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該当件数 : 31



in archery, to draw a bow again  - EDR日英対訳辞書


When playing a game again, the pull string 12 is pulled. - 特許庁


In the case of the KANSAI THRU PASS, a discount fare is automatically deducted).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


And we're not going to cure the problems of the urban by dragging the country into the city - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書



To realize not only a planned discount sale based on a sales strategy such as discount, price reduction or the like but also a timely discount sale, which is irregularly made based on a discount policy, without replacing bar code labels. - 特許庁



To execute planned price discount sales based on sales strategy such as discount without resticking bar code labels. - 特許庁


In a thinning-out learning process (S202), conditions of a thinning-out process (thinning-out decision rotational frequency NELRN and thinning-out frequency N) are learnt according to the measured process load and then the conditions of the thinning-out process are changed and set again according to the process load. - 特許庁


To provide an optical disk device having usability improved by preventing the useless repeating of thinned reproduction for a user by reproducing data thinned not to be reproduced in previous thinned reproduction when thinned reproduction is reexecuted. - 特許庁


Positional parameters are assigned from the shell's arguments when it is invoked, and may be reassigned using the set builtin command.  - JM



Even after Naosuke was assassinated in the Sakuradamongai Incident in 1860, he continued serving as a Sobayaku (Secretary) of Naonori II who assumed the post of the lord of domain.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Jizaemon ARIMURA threw open the door, grabbed the faintly breathing Naosuke by the hair and dragged him out of the palanquin.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It may perform processing in and after the step S7 following the processing of the step S3 to S7. - 特許庁


To provide a simple structure capable of repairing a coaxial cable without re-laying the coaxial cable and making the thickness thinner. - 特許庁


To pull in a frequency errors each times it is caused by a change in the center frequency of a received signal from each wireless communication terminal. - 特許庁


To provide a key switch device and electronic device where an easy refitting of a key top and assembling are possible even if it is pulled out. - 特許庁


To continue image formation in correct page order without redoing image formation of a first side of pulled-out paper even when the paper being reversed is pulled out by a user after completing printing on the first side in double-sided printing. - 特許庁


To provide a circuit for enabling detection of a fact that Lo frequency is drawn in erroneous frequency and re-drawing to a correct Lo frequency when the Lo frequency is drawn in the erroneous frequency even when deviation of the Lo frequencies exceeding a range of ±n/2 pitches as a half of n pitches into which pilot carriers are inserted is produced. - 特許庁


Tadayoshi SAKAI (the lord of Obama Domain in Wakasa Province), who had been appointed as Kyoto Shoshidai during the Ansei no Taigoku (suppression of extremists by the Shogunate) period, stayed at the post even after the assassination of Naosuke II and his dismissal was being requested by the Imperial court.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Regarding the Money Lending Act, am I correct in understanding that you are not thinking of changing the plans to introduce the restriction on the total loan amount (based on the borrowers’ annual income) or lower the legal maximum interest rate?  - 金融庁


The second light source for positioning is then used to position again a patient in the open magnet type MRI apparatus without drawing the patient from the apparatus. - 特許庁


To provide a lap blanket hanger and a lap blanket which do not require spreading again a lap blanket cloth having been folded when drawing out a drawer or leaving her/his seat, and with which the lap blanket cloth located at a moderate position is prevented from being shifted. - 特許庁


A data update means 41 of the store computer 21 adds 'the number of days allowed for delivery to the customer' to 'the commodity reception date' to determine 'the limit date' and updates data of the file 31. - 特許庁


The apparatus corrects the habit of drawing the cue stick 10 to the body side of the user not to the back side, or the habit of pushing the cue stick 10 obliquely forward not straight forward. - 特許庁


As ARIMURA and the others celebrated their victory and headed back with the head of Naosuke at the tip of a sword; Hidenojo OGAWARA, who had been lying unconscious on the ground, regained consciousness by a shout of victory and, in an effort to take back his master's head, went after ARIMURA, striking him in the back of the head with a sword.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The fact that the chokusho was delivered directly from the Imperial Court to the Mito Domain that was regarded as a vassal of the bakufu meant that the bakufu was ignored and lost its dignity, so the bakufu kept the contents of the document confidential, which led to trigger the Ansei no Taigoku (suppression of extremists by the bakufu) by Naosuke II, Tairo (chief minister).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide the anchoring/assembling jig of a sludge scraper having no fear of falling, unnecessary for re-erecting a beam, enabling one person to perform lateral drawing, height adjustment and the carrying of a long beam, made easy to handle and capable of shortening a term of works. - 特許庁


To continuously construct even a not only linear but also curved line-shaped or perpendicularly bent line-shaped underground wall without pulling up a chain-type excavating device onto the ground and newly resetting up it, and to construct the underground wall even in the center of a narrow place such as a dike of a river. - 特許庁


An unallocated computer resource 1241 is allocated to the business system having a low allowance rate when there is the unallocated computer resource 1241 in the business system, and the computer resource 1241 is pulled out from the business system having a high allowance rate and is newly allocated when there is not such the computer resource 1241. - 特許庁


To provide a device capable of winding up the mainsprings of self-winding wrist watches even when they are not used, by repeating forward and reverse rotations by an automatic controller. - 特許庁


To provide a liquid crystal display device which allows a frame to be made narrow by improving arrangement of an interconnect wiring part between scan lines and source lines, with respect to the liquid crystal display device wherein drawn lines in the periphery of a display part have a multilayer structure. - 特許庁



To improve operability by eliminating such a troublesome operation that a paper loading extension tray is re-held after an external cover is opened in the paper loading extension tray tilted together with the opening operation of the external cover swingably opening and closing a body device and drawn in the opened state of the external cover for loading paper sheets thereon. - 特許庁


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