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該当件数 : 33



This raises the domestic prices of their farm goods. - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文


To realize a high level of accuracy in positioning for laser machining without increasing price of a device. - 特許庁




raise demand, expand the money supply, or raise prices, after a period of deflation  - 日本語WordNet



Canadian tariffs enabled United States lumber companies to raise prices at home  - 日本語WordNet



This merchandise settling device performs settlement about the price of merchandise to be purchased. - 特許庁


a series of transactions in which the speculator increases his holdings by using the rising market value of those holdings as margin for further purchases  - 日本語WordNet


Moreover, the amount intended for bio-fuel production exceeded the amount for export. The increased demand for bio-ethanol in the U.S. has worked tp increase the international price. - 経済産業省


The POS terminal 2 calculates a point according to a price of a commodity bought by the customer by the point scale factor received from the store computer 1. - 特許庁



The auction can be flexibly operated so that the auction is operated by assembling a first mode for reducing prices at a first period step by step, a second mode as a normal auction which simultaneously bids up prices at the first period, and a third mode which bids up prices at a second period. - 特許庁



On distribution services, Japanese manufacturers operating in China are demanding16 that they be given the same-quality service as they are being given in Japan at the same (reasonable) prices as seen in China. - 経済産業省


To obtain the constriction structure of a differential pressure type flowmeter for facilitating and make less expensive manufacture by eliminating the need for increasing strength by increasing thickness or the like and avoiding the decrease in measurement accuracy. - 特許庁


Under these circumstances, it is necessary for companies to enhance the uniqueness of products and services they provide and differentiate them from those of its peers in order to regain pricing power and earn profits. - 経済産業省


To surely wipe ink adhered to a nozzle face and a face of an auxiliary plate at the circumference of the nozzle face without raising a cost and to prevent scattering of ink at the wiping. - 特許庁


The business model aims at the improvement of the operation rate of the videotapes and DVDs or the like by renting the video software such as the videotapes and DVDs after setting fine prices in an hour unit and in a minute unit to the video software. - 特許庁


We call on the relevant institutions to finalise their work on ways to avoid excessive commodity price volatility and reaffirm our commitment to publish national data.  - 財務省


To provide an LED mounting technique capable of increasing a heat radiation effect by a simple method by using an inexpensive wiring board existing from the past, when an LED is mounted on a wiring board in a lighting system. - 特許庁


According to the report, the most effective action is raising tobacco taxes and prices because that helps prevent young people from smoking and also helps convince tobacco users to quit.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


To provide a chip-like electric component such as a chip resistor, which is easy to manufacture and has an insulating substrate prevented from being cracked and broken without increasing the price. - 特許庁


The use of hot water during a cleaning system of waste vinyl resins makes the vinyl resins expanded temporarily, permitting an easy cleaning of folded parts. - 特許庁


To realize price setting made by taking merchandise demand-and- supply balance into consideration and also to improve sales efficiency in a merchandise selling method through a communication network. - 特許庁


Based on revisions to the hydrocarbon law in 2006, the Ecuador government acquired 50% of excess income generated when the price of oil rise above the $24/bbl agreed upon by the government and the petroleum companies, but in October 2007 a presidential decree was signed raising this to 99%, changing the content of the contracts with the petroleum companies. - 経済産業省


To provide a technique that provides a store with information on buying prices of cash vouchers and counterfeiting of cash vouchers so that cash vouchers can be used as means of payment without time and cost even at restaurants, retailers and the like, and irrespective of the types of the cash vouchers, to increase the utilization of cash vouchers. - 特許庁


To provide a work device for seedling boxes, the so-called work device for arranging and recovering the seedling boxes, which enables the improvement of handleability and the setting of a low cost due to the marked simplification and downsizing of the structure and can further perform works from a seedling box- arranging work to a seedling box-picking recovery work. - 特許庁


As described above, in an era when wood prices in Japan were high and firewood and charcoal were the main sources of thermal energy, it was naturally considered that income could be gained by selling forest resources, such as charcoal, in addition to wood cut in the field practice forest of a university.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a pattern forming method using a transfer intaglios, wherein the production cost by a printing method is reduced even if an object to be printed has a large size by preparing a printing plate at a low cost without increasing technical difficulty level in accuracy, and to provide the transfer intaglios. - 特許庁


Furthermore, damages on oil refining facilities caused by natural disasters such as large-scaled hurricanes and accidents at oil factories increase anxiety about tightening of supply-demand situation of oil and push up the price of petroleum products, with the operating ratios of oil factories reaching the maximum. - 経済産業省


In other words, in order to raise profits, it is important that enterprises carefully consider to what customers and at what price they will sell their products. And in order to do so, they need to be aware of their internal and external environments in terms, for example, of the capacities of their products, relationship with the market, and their own strengths and weaknesses, as described in Section 2. - 経済産業省


Depending on requirements for exercising a repurchasing claim and ways to set a repurchase price, a repurchase provision allows a venture capital to secure upside benefits without assuming any downside risk. From the viewpoint of Start-ups, some argue that such clauses are undesirable in terms of appropriate sharing of business risks between Start-ups and venture capitals.  - 経済産業省


To provide a method for producing agar significantly reducing agar price by shortening and simplifying a production process, and improving yield, and generating no industrial wastes so as to lead to environmental conservation; to provide agar produced by the method, rich in dietary fiber, nutrients and minerals derived from seaweed, and giving consideration to health; and to provide a processed food containing the agar. - 特許庁


First, regarding stock market developments, market prices are determined as a result of investment activities conducted by various market players based on their own judgment, as I always say. So, as a representative of the authorities, I would like to refrain from making any definitive comments on their background or other matters.  - 金融庁

契約が商業的性質のものであるか否かを決定するに当たって,連邦裁判所は,次に掲げる事項を考慮しなければならない: (a) 許可の所有者が人道的な取組みに継続して参加することを維持するために十分である合理的な収益を上げる必要性 (b) 総会決議1(a)に定義される医薬品に係わる商業契約のカナダにおける利益性の普通のレベル,及び (c) 人道目的のための当該製品の供給について国際連合が報告する国際価格動向例文帳に追加

In determining whether the agreement is commercial in nature, the Federal Court must take into account (a) the need for the holder of the authorization to make a reasonable return sufficient to sustain a continued participation in humanitarian initiatives; (b) the ordinary levels of profitability, in Canada, of commercial agreements involving pharmaceutical products, as defined in paragraph 1(a) of the General Council Decision; and (c) international trends in prices as reported by the United Nations for the supply of such products for humanitarian purposes.  - 特許庁



In other words, it is believed that, amid the easing of monetary conditions: (a) as stocks, houses and other assets, the prices of which fluctuate greatly according to interest rate levels, increased their weight on the balance sheet of the household budget16 , and as the wealth effect attributable to declining interest rates strengthened (a decline in interest rates has the effect of forcing up household consumption expenditure through increases in the market value of assets held); (b) debt increased further as the ratio of deposits to household assets decreased, interest-bearing liabilities exceeded interest-bearing assets, and a structure was being reinforced whereby declines in interest rates would improve the interest paid and received situation (see Figure 1-2-20). - 経済産業省


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