
「あいこく」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(542ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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(1) 特許庁及び連邦特許裁判所に対する手続における書類の送達については,次の事項に従うことを条件として,行政訴訟における送達に関する法律の規定が適用される。1. 書留郵便による送達の受取が,法律によって定められている理由なしに拒絶された場合でも,送達は行われたものとみなされる2. 国外に居住しており,かつ,第 25条の要件に反して,ドイツにおける代理人を指名していない名宛人に対する送達は,郵便局から郵送される書留郵便をもって行うことができる。この規定は,名宛人であって,同人自身が第 25条(2)の意味においてドイツにおける代理人である者に対しても適用される。民事訴訟法第 184条(2)第 1文及び第 4文が準用される。 4. 特許庁に郵便私書箱が設置されている名宛人に対しては,書類の送達は,その郵便私書箱に投函することによっても行うことができる。投函に関する書面陳述が,その事件のファイルにおいて行われる。書類には,投函の日時が記録されなければならない。送達は,郵便私書箱への投函から 3日目に行われたものとみなされる。 4. 特許庁に郵便私書箱が設置されている名宛人に対しては,書類の送達は,その郵便私書箱に投函することによっても行うことができる。投函に関する書面陳述が,その事件のファイルにおいて行われる。書類には,投函の日時が記録されなければならない。送達は,郵便私書箱への投函から 3日目に行われたものとみなされる。例文帳に追加

(1) Regarding service of documents in proceedings before the Patent Office, the provisions of the Law on Service in Administrative 77 Procedures [Verwaltungszustellungsgesetz] shall apply, subject to the following: Procedures [Verwaltungszustellungsgesetz] shall apply, subject to the following: If acceptance of service by registered letter is refused without such grounds as are provided by law, service shall nevertheless be deemed to have been effected; 2. Service to an addressee who resides abroad and who has not, contrary to the requirement of Section 25, appointed a German representative may be effected by registered letter mailed from a post office. The same shall apply to addressees who are themselves German representatives within the terms of Section 25(2). Section 184(2), sentences 1 and 4, of the Code of Civil Procedure shall apply mutatis mutandis; 3. For the purposes of service upon holders of certificates of representation (Section 177 of the Patent Attorney Regulations [Patentanwaltsordnung]), Section 5(4) of the Law on Service in Administrative Procedures shall apply mutatis mutandis; 4. Documents may be served on addressees for whom a mail box has been installed at the Patent Office also by depositing the documents in the mail box of the addressee. A written statement regarding the deposit shall be made in the files of the case. The time of the deposit shall be recorded on the document. Service shall be deemed to have been effected on the third day after deposit in the mail box.  - 特許庁

3 第九十二条の規定は第一項の規定による申請に係る第十六条第一項第二号ロの指定に、第六十一条、第六十二条、第六十五条、第六十六条、第八十九条第五項及び第六項、第九十四条第一項、第九十五条第二項、第九十六条第一項、第九十七条第一項、第九十八条並びに第九十九条の規定は指定外国製造事業者に準用する。この場合において、第六十一条中「前条第一項」とあるのは「第百一条第三項において準用する第九十二条第一項」と、第六十二条第一項中「第五十九条各号」とあるのは「第九十一条第一項第一号から第三号まで」と、第八十九条第五項中「前項において準用する前条」とあるのは「第百一条第三項において準用する第九十九条」と、第九十五条第二項中「第七十六条第一項の承認に係る型式に属する特定計量器(前項ただし書の規定の適用を受けて製造されるものを除く。)」とあり、及び第九十六条第一項中「第七十六条第一項の承認に係る型式に属する特定計量器(前条第一項ただし書の規定の適用を受けて製造されるものを除く。)」とあるのは「第八十九条第一項の承認に係る型式に属する特定計量器で本邦に輸出されるもの」と、第九十七条第一項中「何人も」とあるのは「指定外国製造事業者は」と、「特定計量器」とあるのは「特定計量器で本邦に輸出されるもの」と、第九十八条中「命ずる」とあるのは「請求する」と、同条第二号中「第九十五条第一項」とあるのは「第百一条第二項」と、第九十九条第一号中「第八十四条第三項」とあるのは「第八十九条第四項において準用する第八十四条第三項」と、同条第三号中「第八十六条」とあるのは「第八十九条第四項において準用する第八十六条」と、「命令に違反したとき」とあるのは「請求に応じなかったとき」と読み替えるものとする。例文帳に追加

(3) The provision of Article 92 shall apply mutatis mutandis to a designation set forth in Article 16, paragraph, 1 item 2 (b) pertaining to the designation pursuant to the provision of paragraph 1 of this Article, and the provisions of Article 61, Article 62, Article 65, Article 66, Article 89, paragraphs 5 and 6, Article 94, paragraph 1, Article 95, paragraph 2, Article 96, paragraph 1, Article 97, paragraph 1, Article 98 and Article 99 shall apply mutatis mutandis to designated foreign manufacturing business operators. In this case, the term "paragraph 1 of the preceding Article" in Article 61 shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 92, paragraph 1 as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 101, paragraph 3", the term "each item of Article 59" in Article 62, paragraph 1 shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 91, paragraph 1, items 1 through 3", the term "the preceding Article as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the preceding paragraph" in Article 89, paragraph 5 shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 99 as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 101, paragraph 3", the term "specified measuring instruments belonging to the type pertaining to the approval set forth in Article 76, paragraph 1 (excluding those manufactured pursuant to the provision of the proviso to the preceding paragraph)" in Article 95 paragraph 2 and the term "specified measuring instruments belonging to the type pertaining to an approval set forth in Article 76, paragraph 1 (excluding those manufactured pursuant to the provision of the proviso to paragraph 1 of the preceding Article)" in Article 96, paragraph 1 shall be deemed to be replaced with "specified measuring instruments to be exported to Japan belonging to the type pertaining to the approval set forth in Article 89, paragraph 1", the terms "No person" and "specified measuring instrument" in Article 97, paragraph 1 shall be deemed to be replaced with "No designated foreign manufacturing business operator" and "specified measuring instrument to be exported to Japan", respectively, the term "order" in Article 98 shall be deemed to be replaced with "request", the term "Article 95, paragraph 1" in Article 98, item 2 shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 101, paragraph 2", the term "Article 84, paragraph 3" in Article 99, item 1 shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 84, paragraph 3 as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 89, paragraph 4", and the terms "Article 86" and "has violated an order" in Article 99, item 3 shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 86 as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 89, paragraph 4" and "has failed to respond to a request", respectively.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第三条 組織的な犯罪の処罰及び犯罪収益の規制等に関する法律(平成十一年法律第百三十六号。以下「組織的犯罪処罰法」という。)第九条第一項から第三項まで、第十条及び第十一条の規定は、この法律の施行前に財産上の不正な利益を得る目的で犯した第一条の規定による改正前の不正競争防止法第十四条第一項第一号から第六号の二まで若しくは第七号(同法第十一条第一項に係る部分を除く。)、第二条の規定による改正前の特許法第二百条の二第一項、第三条の規定による改正前の実用新案法第六十条の二第一項、第四条の規定による改正前の意匠法第七十三条の二第一項、第五条の規定による改正前の商標法第八十一条の二第一項、第六条の規定による改正前の著作権法第百二十二条の二又は附則第六条の規定による改正前の特許法等の一部を改正する法律(平成五年法律第二十六号)附則第四条第一項の規定によりなおその効力を有するものとされた同法第三条の規定による改正前の実用新案法(附則第六条において「平成五年旧実用新案法」という。)第六十条の二第一項に掲げる罪の犯罪行為(日本国外でした行為であって、当該行為が日本国内において行われたとしたならばこれらの罪に当たり、かつ、当該行為地の法令により罪に当たるものを含む。)により生じ、若しくは当該犯罪行為により得た財産又は当該犯罪行為の報酬として得た財産に関してこの法律の施行後にした行為に対しても、適用する。この場合において、これらの財産は、組織的犯罪処罰法第二条第二項第一号の犯罪収益とみなす。例文帳に追加

Article 3 The provisions of Article 9(1) to (3), Article 10, and Article 11 of the Act for Punishment of Organized Crimes, Control of Crime Proceeds and Other Matters (Act No. 136 of 1999; hereinafter referred to as the "Organized Crime Punishment Act" ) shall also apply to an act committed after the enforcement of this Act with regard to assets arising from or acquired through a criminal act constituting any of the offenses listed in the following provisions (including a criminal act committed outside Japan, which would constitute any of these offenses if it were committed in Japan and which constitutes an offense under the laws and regulations of the place of the act) that was committed before the enforcement of this Act in order to acquire illicit gains, or assets acquired as a reward for said criminal act: Article 14(1)(i) to (vi)-2, or (vii) of the Unfair Competition Prevention Act (excluding the part pertaining to Article 11(1) of the same Act) before the revision pursuant to the provision of Article 1 of this Act; Article 200-2(1) of the Patent Act before the revision pursuant to the provision of Article 2 of this Act; Article 60-2(1) of the Utility Model Act before the revision pursuant to the provision of Article 3 of this Act; Article 73-2(1) of the Design Act before the revision pursuant to the provision of Article 4 of this Act; Article 81-2(1) of the Trademark Act before the revision pursuant to the provision of Article 5 of this Act; Article 122-2 of the Copyright Act before the revision pursuant to the provision of Article 6; or Article 60-2(1) of the Utility Model Act before the revision pursuant to the provision of Article 3 of the Act for Partial Revision of the Patent Act, etc. (Act No. 26 of 2003) before the revision pursuant to the provision of Article 6 of the Supplementary Provisions of this Act where said provision of Article 3 is to remain applicable pursuant to the provision of Article 4(1) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Act for Partial Revision of the Patent Act, etc. (such Utility Model Act shall be referred to as the "Former Utility Model Act of 1992" in Article 6 of the Supplementary Provisions of this Act).In this case, these assets shall be deemed as criminal gains under Article 2(2)(i) of the Organized Crime Punishment Act.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第五十三条の十六 会社法第二編第四章第五節第二款(第三百六十七条並びに第三百七十一条第三項及び第五項を除く。)(運営)の規定は相互会社の取締役会の運営について、同法第八百六十八条第一項(非訟事件の管轄)、第八百六十九条(疎明)、第八百七十条(第一号に係る部分に限る。)(陳述の聴取)、第八百七十一条本文(理由の付記)、第八百七十二条(第四号に係る部分に限る。)(即時抗告)、第八百七十三条本文(原裁判の執行停止)、第八百七十五条(非訟事件手続法の規定の適用除外)及び第八百七十六条(最高裁判所規則)の規定はこの条において読み替えて準用する同法第三百七十一条第二項又は第四項の規定による許可の申立てについて、それぞれ準用する。この場合において、同法第三百七十一条第二項(議事録等)中「株主」とあるのは「社員(総代会を設けているときは、総代)」と、「株式会社の営業時間内は、いつでも」とあるのは「裁判所の許可を得て」と、同条第六項中「親会社若しくは子会社」とあるのは「保険業法第三十三条の二第一項に規定する実質子会社」と、同法第三百七十二条第二項及び第三項(取締役会への報告の省略)中「第三百六十三条第二項」とあるのは「保険業法第五十三条の十三第二項」と、同条第三項中「第四百十七条第四項」とあるのは「保険業法第五十三条の三十第五項において準用する第四百十七条第四項」と、同法第三百七十三条第一項及び第二項(特別取締役による取締役会の決議)中「第三百六十二条第四項第一号及び第二号」とあるのは「保険業法第五十三条の十四第四項第一号及び第二号」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。例文帳に追加

