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unrefined riceの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 37


Use as kakemai (rice used to produce moromi (raw unrefined sake)) 例文帳に追加

掛け米としての使用 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Sake (rice wine), Doburoku (unrefined sake), Amazake (sweet mild sake), Shochu (distilled spirit), and Awamori (strong Okinawa liquor) 例文帳に追加

日本酒、どぶろく、甘酒、焼酎、泡盛 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Ferment the rice malt in tanks and jars to make moromi (unrefined rice wine) (the first fermentation). 例文帳に追加

麹をタンクや甕(かめ)で発酵させ、もろみを作る(一次発酵)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

An ang-khak unrefined lee bean curd is prepared by pickling, ageing and fermenting dry bean curd in a pickling soup comprising the ang-khak unrefined lees, malted rice, and Awamori (Okinawan rice brandy).例文帳に追加

また、紅麹もろみ、米麹、泡盛とが混合されてなる漬汁に、乾燥豆腐を漬込み、熟成発酵させ紅麹豆腐ようとする。 - 特許庁


Nerizake from Hakata is made by using glutinous rice and grinding moromi (raw unrefined sake) with a mortar. 例文帳に追加

博多の練酒は、餅米を用い、醪(もろみ)を臼で引きつぶして造る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


If we understand nihonshumai (rice for sake) as raw material for sake, other than kojimai (rice for koji) and shubomai (rice for shubo), there is kakemai that is added during the preparation for unrefined sake. 例文帳に追加

日本酒の原料として日本酒米をとらえるならば、麹米、酒母米のほかに、日本酒醪を仕込むときに加える掛け米がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The embryos are used as a part of rice for brewing Sake (rice wine) in the fermentation of unrefined sake, for example by adding the embryos to the unrefined Sake at the last fermentation or the fourth step, and squeezing the brewed Sake.例文帳に追加

通常の清酒の醸造工程において、醪仕込みで掛米の一部に胚芽を使用し、例えば留仕込み時に又は四段として醪に添加し、上槽する。 - 特許庁

Sato managed to make a test growing of the seed rice, and then spent four years until he could brew a bottle of moromi (unrefined sake) using Kameno-o rice only. 例文帳に追加

そして、その試験栽培にこぎつけ、その後亀の尾単独で日本酒醪一本分の酒を仕込めるようになるまでに四年かかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A primary fermentation is carried out for about 4 to 7 days by adding mother water and rice malt bacteria for making liquor to the rice malt to obtain primary unrefined sake.例文帳に追加

この麹に仕込み水と酒造用酵母菌を加えて約4〜7日程度かけて一次発酵を行って一次モロミを得る。 - 特許庁


At least ordinary malted rice of Aspergillus awamori and steamed brown rice are added to distillation lees of Awamori or a stock solution of unrefined vinegar obtained by squeezing the distillation lees.例文帳に追加

泡盛蒸留粕もしくはそれを搾汁したもろみ酢原液に、少なくとも通常の泡盛米麹と蒸煮玄米を加えることを特徴とする。 - 特許庁


Germinated rice is boiled into boiled rice according to the brewing process of refined rice wine, is fed as boiled rice to unrefined rice wine or further saccharified and is used in a four-step fermentation.例文帳に追加

また、清酒醸造工程に従って、発芽米を蒸米にし、これを掛米として酒醪を仕込み又は更に糖化したものを四段として用いることができる。 - 特許庁

This method for producing the antiseptic liquor comprises adding a supernatant of a culture formed by culturing Lactobacillus gasseri which produces an antibacterial active substance to a yeast starter for a rice liquor, an unrefined rice liquor, the refined rice liquor, etc., so that the antiseptic refined rice liquor is produced.例文帳に追加

抗菌活性物質を生産するLactobacillus gasseri菌を培養した培養上清液を酒母、モロミ若しくは製成酒などに添加して抗腐敗酒を製造する抗腐敗酒の製造方法である。 - 特許庁

It is said that before the Heian period, unrefined sake with moromi (raw unrefined sake) made from rice had been called Dakuro and it changed to present-day Doburoku by regional accents. 例文帳に追加

平安時代以前から米で作る醪の混じった状態の濁酒のことを濁醪(だくらう)と呼んでいたのが訛って、今日のどぶろくになったと言われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The buckwheat distilled spirit is produced by adding water and yeast to malted rice, and agitating well with a paddle rod or the like in a primary brewing process, aimed at fermentation of unrefined liquor at a temperature of 25 to 30°C for 3 to 5 days to obtain a primary unrefined liquor.例文帳に追加

