研究社 新英和中辞典 | 医学
- Bright's disease
- CAT scanner
- Caesar
- Caesarean section
- D.T.'s
- Down's syndrome
- Pap test
- Parkinson's disease
- SMON disease
- T cell
- abscess
- abscessed
- acidosis
- acne
- adenoids
- adhesion
- adiposity
- adventitious
- afterbirth
- aftereffect
- agglutination
- albinism
- allopathy
- alopecia
- ambulatory
- amnesia
- anemia
- anemic
- anesthesia
- anesthetize
- aneurism
- angina
- anthrax
- antigen
- antisepsis
- antiseptic
- aphasia
- apoplexy
- appendectomy
- appendicitis
- arrest
- arteriosclerosis
- arthritis
- asepsis
- aseptic
- asphyxia
- aspirator
- asthma
- astigmatism
- ataxia
- atony
- atopy
- atrophy
- attenuate
- auscultation
- autointoxication
- behavior therapy
- bend
- benign
- benignancy
- benignant
- beriberi
- blackwater fever
- bladder
- blister
- block
- blue baby
- body scanner
- bomb
- botulism
- bougie
- bowel
- brace
- brain death
- brain fever
- brain wave
- bronchitis
- bubonic plague
- bulimia
- calculus
- callosity
- callus
- canker
- cannula
- carbuncle
- carcinogen
- carcinogenic
- carcinoma
- cardiac
- caries
- carrier
- catalepsy
- cataract
- catarrh
- catharsis
- catheter
- caustic
- cauterization
- cauterize
- cautery
- chancre
- chart
- chemotherapy
- chicken pox
- cholera
- chorea
- cicatrix
- circumcise
- circumcision
- cirrhosis
- climacteric
- cold sore
- colic
- colitis
- collapse
- coma
- comatose
- complicated
- complication
- compound fracture
- compress
- compressor
- concretion
- concussion
- congest
- congested
- congestion
- conjunctivitis
- contact
- contraindicate
- contraindication
- contuse
- contusion
- coronary thrombosis
- coryza
- course
- cowpox
- croup
- cumulative
- cup
- cupping
- curettage
- curette
- curvature
- cyanosis
- cyst
- cystic fibrosis
- cystitis
- deep
- deficiency disease
- dehydration
- delirium tremens
- dementia
- dengue
- dependence
- depressive
- desensitize
- diabetes
- dialysis
- diarrhea
- dilatation
- dilator
- diphtheria
- donor
- drip
- dropsy
- dynamic
- dysentery
- dyslexia
- dyspepsia
- dyspnea
- dystrophy
- eczema
- edema
- electric shock therapy
- electrocardiogram
- electrocardiograph
- electroencephalogram
- electroencephalograph
- electrolysis
- elephantiasis
- embolism
- emphysema
- empyema
- encephalitis
- encounter group
- enema
- engorge
- enteritis
- enuresis
- epilepsy
- eruptive
- erysipelas
- etherize
- etiology
- euthanasia
- exciter
- exploration
- exploratory
- explore
- extroversion
- farsighted
- fever blister
- fiber
- fibroid
- filaria
- fistula
- floating kidney
- focalize
- functional
- gallstone
- gangrene
- gastritis
- gastrocamera
- gastroenteritis
- gastroenterology
- gastroscope
- glandular
- glaucoma
- gonorrhea
- gout
- gravel
- gumma
- gynecology
- halitosis
- hardening
- heart attack
- heat exhaustion
- hemophilia
- hemorrhoids
- hepatitis
- hernia
- herpes
- homeopathy
- hydrocephalus
- hydrophobia
- hyperacidity
- hyperlipidemia
- hyperopia
- hypertension
- hypertensive
- hypertrophy
- hypochondria
- hypoglycemia
- hypostasis
- hypotension
- hypotensive
- hypothermia
- hysterectomy
- hysteria
- ictus
- idiopathy
- idiosyncrasy
- idiosyncratic
- immunosuppression
- implant
- implantation