Article 53-16 The provisions of Part II, Chapter IV, Section 5, Subsection 2 (excluding Article 367, and Article 371, paragraphs (3) and (5)) (Operations) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the operation of the board of directors of a Mutual Company; and the provisions of Article 868, paragraph (1) (Jurisdiction of Non-Contentious Cases), Article 869 (Showing of Prima Facie Evidence), Article 870 (limited to the segment pertaining to item (i)) (Hearing of Statements), the main clause of Article 871 (Supplementary Note of Reasons), Article 872 (limited to the segment pertaining to item (iv)) (Immediate Appeal Against Ruling), the main clause of Article 873 (Stay of Execution of Original Sentence), Article 875 (Exclusion from Application of Provisions of Act on Procedures for Non-Contentious Cases) and Article 876 (Supreme Court Rules) of that Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to an application for permission under Article 371, paragraph (2) or (4) of that Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to this Article with relevant changes in interpretation. In this case, the terms "shareholder" and "at any time during the business hours of a Stock Company" in Article 371, paragraph (2) (Minutes) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "member (or, where the company has a General Meeting, general representative)" and "with the permission of the court," respectively; the term "Parent Company or Subsidiary" in Article 371, paragraph (6) shall be deemed to be replaced with "de facto Subsidiary Company as defined in Article 33-2, paragraph (1) of the Insurance Business Act"; the term "Article 363, paragraph (2)" in Article 372, paragraphs (2) and (3) (Omission of Report to Board of Directors) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 53-13, paragraph (2) of the Insurance Business Act"; the term "Article 417, paragraph (4)" in Article 372, paragraph (3) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 417, paragraph (4) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 53-30, paragraph (5) of the Insurance Business Act"; and the term "Article 362, paragraph (4), items (i) and (ii)" in Article 373, paragraphs (1) and (2) (Resolution of board of directors by special directors) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 53-14, paragraph (4), items (i) and (ii) of the Insurance Business Act"; any other necessary technical change in interpretation shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第五十三条の三十二 会社法第四百十九条(第二項後段を除く。)(執行役の監査委員に対する報告義務等)、第四百二十一条(表見代表執行役)及び第四百二十二条第一項(株主による執行役の行為の差止め)の規定は委員会設置会社の執行役について、同法第四百二十条(代表執行役)の規定は委員会設置会社の代表執行役について、同法第八百六十八条第一項(非訟事件の管轄)、第八百六十九条(疎明)、第八百七十条(第二号に係る部分に限る。)(陳述の聴取)、第八百七十一条(理由の付記)、第八百七十二条(第四号に係る部分に限る。)(即時抗告)、第八百七十四条(第一号及び第四号に係る部分に限る。)(不服申立ての制限)、第八百七十五条(非訟事件手続法の規定の適用除外)及び第八百七十六条(最高裁判所規則)の規定は委員会設置会社の執行役又は代表執行役について、同法第九百三十七条第一項(第二号イ及びハに係る部分に限る。)(裁判による登記の嘱託)の規定は委員会設置会社の代表執行役について、それぞれ準用する。この場合において、同法第四百十九条第二項前段中「第三百五十五条、第三百五十六条及び第三百六十五条第二項」とあるのは「保険業法第五十三条の十五において準用する第三百五十五条、第三百五十六条及び第三百六十五条第二項」と、同条第三項中「第三百五十七条」とあるのは「保険業法第五十三条の十五において準用する第三百五十七条」と、同法第四百二十条第三項中「第三百四十九条第四項及び第五項」とあるのは「保険業法第五十三条の十五において準用する第三百四十九条第四項及び第五項」と、「第三百五十二条」とあるのは「同法第五十三条の十五において準用する第三百五十二条」と、「第四百一条第二項から第四項まで」とあるのは「保険業法第五十三条の二十五第二項において準用する第四百一条第二項から第四項まで」と、同法第四百二十二条第一項中「株式を有する株主」とあるのは「社員である者」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。例文帳に追加

Article 53-32 The provisions of Article 419 (excluding the second sentence of paragraph (2)) (Executive Officer's Duty to Report to Audit Committee Members), Article 421 (Apparent Representative Executive Officers) and Article 422, paragraph (1) (Enjoinment of Acts of Executive Officers by Shareholders) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the executive officers of a company with Committees; the provision of Article 420 (Representative Executive Officers) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the representative executive officer of a company with Committees; the provisions of Article 868, paragraph (1) (Jurisdiction of Non-Contentious Cases), Article 869 (Showing of Prima Facie Evidence), Article 870 (limited to the segment pertaining to item (ii)) (Hearing of Statements), Article 871 (Supplementary Note of Reasons), Article 872 (limited to the segment pertaining to item (iv)) (Immediate Appeal Against Ruling), Article 874 (limited to the segment pertaining to items (i) and (iv)) (Restrictions on Appeal), Article 875 (Exclusion from Application of Provisions of Act on Procedures for Non-Contentious Cases) and Article 876 (Supreme Court Rules) of that Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the executive officers or representative executive officer of a company with Committees; and the provision of Article 937, paragraph (1) (limited to the segment pertaining to item (ii), (a) and (c)) (Commission of Registration by Judicial Decision) of that Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the representative executive officer of a company with Committees. In this case, the term "Article 355, Article 356 and Article 365, paragraph (2)" in the first sentence of Article 419, paragraph (2) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 355, Article 356 and Article 365, paragraph (2) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 53-15 of the Insurance Business Act"; the term "Article 357" in Article 419, paragraph (3) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 357 as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 53-15 of the Insurance Business Act"; the terms "Article 349, paragraphs (4) and (5)," "Article 352" and "Article 401, paragraphs (2) to (4) inclusive" in Article 420, paragraph (3) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 349, paragraphs (4) and (5) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 53-15 of the Insurance Business Act," "Article 352 as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 53-15 of that Act" and "Article 401, paragraphs (2) to (4) inclusive as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 53-25 of the Insurance Business Act," respectively; and the term "shareholders having the shares" in Article 422, paragraph (1) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "persons who have been members"; any other necessary technical change in interpretation shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


7 信託法(平成十八年法律第百八号)第八章(第百八十五条、第百八十七条、第百九十二条、第百九十五条第二項、第二百条第二項、第二百二条第四項、第二百六条、第二百七条、第二百九条、第二百十条、第二百十二条、第二百十四条及び第二百十五条を除く。)の規定は、委託者指図型投資信託について準用する。この場合において、これらの規定中「法務省令」とあるのは「内閣府令」と、同法第百八十六条、第百八十八条、第百八十九条第一項、第三項及び第四項、第百九十条第一項から第三項まで、第百九十三条、第百九十七条第一項から第三項まで、第百九十八条第一項、第二百一条第一項、第二百二条第一項から第三項まで、第二百四条、第二百五条並びに第二百八条第一項から第四項まで及び第六項中「受託者」とあるのは「委託者」と、同法第百八十九条第四項及び第百九十一条第五項中「官報に公告しなければ」とあるのは「公告しなければ」と、同法第百九十条第二項中「委託者」とあるのは「受託者」と、同法第百九十一条第一項及び第三項並びに第二百三条第一項中「受託者が」とあるのは「委託者又は受託者が」と、「受託者に」とあるのは「委託者に」と、同法第百九十一条第四項中「受託者」とあるのは「委託者又は受託者」と、同法第百九十四条中「受益証券発行信託の受益権(第百八十五条第二項の定めのある受益権を除く。)」とあるのは「記名式の受益証券が発行されている受益権」と、同法第百九十五条第一項及び第二百条第一項中「受託者」とあるのは「委託者及び受託者」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。例文帳に追加

(7) The provisions of Chapter VIII of the Trust Act (Act No. 108 of 2006) (excluding Article 185, Article 187, Article 192, Article 195, paragraph (2), Article 200, paragraph (2), Article 202, paragraph (4), Article 206, Article 207, Article 209, Article 210, Article 212, Article 214, and Article 215) shall apply mutatis mutandis to Investment Trusts Managed under Instructions from the Settlor. In this case, the term "Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice" in said provisions shall be deemed to be replaced with "Cabinet Office Ordinance," the term "trustee" in Article 186, Article 188, Article 189, paragraph (1), paragraph (3), and paragraph (4), Article 190, paragraph (1) through paragraph (3), Article 193, Article 197, paragraph (1) through paragraph (3) , Article 198, paragraph (1), Article 201, paragraph (1), Article 202, paragraph (1) through paragraph (3), Article 204, Article 205, and Article 208, paragraph (1) through paragraph (4) and paragraph (6) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "settlor," the phrase "shall give public notice in an official gazette" in Article 189, paragraph (4) and Article 191, paragraph (5) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "shall give public notice," the term "settlor" in Article 190, paragraph (2) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "trustee," the terms "a trustee" and "the trustee" in Article 191, paragraph (1) and paragraph (3) and Article 203, paragraph (1) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "a settlor or trustee" and "the settlor" respectively, the term "the trustee" in Article 191, paragraph (4) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the settlor or trustee," the phrase "beneficial interest in a trust that issues beneficiary certificates (excluding a beneficial interest under Article 185, paragraph (2))" in Article 194 of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the beneficial interest for which a registered Beneficiary Certificate is issued," the term "trustee" in Article 195, paragraph (1) and Article 200, paragraph (1) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "settlor and trustee," and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 第一項の雇用保険率の変更があった場合において、平成十九年四月一日から始まる保険年度において新徴収法第十九条第一項又は第二項の規定により申告書を提出すべき事業主(変更日以後に同条第一項又は第二項の規定により申告書を提出すべき事由が生じた事業主を除く。)及び同条第三項の規定により労働保険料を納付すべき事業主(変更日以後に同項の規定により労働保険料を納付すべき事由が生じた事業主を除く。)に係る同条の規定の適用については、同条第一項中「保険年度ごとに、次に」とあるのは「次に」と、「次の保険年度」とあるのは「平成十八年四月一日から始まる保険年度の次の保険年度」と、「保険年度の中途」とあるのは「その保険年度の中途」と、「五十日以内」とあるのは「五十日にその保険年度の初日から雇用保険法等の一部を改正する法律(平成十九年法律第三十号)附則第五十三条の二第二項に規定する変更日(以下この条において「変更日」という。)の前日までの日数を加えた日数以内」と、「その保険年度に使用した」とあるのは「平成十八年四月一日から始まる保険年度に使用した」と、「消滅したもの」とあるのは「平成十九年四月一日から始まる保険年度の中途に保険関係が消滅したもの」と、「その保険年度において」とあるのは「当該保険関係が成立し、又は消滅した保険年度において」と、「一般保険料及びその保険年度」とあるのは「一般保険料及び平成十八年四月一日から始まる保険年度」と、「並びにその保険年度」とあるのは「並びに平成十八年四月一日から始まる保険年度」と、「、その保険年度における」とあるのは「、平成十八年四月一日から始まる保険年度における」と、同条第二項中「五十日以内」とあるのは「五十日にその保険年度の初日から変更日の前日までの日数を加えた日数以内」と、同条第三項中「次の保険年度」とあるのは「平成十八年四月一日から始まる保険年度の次の保険年度」と、「五十日以内」とあるのは「五十日に平成十九年四月一日から始まる保険年度の初日から変更日の前日までの日数を加えた日数以内」とする。例文帳に追加

(3) If the employment insurance rate has been modified pursuant to the provision of paragraph (1), with regard to the application of Article 19 of the New Collection Act to the business operators who are required to submit the notification pursuant to the same Article, paragraph (1) or (2) during the insurance year starting on April 1, 2007 (excluding the business operators in respect of which the cause of the submission of the notification pursuant to the same Article, paragraph (1) or (2) occurs on and after the date of modification) and to the business operators who are required to pay the labor insurance premiums pursuant to the same Article, paragraph (3) in the same year (excluding the business operators in respect of which the cause of the payment of the labor insurance premiums pursuant to the same paragraph occurs on and after the date of modification), the term "every insurance year the declaration form...the following" in the same Article, paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the declaration form...the following", the term "the following insurance year" with "the insurance year following the insurance year starting on April 1, 2006", the term "the midst of an insurance year" with "the midst of such insurance year", the term "within 50 days" with "within the number of days calculated by adding to 50 days the number of days from the first day of such insurance year to the day preceding the date of modification prescribed by Article 53-2, paragraph (2) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Act Revising a Portion of the Employment Insurance Act, etc. (Act No. 30 of 2007) (hereinafter referred to as the "date of modification" in this Article)", the term "employed during such insurance year" with "employed during the insurance year starting on April 1, 2006", the term "in case of establishment or extinction of the insurance relation in the midst of an insurance year" with "in case of establishment of the insurance relation in the midst of an insurance year or extinction of the insurance relation in the midst of the insurance year starting on April 1, 2007", the term "during such insurance year" with "during the insurance year in which such insurance relation is established or becomes extinct", the term "the general insurance premiums...and...for such insurance year" in item (ii)(a) of the same paragraph with "the general insurance premiums...and...for the insurance year starting on April 1, 2006", the term "and...for such insurance year" in item (ii)(c) of the same paragraph with "and...for the insurance year starting on April 1, 2006", the term "for such insurance year" in item (iii) of the same paragraph with "for the insurance year starting on April 1, 2006", and the term "within 50 days" in the same Article, paragraph (2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "within the number of days calculated by adding to 50 days the number of days from the first day of such insurance year to the day preceding the date of modification", and the term "the following insurance year" in the same Article, paragraph (3) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the insurance year following the insurance year starting on April 1, 2006", the term "within 50 days" with "within the number of days calculated by adding to 50 days the number of days from the first day of the insurance year starting on April 1, 2007 to the day preceding the date of modification".  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


My focus will be on the post-global-financial-crisis G8 and G20 including China, India and Brazil, as mentioned earlier. The reality is that G8 alone can no longer cover the global economy. There is also Basel III. Populous countries undergoing extremely rapid development such as China, India and Brazil have joined G20 with significant power. China, being Japan’s neighbor, has been the Japan’s biggest import and export partner in the past three years. For China, Japan is the third biggest export destination, behind the United States and EU, ranked first and second, respectively, so Japan and China are in a strategic, mutually beneficial relationship. In that sense, especially when it comes to the issue of finance, the financial sector is extremely globalized; the impact of the financial sector on the global economy is instant. China is the leading holder of U.S. Treasury securities, followed by Japan. With some 60 trillion yen of public spending, China is booming, as you may be well aware, although some people have suggested that a bubble may be forming.  - 金融庁

