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該当件数 : 22



an intransigent conservative opposed to every liberal tendency  - 日本語WordNet


He also considered that the perpetual security of private properties and the individual freedom was the final goal in the human history, from the bourgeois liberalism and Darwinian historical view point on the civilization; and after that this view became the basis of his political activity, based on which he was strongly opposed to the socialism and militarism.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


a Russian member of the liberal minority group that advocated gradual reform and opposed the Bolsheviks before and during the Russian Revolution  - 日本語WordNet


an outstanding fact of our time is that nations poisoned by anti semitism proved less fortunate in regard to their own freedom  - 日本語WordNet


そもそも多角的自由貿易体制は、1930 年代に保護主義が蔓延し、各国がブロック経済化して第二次世界大戦を招く一因となったことの省から、保護主義の防波堤として構想された。例文帳に追加

Beginning with the multilateral trading system, protectionism was rampant in the 1930s. It was partly a reflection of the national economy blocked by the lead up to the Second World War and was conceived as a bulwark of protectionism. So, one of the important roles the WTO now plays is the monitoring of national trade policies. - 経済産業省



The people who valued the movement following the Freedom and People's Rights Movement united the National Club in 1905 and set a slogan which said 'Constitutionalism internally, and imperialism externally', then advocated that it was necessary for the national independence to reflect the right people's voice in politics with a popular election.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Gakugei Jiyu Domei also ceased its activities the next year but students such as the aforementioned Nakai and Kuno who participated in this movement started magazines supporting anti-fascism such as "Doyobi" (Saturaday), "Gakusei Hyoron" (Student Editorials), "Sekai Bunka" (World Culture), and even under 'emergency situation (war period),' the liberal cultural movement continued.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Recognizing where the protectionism of the 1930s had led, the international community became increasingly aware that maintaining non-discriminatory free trade was crucial for world peace, and worked instead toward the construction of an international trading system under the leadership of the United States. - 経済産業省

戦前のブロック経済化への省を踏まえ、1948 年に発足したGATT締約国は過去8 度にわたり、保護主義を抑制し、自由かつ公正な貿易ルールを策定するため、多角的交渉を行ってきた11。例文帳に追加

Based on the experience of block economies before World War II, the signatory countries to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which was established in 1948, had eight rounds of multilateral talks in order to suppress protectionism and develop free and fair trade rules. - 経済産業省



Based on the experience of block economies before World War II, the signatories to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which was established in 1948, had 8 rounds of multilateral talks in order to suppress protectionism and develop free and fair trade rules (see Figure 4-2-1). - 経済産業省



As Japan is a constitutional country, I would like to abide by the economic principles of liberal society unless there is a clear violation of law.  - 金融庁


In addition, even if the provision does not directly constitute a violation of WTO agreements, the fact that the United States — a country expected to serve as a leader of liberalism — has taken such protectionist measures, may arouse concerns about a chain reaction including retaliation or concerted action by other countries, resulting in an adverse impact on international trade and the global economy in its entirety. - 経済産業省


At the same time, this movement of Europeanization later made a fat target for attacks by right and left wings of an antigovernment party as it was domestically considered as 'aristocratic-ism' or 'Europeanization from above,' under the oppression of Jiyu Minken Undo (Movement for Liberty and People's Right) and under the circumstance of the serious deflation caused by the Matsukata Finance.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

9. 我々は、世界の景気回復にとって自由貿易と投資に対する我々のコミットメントの重要性を認識し、再確認する。我々は、あらゆる形態の保護主義的な貿易行動を導入せず、対し、ドーハ交渉の迅速な妥結の重要性を認識する。例文帳に追加

9. We reaffirm our commitment to free trade and investment recognizing its central importance for the global recovery. We will refrain from introducing, and oppose protectionist trade actions in all forms and recognize the importance of a prompt conclusion of the Doha negotiations.  - 財務省


The second Ito cabinet became wary of the situation with the signing of the Anglo-Japanese Treaty of Commerce and Navigation near at hand, and the Liberal Party, which was the first party of the House of Representatives, strengthened the opposition from supporting the government's idea of step-by-step revisions to the treaty.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Given this situation, if there were no rules on safeguards, or if safeguard measures could not be used at all, demands for protectionist policies and opposition to further trade liberalization could well strengthen, losing the additional benefits which could have been brought about by further trade liberalization. - 経済産業省


Meanwhile, however, the movement was also, in a sense, part of the plan to create a national political realignment focusing on foreign affairs among nationalists in particular, who allowed popular rights groups to take the initiative in the anti-government movement Minto (political parties including the Liberal Party and the Progressive Party) since the Seinan War (a local war by Satsuma ex-samurai against the Meiji government); In other words, it also represented a political trend to unify all political parties with nationalism at the core in the future by involving the parties from the Kokumin Kyokai, a Rito which was fundamentally a pro-government political party, to the Toyo Jiyuto, a radical popular rights party which advocated universal suffrage.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, as I mentioned earlier, if a violation of law is found, the story is different. In the Olympus case, I hear that the Public Prosecutors Office, the National Police Agency and the Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission are already conducting investigation. If we treat all matters in the same way without making distinction, a liberal economy would not function well.  - 金融庁


While the investigation report includes references to the Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission (SESC), for example, we should refrain from making specific comments on matters involving the SESC as a principle, as companies are allowed to conduct business activity as they like in a liberal society. Even so, my understanding is that when a violation of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act is suspected, the SESC will conduct strict inspection.  - 金融庁


However, their relationship with the government gradually soured as the Kokumin Kyokai had the highest percentage of nationalists, and especially during the Second Ito Cabinet, the Kokumin Kyokai conversely organized the Koroppa (hard-line six parties) cooperating with the Rikken Kaishinto by accusing the Cabinet of forwarding the revision of a treaty while the Jiyuto (Liberal Party of Japan), the hard core of the Minto party, approached the government and took concerted action, and thus the Rito party and Minto party were no long entirely 'pro-government' or 'anti-government'.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Among the G-20 and G-7 countries, and even in the United States, the need for regulation has been recognized, as indicated by the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act, which strengthens financial regulations, as opposed to neo-conservatism, which basically pursues the thorough deregulation of the financial sector and the minimization of government involvement. Following the enactment of that act, the United States is working out the details of regulations, including the Volcker Rule. As for European banks, U.K. banks are rather closer to the U.S. style of finance as you know, while Germany and France have continental financial systems, which are conservative, like the Japanese financial system. As to the first question, which concerned neo-conservatism, the mood around the world some time ago was such as to encourage financial institutions to create any type of financial product in exchange for accepting full self-responsibility, and Japan was no exception. However, now, the mood has changed very much even on Wall Street. In that sense, I think that countries have a feeling of contrition about the wave of neo-conservatism that swept through the world at one time.  - 金融庁



Our top-down initiative to have the Amended Money Lending Business Act Follow-Up Team established in the face of a situation like that may sound like a minor thing, but it was nevertheless a decent and fair action brought about by the change of administration. The fact is that we live in a democratic nation, and our government is a publicly elected government. If a politician's eyes are always turned upwards like those of a flounderwell, I would not quite say that he would become oblivious to how the people are living, but he nevertheless could become increasingly insensitive to how each individual person is living or how each individual person is faring or suffering in life. Looking back at my 22 years with the Liberal Democratic Party, I myself admit with remorse that I also had such a tendency.  - 金融庁


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