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2011 年には、所得受取のうち、直接投資収益の受取は 4 兆7,011 億円と顕著に推移している。例文帳に追加

Out of the returns in 2011, the direct investment returns remained at a remarkable level of 4.7011 trillion yen. - 経済産業省

2008 年には、所得受取のうち、直接投資収益の受取は5 兆261 億円と顕著に推移している。例文帳に追加

In 2008, the direct return on investment among income receivable was \\5.261 trillion, showing steady performance. - 経済産業省


Nominal GNP (68SNA) = Nominal GDP + Net income from abroad = Nominal GNI (93SNA) - 経済産業省


Real GNP (68SNA) = Real GDP + Net income from abroad (real) - 経済産業省



Real GNI (93SNA) = Real GDP + Trading gains + Net income from abroad (real) - 経済産業省



Who, then, are the final recipients of the expanding income surplus? - 経済産業省


Of this “Invisiblebalance, balance other thanincome balanceis still in deficit, and the surplus was due to an increase in the credit ofincome balance.” - 経済産業省


Incidentally, most income from direct investment is reserved overseas as reinvestment returns - 経済産業省


However, by international standards, one certainly cannot say that Japan has sufficient trade or income receipts and payments. - 経済産業省


2009 年には、所得受取のうち、直接投資収益の受取は4 兆2,806億円(速報値)と顕著に推移している。例文帳に追加

In 2009, receipt of direct investment income remarkably remained at 4 trillion and 2,806 billion yen (preliminary figures). - 経済産業省


2009 年には、所得受取のうち、直接投資収益の受取は4 兆2,806 億円(速報値)と顕著に推移している。例文帳に追加

In 2009, the return on direct investment amounted to 4.2806 trillion yen (preliminary estimate), showing steady performance. - 経済産業省


Among income receipts, receipts from direct investment earnings were ¥4,083 billion (growing 21.9% over the previous year), growing to comprise about 21% of income receipts. - 経済産業省


The income received from the direct investment increased by 30% over the previous year to approximately 5.31 trillion yen in 200710. - 経済産業省


Income balance is the net factor income received from abroad; in other words, the net sum of workerssalary remittances and return on investment received and paid such as interest and dividends on securities investments and direct investments. - 経済産業省


To check the structure of Japan’s income balance, breaking down the income balance into receipts and payments as percentages of nominal GNI gives 3.1% for receipts/GNI, and 0.8% for payments/GNI (2005). - 経済産業省


GNP has been calculated by deducting income for overseas payments from domestic added values or GDP and adding income payments from abroad. In this way, GDP and net income from abroad had been combined into GNP. - 経済産業省

近年では、こうした海外投資から生み出される所得受取が増加し、2008年の所得収支が約15.8 兆円と、貿易収支の約4 兆円を大きく上回っており、4 年連続で所得収支が貿易収支を超過している(第3-2-2-2 図)。例文帳に追加

The balance of income has exceeded the balance of trade for the fourth consecutive year (see Figure 3-2-2-2). - 経済産業省


When breaking down Japan’s income balance into receipts and payments, receipts are 3.1% and payments 0.8% to GDP (2005). This characterizes the small scale of receipts and payments, although the net balance is large. - 経済産業省


Increasing foreign assets lead interest, dividends, and otherreceipts above payments, creating an income surplus, while the growing capital account deficitbecomes clear. - 経済産業省


Most of theincome balancecredit is income (dividends and interests) obtained by the purchase of overseas assets, such asdirect investment” and “securities investment.” - 経済産業省


Various types of income included in credit ofinvest income” are given back and distributed in the country and become various types ofdomestic demand. - 経済産業省


Also, receipts and payments of income balance are closely related to the sizes of outward FDI and inward FDI, respectively. - 経済産業省


As examined above, elderly households account for a large portion of final income balance recipients, and the expansion of income surplus is expected to ease the transient impact by the aging population. - 経済産業省

実質国民総所得(GNI)は2002年からの景気回復期において、海外からの所得受取によって増加している局面もある一方で、交易条件の悪化によって交易損失が減少の寄与となっている 。例文帳に追加

While the real gross national income (GNI) increased during the economic recovery phase from 2002 thanks to net income from overseas, the trade loss due to worsened terms of trade negatively contributed . - 厚生労働省

近年では、こうした海外投資から生み出される所得受取が増加し、2009 年の所得収支が約12.3 兆円と、貿易収支の約4.0兆円を大きく上回っており、5 年連続で所得収支が貿易収支を超過している(第3-2-3-17 図)。例文帳に追加

In recent years, the receipt of income generated from foreign investments has increased. In 2009 the foreign investment income balance was 12.3 trillion yen, which greatly exceeded the trade balance of 4.0 billion yen. Foreign investment income has exceeded the trade balance for the fifth consecutive year (see Figure 3-2-3-17). - 経済産業省

近年は、こうした海外投資から生み出される所得受取が増加し、2009 年の所得収支が約12.3 兆円と、貿易収支の約4.0 兆円を大きく上回っており、5 年連続で所得収支が貿易収支を超過している(第5-2-2-1 図)。例文帳に追加

In recent years, income receivable generated by such overseas investment has increased, with the surplus in the balance of income reaching about 12.3 trillion yen in 2009. It is much larger than the surplus in the balance of trade which was about 4.0 trillion yen in the same year. The surplus in the balance of income has exceeded that in the balance of trade for the fifth consecutive year (see Figure 5-2-2-1). - 経済産業省

