意味 | 例文 (11件) |

英訳・英語 carriage
該当件数 : 11件
In the cross-woven freight binding system and its method including first and second freight binding strips 30 and fixing freight in the transport container, the first strip 50 is made of a cross-woven material, and the second strip 80 is made of parallel reinforced material strands. - 特許庁
Many companies in APEC economies have implemented green logistics strategies to ensure that their trucks, rail cars, ships and planes are more optimally loaded on each trip they make, thereby increasing the overall fuel efficiency of freight transport operations. - 経済産業省
4.4 APECエコノミー内の多くの企業は、トラック、鉄道車両、船、飛行機が最適量の荷物を積載して輸送を行うことを確保し、それにより貨物輸送業務の燃料効率を全体的に向上させるというグリーン物流戦略を実施してきている。例文帳に追加
4.4 Many companies in APEC economies have implemented green logistics strategies to ensure that their trucks, rail cars, ships and planes are more optimally loaded on each trip they make, thereby increasing the overall fuel efficiency of freight transport operations.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
In the training equipment 1 utilizing the combustion furnace 2, the combustion furnace 2, and an air supply device 7 and a fuel supply device 8 to the combustion furnace 2 are loaded in a container 50 for cargo transport. - 特許庁
To miniaturize a heating device by avoiding a heat radiation loss due to the heating of a fuel oil of unnecessarily large capacity and preclude denaturation of the cargo in transit with heat as the greater part of oil in a storage tank remains unheated. - 特許庁
イ タンカー(ばら積みの油以外の貨物の海上輸送をすることができるタンカーにあつては、ばら積みの油の輸送の用に供しているもの並びにばら積みの油の輸送の用に供した後当該タンカーのすべての貨物艙内に当該油が残留しない程度にその貨物艙を洗浄するまでの間において、ばら積みの油以外の貨物の輸送の用に供しているもの及び貨物を積載しないで航行しているものに限る。)から流出し、又は排出された油による汚染(貨物として積載されていた油又は燃料油(当該油が貨物艙内その他の国土交通省令で定めるタンカー内の場所に残留したもの及び当該油を含む混合物で国土交通省令で定めるものを含む。)による汚染に限る。)により生ずる責任条約の締約国の領域(領海を含む。第七号の二イ及び第三十九条の五第一項第二号において同じ。)内又は排他的経済水域等内における損害例文帳に追加
(a) Damage caused within the territory (including territorial sea. The same shall apply to item vii-2.(a) and item 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 39-5) of a Contracting State of the Liability Convention or within the Exclusive Economic Zone, etc. by the pollution (limited to the pollution by the Oil loaded as cargo or by the Bunker Oil (including the Oil that is left in the cargo hold and the other places in the Tanker prescribed by an ordinance of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and mixture which is including a said Oil and which prescribed by an ordinance of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) resulting from the escape or discharge of Oil from a Tanker (as for the Tanker capable of carrying cargo other than Oil in bulk, it is limited to the Tanker used for transporting Oil in bulk and while the cargo holds have not been cleaned to the degree so that no oil may be left after they were used for transportation of Oil in bulk, the Tanker being used for transportation of cargo other than Oil in bulk and the ships navigating without any cargo).発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
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Weblio例文辞書での「貨物輸送料」に類似した例文 |
the cost of carrying or transporting
a service that transports things by ship
a fee for delivering things or carrying passengers
a railway car that carries freight
該当件数 : 11件
To provide a power train battery assembly of an electric vehicle, a fuel cell vehicle, or a hybrid vehicle for conveying passengers and/or cargoes that is easily assembled, and has a housing with which the sizable diameter tolerance of a battery cell can be compensated. - 特許庁
第六十三条 国土交通大臣は、特定の地域(特別積合せ貨物運送に係る運賃及び料金にあっては、特定の地域間。以下この項において同じ。)において、一般貨物自動車運送事業に係る運賃及び料金がその供給輸送力及び輸送需要量の不均衡又は物価その他の経済事情の変動により著しく高騰し、又は下落するおそれがある場合において、公衆の利便又は一般貨物自動車運送事業の健全な運営を確保するため特に必要があると認めるときは、当該特定の地域を指定して、一般貨物自動車運送事業の能率的な経営の下における適正な原価及び適正な利潤を基準として、期間を定めて標準運賃及び標準料金を定めることができる。例文帳に追加
Article 63 (1) In the event that the fares and charges of the general motor truck transportation business are likely to significantly soar or drop by the imbalance between the supplied transportation capacity and the transportation demand or by fluctuation of prices and other economic conditions in a certain area (between specific sections for fares and charges pertaining to the special loading motor truck transportation of LTL, hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph), when it is found necessary in maintaining the public convenience or ensuring sound management of the general motor truck transportation business operator in the said specific area, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism may designate the said specific area and determine the standard fares and standard charges for a specified period based on the fair cost and fair profit under efficient management of the general motor truck transportation business.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
To provide an engine fuel supply which is used for the drive source of a power generating device mainly employed for a frozen cargo delivery device mounted on a traction engine head, capable of preventing a engine unfavorable condition or failure by continuing a fuel supply into the engine when the fuel supply is temporarily stopped owing to fuel tank tilting caused by rolling or pitching in the time of transportation. - 特許庁
しかしながら同時にブラジルコスト*14というのも指摘されており、マナウス産の工業製品はマナウスからの陸路が貨物輸送には適さないため(2 本国道があるが整備不十分)、アマゾン川の水路を下り河口にある都市のベレンまで行き、そこから陸送という形でブラジル国内に供給している形をとっている(保険料に関して言えば、アマゾン川と大西洋との潮の変化が激しく、水路より陸送の方が安い。例文帳に追加
At the same time, however, so called Brazil costs*14 are pointed out. Industrial products manufactured in Manaus are transported by ships to Belem, a city located at the estuary of Amazon, along a waterway of Amazon, due to inadequacy of roads for land transportation (there are two national roads but not insufficiently maintenance) then, they are distributed to Brazilian domestic markets by land transportation (Insurance fee for the land transportation is lower than the cost of transportation by ship due to the large fluctuation of water level between Atlantic and Amazon. - 経済産業省
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