一次仕込において麹米に汲水及び酵母を加え櫂棒等でよく撹拌し、25〜30°Cの醪温度で3〜5日間かけて発酵を図り一次醪を得る。 - 特許庁

The unrefined sake is produced by allowing boiled sweet potato to stand in the presence of rice koji and enzymatic ferments at a temperature range of 10-40°C to be saccharified and alcohol fermented.例文帳に追加

蒸煮した甘藷を、米麹及び酵母の存在下、温度10〜40℃で放置して、糖化とアルコール発酵を行わせ、もろみを製造する。 - 特許庁

To provide a method for producing a refined Sake (rice wine), having a high fermentation ability, improved quality of unrefined Sake, fragrant aroma and excellent flavor.例文帳に追加

発酵能が高くて醪のきれが良く、かつ芳香に富み香味の優れた清酒を製造する方法を提供する。 - 特許庁

The liquefied saccharified substance is used in unrefined product of refined rice wine produced according to the routine procedure of brewing of refined rice wine and refined rice wine is squeezed and separated from sake lees to produce a refined rice wine-like liquor abundantly containing GABA formed/increased by germination action of rice and in liquefaction and saccharification process of germinated rice.例文帳に追加

これを、清酒醸造の常法通りに製造した清酒醪に使用し、上槽することにより、米の発芽作用及び発芽米の液化糖化過程において生成・増加したGABAを多く含有する清酒様の酒類が製造される。 - 特許庁

To provide a new type "unrefined Awamori" which is similar to unrefined sake, and is prepared by mixing Awamori with malted rice-originated ingredients having a sweet and mellow flavor and using the malted rice and then maturing the mixture, and to provide a method for producing the same.例文帳に追加

清酒のにごり酒に類似した「にごり泡盛」とその製造方法に関し、米麹を用いることによって、甘いまろやか風味の米麹由来成分と泡盛を混合し、熟成させてなる新しいタイプの泡盛と新しい感覚の呑み方を提供する。 - 特許庁

This method for producing the millet liquor is characterized by using polished and steamed millet as a part or all of steamed rice, when Sake (rice wine) rice is mixed with malted rice, steamed rice and drawn water in a constant ratio and then charged to produce the unrefined Sake, in a conventional process for producing the Sake.例文帳に追加

常法の清酒の製造工程における、製出した酒母に米麹と蒸し米と汲み水を一定の割合で加えて行うモロミ仕込みに際して、前記蒸し米の一部又は全部を、精白して蒸し処理した蒸しキビを使用して仕込みを行う。 - 特許庁

It refers to the sake with high clarity, almost the same as today's seishu, brewed by the method using polished rice for both kojimai (rice for malt) and kakemai (rice for moromi [raw unrefined sake]) which is the base for present sake brewing, and it was called 'Morohaku' (sake of 100 percent polished white rice) compared to nigorizake (unfiltered sake) which was the mainstream sake at that time. 例文帳に追加

諸白とは、現在の酒造りの基礎にもなっている、麹米と掛け米の両方に精白米を用いる手法で造られた透明度の高い酒、今日でいう清酒とほぼ等しい酒のことを、当時の酒の主流をしめていた濁り酒(にごりざけ)に対して呼んだ名称である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This method for producing the unrefined Awamori comprises mixing and fermenting a gruel of unpolished rice and/or polished rice with malted rice, filtering and collecting the supernatant, and then mixing the supernatant and Awamori and/or water with the crushed product of the rice residue or the second squeezed liquid after mixed with water and then heated.例文帳に追加

玄米および/又は白米の粥に米麹を混合して発酵させた後、上澄み液を濾過採取し、濾過後の米残さの破砕物又は加水加熱後の二番絞り液と、前記の上澄み液と泡盛及び/又は水とを混合する製造方法である。 - 特許庁

The method for producing the food containing unrefined vinegar comprises the following process: Unrefined vinegar obtained by filtration of the distillation residues of "Shochu" produced using, as a feedstock, brown sugar and cereals such as potato or rice is incorporated with thickening polysaccharides, carbohydrates and other food material(s).例文帳に追加

本発明の食品は、黒糖、イモ又は米などの穀類を原料として製造された焼酎の蒸留残査を濾過して得られるもろみ酢に、増粘多糖類、糖質その他食品原料を添加してもろみ酢入りの食品を製造する。 - 特許庁