近年は、こうした海外投資から生み出される所得受取が増加し、2011 年の所得収支が約 14.0 兆円と、約 1.6 兆円の赤字となった貿易収支を大きく上回っており、7 年連続で所得収支が貿易収支を超過している。例文帳に追加

In recent years, the amount of returns accruing from such foreign investment has increased; the income balance in 2011 was about 14 trillion yen, significantly surpassing the trade balance which posted a deficit of about 1.6 trillion yen; the amount of income balance has exceeded the amount of trade balance for seven consecutive years. - 経済産業省


The income received from such foreign investment has been increasing in recent years. The income account surplus reached about 16.3 trillion yen in 2007, far exceeding the trade account surplus of about 12.3 trillion yen. The income account has exceeded the trade account for 3 consecutive years (see Figure 4-4-15). - 経済産業省


Individual analyses of reception and payment of income surplus show that the ratio of reception to GDP will increase from 3.1% (actual figure for 2005) to 6.7% (2030), while that of payment to GDP will expand from 0.8% (actual figure for 2005) to 2.3% (2030). - 経済産業省

所得受取については、投資残高の増加や世界的な金利上昇等を背景とした中長期債の利子受取の増加等を要因として証券投資収益の受取が拡大したほか、グローバル化が進んだ我が国企業の海外現地法人の業績好調等を反映して直接投資収益の受取も増加し、2006年の所得受取は19兆2,831億円(前年比 24.1%)と大幅に増加し、過去最高となった。例文帳に追加

Regarding income receipts, the growing investment balance, rising global interest rates, etc., led to growing interest receipts from mid and long term bonds, which was the main factor in growing receipts from securities investment earnings. In addition, reflecting factors including favorable results of overseas subsidiaries of Japanese companies which have moved forward with globalization, direct investment earnings receipts also increased, with a dramatic increase in 2006 income receipts to ¥19,283 billion (24.1% over the previous year), an historic high. - 経済産業省


However, compared to the time of the oil shocks, in the current deterioration in the terms of trade the positive degree of income received from overseas (actual net exports + net receipts from overseas) is greater than the negative degree of trade loss (see Figure 2-2-28). - 経済産業省


On the other hand, greater trading gains achieved in resource andfood exporting countries increased domestic final demands, and in turn, supported the economies ofexporting countries (Japan, China, and the EU) that export goods to the resource and food exportingcountries. - 経済産業省


In contrast, when we divide the Japanese "Current Account" into "Credit" and "Debit", the composition ratio of "Goods Trade" and composition ratio of surplus of income balance are big, in "Net". - 経済産業省


Due to this, we can see that the reason why the ratio of income balance surplus accounting for Japanese current account surplus is big is not because of large amount of acceptance but small amount of payment. - 経済産業省

コラム第8-2 図を見ると、我が国の特徴として、「所得収支」の支払の規模が小さいこと、受取が「証券投資」中心であること、「その他投資」が小さいことが確認できる。例文帳に追加

Figure 8-2 shows Japan is marked by a small amount of debit inincome balance,” credit centered onsecurities investment,” and a small amount of “other investment.” - 経済産業省


The breakup of the income account, which is considered to be more important than ever, clearly shows that direct investment income has been increasing in recent years, with the portfolio investment income constituting the largest share (see Figure 2-2-4). - 経済産業省

2005年には本国投資法により資金が米国内に流入したが、2006年以降は再び留保される額が増加しており、2011 年は直接投資による所得受取の 73%が海外に留保された。例文帳に追加

Money flew into the U.S. owing to the Homeland Investment Act in 2005. But, after 2006, overseas reservation has been increasing again, and in 2011, 73% of income from direct investment was reserved overseas. - 経済産業省


As seen above, the weight of international economic activities in Japan’s economy is steadily growing in recent years, with growing exports, imports, income receipts and payments. - 経済産業省


For example, if Japan achieves a ratio of direct investment income to GDP which is equal to that of the U.S., this would add ¥7.3 trillion to its current ¥4.1 trillion of direct investment income (receipts), will be expanded to ¥11.4 trillion, thus the effect of expanding Japanese disposable income (GNI) by over 1%. - 経済産業省


Supporting this growing income surplus, in addition to the growing receipts from securities investment earnings, were the growing profits recorded by overseas subsidiaries accompanying the progress in overseas business expansion of Japanese companies (Figure 4-1-12). - 経済産業省


The reasons for such increase in the income account surplus include the increased returns received from securities investment and increased profits of foreign subsidiaries of Japanese companies as more and more Japanese companies establish business units abroad (see Figure 4-4-16). - 経済産業省


While nominal GNP based on the 68SNA was identical to nominal GNI based on the 93SNA, the 93SNA made an adjustment for computing real GNI. Real GNP based on the 68SNA had covered net exports as a real export-import gap while failing to include real income (trading gains) emerging from an export-import price gap. In order to indicate real national income more precisely through the adjustment, the 93SNA adds trading gains when computing real GNI. - 経済産業省



On the other hand, in the United Kingdom, the Ministry of Finance submitted its proposal22 in June 2007. In view of the problems similar to those seen in the United States, it proposes to apply the extraterritorial income exclusion system to dividends received from foreign subsidiaries of major companies and to enhance controls on foreign subsidiaries (which are equivalent to the anti-tax haven taxation in Japan) for preventing the abuse of the system23. - 経済産業省


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