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majority partyの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 41


a majority party 例文帳に追加

多数党 - 斎藤和英大辞典

the tyranny of the majority party 例文帳に追加

多数党の横暴 - 斎藤和英大辞典

leader of the majority party in a legislature 例文帳に追加

議会の多数党の総務 - 日本語WordNet

the party has a working majority in the House 例文帳に追加

その党は、下院で単独過半数を保持している - 日本語WordNet


the leader of the majority party is the Speaker of the House of Representatives 例文帳に追加

多数党のリーダーは衆議院議長である - 日本語WordNet


The party may even achieve overall majority in Parliament.例文帳に追加

その党は議会で絶対多数をも獲得するかもしれない。 - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文

The Government party failed to command a majority in the House of Councilors. 例文帳に追加

与党は参議院で過半数を制することができなかった. - 研究社 新和英中辞典

Her party won a historic landslide victory in the Upper House election in 1989 and the ruling Liberal Democratic Party lost its majority.例文帳に追加

彼女の党は1989年の参議院選挙で歴史的圧勝を収め,与党自民党は過半数を割った。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

In S5, majority processing is executed, and the OWP value of the majority party is regarded as a representative value (S6).例文帳に追加

S7において、再び全てのOWPと代表値を比較し、不一致だったシンクブロックに対しては、OWPエラーフラグをセットする(S8)。 - 特許庁


The bill was passed by a majority, although the Socialist Party was strongly opposed to it.例文帳に追加

社会党の猛烈な反対にもかかわらず、その議案は過半数で可決された。 - Tatoeba例文


a Russian member of the left-wing majority group that followed Lenin and eventually became the Russian communist party 例文帳に追加

レーニンに続いて、結局ロシアの共産党になった左翼大多数グループのロシア人のメンバー - 日本語WordNet

The bill was passed by a majority, although the Socialist Party was strongly opposed to it. 例文帳に追加

社会党の猛烈な反対にもかかわらず、その議案は過半数で可決された。 - Tanaka Corpus

The Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) won 296 seats in the 480-seat Lower House, and secured an outright majority for the first time in 15 years. 例文帳に追加

自民党は衆議院480議席のうち296議席を獲得し,15年ぶりに圧倒的過半数を確保した。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

The Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) won 308 seats in the 480-seat Lower House and secured a significant majority. 例文帳に追加

民主党が480議席ある衆議院で308議席を獲得し,過半数を大きく上回った。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

It is the first time in the postwar era for a change in government to take place as a result of the opposition party winning a majority of seats. 例文帳に追加

野党が議席の過半数を獲得した結果,政権交代が起こるのは戦後初めてだ。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

The Second Saionji Cabinet began the administrative and financial reform because the ruling party (the Rikken Seiyu-kai Party) that formed the foundation of the cabinet won an absolute majority in the House of Representatives. 例文帳に追加

第2次西園寺内閣は基盤とする与党立憲政友会が衆議院で絶対多数を占めたこともあり、行財政改革に着手した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Seiyu-kai Party had the absolute majority in the House of Representatives to begin with, so when the Parliament convened, the Seiyu-kai Party and National Party submitted a motion of no confidence in the Cabinet, and this applied pressure to the Katsura Cabinet. 例文帳に追加

議会はもともと政友会が絶対多数であったので、議会が開始されると政友会・国民党は内閣不信任案を提出し桂内閣は窮地に立たされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Deciding compressed directory information of a majority party as correct according to a majority rule, and predefining a master terminal station controller and deciding the compressed direction information of the master terminal station as correct or the like are disclosed.例文帳に追加

多数決原理のよって、多数派の圧縮ディレクトリ情報を正しいと決めること、マスタ端局制御装置を予め定めて、そのマスタ端局制御装置の圧縮ディレクトリ情報を正しいと決めることなどが開示される。 - 特許庁

Saionji ideologically proclaimed liberalism, and he established the constitutional practice of the majority party in the House of Representatives forming the Parliament. 例文帳に追加

西園寺は思想的に自由主義を自称し、衆議院での多数派政党が内閣を組織する憲政の常道を慣例にした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Japanese Communist Party related executives including Kiyoshi INOUE (a historian) and Toshio FUJITANI, who accounted for the majority of the Institute reversed the agreement between Asada and Naramoto. 例文帳に追加

井上清(歴史家)、藤谷俊雄ら研究所の多数派を占めていた共産党系理事らは朝田・奈良本の間でなされた合意を覆した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Such being the case, in order to have a stable administration, the government needed to cooperate with the majority party and other parties with many seats in the parliament. 例文帳に追加

そのため、政権を安定させるには、政府は議会第一党および多数の議席を保有する政党との連携が必要であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Lower House election held last August, the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) won a majority of seats with Hatoyama as its president. 例文帳に追加

