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Wiktionary英語版での「sloppery」の意味 |
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2016/12/11 20:51 UTC 版)
sloppery (comparative more sloppery, superlative most sloppery)
- Slippery and messy.
1902, Robert Marshall, The Haunted Major, page 108:
- Thanks to the discipline of daily habit, my hands and jaws performed their accustomed tasks, but my mind was in a condition alternately comatose and chaotic, so much so that it was a matter of surprise to me when I found my eyes resting on the bones of my sole and the sloppery trail of a departed omelette.
sloppery (comparative more sloppery, superlative most sloppery)
sloppery (countable かつ uncountable, 複数形 slopperies)
- Messiness.
- Careless imprecision.
- Lack of clear-headedness; fuzzy thinking.
- Watery unappetizing food; gruel.
1858, Thomas Carlyle, History of Friedrich II. Of Prussia, Frederick the Great:
- One day, it is in February, 1731, as I compute, they are sitting, her Sonsfeld and she, at their sad mess of so-called dinner, in their remote uppoer story of the Berlin Schloss, tramp of sentries the one thing audible; and were "looking mournfully at one another, with nothing to eat but a soup of salt and water, and a ragout of old bones full of hairs and slopperies [nothing else; that was its real quality, whatever fine name they might give it, says the vehement Princess], we heard a sharp tapping at the window; and started up in surprise, to see what it could be.
- A low-class drinking establishment.
1966, The Double Dealer - Volumes 1-2, page 153:
- Anything that is sloppy.
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