Distilled alcohol diluted with water to the same concentration as seishu (refined sake) is put into moromi (raw unrefined sake) made of rice and rice malt, and then sugar (glucose, mizuame [thick malt syrup]), sour agents (lactic acid, succinic acid, etc.), glutamic sodium, and so on are added for seasoning. 例文帳に追加

米と麹で作ったもろみに清酒と同濃度に水で希釈した醸造アルコールを入れ、これに糖(ぶどう糖・水あめ)、酸味料(乳酸・こはく酸など)、グルタミン酸ナトリウムなどを添加して味を調える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A method for producing the pickles includes salt-pickling in nisin-containing salt, vegetables such as Chinese cabbage, cucumber and radish, and fish egg such as herring roe, washing the product in water followed by dehydrating, pickling the product in pickle paste such as salt, soy sauce, fermented soybean paste, sake lees, malted rice, mustard powder, rice bran, unrefined sake and vinegar, and preserving the product.例文帳に追加

白菜、キュウリ、ダイコン等の野菜や数の子等の魚卵を、ナイシンを含む食塩に塩漬け後、水洗いしてから水を切り、塩、しょう油、みそ、かす、こうじ、からし粉、ぬか、もろみ、酢等の漬床に漬込んで保存する。 - 特許庁

Mirinkasu taken from the main fermenting mash of mirin has a different flavor because it includes glutinous rice, and shochukasu taken from unrefined shochu (Japanese distilled spirit) has a sour taste because it contains a large amount of citric acid. 例文帳に追加

なおみりんのもろみから取れる味醂粕は、もち米を含むことから風味が異なり、焼酎のもろみから取れる焼酎粕はクエン酸を多量に含むので酸味を有する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The black vinegar or the unrefined black vinegar is obtained by successively carrying out each of processes for saccharification, alcohol fermentation, acetic acid fermentation and aging in the same vessel using rice as a raw material by standing fermentation method.例文帳に追加

米を原料とし、同一の容器内で静置発酵法により糖化・アルコール発酵・酢酸発酵・熟成の各工程を連続的におこなって醸造した黒酢又は黒酢もろみを有効成分とする抗ガン剤。 - 特許庁

The method for producing a blended pickled egg beverage comprises the process of dissolving eggs into vinegar where brown sugar unrefined-sake vinegar and rice vinegar are blended together, and the blended pickled egg beverage is obtained by the method.例文帳に追加

黒糖もろみ酢と米酢のブレンド酢に鶏卵を溶解させて得るブレンド酢卵飲料食品の製造方法と、その製造方法によって得たブレンド酢卵飲料食品。 - 特許庁

The miscellaneous cereal Shochu is obtained, in the production step of the second class of Shochu, by mixing an unrefined Shochu obtained from naked barley with a miscellaneous cereal (foxtail millet, barnyard millet, millet, adlay, buckwheat, corn or red rice), fermenting the mixture, and then distilling the product.例文帳に追加

雑穀焼酎は、乙類焼酎の製造工程において、裸麦から得られたもろみに雑穀(アワ、ヒエ、キビ、ハトムギ、ソバ、トウモロコシ、赤米)を混合して発酵させ、蒸留することにより得られる。 - 特許庁

To obtain turbid "Awamori" liquor (unrefined liquor of Okinawa Island) having white turbidity with uniformity and superior appearance without causing significant change in components or flavor of "Awamori" liquor by producing white turbidity similar to that of refined rice wine, in "Awamori" liquor.例文帳に追加

泡盛において、清酒の濁り酒のような白濁を生じさせ、泡盛の成分や香味を大きく変化させることなく、均一で外観の良い白濁を有する泡盛の濁り酒を提供することを課題とする。 - 特許庁

This method for producing the miscellaneous cereal Shochu, the second class of Shochu, is characterized by mixing an unrefined Shochu obtained from naked barley with miscellaneous cereals (foxtail millet, barnyard millet, millet, adlay, buckwheat, corn, red rice), fermenting the mixture, and then distilling the fermented product.例文帳に追加

雑穀焼酎は、乙類焼酎の製造工程において、裸麦から得られたもろみに雑穀(アワ、ヒエ、キビ、ハトムギ、ソバ、トウモロコシ、赤米)を混合して発酵させ、蒸留することにより得られる。 - 特許庁

