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To remove extrinsic noises triggering image degradation in an X-ray imaging apparatus. - 特許庁

受信ゲイン設定手段は、造影剤の注入に起因して変化する磁気共鳴信号の強度に応じた受信ゲインRECEPTION GAINを設定する。例文帳に追加

The receiving gain setting means sets the reception gain (RECEPTION GAIN) according to the intensity of a magnetic resonance signal changed by the injection of the contrast medium. - 特許庁


To provide a shoes rack with a simple structure economically mainly aimed at making shoes, such as sneaker having a better designing work, look fancy. - 特許庁



To provide an ashtray not only capable of preventing the ash from leaking out while carrying the ashtray but also excellent in functionality and design, and capable of being easily produced. - 特許庁



It is said that this statue had been initially placed in Sanno-in Temple (Senju-in Temple) in Mt. Hiei, then transferred to Mii-dera Temple in 993 by followers of Enchin who descended Mt. Hiei due to intensified struggle between the followers of Ennin (Jikaku Daishi).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Some of our countries, to enhance employment opportunities and reap the potential of their economies, need to reinforce macroeconomic policies with strong structural measures aimed at improving market-based incentives for all economic actors.  - 財務省


The election served as the first electoral test of the economic policies of Abe Shinzo, the prime minister and leader of the LDP, since the House of Representatives election last December. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


This is mainly due to a significant slowdown in the pace of increase as a result of a shift in demandfor domestic final demand. - 厚生労働省



To provide, by finding out an exogenous inhibitor usable as an antagonistic inhibitor to vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (KDR) and excellent in water-solubility, a method for using the obtained exogenous inhibitor as an antagonistic inhibitor to KDR effectively inhibiting cell growth inducing action of the vascular endothelial growth factor VFGF_165 through bonding to KDR. - 特許庁



To date, various means to address exogenous shocks have been studied onomic structure to mitigating risks through the market instruments including purchasing of insurance and utilizing futures options. We do not believe there is any short-term panacea, however.  - 財務省


A pharmaceutical composition comprising the above bromelain preparation is also provided, contributing to patients needing inflammation treatment, pain mitigation and/or immunity defense enhancement. - 特許庁

その上、2012 年に入っても急激な円高や世界経済の減速懸念から輸出の回復が遅れており、製造業を中心に雇用回復へのインセンティブが削がれている可能性が高い。例文帳に追加

Moreover, in 2012 as well the recovery of exports is delayed due to a sharp rise in the yen and fears over a slowdown in the global economy, and incentives to the recovery of employment mainly by manufacturers may be dampened - 経済産業省


To provide an economic method for manufacturing a semiconductor wafer by which defects of agglomerated intrinsic point defects rated as damaging in a semiconductor wafer composed of silicon can be avoided in a reliable and simple manner; and to provide a semiconductor wafer manufactured by the same. - 特許庁


The pharmaceutical agent for increasing endogenous DHEA-S includes as a main ingredient self-original lymphocytes which are proliferator-activated by culturing lymph corpuscles collected from a subject in a culture solution containing a solid-phased anti-CD3 antibody and interleukin 2. - 特許庁


To provide a semiconductor device equipped with a surface laminated electrode structure which relaxes an intrinsic stress generated after assembly and an extrinsic stress generated under conditions of use, and which is suitable for products having a shallow junction formed at a region particularly near a chip surface. - 特許庁


To provide a new indoor mite-attraction inhibitor, restraining crowding and growth of mites by a method which is safe and gives no feeling of burden to a dustman, an indoor mite-attraction-inhibiting method, method of reducing indoor mite-attracting component and a laundry finishing agent. - 特許庁


To stimulate the economy, there is a need to frequently launch new businesses which are full of creativity, efficiently utilize business resources such as human resources, facilities, and capital, and generate high value added. A sound market environment must be built to continually give incentives to managers for such activities. - 経済産業省


Second, inadequate protection of intellectual property in a specific country in the growing free trade leads to trademark counterfeiting, copyright piracy of pictures, music and other works, design imitation, and the manufacture and distribution of products that infringe on IPR, having a direct and adverse impact on the normal economic activities of the property holder and thereby possibly reducing the economic incentives for new product development. - 経済産業省


A method of stimulating endogenous production of cytokines and hemopoietic factors by introducing to a mammalian body in need of stimulation of cytokines or hemopoietic factors or both, an effective amount of oxidized glutathione and/or its therapeutically beneficial salts, and/or its therapeutically beneficial derivatives, for a period of time to stimulate the endogenous production to obtain a therapeutic effect. - 特許庁