- impotence
- impotent
- incipiency
- incipient
- incontinence
- incontinent
- incubate
- incubation
- indicate
- indolent
- inertia
- infantilism
- infarct
- infarction
- infiltration
- influenza
- infusion
- inoculation
- insolation
- insufficiency
- insulin
- insult
- intensive care
- intensive care unit
- intermit
- intermittent
- intrauterine
- intravenous
- introversion
- inversion
- invert
- iron
- irrigate
- irrigation
- irritation
- itch
- itis
- keloid
- knock knee
- laryngitis
- latent
- lenitive
- lesion
- leukaemia
- lichen
- liniment
- lobar
- lockjaw
- lumbago
- lymph
- malaria
- malignancy
- malignant
- mania
- manic
- manic‐depressive
- mastitis
- mastoiditis
- maternity
- maturate
- maturation
- maximum
- measles
- megalomania
- melancholia
- meningitis
- mongolism
- monitor
- murmur
- muscular dystrophy
- myelitis
- myopia
- narcolepsy
- narcosis
- negative
- neoplasm
- nephritis
- nephrosis
- neuralgia
- neurasthenia
- neuritis
- neurology
- neurosis
- nicotinism
- node
- occupational therapy
- oncology
- open
- open‐heart
- operable
- organic
- orthopaedic
- orthopaedics
- osteoporosis
- oxytetracycline
- pacemaker
- palpate
- palpation
- papule
- paralysis
- paranoia
- para‐
- parotitis
- passage
- pediatrics
- pellagra
- peptic ulcer
- percussion
- period
- peritonitis
- perverted
- pharyngitis
- phlebitis
- phlebotomy
- placebo
- plaque
- plaster
- plaster cast
- plethora
- pleurisy
- pneumonia
- podiatry
- poliomyelitis
- pollinosis
- polyp
- positive
- premedication
- premonitory
- prepuce
- presentation
- pressure
- prognosis
- prognostic
- prophylactic
- prophylaxis
- puerperal
- purpura
- pustule
- pyelitis
- pyorrhea
- pyretic
- pyromania
- quinsy
- radiation sickness
- radiology
- rash
- reaction
- recipient
- refractory
- refrigerant
- regimen
- residual
- retention
- retroflex
- retroflexion
- rigor mortis
- rubella
- rupture
- salivation
- scabies
- scan
- scanner
- scanning
- scarlet fever
- schizoid
- schizophrenia
- schizophrenic
- sciatica
- sclerosis
- scrofula
- scurvy
- secondary sex characteristic
- sedative
- sepsis
- septicaemia
- serum
- shingles
- shock
- shock therapy
- show
- shunt
- sickle‐cell anemia
- silicosis
- skin graft
- sleeping sickness
- slipped disc
- slough
- smallpox
- smear
- smear test
- softening of the brain
- sound
- sounder
- spasm
- spasmodic
- spatula
- speculum
- spina bifida
- splenic
- sporadic
- spotted fever
- sternutation
- stomach pump
- stone
- strabismus
- strangulate
- strangulation
- strawberry mark
- stress disease
- stricture
- struma
- stupe
- suppository
- suture
- swab
- symptom
- syncope
- syndrome
- syphilis
- tennis elbow
- tent
- tertian
- tertiary
- tetanus
- thrombosis
- thrush
- tic
- tolerance
- tolerant
- tolerate
- tomogram
- tomography
- tonic
- tonometer
- tonsillitis
- toxaemia
- tracer
- tracheitis
- trachoma
- traction
- trauma
- traumatize
- trichinosis
- trichomoniasis
- truss
- tumor
- tympanitis
- type
- typhoid
- typhus
- undulant
- uremia
- urinalysis
- urticaria
- vaginitis
- varicose
- variola
- varix
- venereal
- verruca
- vesicle
- vesicular
- vital
- whitlow
- writer's cramp
- yaws
- voyeurism
- antitoxin
- fiberscope
- M.O.H.