第十三条の四 金融商品取引法第三章第一節第五款(第三十四条の二第六項から第八項まで(特定投資家が特定投資家以外の顧客とみなされる場合)並びに第三十四条の三第五項及び第六項(特定投資家以外の顧客である法人が特定投資家とみなされる場合)を除く。)(特定投資家)、同章第二節第一款(第三十五条から第三十六条の四まで(第一種金融商品取引業又は投資運用業を行う者の業務の範囲、第二種金融商品取引業又は投資助言・代理業のみを行う者の兼業の範囲、顧客に対する誠実義務、標識の掲示、名義貸しの禁止、社債の管理の禁止等)、第三十七条第一項第二号(広告等の規制)、第三十七条の二(取引態様の事前明示義務)、第三十七条の三第一項第二号及び第六号並びに第三項(契約締結前の書面の交付)、第三十七条の五(保証金の受領に係る書面の交付)、第三十七条の七(指定紛争解決機関との契約締結義務等)、第三十八条第一号及び第二号並びに第三十八条の二(禁止行為)、第三十九条第三項ただし書及び第五項(損失補てん等の禁止)並びに第四十条の二から第四十条の五まで(最良執行方針等、分別管理が確保されていない場合の売買等の禁止、特定投資家向け有価証券の売買等の制限、特定投資家向け有価証券に関する告知義務)を除く。)(通則)及び第四十五条(第三号及び第四号を除く。)(雑則)の規定は、銀行が行う特定預金等契約(特定預金等(金利、通貨の価格、同法第二条第十四項に規定する金融商品市場における相場その他の指標に係る変動によりその元本について損失が生ずるおそれがある預金又は定期積金等として内閣府令で定めるものをいう。)の受入れを内容とする契約をいう。以下同じ。)の締結について準用する。この場合において、これらの規定中「金融商品取引契約」とあるのは「特定預金等契約」と、「金融商品取引業」とあるのは「特定預金等契約の締結の業務」と、これらの規定(同法第三十四条の規定を除く。)中「金融商品取引行為」とあるのは「特定預金等契約の締結」と、同法第三十四条中「顧客を相手方とし、又は顧客のために金融商品取引行為(第二条第八項各号に掲げる行為をいう。以下同じ。)を行うことを内容とする契約」とあるのは「銀行法第十三条の四に規定する特定預金等契約」と、同法第三十七条の三第一項中「交付しなければならない」とあるのは「交付するほか、預金者等(銀行法第二条第五項に規定する預金者等をいう。以下この項において同じ。)の保護に資するため、内閣府令で定めるところにより、当該特定預金等契約の内容その他預金者等に参考となるべき情報の提供を行わなければならない」と、同法第三十九条第一項第一号中「有価証券の売買その他の取引(買戻価格があらかじめ定められている買戻条件付売買その他の政令で定める取引を除く。)又はデリバティブ取引(以下この条において「有価証券売買取引等」という。)」とあるのは「特定預金等契約の締結」と、「有価証券又はデリバティブ取引(以下この条において「有価証券等」という。)」とあるのは「特定預金等契約」と、「顧客(信託会社等(信託会社又は金融機関の信託業務の兼営等に関する法律第一条第一項の認可を受けた金融機関をいう。以下同じ。)が、信託契約に基づいて信託をする者の計算において、有価証券の売買又はデリバティブ取引を行う場合にあつては、当該信託をする者を含む。以下この条において同じ。)」とあるのは「顧客」と、「補足するため」とあるのは「補足するため、当該特定預金等契約によらないで」と、同項第二号及び第三号中「有価証券売買取引等」とあるのは「特定預金等契約の締結」と、「有価証券等」とあるのは「特定預金等契約」と、同項第二号中「追加するため」とあるのは「追加するため、当該特定預金等契約によらないで」と、同項第三号中「追加するため、」とあるのは「追加するため、当該特定預金等契約によらないで」と、同条第二項中「有価証券売買取引等」とあるのは「特定預金等契約の締結」と、同条第三項中「原因となるものとして内閣府令で定めるもの」とあるのは「原因となるもの」と、同法第四十五条第二号中「第三十七条の二から第三十七条の六まで、第四十条の二第四項及び第四十三条の四」とあるのは「第三十七条の三(第一項の書面の交付に係る部分に限り、同項第二号及び第六号並びに第三項を除く。)、第三十七条の四及び第三十七条の六」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。例文帳に追加

Article 13-4 The provisions of Chapter III, Section 1, Subsection 5 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (excluding Article 34-2, paragraphs (6) to (8) inclusive (Cases Where a Professional Investor Will Be Deemed to Be a Customer Other than Professional Investor) and Article 34-3, paragraphs (5) and (6) inclusive (Cases Where a Juridical Person Who Is a Customer Other Than a Professional Investor Will Be Deemed to Be a Professional Investor)) (Professional Investors), Section 2, Subsection 1 of that Chapter (excluding Articles 35 to 36-4 inclusive (Scope of Business Activities of Persons Who Engage in Type I Financial Instruments Services or Investment Management, Scope of Concurrent Business Activities of Persons Who Only Engage in Type II Financial Instruments Services or Investment Advisory and Agency Services, Duty of Good Faith to Customers, Posting of Signs, Prohibition on Name Lending, Prohibition on Administration of Corporate Bonds), Article 37, paragraph (1), item (ii) (Regulations on Advertising, etc.), Article 37-2 (Obligation to Clarify Conditions of Transactions in Advance), Article 37-3, paragraph (1), items (ii) and (vi) and Article 37-3, paragraph (3) (Delivery of Documents Prior to the Conclusion of a Contract), Article 37-5 (Delivery of Documents Pertaining to the Receipt of Security Deposits), Article 37-7 (Obligation to Conclude a Contract, etc. with a Designated Dispute Resolution Organization), Article 38, items (i) and (ii) and Article 38-2 (Prohibited Acts), the proviso to Article 39, paragraph (3) and Article 39, paragraph (5) (Prohibition of Compensation of Loss, etc.) and Articles 40-2 to 40-5 inclusive (Best Execution Policy, Prohibition on Purchase and Sale, etc. Where Separate Management Is not Ensured, Limitation on the Purchase and Sale, etc. of Securities for Professional Investors, Obligation of Notification in Relation to Securities for Professional Investors)) (General Rules) and Article 45 (excluding items (iii) and (iv)) (Miscellaneous Provisions) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the conclusion of Contracts for Specified Deposits, etc. (meaning contracts on acceptance of Specified Deposits, etc. (meaning those that are specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance as deposits or Installment Savings, etc. with the risk of a principal loss caused by fluctuations pertaining to the interest rate, currency value, quotations on a financial instruments market prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (14) of that Act, or any other index); the same shall apply hereinafter) by a Bank. In this case, the term "Contract for a Financial Instruments Transaction" in these provisions shall be deemed to be replaced with "Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc."; the term "Financial Instruments Services" in these provisions shall be deemed to be replaced with "Concluding Contracts for Specified Deposits, etc."; the term "Act of Executing a Financial Instruments Transaction" in these provisions (excluding the provisions of Article 34 of that Act) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Conclusion of Contracts for Specified Deposits, etc."; the phrase "contract to conduct the Act of Financial Instruments Transactions (meaning an act listed in the items of Article 2, paragraph (8); the same shall apply hereinafter) with a customer as the other party or on behalf of a customer" in Article 34 of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Contracts for Specified Deposits, etc. as Prescribed in Article 13-4 of the Banking Act"; the phrase "; provided" in Article 37-3, paragraph (1) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "and shall, in order to contribute to the protection of Depositors, etc. (meaning Depositors, etc. prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (5) of the Banking Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph), provide the customer with information on the contents of the Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc. and other information that would be helpful for the Depositors, etc. in advance, pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Office Ordinance; provided"; the phrase "purchase and sale or other transaction of Securities (excluding a purchase and sale on condition of repurchase for which the repurchase price is set in advance and other transactions specified by Cabinet Order) or Derivative Transactions (hereinafter referred to as the "Purchase and Sale or Other Transaction of Securities, etc." in this Article)" in Article 39, paragraph (1), item (i) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "conclusion of Contracts for Specified Deposits, etc."; the phrase "Securities or Derivative Transactions (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Securities, etc." in this Article)" in that item shall be deemed to be replaced with "Contracts for Specified Deposits, etc."; the phrase "customer (in cases where a Trust Company, etc. (meaning a trust company or financial institution that has obtained authorization under Article 1, paragraph (1) of the Act on Engagement in Trust Business by a Financial Institution; the same shall apply hereinafter) conducts the purchase and sale of Securities or Derivative Transactions on the account of the person who establishes a trust under a trust contract, including such person who establishes the trust; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article)" in that item shall be deemed to be replaced with "Customers"; the phrase "make up for" in that item shall be deemed to be replaced with "make up for, outside that Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc."; the term "Purchase and Sale or Other Transaction of Securities, etc." in Article 39, paragraph (1), items (ii) and (iii) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Conclusion of Contracts for Specified Deposits, etc."; the term "Securities, etc." in those items shall be deemed to be replaced with "Contracts for Specified Deposits, etc."; the phrase "make an addition to" in item (ii) of that paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "make an addition to, outside that Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc."; the term "make an addition to" in item (iii) of that paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "make an addition to, outside that Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc."; the term "Purchase and Sale or Other Transaction of Securities, etc." in paragraph (2) of that Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "Conclusion of Contracts for Specified Deposits, etc."; the phrase "that is specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance as a potential cause of" in paragraph (3) of that Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "that may be a potential cause of"; the phrase "Articles 37-2 to 37-6 inclusive, Article 40-2, paragraph (4), and Article 43-4" in Article 45, item (ii) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 37-3 (limited to the part pertaining to delivery of a document set forth in paragraph (1) and excluding items (ii) and (vi) of that paragraph and paragraph (3)), Article 37-4 and Article 37-6"; and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第五十二条の四十五の二 金融商品取引法第三章第二節第一款(第三十五条から第三十六条の四まで(第一種金融商品取引業又は投資運用業を行う者の業務の範囲、第二種金融商品取引業又は投資助言・代理業のみを行う者の兼業の範囲、顧客に対する誠実義務、標識の掲示、名義貸しの禁止及び社債の管理の禁止等)、第三十七条第一項第二号(広告等の規制)、第三十七条の二(取引態様の事前明示義務)、第三十七条の三第一項第二号及び第六号並びに第三項(契約締結前の書面の交付)、第三十七条の五(保証金の受領に係る書面の交付)、第三十七条の六第一項、第二項、第四項ただし書及び第五項(書面による解除)、第三十八条第一号及び第二号並びに第三十八条の二(禁止行為)、第三十九条第三項ただし書及び第五項(損失補てん等の禁止)、第四十条の二(最良執行方針等)並びに第四十条の三(分別管理が確保されていない場合の売買等の禁止)を除く。)(通則)の規定は、銀行代理業者が行う特定預金等契約の締結の代理又は媒介について準用する。この場合において、これらの規定中「金融商品取引業」とあるのは「銀行法第十三条の四に規定する特定預金等契約の締結の代理又は媒介の業務」と、「金融商品取引行為」とあるのは「銀行法第十三条の四に規定する特定預金等契約の締結」と、これらの規定(同法第三十七条の六第三項の規定を除く。)中「金融商品取引契約」とあるのは「銀行法第十三条の四に規定する特定預金等契約」と、同法第三十七条の三第一項中「を締結しようとするとき」とあるのは「の締結の代理又は媒介を行うとき」と、「交付しなければならない」とあるのは「交付するほか、預金者等(銀行法第二条第五項に規定する預金者等をいう。以下この項において同じ。)の保護に資するため、内閣府令で定めるところにより、当該特定預金等契約の内容その他預金者等に参考となるべき情報の提供を行わなければならない」と、同項第一号中「金融商品取引業者等」とあるのは「銀行代理業者(銀行法第二条第十五項に規定する銀行代理業者をいう。)の所属銀行(同条第十六項に規定する所属銀行をいう。)」と、同法第三十七条の六第三項中「金融商品取引契約の解除があつた場合には」とあるのは「特定預金等契約(銀行法第十三条の四に規定する特定預金等契約をいう。第三十九条において同じ。)の解除に伴い銀行に損害賠償その他の金銭の支払をした場合において」と、「金融商品取引契約の解除までの期間に相当する手数料、報酬その他の当該金融商品取引契約に関して顧客が支払うべき対価(次項において「対価」という。)の額として内閣府令で定める金額を超えて当該金融商品取引契約の解除」とあるのは「支払」と、「又は違約金の支払を」とあるのは「その他の金銭の支払を、解除をした者に対し、」と、同法第三十九条第一項第一号中「有価証券の売買その他の取引(買戻価格があらかじめ定められている買戻条件付売買その他の政令で定める取引を除く。)又はデリバティブ取引(以下この条において「有価証券売買取引等」という。)」とあるのは「特定預金等契約の締結」と、「有価証券又はデリバティブ取引(以下この条において「有価証券等」という。)」とあるのは「特定預金等契約」と、「顧客(信託会社等(信託会社又は金融機関の信託業務の兼営等に関する法律第一条第一項の認可を受けた金融機関をいう。以下同じ。)が、信託契約に基づいて信託をする者の計算において、有価証券の売買又はデリバティブ取引を行う場合にあつては、当該信託をする者を含む。以下この条において同じ。)」とあるのは「顧客」と、「補足するため」とあるのは「補足するため、当該特定預金等契約によらないで」と、同項第二号及び第三号中「有価証券売買取引等」とあるのは「特定預金等契約の締結」と、「有価証券等」とあるのは「特定預金等契約」と、同項第二号中「追加するため」とあるのは「追加するため、当該特定預金等契約によらないで」と、同項第三号中「追加するため、」とあるのは「追加するため、当該特定預金等契約によらないで」と、同条第二項中「有価証券売買取引等」とあるのは「特定預金等契約の締結」と、同条第三項中「原因となるものとして内閣府令で定めるもの」とあるのは「原因となるもの」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。例文帳に追加

