研究社 新英和中辞典 | 宗教・哲学
- Aaron
- Abel
- Abraham
- Absalom
- Adam
- Amos
- Andrew
- Armageddon
- Babel
- Bartholomew
- Bathsheba
- Beelzebub
- Cain
- Calvary
- Cana
- Canaan
- Catholic Epistles
- Chron.
- Col.
- Colossian
- Cor.
- Corinthian
- Dan.
- Daniel
- David
- Decalog
- Delilah
- Deut.
- Deuteronomy
- Eccl.
- Ecclesiastes
- Eden
- Elijah
- Ephesian
- Esau
- Esth.
- Esther
- Eve
- Ex.
- Exod.
- Ez.
- Ezek.
- Ezekiel
- Ezra
- Gal.
- Galatian
- Gehenna
- Gen.
- Golgotha
- Goliath
- Gomorrah
- Hab.
- Habakkuk
- Hag.
- Haggai
- Ham
- Heb.
- Hebrew
- Herod
- Herodias
- Hos.
- Hosea
- Is.
- Isa.
- Isaac
- Isaiah
- Iscariot
- Ishmael
- Israel
- Jacob
- Jacob's ladder
- Jam.
- James
- Jehovah
- Jer.
- Jeremiah
- Jericho
- Jezebel
- Job
- Joel
- John
- John the Baptist
- Jonah
- Jonathan
- Joseph
- Josh.
- Joshua
- Judah
- Judas
- Jude
- Judg.
- Lam.
- Lev.
- Leviticus
- Magdalen
- Magi
- Mal.
- Malachi
- Mark
- Mary Magdalene
- Matt.
- Matthew
- Maundy Thursday
- Methuselah
- Mic.
- Micah
- Michael
- Moloch
- Nah.
- Nahum
- Naomi
- Neh.
- Nehemiah
- Nimrod
- Noah
- Noah's ark
- Num.
- Numbers
- Obad.
- Obadiah
- Olives
- Palm Sunday
- Passover
- Pastoral Epistles
- Pentateuch
- Pet.
- Peter
- Phil.
- Philem.
- Philemon
- Philip
- Philippians
- Promised Land
- Prov.
- Ps
- Rachel
- Rev.
- Rom.
- Roman
- Ruth
- Saint
- Sam.
- Saul
- Simon
- Ten Commandments
- Thess.
- Thessalonians
- Thomas
- Tim.
- Timothy
- Tit.
- Titus
- Tophet
- Uriel
- Zech.
- Zechariah
- Zeph.
- Zephaniah
- ark
- beatitude
- beget
- bethel
- bless
- canticle
- chronicle
- clean
- covenant
- deliver
- epistle
- evangel
- exodus
- flood
- forbidden fruit
- genesis
- golden calf
- golden rule
- hallow
- heathen
- hosanna
- jubilee
- judge
- king
- lamentation
- law
- leviathan
- light
- logos
- manna
- name
- oracle
- proverb
- psalm
- revelation
- scapegoat
- sign
- tabernacle
- tare
- the Acts of the Apostles
- the King of Terrors
- the Song of Songs
- the land of Nod
- three
- transfiguration
- trespass
- visit
- Bible class
- Hosea
- I
- a posteriori
- a priori
- absolute
- absolutism
- aesthetics
- agency
- agnostic
- agnosticism
- animism
- antinomy
- antithesis
- atomism
- casuistry
- catharsis
- cognition
- concept
- consciousness
- cosmology
- deism
- determinism
- dialectic
- discursive
- dualism
- dynamism
- ego
- elan vital
- enlightenment
- epistemology
- essence
- existentialism
- external
- form
- formal
- formally
- free will
- hedonism
- holism
- hypostasis
- icon
- iconic
- idea
- ideal
- idealism
- immanent
- individual
- logos
- material
- materialism
- materially
- mechanist
- mentalism
- monism
- mysticism
- nativism
- naturalism
- nescience
- nescient
- nihilism
- nominalism
- object
- ontology
- peripatetic
- phenomenalism
- phenomenology
- pluralism
- posit
- positive
- pragmatism
- probability
- quietism
- realism
- realistic
- relativism
- self
- self‐conscious
- sensationalism
- solipsism
- solipsist
- spatiotemporal
- spiritualism
- subject