To provide a functional food superior to conventional edible Konjak (paste made from the root of devil's tongue), black sesame and unrefined vinegar made from unpolished rice in intestinal function controlling action, normalization of blood pressure and blood sugar level, lowering of cholesterol level, etc.例文帳に追加

優れた整腸作用、血圧及び血糖値の正常化、又はコレステロ−ル値の低下等において、従来の食品コンニャク、黒ゴマ及び玄米酢の素もろみよりも優れた効果を発揮する機能性食品を提供する。 - 特許庁

This seasoning which is free from a flavor of soy sauce and richly has such the flavor and taste of dried bonito as those of a broth, obtained by degrading and maturing an unrefined soy sauce comprising three components of dried bonito extraction residues, soy sauce malted rice and ethanol.例文帳に追加

節抽出残渣、醤油麹及びエタノールの3成分を含有する諸味を、分解及び熟成して得られる、醤油香気を有さず、だし汁様の節香気と旨味を豊富に有する調味料。 - 特許庁

"Hashira-jochu" was one of the terms used for traditional manufacturing methods of sake (Japanese rice wine) that existed in the beginning of the Edo Period, which is to add shochu (distilled spirit) or kasudori-shochu (shochu made from sake lees) to moromi (unrefined sake) or newly brewed sake after separation from lees by applying pressure. 例文帳に追加

柱焼酎(はしらじょうちゅう)とは、江戸時代初期に存在した日本酒の伝統的製法用語の一つで、焼酎や粕取り焼酎を、醸造する日本酒の日本酒醪や日本酒上槽した新酒に加える技法のこと。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The functional food composed mainly of roast Konjak powder is composed of 60-90 wt.% Konjak powder roasted at 135-275°C, 5-20 wt.% black sesame powder roasted at 135-275°C and 5-20 wt.% dried powder of unrefined vinegar made from unpolished rice.例文帳に追加

135〜275℃で焙煎されたコンニャク粉末60〜90重量%、135〜275℃で焙煎された黒ゴマの粉末5〜20重量%及び玄米酢の素もろみ乾燥粉5〜20重量%からなる、焙煎コンニャク粉末を主成分とする機能性食品。 - 特許庁

This method for manufacturing Sake uses desalted sea water in either one of manufacturing processes of Sake such as rice washing process for polished white rice/soaking/steaming, fermenting of unrefined Sake, or in dissolving additional alcohol, or adding the desalted sea water or the desalted sea water with fresh water to adjust the taste or adding original sea water or concentrated sea water to the desalted sea water.例文帳に追加

精米を経た白米を洗米・浸漬・蒸す工程、醪の仕込み工程、又は添加アルコール溶解工程のいずれかに脱塩海水を使用、又は、割水の清水に代えて或いは清水とともに脱塩海水、更に脱塩海水に海水の原水又は濃縮水を一部添加を使用することを特徴とする海水を用いた酒類の製造方法。 - 特許庁

The method or producing the thick Mirin comprises mixing unrefined Mirin which is prepared by subjecting raw rice, rice koji and Shochu (white distilled liquor) to saccharifying maturation with a concentrated Mirin liquid which is prepared by heating a separately produced Mirin under reduced or normal pressures to evaporate both alcohol and water fraction therefrom, and then subjecting the resultant mixture to saccharifying maturation again.例文帳に追加

原料米、米麹、焼酎を糖化熟成することにより得られたみりんもろみに、別途製造したみりんを減圧下または常圧下において加熱し、アルコール分及び水分を蒸発させた濃縮みりん液を混合し、前記みりんもろみと濃縮みりん液を再度糖化熟成することを特徴とする。 - 特許庁


This method for producing a low-alcoholic drink using, as raw material, grains such as rice, wheat, barley, barnyard millet or foxtail millet, comprises using a starch-splitting enzyme or its combination with koji to effect the saccharide composition in the resulting unrefined sake to be predominant in maltose and maltooligosaccharides and slight in glucose and fermenting the slight glucose by yeast.例文帳に追加

米,麦,ヒエ,アワなどの穀類を原料として低アルコール飲料を製造する方法であって、デンプン分解酵素剤若しくは該デンプン分解酵素剤及び麹を使用することでもろみ中の糖組成をマルトース及びマルトオリゴ糖主体にしてグルコースを少量とし、この少量のグルコースを酵母により発酵させて低アルコール飲料を製造するものである。 - 特許庁


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