In the case of focusing in the sub-scanning direction, a reading member 10 consisting of a translucent material is movably inserted in an optical path connecting an original surface and the lens 5 and this member 10 is properly moved to read patterns arrayed at regular intervals in the direction orthogonal to the longitudinal direction of the sensor 6 through the lens 5. - 特許庁


The terminal 101 comprises a CPU 105, an interface 115 for interconnecting the CPU 105 and the PC 102, a frequency controller 106, a gain controller 107, a timing generator 104, a modulator 109, a gain control amplifier 111, a local signal oscillator 110, an up-converter 112, and an external connector 114 for connecting an amplifier 113 to the spectrum analyzer 103. - 特許庁


Although the conductive tape material 13 is transversally wound when manufacturing the transmission cable, since stress added between the insulated wires 7 and the foamed insulation layer 5 is surely dispersed, relaxed, and absorbed by the intermediate 9 and the crush of the foamed insulation layer 5 is suppressed, the fluctuations of inside skew are reduced. - 特許庁


Although it was also expected that the introduction of common rules such as fiscal discipline would encourage the convergence of economic fundamentals among participating members, because the introduction of the euro enabled current account deficit countries to be easily financed from abroad when needed. The incentives for structural reform, on the contrary, were greatly weakened. - 経済産業省


In this way, since a waste material occurred in the case each of the partial weights is manufactured by a welding weight method is used as the filler 19 filled in the partial weight metal molds 16A and 17A and the metal molds, the counter weight W excellent in high strength, high specific gravity and design property can be easily manufactured at a low cost. - 特許庁


A 1st slurry prepared by dispersing the ceramic fiber 4 and the inorganic binder in water and a 2nd slurry prepared by dispersing the ceramic fiber and the functional material in water are prepared and the 1st slurry, the 2nd slurry and further the 1st slurry are successively sucked onto a molding die in this order and molded and the molding after being demolded is fired. - 特許庁


The United Kingdom Government, noting that the British Economy has been experiencing steady growth of output and domestic demand over the past four years, will continue to pursue policies designed to reduce inflation; to promote sustained growth of output and employment; to reduce the size of the public sector; to encourage a more competitive, innovative, market orientated private sector; to reduce regulation and increase incentives throughout the economy; and to maintain open trading and capital markets free of foreign exchange controls.  - 財務省


A resist film 11 having ≤250 nm thickness and comprising a chemical amplification type positive resist material comprising a base polymer having solubility in an alkaline developing solution varied by the action of an acid and an acid generator in which at least one electron withdrawing group has been introduced into the meta-positions of an aromatic ring constituting a counter anion and which generates the acid when irradiated with energy beams is formed on a semiconductor substrate 10. - 特許庁


Specifically, Sakaiya (a) defined the value of creative knowledge that is socially recognized by conforming to the structure of society and social subjectivity as "knowledge value," and argued that in the 1980s, the creation of "knowledge value" became the principal source of economic growth and corporate profits and the economy and society as a whole are beginning to shift in a major way to a society where the "knowledge value" will be a predominant worthiness (knowledge-value society); (b) this "knowledge-value society" should not be interpreted as a society with the growing tendency to turn away from material possessions or a highly service-oriented society but as a society where designs, brand images, sophisticated technology or the creation of specified functions, regardless of for goods or services, would be accorded much greater importance in the prices of goods and services. - 経済産業省


また,難民条約と難民議定書を合わせて「難民条約等」という。)に順次加入するとともに,難民認定手続に係る必要な体制を整えてきたところである(注)が,近年,国際情勢が刻々と変化する中で,世界の各地で起こる地域紛争や各国国内情勢の不安定化等を反映し,我が国における難民認定申請者数は増加傾向にあり,それに伴って我が国社会の関心も増大してきている。 我が国としては,これらの状況を踏まえ,より公正な手続によって難民の適切かつ迅速な庇護を図る観点から難民認定制度を見直すこととし,仮滞在許可制度の新設及び難民審査参与員制度の新設等を含む改正入管法が平成17年5月16日から施行されたところである。例文帳に追加

In recent years, however, the number of foreign nationals seeking refugee status from Japan has been increasing, as the world is rapidly changing due to regional conflicts occurring around the world and the instability ofa number of countries. Today, Japanese people pay more attention to refugee-related issues than before. In light of these circumstances, Japan intends to review the refugee recognition system from the perspective of proper and prompt protection of refugees through fairer procedures. The revised Immigration Control Act was enforced on May 16, 2005, which included establishment of the system for permitting provisional stay and the refugee examination counselors system. The Act has been in force since May 16, 2005.  - 特許庁


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