- Achilles' tendon
- abdomen
- adrenal
- alimentary canal
- alveolar
- alveolus
- amnion
- anklebone
- anus
- anvil
- aorta
- appendix
- aqueous
- arachnoid
- arachnoid membrane
- arterial
- arteriole
- artery
- articulation
- atrium
- auricle
- auricular
- axilla
- ball‐and‐socket joint
- biceps
- bladder
- blind spot
- brain cell
- breastbone
- bronchus
- canine tooth
- capillary
- capsule
- carotid
- carpal
- carpus
- cartilage
- cartilaginous
- caul
- cavity
- cellule
- cement
- central
- cerebellum
- cerebral
- cerebrospinal
- cerebrum
- cervical
- chord
- clavicle
- clitoris
- coccyx
- cochlea
- collarbone
- colon
- conjunctiva
- connective
- constrictor
- convolution
- cord
- cornea
- coronary
- cortex
- cranium
- cuspid
- cutis
- cystic
- diaphragm
- dilator
- disk
- ductless gland
- duodenum
- encephalon
- epidural
- epiglottis
- eustachian tube
- extensor
- fallopian tube
- false rib
- fascicle
- femur
- fibula
- fissure
- flexor
- floating rib
- fontanel
- forebrain
- fossa
- frontal
- gallbladder
- ganglion
- gland
- glandular
- glans
- glottal
- glottis
- gonad
- gray matter
- groin
- hammer
- hemisphere
- hip joint
- humerus
- hyaloid
- hymen
- incisor
- inner ear
- intestine
- involuntary
- iris
- kidney
- labia majora
- labia minora
- labyrinth
- lacrimal
- lacteal
- lacuna
- large intestine
- laryngeal
- larynx
- lens
- ligament
- liver
- lobe
- lobule
- lumbar
- lymph gland
- lymphatic
- lymphocyte
- malleolus
- malleus
- marrow
- mastoid
- maxilla
- medulla
- membrane
- meninx
- meso‐
- metacarpal
- metacarpus
- metatarsus
- middle ear
- midriff
- motor nerve
- nerve
- nerve cell
- nerve center
- nerve fiber
- neural
- neuron
- optic
- os
- outer ear
- ovarian
- ovary
- oviduct
- palate
- pancreas
- papilla
- parathyroid
- parietal
- parietal bone
- parotid gland
- patella
- pelvic
- pelvis
- perineum
- peripheral
- periphery
- peritoneum
- phalanx
- pharyngeal
- pharynx
- pineal
- pituitary
- placenta
- pleura
- plexus
- prognathous
- prostate
- pubic
- pupil
- radius
- recess
- rectum
- retina
- rib
- rib cage
- rod
- rotator
- sacrum
- scapula
- scrotum
- semicircular
- shoulder blade
- sinus
- small intestine
- socket
- solar plexus
- sphincter
- spinal
- spleen
- splint bone
- stapes
- sternum
- stirrup
- suborbital
- supraorbital
- suprarenal
- sweat gland
- tarsus
- taste bud
- tear duct
- temporal
- tendon
- thyroid
- tibia
- tonsil
- trachea
- tract
- transverse
- triceps
- tricuspid
- tubercle
- tympanum
- ulna
- umbilical cord
- umbilicus
- ureter
- urethra
- urinary
- uterine
- uterus
- uvula
- vagina
- vagus
- vein
- velar
- velum
- venous
- ventricle
- vermiform
- vertebra
- vertex
- vertical
- vesical
- vesicle
- vestibular
- vestibule
- viscera
- visual
- vitreous
- vocal cords
- voluntary
- vulva
- white matter
- womb
- vaginal
- Terramycin
- Veronal
- amphetamine
- antihistamine
- antipyrin
- aspirin
- barbital
- barbiturate
- bioavailability
- cachet
- calamine
- camphor
- carminative
- chloroform
- chloroquine
- codeine
- decongestant
- emollient
- ergot
- external
- formalin
- formulary
- internal
- iron
- linctus
- liquor
- mercurial
- penicillin
- phenacetin
- pyrethrum
- senna
- streptomycin
- tincture
- tranquilizer
- troche
- valerian
- zinc ointment