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river watersの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 25


to fight the watersprevent the river from overflowingprevent the sea from gaining on the land 例文帳に追加

水を防ぐ - 斎藤和英大辞典

The river disgorges its waters into the Black Sea. 例文帳に追加

その川は黒海に注ぐ. - 研究社 新英和中辞典

The flood waters tumbled my house into the river.例文帳に追加

洪水が私の家を川に押し流した。 - Tatoeba例文

of scenery, the condition of being very clear and beautiful in the mountains and on the waters of a river 例文帳に追加

山は日に映えて水は澄んで美しいこと - EDR日英対訳辞書


The waters of the river pass through many states.例文帳に追加

その川は多くの州を通って流れる - Eゲイト英和辞典


The flood waters tumbled my house into the river. 例文帳に追加

洪水が私の家を川に押し流した。 - Tanaka Corpus

The river running in the town was selected as one of the 100 Exquisite and Well-Conserved Waters of the Heisei Period. 例文帳に追加

中を流れる川は平成の名水百選。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Elephants were bathing in the waters of the sacred river, 例文帳に追加

象が神聖な川の水に浸っていた。 - JULES VERNE『80日間世界一周』

The speciation and distribution of chromium in river waters are poorly known.例文帳に追加

河川水におけるクロムの化学種分化と分布は,あまり知られていない。 - 英語論文検索例文集


Comparing the clear waters reflecting the colored leaves of the Chikusa-gawa River nearby to the Kinko, or Jing Jiang River in Shou (Chengdu) where he was imprisoned, he named the sango (literally, "a mountain name"), the title prefixed to the name of the Houn-ji Temple, Mt. Kinka (the characters mean gold and flower). 例文帳に追加

紅葉に映える千種川の清流をかつて幽囚されていた蜀(成都)の錦江になぞらえ、山号を金華山とした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Due to the fact that shore-burning is uncommon around the immediate areas where river waters flow in, it is considered to be caused by change in seawater. 例文帳に追加

川の水が流入する直近の場所では少ないことから、海水の変化が原因と考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Mizugumo (literally, water spider) was one of the tools used by Ninja for crossing waters, such as moat or river. 例文帳に追加

水蜘蛛(みずぐも)とは、忍者が用いる道具の1つとして伝えられる、堀や川など水上を渡る際に用いたという忍び道具。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There is approximately 1.4 billion km3 of water on the earth, but fresh water, such as groundwater, river water and inland waters, constitutes only 0.8% of all water.例文帳に追加

地球上に存在する水は、約14億km3と言われ、このうち、地下水、河川、湖沼の淡水として存在するものは、全体の約0.8%である。 - 経済産業省

It is said that although the Hozu-gawa River was a meandering, raging torrent and there were innumerable huge rocks in the river, the waterway was completed in five months by manually removing rocks and blasting them with gunpowder so that Takasebune boats were able to navigate the waters. 例文帳に追加

保津川は蛇行を繰り返す激流で大きな岩が無数にあったが、人力で引っ張ったり火薬を使って発破作業を行ったりしながら、高瀬舟の通れる水路を約5か月で完成させたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide an observation ship for measuring sound capable of carrying out operations such as the measurement of depth of shoals in rivers, lakes, nearshore waters, dams, etc., the acquisition of the three-dimensional information of river bed shapes and underwater structures, and the acquisition of river bed sediment information, and to provide a sound measuring system utilizing this observation ship.例文帳に追加

河川、湖沼、沿岸海洋、ダム等における浅瀬の測深、河床地形や水中構造物の三次元情報の取得や、河床底質情報の取得等を行うことのできる音響計測用観測船及びこの観測船を利用した音響計測システムを提供する。 - 特許庁

In addition, because it says in Otogi Zoshi, 'Leaving the waters of Naniwa where I used to live, my heart races to the Capital,' it is said that present-day Dotonbori-gawa River is the water of Naniwa from which he embarked on his trip to Kyoto in a bowl. 例文帳に追加

また御伽草子には「すみなれし難波の浦をたちいでて都へいそぐわが心かな」とあるため、椀に乗って京に向って出発した難波の浦は、現在の道頓堀川だと言い伝えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At that time Prussia was in a state of war against Denmark and seized three Belgian-registered vessels at Taku river mouth in territorial waters of Qing dynasty. 例文帳に追加

当時プロシア(普)とデンマーク(丹)との間には戦争が発生していたが、プロシアは清朝の領海内である大沽口でベルギー船籍の船を三隻拿捕した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the invention of a first claim, the road drain led from a side-gutter in the road is roughly processed by a floating filtration device 3 and the like to be discharged to the public waters such as a river.例文帳に追加