Article 52-45-2 The provisions of Subsection 1 of Section 2 of Chapter III of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (excluding Article 35 to 36-4 inclusive (Scope of Businesses of Persons Who Engage in Type I Financial Instruments Business or Investment Management Business, Scope of Subsidiary Businesses of Persons Who Only Engage in Type II Financial Instruments Business or Investment Advisory and Agency Business, Duty of Good Faith to Customers, Posting of Signs, Prohibition of Name Lending, Prohibition of Administration of Bonds), Article 37(1)(ii) (Regulation of Advertising, etc.), Article 37-2 (Obligation to Clarify Conditions of Transactions in Advance), Article 37-3(1)(ii) and (vi) and Article 37-3(3) (Delivery of Document prior to Conclusion of Contract), Article 37-5 (Delivery of Document Pertaining to Receipt of Security Deposit), Article 37-6(1) and (2), the proviso to Article 37-6 (4) and Article 37-6(5)(Cancellation by Means of Document), Article 38(i) and (ii) and Article 38-2 (Prohibited Acts), the proviso to Article 39(3) and Article 39(5) (Prohibition of Compensation of Loss, etc.), Article 40-2 (Best Execution Policy) and Article 40-3 (Prohibition of Sales and Purchase, etc. Where Separate Management Is not Ensured)) (General Rules) shall apply mutatis mutandis to agency or intermediary for conclusion of Contracts for Specified Deposits, etc. by a Bank Agency. In this case, the term "Financial Instruments Business" in these provisions shall be deemed to be replaced with "agency service or intermediary service for conclusion of Contracts for Specified Deposits, etc. as defined in Article 13-4 of the Banking Act,"; the term "Act of Financial Instruments Transaction" in these provisions shall be deemed to be replaced with "conclusion of Contracts for Specified Deposits, etc. as defined in Article 13-4 of the Banking Act,"; the term "Contract for Financial Instruments Transaction" in these provisions (excluding Article 37-6(3)) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc. as defined in Article 13-4 of the Banking Act,"; the terms "intends to conclude" in Article 37-3(1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "conducts agency service or intermediary service for conclusion of,"; the term "; provided" shall be deemed to be replaced with "and shall, in order to contribute to the protection of Depositors, etc. (meaning Depositors, etc. as defined in Article 2(5) of the Banking Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph), provide the customer in advance with information on the contents of the Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc. and other information that would be helpful for the Depositors, etc., pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance; provided"; the term "Financial Instruments Business Operator, etc." in Article 37-3(1)(i) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the Principal Bank (meaning an Principal Bank as defined in Article 2(16) of the Banking Act) for which the Bank Agent (meaning a Bank Agent as defined in Article 2(15) of the Banking Act) is acting,"; the terms "Where a Contract for Financial Instruments Transaction has been cancelled" and "the customer to pay damages or penalty for the cancellation of that Contract for Financial Instruments Transaction beyond the amount designated by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as the amount of fees, remuneration or any other Consideration payable by the customer with regard to that contract for financial instruments transaction (referred to as "Consideration" in the following paragraph) for the period until the cancellation of that Contract for Financial Instruments Transaction" in Article 37-6(3) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "When he/she has paid money to a Bank as damages or otherwise for cancellation of a Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc. (meaning a Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc. as defined in Article 13-4 of the Banking Act; the same shall apply in Article 39) made" and "person who canceled the contract to pay money as damages or otherwise for the payment he/she has made to the Bank," respectively; the terms "sales and purchase or any other transaction of Securities (excluding sales and purchase on condition of repurchase for which the repurchase price is set in advance or other transactions designated by a Cabinet Order) or Derivative Transactions (hereinafter referred to as "Sales and Purchase or Other Transaction of Securities, etc." in this Article)," "the customer (in the case where a Trust Company, etc. (meaning a trust company or financial institution that has obtained authorization under Article 1(1) of the Act on Securities Investment Trust and Securities Investment Corporations; the same shall apply hereinafter) conducts sales and purchase of Securities or Derivative Transactions for the account of the person who sets a trust under a trust contract, including such person who sets the trust; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article)," "Securities or Derivative Transactions (hereinafter referred to as "Securities, etc." in this Article)" and "make up" in Article 39(1)(i) shall be deemed to be replaced with "conclusion of a Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc.," "the customer," "Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc." and "make up, not through the Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc.," respectively; the terms "Sales and Purchase or Other Transaction of Securities, etc." and "Securities, etc." in Article 39(1)(ii) and (iii) shall be deemed to be replaced with "conclusion of a Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc." and "Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc.," respectively; the term "make an addition to the profit accrued to the customer from such Securities, etc." in Article 39(1)(ii) shall be deemed to be replaced with "make an addition to the profit accrued to the customer from the Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc., not through the Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc.,"; the term "make an addition to the profit accrued to the customer from Such Securities, etc." in Article 39(1)(iii) shall be deemed to be replaced with "make an addition to the profit accrued to the customer from the Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc., not through the Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc.,"; the term "Sales and Purchase or Other Transaction of Securities, etc." in Article 39(2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "conclusion of a Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc.,"; the term "that is specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance as a potential cause of a dispute" in Article 39(2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "that may become a cause of dispute,"; and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第五十二条の四十五の二 金融商品取引法第三章第二節第一款(第三十五条から第三十六条の四まで(第一種金融商品取引業又は投資運用業を行う者の業務の範囲、第二種金融商品取引業又は投資助言・代理業のみを行う者の兼業の範囲、顧客に対する誠実義務、標識の掲示、名義貸しの禁止、社債の管理の禁止等)、第三十七条第一項第二号(広告等の規制)、第三十七条の二(取引態様の事前明示義務)、第三十七条の三第一項第二号及び第六号並びに第三項(契約締結前の書面の交付)、第三十七条の五(保証金の受領に係る書面の交付)、第三十七条の六第一項、第二項、第四項ただし書及び第五項(書面による解除)、第三十七条の七(指定紛争解決機関との契約締結義務等)、第三十八条第一号及び第二号並びに第三十八条の二(禁止行為)、第三十九条第三項ただし書及び第五項(損失補てん等の禁止)並びに第四十条の二から第四十条の五まで(最良執行方針等、分別管理が確保されていない場合の売買等の禁止、特定投資家向け有価証券の売買等の制限、特定投資家向け有価証券に関する告知義務)を除く。)(通則)の規定は、銀行代理業者が行う銀行代理業に係る特定預金等契約の締結の代理又は媒介について準用する。この場合において、これらの規定中「金融商品取引業」とあるのは「銀行法第十三条の四に規定する特定預金等契約の締結の代理又は媒介の業務」と、「金融商品取引行為」とあるのは「銀行法第十三条の四に規定する特定預金等契約の締結」と、これらの規定(同法第三十七条の六第三項の規定を除く。)中「金融商品取引契約」とあるのは「銀行法第十三条の四に規定する特定預金等契約」と、同法第三十七条の三第一項中「を締結しようとするとき」とあるのは「の締結の代理又は媒介を行うとき」と、「交付しなければならない」とあるのは「交付するほか、預金者等(銀行法第二条第五項に規定する預金者等をいう。以下この項において同じ。)の保護に資するため、内閣府令で定めるところにより、当該特定預金等契約の内容その他預金者等に参考となるべき情報の提供を行わなければならない」と、同項第一号中「金融商品取引業者等」とあるのは「銀行代理業者(銀行法第二条第十五項に規定する銀行代理業者をいう。)の所属銀行(同条第十六項に規定する所属銀行をいう。)」と、同法第三十七条の六第三項中「金融商品取引契約の解除があつた場合には」とあるのは「特定預金等契約(銀行法第十三条の四に規定する特定預金等契約をいう。第三十九条において同じ。)の解除に伴い銀行に損害賠償その他の金銭の支払をした場合において」と、「金融商品取引契約の解除までの期間に相当する手数料、報酬その他の当該金融商品取引契約に関して顧客が支払うべき対価(次項において「対価」という。)の額として内閣府令で定める金額を超えて当該金融商品取引契約の解除」とあるのは「支払」と、「又は違約金の支払を」とあるのは「その他の金銭の支払を、解除をした者に対し、」と、同法第三十九条第一項第一号中「有価証券の売買その他の取引(買戻価格があらかじめ定められている買戻条件付売買その他の政令で定める取引を除く。)又はデリバティブ取引(以下この条において「有価証券売買取引等」という。)」とあるのは「特定預金等契約の締結」と、「有価証券又はデリバティブ取引(以下この条において「有価証券等」という。)」とあるのは「特定預金等契約」と、「顧客(信託会社等(信託会社又は金融機関の信託業務の兼営等に関する法律第一条第一項の認可を受けた金融機関をいう。以下同じ。)が、信託契約に基づいて信託をする者の計算において、有価証券の売買又はデリバティブ取引を行う場合にあつては、当該信託をする者を含む。以下この条において同じ。)」とあるのは「顧客」と、「補足するため」とあるのは「補足するため、当該特定預金等契約によらないで」と、同項第二号及び第三号中「有価証券売買取引等」とあるのは「特定預金等契約の締結」と、「有価証券等」とあるのは「特定預金等契約」と、同項第二号中「追加するため」とあるのは「追加するため、当該特定預金等契約によらないで」と、同項第三号中「追加するため、」とあるのは「追加するため、当該特定預金等契約によらないで」と、同条第二項中「有価証券売買取引等」とあるのは「特定預金等契約の締結」と、同条第三項中「原因となるものとして内閣府令で定めるもの」とあるのは「原因となるもの」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。例文帳に追加

Article 52-45-2 The provisions of Chapter III, Section 2, Subsection 1 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (excluding Articles 35 to 36-4 inclusive (Scope of Business activities of Persons Who Engage in Type I Financial Instruments Services or Investment Management, Scope of Subsidiary Business activities of Persons Who Only Engage in Type II Financial Instruments Services or Investment Advisory and Agency Services, Duty of Good Faith to Customers, Posting of Signs, Prohibition of Name Lending, Prohibition of Administration of Corporate Bonds), Article 37, paragraph (1), item (ii) (Regulation of Advertising, etc.), Article 37-2 (Obligation to Clarify Conditions of Transactions in Advance), Article 37-3, paragraph (1), items (ii) and (vi) and Article 37-3, paragraph (3) (Delivery of Document prior to Conclusion of Contract), Article 37-5 (Delivery of Document Pertaining to Receipt of Security Deposit), Article 37-6, paragraphs (1) and (2), the proviso to Article 37-6, paragraph (4) and Article 37-6, paragraph (5) (Cancellation by Means of Document), Article 37-7 (Obligation to Conclude a Contract, etc. with a Designated Dispute Resolution Organization), Article 38, items (i) and (ii) and Article 38-2 (Prohibited Acts), the proviso to Article 39, paragraph (3) and Article 39, paragraph (5) (Prohibition of Compensation of Loss, etc.), Articles 40-2 to 40-5 inclusive (Best Execution Policy, Prohibition of Purchase and Sale, etc. Where Separate Management Is not Ensured, Limitation on Sale and Purchase, etc. of Securities for Professional Investors, Obligation of Notification in Relation to Securities for Professional Investors)) (General Rules) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to agency or intermediary for conclusion of Contracts for Specified Deposits, etc. by a Bank Agency. In this case, the term "Financial Instruments Business" in these provisions shall be deemed to be replaced with "agency or intermediation for the conclusion of Contracts for Specified Deposits, etc. as defined in Article 13-4 of the Banking Act"; the term "Act of Executing a Financial Instruments Transaction" in these provisions shall be deemed to be replaced with "conclusion of Contracts for Specified Deposits, etc. as defined in Article 13-4 of the Banking Act"; the term "Contract for Financial Instruments Transaction" in the aforementioned provisions (excluding Article 37-6, paragraph (3)) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc. as defined in Article 13-4 of the Banking Act"; the terms "wishes to conclude" in Article 37-3, paragraph (1) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "engages in agency or intermediation for the conclusion of"; the term "; provided" in that paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "and shall, in order to contribute to the protection of Depositors, etc. (meaning Depositors, etc. as defined in Article 2, paragraph (5) of the Banking Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph), provide the customer with information on the contents of the Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc. and other information that would be helpful for the Depositors, etc. in advance, pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Office Ordinance; provided"; the term "Financial Instruments Specialist, etc." in Article 37-3, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the Principal Bank (meaning an Principal Bank as defined in Article 2, paragraph (16) of the Banking Act) for which the Bank Agent (meaning a Bank Agent as defined in Article 2, paragraph (15) of the Banking Act) is acting"; the terms "Where a Contract for Financial Instruments Transaction has been cancelled" and "the customer to pay damages or penalty for the cancellation of that Contract for Financial Instruments Transaction beyond the amount specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance as the amount of fees, remuneration or any other Consideration payable by the customer with regard to that contract for Financial Instruments Transaction (referred to as a "Consideration" in the following paragraph) for the period until the cancellation of that Contract for Financial Instruments Transaction" in Article 37-6, paragraph (3) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "When a Financial Instruments Specialist has paid money to a Bank as damages or otherwise for cancellation of a Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc. (meaning a Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc. as defined in Article 13-4 of the Banking Act; the same shall apply in Article 39) made" and "person who canceled the contract to pay money as damages or otherwise for the payment he/she has made to the Bank," respectively; the terms "purchase and sale or other transactions of Securities (excluding purchase and sale on condition of repurchase for which the repurchase price is set in advance and other transactions specified by Cabinet Order) or Derivative Transactions (hereinafter referred to as "Purchase and Sale or Other Transaction of Securities, etc." in this Article)," "the customer (in the case where a Trust Company, etc. (meaning a trust company or financial institution that has obtained authorization under Article 1, paragraph (1) of the Act on Engagement in Trust Business by a Financial Institution; the same shall apply hereinafter) conducts purchase and sale of Securities or Derivative Transactions on the account of the person who sets a trust under a trust contract, including such person who sets the trust; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article)," "Securities or Derivative Transactions (hereinafter referred to as "Securities, etc." in this Article)" and "make up" in Article 39, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "conclusion of a Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc.," "the customer," "Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc." and "make up, not through the Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc.," respectively; the terms "Purchase and Sale or Other Transaction of Securities, etc." and "Securities, etc." in Article 39, paragraph (1), items (ii) and (iii) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "conclusion of a Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc." and "Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc.," respectively; the term "make an addition" in Article 39, paragraph (1), item (ii) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "make an addition, not through the Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc."; the term "make an addition" in Article 39, paragraph (1), item (iii) shall be deemed to be replaced with "make an addition, not through the Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc."; the term "Purchase and Sale or Other Transaction of Securities, etc." in Article 39, paragraph (2) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "conclusion of a Contract for a Specified Deposit, etc."; the term "that is specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance as a potential cause of" in Article 39, paragraph (3) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "that may be a potential cause of"; and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by Cabinet Order.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