昨年8月に行われた衆議院選挙で,民主党は鳩山代表の下,議席の過半数を獲得した。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

The Japan Restoration Party plans to put up 350 to 400 candidates in an attempt to win a majority of seats in the next Lower House election. 例文帳に追加

日本維新の会は,次の衆議院選挙で議席の過半数を獲得するため,350~400人の候補者を推薦する予定だ。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

(i) Any of the corporations which intends to become a party to a joint incorporation-type demerger or an absorption-type demerger holds a majority of the voting rights of all stockholders of every other corporation that intends to become a party to the same demerger; 例文帳に追加

一 共同新設分割をしようとし、又は吸収分割をしようとする会社のうち、いずれか一の会社が他のすべての会社のそれぞれの総株主の議決権の過半数を有している場合 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

I understand that under the Greek constitution, (when there is not any party with a majority of seats), the largest party has the first right to negotiate the formation of a coalition government, followed by the second- and third-largest parties, and if there is no prospect of a coalition government being formed, a re-election must be held. 例文帳に追加

あそこの憲法だと、1党、2党、3党と連立協議をしていって、ある程度目途がつかなかったら再選挙という規定のようでございます。 - 金融庁

As a result of the mid-term election in 2006, the Democratic Party, which is believed to be more conservative in its trade policies than the Republican Party, held a majority in the Congress, thereby making it difficult for the U.S. government to coordinate with the opinions of the Congress on trade negotiations.例文帳に追加

2006年の中間選挙において、与党共和党より保護主義的であるとされる民主党が議会の多数を占め、通商交渉に関する政府と議会の調整が困難となっている。 - 経済産業省

In the tenth general election of members of the House of Representatives, the Seiyu party won 187 seats, and almost became the majority; Aritomo YAMAGATA, who feared the stability of the party, reported to the throne that the cabinet was not effective in its financial policy or regulation of socialism. 例文帳に追加

第10回衆議院議員総選挙において過半数に迫る187議席を獲得したものの、政友会の基盤が確固たるものになることを警戒した山縣有朋から財政政策の不備と社会主義取締の緩さを問題視する上奏が行われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(ii) The majority of the voting rights of all stockholders of each and every corporation which intends to become a party to a joint incorporation-type demerger or an absorption-type demerger is held by one and the same corporation. 例文帳に追加

二 共同新設分割をしようとし、又は吸収分割をしようとする会社のそれぞれの総株主の議決権の過半数を有する会社が同一の会社である場合 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

The vast majority of the standard library is in the root package, as are many small, standalonethird-party modules that don't belong to a larger module collection.Unlike regular packages, modules in the root package can be found in many directories: in fact, every directory listed in sys.例文帳に追加

) 標準ライブラリの大部分はルートパッケージに入っています、また、多くの小規模な単体のサードパーティモジュールで、他の大規模なモジュールコレクションに属していないものもここに入ります。 - Python

The Rikken Minsei-to political party, which had a majority in the Kyoto Prefectural Assembly, presented the budget to the Regular Prefectural Assembly Session in the fall of 1931, and the budget proposed included stopping the Kyoto Prefectural Girls' Vocational Training School from accepting applications for the 1932 school year. 例文帳に追加

1931年秋、京都府会の多数派、立憲民政党は府立女専の1932年度生徒募集停止を含む予算案を通常府会に提出。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In his later years, externally he made an effort to normalize the diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union, while internally he criticized the party politics of Japan controlled by the logic of the majority, and he toured throughout Japan advocating purification of elections through establishing the ethics and morals in politics. 例文帳に追加

晩年はソビエト連邦との国交回復に尽力する一方、数の論理で支配される政党政治を批判し、倫理確立による選挙粛正を唱え全国を遊説した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Japanese Communist Party faction, including Ippei MIKI, a vice-chairman, and Kageyuki TSUKAMOTO, a general secretary, who accounted for the majority of the Kyoto Federation executives, were offended at Asada's criticisms. 例文帳に追加

京都府連執行部内で多数派を形成していた三木一平副委員長、塚本景之書記長ら共産党グループは、朝田の批判を快く思わなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During the First Katsura Cabinet, which was formed after Ito's, Ito took both compromising and opposing policies toward the Cabinet and in 1902, the Seiyu Party occupied 190 seats and got a majority in the seventh general election of members of the House of Representatives. 例文帳に追加

次の第1次桂内閣で妥協と反対の両政策を取り、1902年の第7回衆議院議員総選挙では190議席を獲得して過半数を制する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, under the circumstances where the Constitution approved of parliament's power to decide a national budget and also to legislate, practically, it was difficult to ignore the opinions of the majority party while running the government. 例文帳に追加

だが、憲法において議会に予算議定権および立法権が認められている以上、現実には政府が議会の多数党を無視して政権運営にあたることは困難であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the House of Representatives, in which the Republican Party has won the majority, a vote must be taken on that. 例文帳に追加