- substantialism
- teleology
- thesis
- transcendent
- transcendental
- transcendentalism
- transcendentalist
- unknowable
- utilitarianism
- vitalism
- voluntarism
- Nietzsche
- Agnus Dei
- All Souls' Day
- Angelus
- Benedictine
- Black Friar
- Blessed Sacrament
- Candlemas
- Ember days
- Eucharist
- Gregorian chant
- High Mass
- Holy Thursday
- Host
- Immaculate Conception
- Lord's Supper
- Low Mass
- Mass
- Quinquagesima
- Sacred College
- Septuagesima
- Trappist
- acolyte
- advent
- altar boy
- anathema
- antiphon
- antiphonal
- apostolate
- archbishop
- archdeacon
- assumption
- basilica
- beatification
- beatify
- benediction
- biretta
- bishop
- black mass
- breviary
- brief
- brother
- bull
- canon
- canonical hours
- catechism
- chaplet
- chasuble
- coadjutor
- collation
- collect
- complin
- conclave
- confess
- confession
- confessional
- confessor
- consecration
- consistory
- curate
- deacon
- decade
- dispensation
- divine office
- ecumenical
- eminence
- evensong
- extreme unction
- friar
- godmother
- hour
- indulgence
- infallibility
- inquisition
- interdict
- introit
- jubilee
- matins
- missal
- miter
- monastery
- monstrance
- mystery
- novena
- office
- ordain
- order
- ordinance
- pall
- pardon
- paten
- patriarch
- penance
- penitent
- penitential
- plenary
- pontifical
- presbytery
- primate
- purgation
- purgatory
- rector
- requiem
- retreat
- rosary
- secular
- server
- sister
- sodality
- solemn mass
- soutane
- stole
- stoup
- suffragan
- the Elevation of the Host
- the Sacred Heart
- the Vicar of Christ
- the stations of the Cross
- venerable
- venial
- vesper
- vicar
- wafer
- Benedicite
- Benedictus
- Epiphany
- Eucharist
- Greek Orthodox Church
- Host
- Lent
- Lord's Prayer
- Magnificat
- Maundy
- Messiah
- Methodism
- Orthodox Church
- Pentecost
- Protestant
- Sanctus
- Satan
- Te Deum
- Trinitarian
- Trinity
- Zion
- absolution
- alb
- annunciation
- anoint
- anointment
- atonement
- auto‐da‐fe
- baptism
- benefice
- canon
- chalice
- change of heart
- chapter
- chapter house
- commune
- communicant
- communicate
- concordat
- confirm
- confirmation
- credo
- cruet
- curse
- dip
- doxology
- ecumenical
- ecumenism
- enthrone
- episcopacy
- excommunicate
- excommunication
- fundamentalism
- general
- grace
- immerse
- immersion
- independency
- inspiration
- intercession
- kind
- kingdom
- kyrie eleison
- latitudinarian
- lay reader
- lesson
- light
- litany
- metropolitan bishop
- millenarian
- millennium
- moderator
- modernism
- offertory
- oratory
- ordain
- ordinance
- ordination
- original sin
- orthodox
- passion
- pastoral letter
- pastoral staff
- pluralism
- plurality
- presbytery
- primacy
- prime
- processional
- province
- provincial
- pyx
- reader
- reformation
- remission
- respond
- response
- revelation
- revival
- rite
- rogation
- rubric
- sacrament
- sacramentalism
- salvation
- serve
- son
- stigma
- subdeacon
- the Three in One
- tonsure
- translate
- versicle
- vow