5 会社法第二百二条から第二百十三条まで(第二百二条第三項、第二百七条第九項第三号及び第五号並びに第二百十三条第一項第三号を除く。)(株主に株式の割当てを受ける権利を与える場合、募集株式の申込み、募集株式の割当て、募集株式の申込み及び割当てに関する特則、募集株式の引受け、金銭以外の財産の出資、出資の履行、株主となる時期、募集株式の発行等をやめることの請求、引受けの無効又は取消しの制限、不公正な払込金額で株式を引き受けた者等の責任、出資された財産等の価額が不足する場合の取締役等の責任)、第八百六十八条第一項(非訟事件の管轄)、第八百七十条(第二号及び第七号に係る部分に限る。)(陳述の聴取)、第八百七十一条(理由の付記)、第八百七十二条(第四号に係る部分に限る。)(即時抗告)、第八百七十四条(第一号に係る部分に限る。)(不服申立ての制限)、第八百七十五条(非訟事件手続法の規定の適用除外)及び第八百七十六条(最高裁判所規則)の規定は、第一項の特定目的会社の募集特定出資について準用する。この場合において、これらの規定中「株主」とあるのは「特定社員」と、「株式」とあるのは「特定出資」と、「数」とあるのは「口数」と、「第百九十九条第一項第三号」とあるのは「資産流動化法第三十六条第一項第三号」と、「第百九十九条第一項第四号」とあるのは「資産流動化法第三十六条第一項第四号」と、同法第二百二条第一項中「募集事項」とあるのは「社員総会の決議により、募集事項」と、同条第二項中「一株」とあるのは「一口」と、同条第五項中「第百九十九条第二項から第四項まで及び前二条」とあるのは「資産流動化法第三十六条第二項及び第三項」と、同法第二百四条第二項中「株主総会」とあるのは「社員総会」と、同法第二百七条第九項第一号中「発行済株式の総数」とあるのは「特定出資の総口数」と、同法第二百十条中「自己株式」とあるのは「自己特定出資(資産流動化法第五十九条第二項に規定する自己特定出資をいう。)」と、同条第一号中「法令又は定款」とあるのは「法令、資産流動化計画又は定款」と、同法第二百十三条第一項第一号中「業務執行取締役(委員会設置会社にあっては、執行役。以下この号において同じ。)その他当該業務執行取締役」とあるのは「取締役その他当該取締役」と、同項第二号中「株主総会」とあるのは「社員総会」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。例文帳に追加

(5) The provisions of Articles 202 to 213 inclusive (excluding Article 202(3), Article 207(9)(iii) and (v) and Article 213(1)(iii)) (Cases Where Entitlement to Allotment of Shares Is Granted to Shareholders; Applications for Shares for Subscription; Allotment of Shares for Subscription; Special Provisions on Subscription and Allotment of Shares for Subscription; Subscription for Shares for Subscription; Contribution of Property Other Than Monies; Performance of Contributions; Timing of Shareholder Status; Demanding Cessation of Issue of Shares for Subscription; Restrictions on Invalidation or Rescission of Subscription; Liabilities of Persons Who Subscribed for Shares with Unfair Amount To Be Paid In; Liabilities of Directors in Case of Shortfall in Value of Property Contributed), Article 868(1) (Jurisdiction over Non-Contentious Cases), Article 870 (limited to the portion pertaining to item (ii) and item (vii)) (Hearing of Statements), Article 871 (Appending of the Reason), Article 872 (limited to the portion pertaining to item (iv)) (Immediate Appeal), Article 874 (limited to the portion pertaining to item (i)) (Restrictions on Appeal), Article 875 (Exclusion from Application of the Provisions of the Non-Contentious Cases Procedures Act), and Article 876 (Supreme Court Rules) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Specified Equity for Subscription of a Specific Purpose Company set forth in paragraph (1). In this case, the term "shareholder" in these provisions shall be deemed to be replaced with "Specified Equity Member," the term "shares" in these provisions shall be deemed to be replaced with "Specified Equity," the term "number" in these provisions shall be deemed to be replaced with "number of units," the term "Article 199(1)(iii)" in these provisions shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 36(1)(iii) of the Asset Securitization Act," the term "Article 199(1)(iv)" in these provisions shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 36(1)(iv) of the Asset Securitization Act," the term "Subscription Requirements" in Article 202(1) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Subscription Requirements determined by resolution at a general meeting of members," the term "one share" in paragraph (2) of that Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "one unit," the phrase "paragraphs (2) to (4) inclusive of Article 199 and the preceding two Articles" in Article 202(5) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 36(2) and (3) of the Asset Securitization Act," the term "shareholders meeting" in Article 204(2) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "general meeting of members," the phrase "total number of Issued Shares" in Article 207(9)(i) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "total number of units of Specified Equity," the term "Treasury Shares" in Article 210 of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "The Company's Own Specified Equity (meaning a Company's Own Specified Equity as defined in Article 59(2) of the Asset Securitization Act)," the phrase "laws and regulations or articles of incorporation" in Article 210(i) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "laws and regulations, Asset Securitization Plan, or articles of incorporation," the phrase "Executive directors who carried out duties regarding the solicitation of subscribers for such Shares for Subscription (or, for a Company with Committees, executive officers; the same shall apply hereinafter in this item) and other persons prescribed by the applicable Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice as persons who were involved, in the performance of their duties, in the execution of the business of such executive directors" in Article 213(1)(i) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Directors who carried out duties regarding the solicitation of subscribers for such Shares for Subscription and other persons prescribed by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice as persons who were involved, in the performance of their duties, in the execution of the business of such directors," the term "shareholders meeting" in item (ii) of said paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "general meeting of members," and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第二百四十九条 信託法第百十四条(議決権の代理行使)、第百十七条(議決権の不統一行使)、第百十八条第二項(受託者の出席等)、第百十九条(延期又は続行の決議)及び第百二十条(議事録)並びに会社法第三百十四条(取締役等の説明義務)、第三百十五条(議長の権限)、第七百三十一条(第一項を除く。)(議事録)、第七百三十二条から第七百三十五条まで(社債権者集会の決議の認可の申立て、社債権者集会の決議の不認可、社債権者集会の決議の効力、社債権者集会の決議の認可又は不認可の決定の公告)及び第七百三十八条(代表社債権者等の解任等)の規定は、権利者集会について準用する。この場合において、信託法第百十九条中「第百八条及び第百九条」とあるのは「資産流動化法第二百四十二条」と、会社法第三百十四条中「取締役、会計参与、監査役及び執行役」とあるのは「受託信託会社等」と、同法第七百三十一条第二項中「社債発行会社」とあるのは「受託信託会社等」と、同条第三項中「社債管理者及び社債権者」とあるのは「代表権利者、特定信託管理者及び各受益証券の権利者」と、「社債発行会社」とあるのは「受託信託会社等」と、同法第七百三十三条第一号中「第六百七十六条の募集」とあるのは「受益証券の募集」と、「当該社債発行会社」とあるのは「受託信託会社等」と、同法第七百三十五条中「社債発行会社」とあるのは「受託信託会社等」と、同法第七百三十八条中「代表社債権者若しくは決議執行者」とあるのは「資産流動化法第二百四十六条第一項の決議により定めた者」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。例文帳に追加

Article 249 (1) The provisions of Article 114 (Proxy Voting), Article 117 (Inconsistent Voting), Article 118(2) (Attendance of Beneficiaries, etc.), Article 119 (Resolutions for Postponement or Continuation), and Article 120 (Minutes of a Meeting) of the Trust Act and the provisions of Article 314 (Accountability of the Directors, etc.), Article 315 (Authority of the Chairperson), Article 731 (excluding paragraph (1)) (Minutes of a Meeting), Articles 732 to 735 inclusive (Petitions for Approval of Resolutions Made at Bondholders' Meetings; Rejection of Resolutions Made at Bondholders' Meetings; Effectiveness of Resolutions Made at Bondholders' Meetings; Public Notice of Rulings Approving or Rejecting Resolutions Made at Bondholders' Meetings), and Article 738 (Dismissal of Representative Bondholders) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to Beneficiary Certificate Holders' Meetings. In this case, the phrase "Article 108 and Article 109" in Article 119 of the Trust Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 242 of the Asset Securitization Act," the phrase "a director, an accounting advisor, a company auditor or an executive officer" in Article 314 of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "a Fiduciary Trust Company, etc.," the term "bond-issuing Company" in Article 731(2) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Fiduciary Trust Company, etc.," the phrase "The bond manager and bondholders" in paragraph (3) of that Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "The Representative Beneficiary Certificate Holder, the Specified Trust Administrator, and each Beneficiary Certificate Holder," the term "Bond-issuing Company" in that paragraph shall be deemed to be replaced with "Fiduciary Trust Company, etc.," the phrase "the solicitation in Article 676" in Article 733(i) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the solicitation for Beneficiary Certificates," the term "such bond-issuing Company" in that item shall be deemed to be replaced with "the Fiduciary Trust Company, etc.," the term "bond-issuing Company" in Article 735 of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Fiduciary Trust Company, etc.," the phrase "the representative bondholders or Resolution Administrator" in Article 738 of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the person specified by the resolution set forth in Article 246(1) of the Asset Securitization Act," and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

4 第九十条の二及び第九十一条の規定は設立企画人が創立総会を招集する場合について、会社法第六十八条第五項から第七項まで、第七十二条第一項本文、第七十三条第一項及び第四項、第七十四条から第八十三条まで並びに第九十三条第二項及び第三項の規定は投資法人の創立総会について、同法第八百三十条、第八百三十一条、第八百三十四条(第十六号及び第十七号に係る部分に限る。)、第八百三十五条第一項、第八百三十六条第一項及び第三項、第八百三十七条、第八百三十八条、第八百四十六条並びに第九百三十七条第一項(第一号トに係る部分に限る。)の規定は投資法人の創立総会の決議の不存在若しくは無効の確認又は取消しの訴えについて、それぞれ準用する。この場合において、第九十一条第一項中「二月前までに当該日を公告し、当該日の二週間」とあるのは「二週間」と、同法第六十八条第五項中「第二十七条第五号又は第五十九条第三項第一号」とあるのは「投資法人法第六十七条第一項第十六号又は第七十一条第四項第一号」と、同条第七項中「第一項」とあるのは「投資法人法第七十三条第四項において準用する投資法人法第九十一条第一項」と、同法第七十三条第四項中「第六十七条第一項第二号」とあるのは「投資法人法第七十三条第四項において準用する投資法人法第九十条の二第一項第二号」と、同法第七十四条第四項及び第七十六条第二項中「第六十八条第三項」とあるのは「投資法人法第七十三条第四項において準用する投資法人法第九十一条第二項」と、同法第八十条中「第六十七条及び第六十八条」とあるのは「投資法人法第七十三条第四項において準用する投資法人法第九十条の二第一項及び第九十一条第一項から第三項まで」と、同法第八十一条第四項及び第八十二条第四項中「裁判所」とあるのは「内閣総理大臣」と、同法第九十三条第二項及び第三項中「設立時取締役」とあるのは「設立時執行役員及び設立時監督役員」と、同条第二項中「前項」とあり、及び同条第三項中「第一項」とあるのは「投資法人法第七十三条第一項」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。例文帳に追加