請求項1の発明では、道路の側溝より導いた道路排水を浮上ろ過装置3等で簡易処理し、その処理水は河川等の公共用水域に放流する。 - 特許庁

Once a flood occurs, the waters travel at a very slow pace due to the moderate river slope (about 8m/m), which affects the area for a long period of time.例文帳に追加

そして一度洪水が発生すると、緩い河川勾配により、洪水は非常にゆっくりとしたスピードで進む(毎分約8 メートル)ため、被害が長期間にわたって続くこととなった。 - 経済産業省

(i) The number of households of the partner of the association or the federation, who have addresses in the local district and operate a shore fishery for 90 days or more per year (or who operate a fishery for 30 days or more per year in inland waters other than rivers in the case of a license of said fishery in said inland waters, or who gather, catch or culture aquatic animals and plants for 30 days or more per year in a river in the case of a license of said fishery in the river; hereinafter the same shall apply) is not less than two thirds of the number of households of the persons who have addresses in the local district and operate the shore fishery for 90 days or more per year. 例文帳に追加

一 その組合員のうち地元地区内に住所を有し一年に九十日以上沿岸漁業を営む者(河川以外の内水面における当該漁業の免許については当該内水面において一年に三十日以上漁業を営む者、河川における当該漁業の免許については当該河川において一年に三十日以上水産動植物の採捕又は養殖をする者。以下同じ。)の属する世帯の数が、地元地区内に住所を有し一年に九十日以上沿岸漁業を営む者の属する世帯の数の三分の二以上であるもの - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

This was a firm, long embankment that measured about four kilometers toward the southeast from Monzen Village, now around Ashimori Station of the JR West Kibi Line, to Kawazugahana, at the southern foot of Mt. Ishii, eight meters high, 24 meters deep, and 12 meters wide, designed to block the waters of Ashimori-gawa River. 例文帳に追加

この堤防は門前村(現:西日本旅客鉄道吉備線足守駅付近)から蛙ヶ鼻(石井山南麓)までの東南約4km、高さ8m、底部24m、上幅12mにわたる堅固な長堤を造り、足守川の水をせきとめようとするものであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the method of burying the structure 8, bottom mud 2 in waters such as the river 1 is dredged, dredged bottom mud 2 is pelletized and the granular bodies are manufactured, the structure 8 is installed onto the dredged bottom of the water, and the granular bodies are used as protective materials 5, 6 for sheet piles 4 or a revetment, and utilized as back-filling soil 9.例文帳に追加

河川1などの水域の底泥2を浚渫し、浚渫された底泥2をペレット化して粒状体を製造し、浚渫された水底に構造物8を設置し、該粒状体を矢板4または護岸の保護材料5,6として用い、埋め戻し土9として利用して該構造物8を埋設する方法。 - 特許庁

The Cloistered Emperor Shirakawa had supreme power, but it was said he mented that, he has no control over the following three things: 1. Waters of the Kamo River (tributary of the Yodo River)(due to its flow and frequent flooding); 2. Dice used in sugoroku (different from current sugoroku, close to western backgammon), which was popular way of gambling at that time, with spots on the dice selecting winners/losers; and 3. Yamaboshi (monk soldiers from Mt. Hie Enryaku-ji Temple), which show that SHIRAKAWA had absolute control apart from these three things. 例文帳に追加

白河法皇が「天下の三不如意―鴨川(淀川水系)(鴨川)の水(鴨川の流れとそれによる水害)・双六の賽(サイコロ、当時の双六(ただし、現在のものと違い西洋のバックギャモンに近い)は賭博の手段として盛んに用いられて、さいころの目の動きが勝敗を分けた)・山法師(比叡山延暦寺の僧衆〔僧兵〕)」だけはどうしようもないと嘆いたという故事は、裏を返せば彼がそれ以外のものであれば思い通りにならない事はないという絶大な権力を誇っていたことを示している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(3) When a Fisheries Cooperative Association or a Federation of Fisheries Cooperative Associations is going to establish the Fishery Right Exercise Rule for the provided specific demarcated fishery right or the common fishery right covering the class 1 common fishery held by the association or the federation, the association or the federation shall obtain the consents in writing of not less than two thirds of the partner of the association or the federation (the partner of the Fisheries Cooperative Associations which are the partner of the Federation of Fisheries Cooperative Associations, in the case of the federation; the same shall apply hereinafter), who operate the fishery covered by said fishery right when the association or the federation is granted the license of the fishery pertaining to said fishery right (or who operate a shore fishery (which refers to the fishery excluding the fishery operated using a powered fishing boat with a total tonnage of 20 tons or more and the fishery in inland waters; the same shall apply hereinafter) in the case where the region of the fishing ground pertaining to said fishery right is waters other than inland waters (excluding the lakes and marshes designated by the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Minister pursuant to the provision of paragraph (1), Article 84; the same shall apply hereinafter except paragraph (1), Article 21) with respect to the provided demarcated fishery right and the common fishery right covering the class 1 common fishery established for the persons qualified pursuant to the provision of paragraph (6), Article 14; or who operate a fishery in the inland waters other than rivers in the case where said region is said inland waters; or who gather, catch or culture aquatic animals and plants in a river in the case where said region is said river), and who have addresses in the region of the local district provided in Article 11 pertaining to said fishery right (the district concerned provided in the same Article for the common fishery right), before any resolution is made in the general meeting provided in the Fisheries Industry Cooperative Association Act (Act No. 242 of 1948) (including a sectional meeting and a representatives' meeting of the general meeting). 例文帳に追加

