to be updated in the matrix is divided vertically into for several nodes, and respective divided parts are arranged in each node. - 特許庁


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Copyright (C) 1994- Nichigai Associates, Inc., All rights reserved.
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