(4) The provisions of Article 90-2 and Article 91 of this Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where the organizer(s) call an Organizational Meeting; the provisions of Article 68, paragraph (5) through paragraph (7), the main clause of Article 72, paragraph (1), Article 73, paragraph (1) and paragraph (4), Article 74 through Article 83, and Article 93, paragraph (2) and paragraph (3) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Organizational Meeting of an Investment Corporation; and the provisions of Article 830, Article 831, Article 834 (limited to the part pertaining to item (xvi) and item (xvii)), Article 835, paragraph (1), Article 836, paragraph (1) and paragraph (3), Article 837, Article 838, Article 846, and Article 937, paragraph (1) (limited to the part pertaining to sub-item (g) of item (i)) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to an action for a declaratory judgment of absence or an invalidation of a resolution adopted at an Organizational Meeting of an Investment Corporation or an action seeking rescission of such resolution. In this case, the phrase "shall give public notice of the date of the Investors' meeting no later than two months prior to that date, and shall send notice thereof in writing to the Investors more than two weeks prior to that date" in Article 91, paragraph (1) of this Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "shall send notice of the date of the Investors' meeting no later than two weeks prior to that date," the phrase "item (v) of Article 27, or item (i) of Article 59(3)" in Article 68, paragraph (5) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 67, paragraph (1), item (xvi) or Article 71, paragraph (4), item (i) of the Investment Corporations Act," the term "paragraph (1)" in Article 68, paragraph (7) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 91, paragraph (1) of the Investment Corporations Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 73, paragraph (4) of the Investment Corporations Act," the term "item (ii) of Article 67(1)" in Article 73, paragraph (4) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 90-2, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Investment Corporations Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 73, paragraph (4) of the Investment Corporations Act," the phrase "Article 68(3)" in Article 74, paragraph (4) and Article 76, paragraph (2) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 91, paragraph (2) of the Investment Corporations Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 73, paragraph (4) of the Investment Corporations Act," the phrase "Article 67 and Article 68" in Article 80 of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 90-2, paragraph (1) and Article 91, paragraph (1) through paragraph (3) of the Investment Corporations Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 73, paragraph (4) of the Investment Corporations Act," the term "the court" in Article 81, paragraph (4) and Article 82, paragraph (4) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the Prime Minister," the phrase "The Directors at Incorporation" in Article 93, paragraph (2) and paragraph (3) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "The Corporate Officer(s) at Establishment and Supervisory Officers at Establishment," the terms "the preceding paragraph" in Article 93, paragraph (2) of the Companies Act and "paragraph (1)" in paragraph (3) of that Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 73, paragraph (1) of the Investment Corporations Act," and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 前条第一項の雇用保険率の変更があった場合において、平成十九年四月一日から始まる保険年度において整備法第十九条第三項において読み替えて準用する新徴収法第十九条第一項又は第二項の規定により申告書を提出すべき事業主(変更日以後に整備法第十九条第三項において読み替えて準用する新徴収法第十九条第一項又は第二項の規定により申告書を提出すべき事由が生じた事業主を除く。)及び整備法第十九条第三項において読み替えて準用する新徴収法第十九条第三項の規定により特別保険料を納付すべき事業主(変更日以後に整備法第十九条第三項において読み替えて準用する新徴収法第十九条第三項の規定により特別保険料を納付すべき事由が生じた事業主を除く。)に係る整備法第十九条第三項の規定の適用については、同項において読み替えて準用する新徴収法第十九条第一項中「保険年度ごとに、次に」とあるのは「次に」と、「次の保険年度の初日(保険年度」とあるのは「平成十八年四月一日から始まる保険年度の次の保険年度の初日(その保険年度」と、「五十日以内」とあるのは「五十日にその保険年度の初日から雇用保険法等の一部を改正する法律(平成十九年法律第三十号)附則第五十三条の二第二項に規定する変更日(以下この条において「変更日」という。)の前日までの日数を加えた日数以内」と、「その保険年度に使用したすべての労働者(保険年度の中途に徴収期間が始まり、又は徴収期間が経過したものについては」とあるのは「平成十八年四月一日から始まる保険年度に使用したすべての労働者(その保険年度の中途に徴収期間が始まり、又は平成十九年四月一日から始まる保険年度の中途に徴収期間が経過したものについては、当該徴収期間が始まり、又は経過した保険年度において」と、同条第二項中「五十日以内」とあるのは「五十日に平成十九年四月一日から始まる保険年度の初日から変更日の前日までの日数を加えた日数以内」と、同条第三項中「次の保険年度の初日」とあるのは「平成十八年四月一日から始まる保険年度の次の保険年度の初日」と、「五十日以内」とあるのは「五十日に平成十九年四月一日から始まる保険年度の初日から変更日の前日までの日数を加えた日数以内」と読み替えるものとする。例文帳に追加

(2) If the employment insurance rate has been modified pursuant to the provision of the preceding Article, paragraph (1), with regard to the application of Article 19, paragraph (3) of the Accommodation Act to the business operators who are required to submit the notification pursuant to Article 19, paragraph (1) or (2) of the New Collection Act as replaced and applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 19, paragraph (3) of the Accommodation Act during the insurance year starting on April 1, 2007 (excluding the business operators in respect of which the cause of the submission of the notification pursuant to Article 19, paragraph (1) or (2) of the New Collection Act as replaced and applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 19, paragraph (3) of the Accommodation Act occurs on and after the date of modification) and to the business operators who are required to pay the special insurance premiums pursuant to Article 19, paragraph (3) of the New Collection Act as replaced and applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 19, paragraph (3) of the Accommodation Act during the insurance year starting on April 1, 2007 (excluding the business operators in respect of which the cause of the payment of the special insurance premiums pursuant to Article 19, paragraph (3) of the New Collection Act as replaced and applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 19, paragraph (3) of the Accommodation Act occurs on and after the date of modification), the term "every insurance year the declaration form...the following " in Article 19, paragraph (1) of the New Collection Act as replaced and applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 19, paragraph (3) of the Accommodation Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the declaration form...the following", the term "the first day of the following insurance year (...of an insurance year" with "the first day of the insurance year following the insurance year starting on April 1, 2006 (...of such insurance year", the term "within 50 days" with "within the number of days calculated by adding to 50 days the number of days from the first day of such insurance year to the day preceding the date of modification prescribed by Article 53-2, paragraph (2) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Act Revising a Portion of the Employment Insurance Act, etc. (Act No. 30 of 2007) (hereinafter referred to as the "date of modification" in this Article)", the term "all workers employed during such insurance year (or in case of commencement of the collection period or lapse of the collection period in the midst of an insurance year" with "all workers employed during the insurance year starting on April 1, 2006 (or in case of commencement of the collection period in the midst of such insurance year or lapse of the collection period in the midst of the insurance year starting on April 1, 2007, during the insurance year in which such collection period commenced or elapsed", and the term "within 50 days" in the same Article, paragraph (2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "within the number of days calculated by adding to 50 days the number of days from the first day of the insurance year starting on April 1, 2007 to the day preceding the date of modification", and the term "the first day of the following insurance year" in the same Article, paragraph (3) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the first day of the insurance year following the insurance year starting on April 1, 2006", the term "within 50 days" with "within the number of days calculated by adding to 50 days the number of days from the first day of the insurance year starting on April 1, 2007 to the day preceding the date of modification".  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第七十六条の十 第三十条第一項、第三十一条第一項、第三十三条、第四十条及び第四十二条から第五十条までの規定は、登録建築物調査機関に準用する。この場合において、第三十条第一項中「(試験員を含む。次項において同じ。)」とあるのは「(調査員を含む。)」と、同項及び第三十三条第一項中「試験事務」とあるのは「建築物調査の業務」と、第三十一条第一項、第四十四条、第四十五条第一項、第四十六条及び第四十八条から第五十条までの規定中「経済産業大臣」とあるのは「国土交通大臣」と、第三十一条第一項中「第二十三条各号(第三号を除く。以下この項において同じ。)」とあるのは「第七十六条の八第一項各号」と、第三十三条、第四十三条第二項及び第三項、第四十五条第二項、第四十六条並びに第四十七条第二項第三号及び第四号中「経済産業省令」とあるのは「国土交通省令」と、第四十条第二号中「第四十九条」とあるのは「第七十六条の十において準用する第四十九条」と、第四十二条第二項中「前三条」とあるのは「第七十六条の七、第七十六条の八及び第七十六条の十において準用する第四十条」と、第四十三条から第四十六条まで、第四十八条、第四十九条及び第五十条第三号中「確認調査」とあるのは「建築物調査」と、第四十三条第三項中「が設置している工場等」とあるのは「に係る建築物」と、第四十五条(見出しを含む。)中「調査業務規程」とあるのは「建築物調査業務規程」と、第四十七条第二項中「特定事業者又は特定連鎖化事業者」とあるのは「第七十五条第一項又は第七十五条の二第一項の規定による届出をした者」と、第四十八条中「第四十三条第一項又は第二項」とあるのは「第七十六条の十において準用する第四十三条第一項又は第二項」と、第四十九条第一号中「第四十条第一号又は第三号」とあるのは「第七十六条の十において準用する第四十条第一号又は第三号」と、同条第二号中「第四十三条第三項、第四十四条、第四十五条第一項、第四十六条、第四十七条第一項又は第五十一条において準用する第三十三条」とあるのは「第七十六条の十において準用する第三十三条、第四十三条第三項、第四十四条、第四十五条第一項、第四十六条又は第四十七条第一項」と、同条第三号中「第四十七条第二項各号」とあるのは「第七十六条の十において準用する第四十七条第二項各号」と、同条第四号中「前条又は第五十一条において準用する第三十一条第一項」とあるのは「第七十六条の十において準用する第三十一条第一項又は前条」と、第五十条第二号中「第四十四条又は第四十六条」とあるのは「第七十六条の十において準用する第四十四条又は第四十六条」と、同条第三号中「前条」とあるのは「第七十六条の十において準用する前条」と読み替えるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 76-10 The provisions of Article 30, paragraph (1), Article 31, paragraph (1), Article 33, Article 40 and Article 42 to Article 50 inclusive shall apply mutatis mutandis to registered building investigation bodies. In this case, the phrase "(including examiners; hereinafter the same shall apply in the following paragraph)" in Article 30, paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "(including expert investigators)", the term "the examination affairs" in the same paragraph and Article 33, paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the building investigation affairs", the term "the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry" in Article 31, paragraph (1), Article 44, Article 45, paragraph (1), Article 46 and Article 48 to Article 50 inclusive shall be deemed to be replaced with "the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism", the phrase "the items of Article 23 (excluding item (iii); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph)" in Article 31, paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the items of paragraph (1) of Article 76-8", the term "an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry" in Article 33, Article 43, paragraphs (2) and (3) and Article 45, paragraph (2), Article 46 and Article 47, paragraph (2), items (iii) and (iv) shall be deemed to be replaced with "an Ordinance of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism", the term "Article 49" in Article 40, item (ii) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 49 as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 76-10", the term "the preceding three Articles" in Article 42, paragraph (2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 76-7, Article 76-8, and Article 40 as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 76-10", the term "an investigation for verification" in Article 43 to Article 46 inclusive, Article 48, Article 49 and Article 50, item (iii) shall be deemed to be replaced with "a building investigation", the phrase "factories, etc. which belong to" in Article 43, paragraph (3) shall be deemed to be replaced with "buildings pertaining to", the term "operational rules for investigation services" in Article 45 (including the title) shall be deemed to be replaced with "operational rules for building investigation services", the phrase "A specified business operator or specified chain business operator" in Article 47, paragraph (2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "a person who filed an application pursuant to Article 75, paragraph (1) or Article 75-2, paragraph (1)", the phrase "Article 43, paragraph (1) or paragraph (2)" in Article 48 shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 43, paragraph (1) or paragraph (2) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 76-10", the phrase "Article 40, item (i) or item (iii)" in Article 49, item (i) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 40, item (i) or item (iii) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 76-10", the phrase "Article 43, paragraph (3), Article 44, Article 45, paragraph (1), Article 46, Article 47, paragraph (1), or Article 33 as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 51" in Article 49, item (ii) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 33, Article 43, paragraph (3), Article 44, Article 45, paragraph (1), Article 46 or Article 47, paragraph (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 76-10", the phrase "the items of paragraph (2) of Article 47" in Article 49, item (iii) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the items of paragraph (2) of Article 47 as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 76-10", the phrase "the preceding Article, or Article 31, paragraph (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 51" in Article 49, item (iv) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 31, paragraph (1) or the preceding Article as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 76-10", the phrase "Article 44 or Article 46" in Article 50, item (ii) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 44 or Article 46 as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 76-10" and the term "the preceding Article" in Article 50, item (iii) shall be deemed to be replace with "the preceding Article as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 76-10".  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第七十六条の十六 第三十一条第一項、第三十三条、第四十条、第四十二条及び第四十四条から第四十九条までの規定は、登録講習機関に準用する。この場合において、第三十一条第一項、第四十四条、第四十五条第一項、第四十六条、第四十八条及び第四十九条中「経済産業大臣」とあるのは「国土交通大臣」と、第三十一条第一項中「第二十三条各号(第三号を除く。以下この項において同じ。)」とあるのは「第七十六条の十二第一項各号」と、第三十三条第一項中「試験事務」とあるのは「建築物調査講習の業務」と、同条、第四十五条第二項、第四十六条並びに第四十七条第二項第三号及び第四号中「経済産業省令」とあるのは「国土交通省令」と、第四十条第二号中「第四十九条」とあるのは「第七十六条の十六において準用する第四十九条」と、第四十二条第二項中「前三条」とあるのは「第七十六条の十一、第七十六条の十二及び第七十六条の十六において準用する第四十条」と、第四十四条から第四十六条まで、第四十八条及び第四十九条中「確認調査」とあるのは「建築物調査講習」と、第四十五条(見出しを含む。)中「調査業務規程」とあるのは「建築物調査講習業務規程」と、第四十六条の見出し中「調査」とあるのは「建築物調査講習」と、第四十七条第二項中「特定事業者又は特定連鎖化事業者」とあるのは「一級建築士等」と、第四十八条中「第四十三条第一項又は第二項」とあるのは「第七十六条の十三」と、第四十九条第一号中「第四十条第一号又は第三号」とあるのは「第七十六条の十六において準用する第四十条第一号又は第三号」と、同条第二号中「第四十三条第三項、第四十四条、第四十五条第一項、第四十六条、第四十七条第一項又は第五十一条において準用する第三十三条」とあるのは「第七十六条の十六において準用する第三十三条、第四十四条、第四十五条第一項、第四十六条又は第四十七条第一項」と、同条第三号中「第四十七条第二項各号」とあるのは「第七十六条の十六において準用する第四十七条第二項各号」と、同条第四号中「前条又は第五十一条において準用する第三十一条第一項」とあるのは「第七十六条の十六において準用する第三十一条第一項又は前条」と読み替えるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 76-16 The provisions of Article 31, paragraph (1), Article 33, Article 40, Article 42 and Article 44 to Article 49 inclusive shall apply mutatis mutandis to registered training agencies. In this case, the term "the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry" in Article 31, paragraph (1), Article 44, Article 45, paragraph (1), Article 46, Article 48 and Article 49 shall be deemed to be replaced with "the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism", the phrase "the items of Article 23 (excluding item (iii); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph)" in Article 31, paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the items of paragraph (1) of Article 76-12", the term "the examination affairs" in Article 33, paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the building investigation training affairs", the term "an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry" in the same Article, Article 45, paragraph (2), Article 46 and Article 47, paragraph (2), items (iii) and (iv) shall be deemed to be replaced with "an Ordinance of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism", the term "Article 49" in Article 40, item (ii) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 49 as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 76-16", the term "the preceding three Articles" in Article 42, paragraph (2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 76-11, Article 76-12, and Article 40 as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 76-16", the term "an investigation for verification" in Article 44 to Article 46 inclusive, Article 48 and Article 49 shall be deemed to be replaced with "building investigation training", the term "operational rules for investigation services" in Article 45 (including the title) shall be deemed to be replaced with "operational rules for building investigation training", the term "investigation" in the title of Article 46 shall be deemed to be replaced with "building investigation training", the phrase "A specified business operator or specified chain business operator" in Article 47, paragraph (2) shall be deemed to be replaced with "first-class architect, etc.", the phrase "Article 43, paragraph (1) or paragraph (2)" in Article 48 shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 76-13", the phrase "Article 40, item (i) or item (iii)" in Article 49, item (i) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 40, item (i) or item (iii) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 76-16", the phrase "Article 43, paragraph (3), Article 44, Article 45, paragraph (1), Article 46, Article 47, paragraph (1), or Article 33 as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 51" in Article 49, item (ii) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 33, Article 44, Article 45, paragraph (1), Article 46 or Article 47, paragraph (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 76-16", the phrase "the items of paragraph (2) of Article 47" in Article 49, item (iii) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the items of paragraph (2) of Article 47 as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 76-16", the phrase "the preceding Article, or Article 31, paragraph (1) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 51" in Article 49, item (iv) shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 31, paragraph (1) or the preceding Article as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 76-16".  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Without limiting subsection (1), that subsection includes the power to make regulations: requiring persons to give statutory declarations in relation to applications under the Act or regulations, or in relation to proceedings under the Act (other than court proceedings); and making provision for and in relation to the making of a declaration, or the doing of an act, under this Act on behalf of a person who, because of infancy or physical or mental disability, is unable to make the declaration or do the act; and providing for the refund, in the whole or part of a fee paid under the Act; and providing for the waiver, in whole or part, of a fee that would otherwise be payable under the Act; and making provision for and in relation to the amendment of an entry in the Register to correct a clerical error or an obvious mistake, or for any other purpose; and empowering the Registrar to require a person to inform the Registrar, within the period prescribed by the regulations, whether or not the person wishes to be heard for the purposes of a provision of the Act; and empowering the Registrar to require a person who wishes to be heard for the purposes of a provision of the Act to appear on a day, and at a place and time, specified by the Registrar; and providing for the contents of design applications in which one or more designs are disclosed, including, but not limited to, requirements as to common ownership of the designs; and empowering the Registrar to direct an applicant for registration or publication of a design to do such things as are necessary to ensure that the application is in accordance with the requirements of the regulations for filing and: providing for the lapsing of the application if such a direction is not complied with within the period specified in the regulations; and providing for the restoration of an application that has so lapsed; and providing for appeals against decisions of the Registrar made under the regulations; and making provision for and in relation to the practice and procedure of prescribed courts in proceedings under this Act, including provision prescribing the time within which any proceeding may be started or anything else may be done, and providing for the extension of any such time; and making transitional or consequential provisions as necessary or convenient because of the repeal of the Designs Act 1906 and the enactment of this Act; and provide for regulations under the Designs Act 1906 to continue to have effect (with any prescribed alterations) for specified purposes of this Act; and providing for things to be done for the purposes of this Act or the regulations by means of electronic equipment or communication; and empowering the Registrar to prepare, publish and sell such documents relating to designs as the Registrar thinks fit; and making provision for and in relation to the destruction of documents.  - 特許庁