3 漁業協同組合又は漁業協同組合連合会は、その有する特定区画漁業権又は第一種共同漁業を内容とする共同漁業権について漁業権行使規則を定めようとするときは、水産業協同組合法(昭和二十三年法律第二百四十二号)の規定による総会(総会の部会及び総代会を含む。)の議決前に、その組合員(漁業協同組合連合会の場合には、その会員たる漁業協同組合の組合員。以下同じ。)のうち、当該漁業権に係る漁業の免許の際において当該漁業権の内容たる漁業を営む者(第十四条第六項の規定により適格性を有するものとして設定を受けた特定区画漁業権及び第一種共同漁業を内容とする共同漁業権については、当該漁業権に係る漁場の区域が内水面(第八十四条第一項の規定により農林水産大臣が指定する湖沼を除く。第二十一条第一項を除き、以下同じ。)以外の水面である場合にあつては沿岸漁業(総トン数二十トン以上の動力漁船を使用して行う漁業及び内水面における漁業を除いた漁業をいう。以下同じ。)を営む者、河川以外の内水面である場合にあつては当該内水面において漁業を営む者、河川である場合にあつては当該河川において水産動植物の採捕又は養殖をする者)であつて、当該漁業権に係る第十一条に規定する地元地区(共同漁業権については、同条に規定する関係地区)の区域内に住所を有するものの三分の二以上の書面による同意を得なければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Article 132 The provisions of paragraph (2) and paragraph (4) through paragraph (6), Article 85 (Chairman, Expert Adviser and Clerk or Assistant of Sea-area Fisheries Adjustment Commission), Article 95 (Prohibition of Holding Multiple Offices), Article 96 (Restriction of Resignation of Commission Partner), Article 97-2 (Unemployment as Commission Member due to the Restriction of Employment), paragraph (1), paragraph (3) and paragraph (4), Article 98 (Term of Office), Article 100 through Article 102 (Dismissal and Meetings), and Article 116 through Article 119 (Collection of Reports, etc., Supervision, Expenses and Delegation Provision) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Inland Waters Fishing Ground Management Commissions. In this case, "decide according to the standard established in a Cabinet Order based on the number of sea areas of each prefecture, the number of persons operating fisheries in the sea and the length of the shoreline, considering how the sea is used" in paragraph (2), Article 118 shall be deemed to be replaced with "equally deliver the amounts calculated pursuant to the provision of a Cabinet Order and decide according to the standard established in a Cabinet Order based on the number of the partner of the Inland Waters Association (which refers to the Inland Waters Association of paragraph (2), Article 18 of the Fisheries Cooperative Association Act) of each prefecture and the length of the river concerned, considering how the inland waters are used." 例文帳に追加

第百三十二条 第八十五条第二項、第四項から第六項まで(海区漁業調整委員会の会長、専門委員及び書記又は補助員)、第九十五条(兼職の禁止)、第九十六条(委員の辞職の制限)、第九十七条の二(就職の制限による委員の失職)、第九十八条第一項、第三項、第四項(任期)、第百条から第百二条まで(解任及び会議)及び第百十六条から第百十九条まで(報告徴収等、監督、費用及び委任規定)の規定は、内水面漁場管理委員会に準用する。この場合において、第百十八条第二項中「各都道府県の海区の数、海面において漁業を営む者の数及び海岸線の長さを基礎とし、海面」とあるのは、「政令で定めるところにより算出される額を均等に交付するほか、各都道府県の内水面組合(水産業協同組合法第十八条第二項の内水面組合をいう。)の組合員の数及び河川の延長を基礎とし、内水面」と読み替えるものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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