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意味・対訳 法律貴族(ほうりつきぞく、英語: Law Lords)は、イギリスにおいて上院の権能と共に最高裁判所の権能も有した貴族院(Lords of Appeal in Ordinary)で、裁判官の職権を行使した法曹の貴族院議員。

Weblio英和対訳辞書での「law lords」の意味

Law Lords


「law lords」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 13


The lords of shoens also held trials based on common law or regional customs.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

荘園領主は、公共法や地域慣習にのっとり裁判も行っていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore, there is a theory that the law penalizing defenses is the origin of the principle of Kenka Ryoseibai (in a quarrel, both parties are to blame), which was stipulated in bunkokuho (the law which individual Japanese territorial lords in the Sengoku period enforced in their own domain).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

なお、防戦に対する処罰規定は戦国大名の分国法などにおける喧嘩両成敗の元となったとする説もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, shikimoku was applied only to samurai society; kugeho was applied under the control of Imperial Court while honjo (proprietor or guarantor of manor) law came into effect under the influence of the lords of private estates.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

ただし、式目の適用は武家社会に限られ、朝廷の支配下では公家法、荘園領主の下では本所法が効力を持った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Around this period, on the other hand, Mokkan was carried out by the manor lords according to honjo-ho (the law for the proprietors of manor) alongside with the executions and banishments of the serious criminals such as murderers.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

一方この頃になると、荘園領主などが本所法によって殺人などの重罪人の処刑・追放と併せて没官が行われた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The laws and ordinances of the Muromachi bakufu and Bunkokuho (law warring lords enforced in their own domain) also adopted the Nenkiho to have limits of 20 years.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

室町幕府の法令や戦国大名の分国法でも20年を限度とする年紀法が採用された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Tokugawa shogunate took a thorough political stabilization policy, and established a complete law-abiding system controlling feudal lords (daimyo) and the imperial court by enacting Laws Governing Military Households (Buke Shohatto) and Laws Governing the Imperial Households and Court Nobles (Kinchu narabini Kuge Shohatto).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

徳川幕府は徹底的な政局安定策をとり、武家諸法度の制定や禁中並公家諸法度など諸大名や朝廷に対し、徹底した法治体制を敷いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Also, as it had come to the stage where dogs given free reign in the gardens of feudal lords would run stray and were often found wandering around town, 40,000 dogs were given accommodation due to the law.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

他に当時、大名屋敷で放し飼いにされた犬が野犬化し市街地に出没するという事態もあり、この法令で4万匹の犬を収容していたとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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Wiktionary英語版での「law lords」の意味

law lords

「law lords」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 13


The Akamatsu, Isshiki, Kyogoku and Yamana clans, whose heads were feudal lords that ruled local territories as military governors, were known as the "Shishiki (or Shishoku)" clans (meaning "four top ranking clans") and the military police director (called "tonin" or "shoshi" in Japanese) of the Muromachi bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) was chosen from among these clans in turn in order to take charge of military leadership, law enforcement and tax collection in the city of Kyoto.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

室町幕府の軍事指揮と京都市中の警察・徴税等を司る侍所の長官(頭人、所司)に交代で任じられた守護大名の赤松氏、一色氏、京極氏、山名氏の4氏を指して「四職」と称する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He covertly made territorial lords from around the country friends of the Eastern Camp, and assisted Ieyasu's 4th son Tadayoshi MATSUDAIRA (Naomasa's son-in-law) well in the battle by spearheading the Eastern Camp along with Tadayoshi instead of Masanori FUKUSHIMA, who was originally supposed to lead (normally, Naoyoshi and Tadayoshi would have been punished for violation of a military order, however, Ieyasu accepted Naoyoshi's conduct and didn't punish them).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

同時に全国の諸大名を東軍につける工作を行い、また合戦においても家康の四男・松平忠吉(直政の娘婿)をよく補佐して忠吉と共に当初、東軍の先鋒を任されていた福島正則を差し置いて先鋒を務めた(本来ならば、直政も忠吉も軍令違反で処罰の対象になるが、家康は直政の駆け抜けを認めたため、処罰を命じなかった)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Because he betrayed Katsuyori at the last minute despite being a Takeda family member, Nobukimi ANAYAMA had a negative reputation alongside Yoshimasa KISO, who was also the son-in-law of Shingen but switched sides to the Oda family, and Nobushige OYAMADA, who committed betrayal just before the fall; however, Hachiro SATO gives him a favorable appraisal, justifying his daring decision to turn away in order to sustain the family name, while Toshifumi YANO believes that the relationship between the Takeda clan and local samurai lords such as Anayama and Oyamada was a coalition government, and that with the fall of Takeda family, Nobukimi broke away from the perspective of an individual feudal lord.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