三 第一条中証券取引法目次の改正規定(「発行者である会社」を「発行者」に改める部分に限る。)、同法第二条第二項第三号の改正規定、同号を同項第五号とし、同項第二号の次に二号を加える改正規定、同条第十項及び同法第十三条第一項から第五項までの改正規定、同条第六項を削る改正規定、同法第十五条第一項及び第二項の改正規定(「又は登録金融機関は」を「、登録金融機関又は証券仲介業者は」に改める部分を除く。)、同条第三項の改正規定、同条第二項の次に三項を加える改正規定、同法第十七条、第十八条第二項、第二十条及び第二十一条第三項の改正規定、同条の次に二条を加える改正規定、同法第二十二条、第二十三条の二並びに第二十三条の十二第二項から第五項まで及び第九項の改正規定、同条第六項から第八項までを削る改正規定、同法第二十四条の四、第二十四条の五第五項並びに第二十四条の六第一項及び第三項の改正規定、同法第二章の二第一節の節名の改正規定、同法第二十七条の二第一項、第七項第二号及び第八項、第二十七条の三第四項、第二十七条の五、第二十七条の十第一項から第三項まで、第二十七条の十一第一項及び第四項、第二十七条の十二、第二十七条の十三第三項及び第五項並びに第二十七条の十五第二項の改正規定、同法第二章の二第二節の節名の改正規定、同法第二十七条の二十二の二第一項から第三項まで、第十一項及び第十二項並びに第二十七条の三十の九第一項及び第三項の改正規定、同条第二項を削る改正規定、同法第二十七条の三十の十一第一項及び第三項、第二十八条の二第三項、第二十八条の四第一項第七号並びに第六十五条第二項の改正規定、同項第六号及び第七号を削り、同項第八号を同項第六号とする改正規定、同法第六十五条の二第三項の改正規定、同条第五項の改正規定(「及び第四十四条第一号」を「、第四十四条(第二号を除く。)及び第四十五条」に改める部分及び後段を加える部分に限る。)、同法第六十五条の二第七項から第九項まで及び第十一項並びに第七十九条の五の改正規定、同法第七十九条の五十七第一項に一号を加える改正規定並びに同法第百七条の二第一項第二号、第百七条の三第一項第二号、第百五十五条第一項第二号、第百九十四条の六第二項第二号、第二百条第三号及び第二百五条第一号の改正規定、第二条中外国証券業者法第二条第三号の改正規定、第四条中投資信託法第二条第五項及び第三十三条第一項の改正規定、第六条中投資顧問業法第二条第五項の改正規定、第十三条中中小企業等協同組合法第八条第六項第三号の改正規定並びに次条から附則第七条まで並びに附則第十三条、第十四条及び第十七条から第十九条までの規定 平成十六年十二月一日例文帳に追加