これ、下院は、この前共和党が多数とりまして、表決をせねばなりませんけれども、今さっき聞いた話だと、閣議が終わってここに来る間の情報ですけれども、この案は下院で通過をしたということです。 - 金融庁

(3) In the case of the replacement of a single judge or the replacement of the majority of a panel of judges, if a party has requested the additional examination of a witness who has already been examined before the replacement, the court shall examine the witness. 例文帳に追加

3 単独の裁判官が代わった場合又は合議体の裁判官の過半数が代わった場合において、その前に尋問をした証人について、当事者が更に尋問の申出をしたときは、裁判所は、その尋問をしなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Winning majority in the first general election of the members of the House of Representatives in 1890, the parties demanding the democratic rights such as the Liberal Party (it was split then and reunited through the Great Merger Movement) and the Constitutional Progressive Party and etc. thought that the public was on their side and strengthened the attitude toward the han-dominated government (the members of former Choshu and Satsuma domains who played major part in the Meiji Restoration and had power after the restoration) which suppressed them and toward other conservative parties (the Taiseikai Group and so on) regarded as the followers of the government. 例文帳に追加

第1回衆議院議員総選挙で合計すると、衆議院の過半数を制した自由党(当時は分裂状態にあり、大同団結運動を経て再統合される)や立憲改進党などの民権派各党は、世論の意思は自分たちにあると捉え、自分達を弾圧してきた藩閥政府やその同調者と見られた保守系政党(大成会など)との対決姿勢を強めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Basically, the People's New Party and the DPJ have maintained an alliance for five years, as I mentioned earlier. After the election to the House of Councillors, the DPJ, the Social Democratic Party and the People's New Party together held the majority of seats. As I said in my meeting with Prime Minister Noda today, we formed a parliamentary group called the DPJ-Shin Ryokufu-kai- the People's New Party-Nippon and conducted activity in the divided Diet for two years. We achieved the change of government by forming an alliance in the House of Representatives. 例文帳に追加

基本的には、私は国民新党、民主党、さっき言いましたように5年の歴史がありまして、参議院の選挙が終わったとき、民主党と社民党と国民新党で参議院の過半数を超えていましたので、今日も党首会談で申しましたけれども、民主党・新緑風会・国民新・日本という会派を組んで、約2年間、参議院の議会活動、当時ねじれ(国会)でございましたけれども、逆の意味で、そのことを結集して政権交代がかなったというふうに思っております。 - 金融庁

However, on August, 1990 in a farewell party for Yosaburo TAKEKOSHI, who is going to Europe, one of the guest speakers, Midori KOMATSU stood and made a funny speech about being haikara, in which he said that a majority of the world were using the word haikara as a meaning of derision (pp.67-68), but it was not true, rather it meant being civilized or a clean, noble character of a person. 例文帳に追加

然るに、三十三年八月、築地のメトロポールホテルに於て、竹越与三郎氏の洋行送別会を開きたる時、来客代る代る起ちて演説を試みたりしが、其の際、小松緑氏起ちて、ハイカラーといふに就いて一場の演説を試み、世間多くは、ハイカラーを嘲笑の意味(p67/p68)に用ゆれども、決して左には非ず、ハイカラーは文明的にして、其の人物の清く高きを顕はすものなり。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the path to reform was far from smooth, with large-scale demonstrations held when laws went into force regarding reduced ongoing payment of wages for workers on sick leave, and while a bill on income and corporate tax reductions created in 1997 cleared the Bundestag, it was rejected and thrown out by the Bundesrat (Federal Council) In which the Social Democrats, the opposition party at the time,had a majority.例文帳に追加

ただし、労働者の病気休暇に対する賃金継続支払の縮減については、法律の施行に際して大規模な抗議行動が起こり、また1997年に作成された所得・法人減税法案も、連邦議会は通過したものの、当時の野党であった社会民主党(SPD)が多数を占める連邦参議院で否決され、廃案となる等、改革はなかなか進展しなかった。 - 経済産業省


As the plan needs to be passed by both the Senate and the House of Representatives, I will continue watching the situation.Now that the House of Representatives has passed it, the only remaining hurdle is a vote by the Senate, which is the majority-controlled by the Democratic Party, President Obama’s party, so there will be no problem. In any case, we will closely watch the potential impact on the financial and capital markets. 例文帳に追加

そういった意味で、連邦政府債務の法定上限の引き上げについて、両院での可決が必要であることから、引き続き状況を見守るとともに、下院は可決をしたという情報でございますから、あとは上院だけでございますけれども、(上院は)オバマさんの党でございます民主党が多いですから、ここは問題ないと思いますが、いずれにしても金融・資本市場に与える影響を注視してまいりたいというふうに思っております。 - 金融庁


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