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2, 3ぐらい例文帳に追加

A few hours. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


Around 3am or so. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

3年間ぐらい 例文帳に追加

On and off for about three years. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

午後3時ぐらいかと 思われますが...⦆例文帳に追加

I think she will probably be done by three o'clock. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書



I work for about 3 hours at home.  - Weblio Email例文集



I work about 3 hours every day at home.  - Weblio Email例文集


It seems youre only awake now for two or three hours. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


"How long did you swim today?" "From 9 in the morning till 3 in the afternoon." - Tatoeba例文

々来ては1週間ぐらい 泊まるんです 年に3回は来るかな 繁忙期には来ないけど例文帳に追加

He often comes and stays a week or more, three times a year at least, but never in the season. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


到達まで約3〜4間 急勾配の地形を 考慮するとそれぐらい あと足元は岩だらけだから例文帳に追加

I'm estimating that it's gonna take us between three and four hours, depending upon the gradient of the terrain which is that crappy, uh, shale. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書



It is conjectured that the closest number to reality would be 1,000 warriors on horseback (about 3,000 people) as depicted in "Genpei Tojo-roku," roughly estimated from the crop of rice yielded in the Kazusa Province from the early Edo period to the early Kamakura period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a chemiluminescent composition exhibiting significantly increased luminance during the following time period, the time period obtained from the results of market research revealing that time periods when the most intensive light is required for event luminescence tools and luminescence toys are up to about 3 hours to 4 hours from the start of luminescence. - 特許庁


Take up mobile phones, for example. Panasonic, which has become a shareholder of Sanyo Electric, is employing a million people in and around Shenzhen in China, which is a developing country. Mobile phone parts are mass-produced in that region.  - 金融庁


Means for temporarily storing treated water into a hopper 2 of the sludge dehydrating machine 1 and a grinder pump 3 for pulverizing the sludge charged into the hopper 2 are disposed in the hopper 2. - 特許庁


A Panasonic Group company located near my house has abandoned the semiconductor and flat TV businesses after continuing factory operation for 45 years and has shifted entirely to production of storage batteries, as its business performance has rapidly deteriorated in the past three years.  - 金融庁


In addition, as a result of deregulation due to the revisions of the Act on Worker Dispatching Undertaking and other labor-related laws that were implemented under the government of former Prime Minister Koizumi, the number of non-regular workers has increased to around 17.6 million, meaning that one in three workers is a non-regular worker. In light of this, Minister (for Government Revitalization) Renho will convene a meeting of the Council for Regulatory Reform today. Nowadays, it is in no way permissible for people to protect their own vested interests, for organizations to protect their interests, or for administrative agencies to protect their vested interests on the pretext of safety. However, as that is in their nature, at an informal meeting of cabinet ministers, I expressed hope that regulatory reforms satisfactory for the people will be implemented with due consideration given to the distinction between economic and social regulation.  - 金融庁


As I explained the other day, the Incubator Bank of Japan has been inspected about three times in the past. In the course of inspecting large depositors in relation to the business improvement plan published on June 28, 2010, the Bank was requested to prepare financial data and other materials for properly identifying the credit status of the debtors and revise its self-assessment manual.  - 金融庁


Having gone off on a tangent a bit, let's get back: This is a temporary measure, legislation that expires at the end of March 2011 to cover the calendar year end and the fiscal year end twice when there is greater demand for funds among SMEs. As to whether or not we will postpone the expiration of the Act, we will take all factors into consideration, such as the improvement status of the Japanese economy and cash flows of SMEs and the prospects for next fiscal year onwards, and the progress made in financial institutions' financial facilitation efforts, conduct interviews with various parties as just pointed out, and conduct studies by taking into account the possibility of the postponement of its expiration, as I stated previously. As the yen is strong at the moment, the situation is extremely tough especially for SMEs. As I stated earlier, the SME Financing Facilitation Act was created based on projections that the economy should recover substantially in about two years, so with this in mind, we will conduct studies while considering the postponement of its expiration as a possibility.  - 金融庁


The ban was fully lifted in December 2007, with the sales of all insurance products approved as a result and, now that roughly three years have passed, the steps for prevention of harmful practices are slated to be changed as necessary on the basis of monitoring results and other information from the perspective of the protection and convenience of insurance policyholders, etc. However, I do not feel it appropriate to make a definite statement about any future orientation now. From what I heard, however, over-the-counter sales make up 1 percent of non-life insurance sales and approximately 6 percent of life insurance sales, which are the figures that I believe have been reported to me. Judging from those, it seems to me that the firewall or information on financing deals is protected fairly strictly. I recall the debate that took place in the past about the possible highly negative impact of the insurance sales by banks on the livelihood of sales agents marketing life insurance products but some regional banks are actually not engaged in life insurance sales. In the meantime, I hear that the three mega-banks are selling life insurance, but my guess is that it rather reflects their effort to have a full line of products, so to speak. The possibility of the insurance sales by banks posing a real threat to the life insurance industry, particularly the livelihood of life insurance sales agents, was a subject of a heated debate in the LDP as well. It turns out that more liberalization does help add more convenience for the people, as the results show: the over-the-counter sales by banks make up 6 percent of life insurance sales and 1 percent in non-life insurance sales. Let me also point out that it is extremely important to protect life insurance policyholders and that the greater the convenience for prospective policyholders, the more accessible life insurance becomes. I cannot give any definite word at this point in timeif I may be a little daring, however, I would say on the issue of the scheduled review after three years that the statistics look acceptable to me, but that is just my personal opinion.  - 金融庁



My focus will be on the post-global-financial-crisis G8 and G20 including China, India and Brazil, as mentioned earlier. The reality is that G8 alone can no longer cover the global economy. There is also Basel III. Populous countries undergoing extremely rapid development such as China, India and Brazil have joined G20 with significant power. China, being Japan’s neighbor, has been the Japan’s biggest import and export partner in the past three years. For China, Japan is the third biggest export destination, behind the United States and EU, ranked first and second, respectively, so Japan and China are in a strategic, mutually beneficial relationship. In that sense, especially when it comes to the issue of finance, the financial sector is extremely globalized; the impact of the financial sector on the global economy is instant. China is the leading holder of U.S. Treasury securities, followed by Japan. With some 60 trillion yen of public spending, China is booming, as you may be well aware, although some people have suggested that a bubble may be forming.  - 金融庁


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