(iii) From Article 1, the provisions revising the Table of Contents of the Securities and Exchange Act (limited to the portions changing "company which is the issuer" to "issuer"), the provisions revising Article 2, paragraph (2), item (iii) of the same Article, the provisions changing item (iii) to item (v) of the same paragraph and adding two items after item (ii) of the same paragraph, the provisions revising paragraph (10) of the same Article and Article 13, paragraphs (1) to (5) of the same Act, the provisions deleting paragraph (6) of the same Article, the provisions revising Article 15, paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) (excluding the portions changing "or a registered financial institution" to ", a registered financial institution, or an introducing brokerage service provider"), the provisions revising paragraph (3) of the same Article, the provisions adding three paragraphs after paragraph (2) of the same Article, the provisions revising Article 17, Article 18, paragraph (2), Article 20, and Article 21, paragraph (3) of the same Act, the provisions adding two Articles after the same Article, the provisions revising Article 22, Article 23-2, and Article 23-12, paragraphs (2) to (5) and paragraph (9) of the same Act, the provisions deleting paragraphs (6) to (8) of the same Article, the provisions revising Article 24-4, Article 24-5, paragraph (5), and Article 24-6, paragraph (1) and paragraph (3) of the same Act, the provisions revising the Section name of Chapter II-2, Section 1 of the same Act, the provisions revising Article 27-2, paragraph (1), paragraph (7), item (ii), and paragraph (8), Article 27-3, paragraph (4), Article 27-5, Article 27-10, paragraphs (1) to (3), Article 27-11, paragraph (1) and paragraph (4), Article 27-12, Article 27-13, paragraph (3) and paragraph (5), and Article 27-15, paragraph (2) of the same Act, the provisions revising the Section name of Chapter II-2, Section 2 of the same Act, the provisions revising Article 27-22-2, paragraphs (1) to (3), paragraph (11), and paragraph (12), and Article 27-30-9, paragraph (1) and paragraph (3) of the same Act, the provisions deleting paragraph (2) of the same Article, the provisions revising Article 27-30-11, paragraph (1) and paragraph (3), Article 28-2, paragraph (3), Article 28-4, paragraph (1), item (vii), and Article 65, paragraph (2) of the same Act, the provisions deleting item (vi) and item (vii) of the same paragraph, the provisions changing item (viii) of the same paragraph to item (vi) of the same paragraph, the provisions revising Article 65-2, paragraph (3) of the same Act, the provisions revising paragraph (5) of the same Act (limited to the portions changing "and Article 44, item (i)" to ", Article 44 [excluding item (ii)], and Article 45" and the portions adding a second sentence), the provisions revising Article 65-2, paragraphs (7) to (9) and paragraph (11) and Article 79-5 of the same Act, the provisions adding an additional item to Article 79-57, paragraph (1) of the same Act, and the provisions revising Article 107-2, paragraph (1), item (ii), Article 107-3, paragraph (1), item (ii), Article 155, paragraph (1), item (ii), Article 194-6, paragraph (2), item (ii), Article 200, item (iii), and Article 205, item (i) of the same Act; from Article 2, the provisions revising Article 2, item (iii) of the Foreign Securities Brokers Act; from Article 4, the provisions revising Article 2, paragraph (5) and Article 33, paragraph (1) of the Investment Trust Act; from Article 6, the provisions revising Article 2, paragraph (5) of the Investment Advisory Business Act; from Article 13, the provisions revising Article 8, paragraph (6), item (iii) of the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Cooperatives Act; and the provisions of the following Article to Article 7 of the Supplementary Provisions, and Article 13, Article 14, and Articles 17 to 19 of the Supplementary Provisions-December 1, 2004  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第二十五条 第十八条第一項から第六項まで、第二十一条、第二十二条第一項及び第六項、第二十三条、第二十四条並びに第二十四条の四から第二十四条の八までの規定は、法第三十三条第一項の許可を受けて行う無料の職業紹介事業及び同項の許可を受けた者について準用する。この場合において、第十八条第一項中「第三十条第二項」とあるのは「第三十三条第四項において準用する法第三十条第二項」と、「有料職業紹介事業許可申請書(様式第一号)」とあるのは「無料職業紹介事業許可申請書(様式第一号)」と、第十八条第二項中「第三十条第二項第五号」とあるのは「第三十三条第四項において準用する法第三十条第二項第五号」と、第十八条第三項中「第三十条第三項」とあるのは「第三十三条第四項において準用する法第三十条第三項」と、第十八条第四項中「第三十条第三項」とあるのは「第三十三条第四項において準用する法第三十条第三項」と、「有料職業紹介事業計画書(様式第二号)」とあるのは「無料職業紹介事業計画書(様式第二号)」と、第十八条第五項中「第三十三条第一項」とあるのは「第三十条第一項」と、「第三十条第一項」とあるのは「第三十三条第一項」と、第十八条第六項中「第三十三条第一項」とあるのは「第三十条第一項」と、「第三十条第一項」とあるのは「第三十三条第一項」と、「無料の職業紹介事業」とあるのは「有料の職業紹介事業」と、第二十一条第一項中「第三十二条の四第一項」とあるのは「第三十三条第四項において準用する法第三十二条の四第一項」と、「有料職業紹介事業許可証(様式第五号。以下「有料許可証」という。)」とあるのは「無料職業紹介事業許可証(様式第五号。以下「無料許可証」という。)」と、第二十一条第二項中「第三十二条の四第三項」とあるのは「第三十三条第四項において準用する法第三十二条の四第三項」と、「有料許可証」とあるのは「無料許可証」と、「有料職業紹介事業許可証再交付申請書(様式第六号)」とあるのは「無料職業紹介事業許可証再交付申請書(様式第六号)」と、第二十一条第三項及び第四項中「有料許可証」とあるのは「無料許可証」と、第二十二条第一項中「第三十二条の六第二項」とあるのは「第三十三条第四項において準用する法第三十二条の六第二項」と、「有料職業紹介事業許可有効期間更新申請書(様式第一号)」とあるのは「無料職業紹介事業許可有効期間更新申請書(様式第一号)」と、第二十二条第六項中「第三十二条の六第二項」とあるのは「第三十三条第四項において準用する法第三十二条の六第二項」と、「有料許可証」とあるのは「無料許可証」と、第二十三条第一項中「第三十二条の七第一項」とあるのは「第三十三条第四項において準用する法第三十二条の七第一項」と、第二十三条第二項中「第三十二条の七第一項」とあるのは「第三十三条第四項において準用する法第三十二条の七第一項」と、「第三十条第二項第四号」とあるのは「第三十三条第四項において準用する法第三十条第二項第四号」と、「有料許可証」とあるのは「無料許可証」と、「有料職業紹介事業変更届出書(様式第六号)」とあるのは「無料職業紹介事業変更届出書(様式第六号)」と、「有料職業紹介事業変更届出書及び有料職業紹介事業許可証書換申請書(様式第六号)」とあるのは「無料職業紹介事業変更届出書及び無料職業紹介事業許可証書換申請書(様式第六号)」と、第二十三条第三項中「第三十二条の七第一項」とあるのは「第三十三条第四項において準用する法第三十二条の七第一項」と、「第二項」とあるのは「第二十五条第一項において準用する第二十三条第二項」と、「有料職業紹介事業変更届出書」とあるのは「無料職業紹介事業変更届出書」と、「有料の職業紹介事業又は無料の職業紹介事業」とあるのは「無料の職業紹介事業又は有料の職業紹介事業」と、第二十三条第四項中「第三十二条の七第一項」とあるのは「第三十三条第四項において準用する法第三十二条の七第一項」と、「第二項」とあるのは「第二十五条第一項において準用する第二十三条第二項」と、「有料職業紹介事業変更届出書」とあるのは「無料職業紹介事業変更届出書」と、「有料職業紹介事業変更届出書及び有料職業紹介事業許可証書換申請書」とあるのは「無料職業紹介事業変更届出書及び無料職業紹介事業許可証書換申請書」と、「有料許可証」とあるのは「無料許可証」と、第二十三条第五項中「第三十条第二項第四号」とあるのは「第三十三条第四項において準用する法第三十条第二項第四号」と、「有料の職業紹介事業又は無料の職業紹介事業」とあるのは「無料の職業紹介事業又は有料の職業紹介事業」と、第二十三条第六項中「第三十二条の七第三項」とあるのは「第三十三条第四項において準用する第三十二条の七第三項」と、第二十四条中「第三十二条の八第一項」とあるのは「第三十三条第四項において準用する法第三十二条の八第一項」と、「有料許可証」とあるのは「無料許可証」と、「有料職業紹介事業廃止届出書(様式第七号)」とあるのは「無料職業紹介事業廃止届出書(様式第七号)」と、第二十四条の四第一項中「第三十二条の十二第一項」とあるのは「第三十三条第四項において準用する法第三十二条の十二第一項」と、「有料職業紹介事業取扱職種範囲等届出書(様式第六号)」とあるのは「無料職業紹介事業取扱職種範囲等届出書(様式第六号)」と、第二十四条の四第二項中「有料許可証」とあるのは「無料許可証」と、第二十四条の四第三項中「第三十二条の十二第三項」とあるのは「第三十三条第四項において準用する法第三十二条の十二第三項」と、第二十四条の五第一項及び第二項中「第三十二条の十三」とあるのは「第三十三条第四項において準用する法第三十二条の十三」と、第二十四条の五第四項中「手数料表及び業務の運営に関する規程」とあるのは「業務の運営に関する規程」と、第二十四条の六中「第三十二条の十四」とあるのは「第三十三条第四項において準用する法第三十二条の十四」と、第二十四条の七第一項中「第三十二条の十五」とあるのは「第三十三条第四項において準用する法第三十二条の十五」と、「求人求職管理簿及び手数料管理簿」とあるのは「求人求職管理簿」と、第二十四条の八第二項中「第三十二条の十六」とあるのは「第三十三条第四項において準用する法第三十二条の十六」と、「有料職業紹介事業報告書(様式第八号)」とあるのは「無料職業紹介事業報告書(様式第八号)」と読み替えるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 25 (1) The provisions of Article 18, paragraphs 1 to 6 inclusive, Article 21, Article 22, paragraphs 1 and 6, Article 23, Article 24 and Articles 24-4 to 24-8 inclusive shall apply mutatis mutandis to the free employment placement businesses operated under the license provided by Article 33, paragraph 1 of the Act and a person who has received the license provided by the same paragraph. In this case, the term "Article 30, paragraph 2" in Article 18, paragraph 1 shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 30, paragraph 2 of the Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 33, paragraph 4", the term "Application for License of Charged Employment Placement Businesses (Form No. 1)" with "Application for License of Free Employment Placement Businesses (Form No. 1)", the term "Article 30, paragraph 2, item 5" in Article 18, paragraph 2 with "Article 30, paragraph 2, item 5 of the Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 33, paragraph 4", the term "Article 30, paragraph 3" in Article 18, paragraph 3 with "Article 30, paragraph 3 of the Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 33, paragraph 4", the term "Article 30, paragraph 3" in Article 18, paragraph 4 with "Article 30, paragraph 3 of the Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 33, paragraph 4", the term "Business Plan for Charged Employment Placement Businesses (Form No. 2)" with "Business Plan for Free Employment Placement Businesses (Form No. 2)", the term "Article 33, paragraph 1" in Article 18, paragraph 5 with "Article 30, paragraph 1", the term "Article 30, paragraph 1" with "Article 33, paragraph 1", the term "Article 33, paragraph 1" in Article 18, paragraph 6 with "Article 30, paragraph 1", the term "Article 30, paragraph 1" with "Article 33, paragraph 1", the term "free employment placement businesses" with "charged employment placement businesses", the term "Article 32-4, paragraph 1" in Article 21, paragraph 1 with "Article 32-4, paragraph 1 of the Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 33, paragraph 4", the term "Certificate of License of Charged Employment Placement Businesses (Form No. 5; hereinafter referred to as "Certificate of License of Charged Businesses")" with "Certificate of License of Free Employment Placement Businesses (Form No. 5; hereinafter referred to as "Certificate of License of Free Businesses")", the term "Article 32-4, paragraph 3" in Article 21, paragraph 2 with "Article 32-4, paragraph 3 of the Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 33, paragraph 4", the term "Certificate of License of Charged Businesses" with "Certificate of License of Free Businesses", the term "Application for Reissue of Certificate of License of Charged Employment Placement Businesses (Form No. 6)" with "Application for Reissue of Certificate of License of Free Employment Placement Businesses (Form No. 6)", the term "Certificate of License of Charged Businesses" in Article 21, paragraphs 3 and 4 with "Certificate of License of Free Businesses", the term "Article 32-6, paragraph 2" in Article 22, paragraph 1 with "Article 32-6, paragraph 2 of the Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 33, paragraph 4", the term "Application for Renewal of Valid period of License of Charged Employment Placement Businesses (Form No. 1)" with "Application for Renewal of Valid period of License of Free Employment Placement Businesses (Form No. 1)", the term "Article 32-6, paragraph 2" in Article 22, paragraph 6 with "Article 32-6, paragraph 2 of the Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 33, paragraph 4", the term "Certificate of License of Charged Businesses" with "Certificate of License of Free Businesses", the term "Article 32-7, paragraph 1" in Article 23, paragraph 1 with "Article 32-7, paragraph 1 of the Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 33, paragraph 4", the term "Article 32-7, paragraph 1" in Article 23, paragraph 2 with "Article 32-7, paragraph 1 of the Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 33, paragraph 4", the term "Article 30, paragraph 2, item 4" with "Article 30, paragraph 2, item 4 of the Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 33, paragraph 4", the term "Certificate of License of Charged Businesses" with "Certificate of License of Free Businesses", the term "Notification of Change in Charged Employment Placement Businesses (Form No. 6)" with "Notification of Change in Free Employment Placement Businesses (Form No. 6)", the term "Notification of Change in Charged Employment Placement Businesses and Application for Modification of Description of Certificate of License of Charged Employment Placement Businesses (Form No. 6)" with "Notification of Change in Free Employment Placement Businesses and Application for Modification of Description of Certificate of License of Free Employment Placement Businesses (Form No. 6)", the term "Article 32-7, paragraph 1" in Article 23, paragraph 3 with "Article 32-7, paragraph 1 of the Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 33, paragraph 4", the term "paragraph 2" with "Article 23, paragraph 2, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 25, paragraph 1", the term "Notification of Change in Charged Employment Placement Businesses" with "Notification of Change in Free Employment Placement Businesses", the term "charged employment placement businesses or free employment placement businesses" with "free employment placement businesses or charged employment placement businesses", the term "Article 32-7, paragraph 1" in Article 23, paragraph 4 with "Article 32-7, paragraph 1 of the Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 33, paragraph 4", the term "paragraph 2" with "Article 23, paragraph 2, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 25, paragraph 1", the term "Notification of Change in Charged Employment Placement Businesses" with "Notification of Change in Free Employment Placement Businesses", the term "Notification of Change in Charged Employment Placement Businesses and Application for Modification of Description of Certificate of License of Charged Employment Placement Businesses" with "Notification of Change in Free Employment Placement Businesses and Application for Modification of Description of Certificate of License of Free Employment Placement Businesses", the term "Certificate of License of Charged Businesses" with "Certificate of License of Free Businesses", the term "Article 30, paragraph 2, item 4" in Article 23, paragraph 5 with "Article 30, paragraph 2, item 4 of the Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 33, paragraph 4", the term "charged employment placement businesses or free employment placement businesses" with "free employment placement businesses or charged employment placement businesses", the term "Article 32-7, paragraph 3" in Article 23, paragraph 6 with "Article 32-7, paragraph 3, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 33, paragraph 4", the term "Article 32-8, paragraph 1" in Article 24 with "Article 32-8, paragraph 1 of the Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 33, paragraph 4", the term "Certificate of License of Charged Businesses" with "Certificate of License of Free Businesses", the term "Notification of Abolition of Charged Employment Placement Businesses (Form No. 7)" with "Notification of Abolition of Free Employment Placement Businesses (Form No. 7)", the term "Article 32-12, paragraph 1" in Article 24-4, paragraph 1 with "Article 32-12, paragraph 1 of the Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 33, paragraph 4", the term "Notification of Scope of Occupations Handled, etc. for Charged Employment Placement Businesses (Form No. 6)" with "Notification of Scope of Occupations Handled, etc. for Free Employment Placement Businesses (Form No. 6)", the term "Certificate of License of Charged Businesses" in Article 24-4, paragraph 2 with "Certificate of License of Free Businesses", the term "Article 32-12, paragraph 3" in Article 24-4, paragraph 3 with "Article 32-12, paragraph 3 of the Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 33, paragraph 4", the term "Article 32-13" in Article 24-5, paragraphs 1 and 2 with "Article 32-13 of the Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 33, paragraph 4", the term "schedule of fees and other rules concerning the operation of the businesses" in Article 24-5, paragraph 4 with "rules concerning the operation of the businesses", the term "Article 32-14" in Article 24-6 with "Article 32-14 of the Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 33, paragraph 4", the term "Article 32-15" in Article 24-7, paragraph 1 with "Article 32-15 of the Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 33, paragraph 4", the term "management records of job offerings and job applications and the fee management records" with "fee management records", the term "Article 32-16" in Article 24-8, paragraph 2 with "Article 32-16 of the Act, as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 33, paragraph 4", and the term "Business Report on Charged Employment Placement Businesses (Form No. 8)" with "Free Employment Placement Businesses Report (Form No. 8)."  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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