武田一族にも関わらず土壇場で勝頼を裏切ったことから、同じく信玄の娘婿でありながら織田家に寝返った木曽義昌や滅亡寸前に裏切った小山田信茂らと共に否定的評価がある一方で、佐藤八郎など家名存続のため敢えて背いた情勢判断を正当視する好意的評価や、矢野俊文による武田氏と国人領主の穴山や小山田の関係が連合政権であるとする立場から、滅亡に際して個別領主の立場から離反に至ったとする見解もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the article dated December 5, 1232, of "Azuma Kagami", important documents and kikigaki (account of what one hears) from Kyoto in and after the Juei and Genryaku eras, petitions of people, records of suits from samurai families in Rakuchu (inside the capital), Nanto, and Hokurei, shikimoku (law codes in the itemized form, which were used in the medieval Japan) of articles of works of ryoke (virtual proprietors of manor) and the lords of manors in and after the Bunji era, and documents, such as shidai (one of component parts of a Noh play) and orders of deeds of valor of eastern samurai at battles of the Taira clan' in the days of OE no Hiromoto were scattered, and Yasutoki HOJO collected them and transferred them to Astride NAGAI.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

『吾妻鏡』1232年(貞永元年)12月5日条に、大江広元の頃の「寿永・元暦以来京都より到来する重書並びに聞書、人々の款状、洛中及び南都・北嶺以下、武家より沙汰し来たる事の記録、文治以後の領家・地頭所務條々の式目、平氏合戦の時東士勲功の次第・注文等の文書」が分散してしまった為、北条泰時がこれを集めさせ、目録とともに長井泰秀に渡したとある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Samurai (especially shogunal retainers) at that time were easily involved in problems with court nobles who were lords of private estates where they (samurai) worked as jito; Goseibai-shikimoku was established in order to save samurai from such problems by making them understand the summary of legal order of the time centered in the kugeho and by working in harmony with the samurai society, therefore the reason was not to systemize the bukeho or to make a new order of law based on the bukeho; the kugeho was said to be still the base and was regarded as a formal model and material.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

これは、当時の武士(特に御家人)が巻き込まれ易かったのは、地頭として治める荘園における荘園領主である公家との揉め事であり、こうした揉め事から武士を救うには公家法を中心に動いていた当時の法秩序の概要を平易に説いて理解させ、武家社会との調和を図るために御成敗式目は制定されたもので、武家法の体系化や武家法に基づく新秩序形成を目的としたわけではなく、少なくても公家法の存在を前提とし、かつ形式的な模範・素材であったとしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As the reason, they explained that the word 'evil customs of the past' in shinkan (Imperial letter) issued at the same time as Charter Oath was not restricted to national isolation as well as expulsion of foreigners, and Takayoshi KIDO himself used the words 'old customs', 'evil customs of the past' and 'conventions' widely as meaning of 'feudalism to be conquered' or 'closed nature to be conquered', and even Toshimichi OKUBO severely criticized the same thing as 'evil customs of the past' mentioned by Kido for 'corrupt smell of old customes', in other word, though both Satsuma and Choshu provided overseas education secretly and were liberal domains led the movement of overthrowing the Shogunate, Okubo from Satsuma recognized more about dangerous feudalism as well as closed nature than Kido from Choshu, Okubo had to criticize more extreme because of internal affair regarding father and son of the lords of his domain and internal circumstances of his domain (The Teradaya Incident - Seinan War), moreover Tomomi IWAKURA also used just the same words 'the laws of Nature' as 'reason of nature' in other document, which meant totally different from international public law.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

その理由として、御誓文と同時に出された宸翰に出てくる「旧来の陋習」の語がそもそも鎖国攘夷の意味に限定されていないこと、また木戸孝允自身が「打破すべき封建性」「打破すべき閉鎖性」の意味で「旧習」「旧来の陋習」「陋習」という言葉を広く使用していること、また、大久保利通でさえ木戸の「旧来の陋習」と同じ意味のことを「因循の腐臭」とより痛烈に批判していること、つまり、薩長いずれも密留学をさせ倒幕に立ち上がった開明的雄藩であったにもかかわらず長州の木戸より薩摩の大久保のほうが藩主父子・出身藩の内部事情などのためにより批判的にならざるを得ない危険な封建性・閉鎖性をより自覚していたということ(寺田屋事件~西南戦争)、更に、岩倉具視も他の文書で「天地の公道」という全く同じ言葉を万国公法とはおよそ次元の異なる「天然自然の条理というような意味」で用いていることなどが挙げられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


「law lords」の意味に関連した用語
law lord Wiktionary英語版

lord mesne Wiktionary英語版

法律貴族 英和対訳

Moncrieff v Jamieson 百科事典

Donoghue v Stevenson 百科事典

Re Spectrum Plus Ltd 百科事典

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