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Unless major European countries such as the U.K, Germany and France have default issues, the influence over Europe as a whole in terms of loss of capital would be limited. - 経済産業省


First, I will answer the question concerning an emergency summit meeting held by major European countries.  - 金融庁


First, they are heavily dependent on major EU countries for exports. - 経済産業省


Figure 1-2-4-8 shows the added value per employee in major service industries in major European countries and the United States (data of the United Kingdom are not published). - 経済産業省



(i) The primary energy usage composition of 2008 (actual results) shows that Japan, developed nations in Europe and the U.S. have similar usage ratios. - 経済産業省



As mentioned earlier, the response of labor markets in the major European countries to the crisis has varied by country. - 経済産業省


This indicates that the productivity in the service industries of major European countries is generally below that of the United States. - 経済産業省


Germany, a major European country, achieved a high growth rates of 3.6% in 2010, but France and the UK also achieved the recovery of 1.6% and 1.3% respectively. - 経済産業省


A choke point of the route from the Middle East to Europe was blocked for ten months due to the Second Middle Eastern War. - 経済産業省



First, recent economic trends will be studied with a focus on major euro area economies hit by the European debt crisis. - 経済産業省



In addition, as Germany had a relatively high degree of dependence on exports among major European countries, expansion of the export market greatly contributed to Germany’s economic recovery. - 経済産業省


The establishment of international free trade began with the conclusion of the Anglo-French Commercial Treaty in1860. Both the United Kingdom and France subsequently formed similar treaties of commerce with all the main European powers, bringing about mutual tariff reduction and spreading a net of free trade across Europe. - 経済産業省


In addition, referring to the trade specialization index (competitiveness coefficient) based on the service trade balance in major service fields on major European countries and the United States from a viewpoint of service export expansion, it is found that the coefficients of continental Europe are generally lower than those of the United States and the United Kingdom, indicating that continental European countries lag the United States and the United Kingdom in international competitiveness. - 経済産業省


European countries have aging rates lower than that of Japan's, their scale of social security benefits relative to the size of the national economy is greater than that of Japan's, accounting for about 40% of the national income (Chart 1-3-5). - 厚生労働省


As shown in Figures 1-1-1-21 and Table 1-1-1-22, the central banks of advanced economies such as Japan, United States of America, Europe and UK, continued to implement untraditional monetary policies like quantitative easing, asset purchase and maintenance of low-interest policy. - 経済産業省

EBRDには 1991年の設立当初から原加盟として参加し、我がの当時の経済実態を踏まえ、主要欧州と並ぶシェア 8.5%という多額の出資を行い、今日まで EBRDの活動を支え続けてきました。例文帳に追加

Japan joined the EBRD at the time of its establishment in 1991 as a founding member, with its contribution of as much as 8.5% of EBRD's capital, which is comparable with other major European countries, based on Japan's economic presence at that time. Since then, Japan has continued to support EBRD's activities.  - 財務省


Looking at the trends of individual countries, triggered by the emergence of the European debt crisis due to the exteriorization of Greece's public finance statistics in October, 2009, business sentiments in major countries, which were strongly linked until then, have varied widely. - 経済産業省


To begin with, looking at the structure of the flow of people61 in the world without identifying categories (workers, foreign students, trainees, etc.) of human resources, Japan, the U.S., and Europe are the main destinations for foreign human resources. - 経済産業省


In any case, the world’s 20 major countries have gathered to discuss the international financial and economic situations, including the European problems, so I will keep a close watch on the discussion.  - 金融庁

9 5 月9 日に開催された際決済銀行(BIS)主要中央銀行総裁会議で、欧州中央銀行のトリシェ総裁は「商品価格という問題がある。例文帳に追加

9 It was reported that Trichet, Governor of European Central Bank pointed out at the Bank for International Settlement (BIS) and Major Countries Central Bank Governors Meeting held on May 9. that "there is a problem called commodities prices. - 経済産業省

金融危機後、需要低迷で中東欧諸全体として輸出が大幅に減少したが、欧州主要国、とりわけドイツやフランスの新車購入支援策に支えられ、2009 年後半は自動車輸出が大きく伸びた。例文帳に追加

After the financial crisis, the total export of Central and East European countries dropped sharply; however, automobile exports saw a leap in the second half of 2009, supported primarily by policies to promote the purchase of new automobiles in Germany and France. - 経済産業省


In addition, there is another dimension to this picture. That is, due to factors including disparities in economic growth rates between the U.S. and the major economies including Europe and Japan, funds are flowing into the U.S. where the growth rate is higher. - 経済産業省

ドイツの法人実効税率は、2001 年には約 50%から約 40%に、2008 年には約 30%にそれぞれ引下げられ、フランス(36.0%)、イタリア(32.4%)、英(29.0%)を下回り、当時、欧州主要国の中では最も低い水準になった。例文帳に追加

The effective corporate tax rate in Germany was reduced from about 50% to 40% in 2001, then, to about 30% in 2008 respectively, and then to the lowest level in the major Western countries at that time (28.9%), below that of France (36.0%), Italy (32.4%), and the United Kingdom (29.0%). - 経済産業省


The European Commission has suggested seven flagship policies aiming at increasing achievement. Planned growth promotion is the main theme, and this policy approach is supported by signatories at the EU and the international level. - 経済産業省


Fiscal Year 2008 Market Survey concerning Electronic Commercial Trades (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, October 2009) Summarizes the result of the survey on the actual situations in the electronics commercial trading markets in our country and the actual situations of Internet businesses in our country, the U.S., major countries in Europe and major countries in Asia  - 経済産業省


I think that major European countries such as Britain, Germany, France and Italy held this meeting as a preparatory meeting of leaders, so to speak, ahead of the second G20 summit meeting, which is scheduled to be held in London in April.  - 金融庁

2011年第4 四半期 の実質GDP 成長率は前年同期比4.8%増と欧州債務危 機の影響により世界主要の成長が鈍化する中でも堅 調な伸びを維持している(第1-6-2-1 図)。例文帳に追加

The real GDP growth rate in the fourth quarter of 2011 increased by 4.8% from the same quarter of the previous year, and the Russian economy has enjoyed continued strong growth despite a slowdown in growth of the world's leading economies due to the European debt crisis (see Figure 1-6-2-1). - 経済産業省


In contrast, though the German economy fell substantially in the latter half of 2011, when the European debt crisis got more serious, and has recently grown at a sluggish pace, it is the only country among major euro countries that is at a level exceeding the long-term average. - 経済産業省


In addition, Thailand's exports cover a wide range of countries, including Japan, the United States, China, and Europe, which are the major manufacturers of automobiles, as well as Taiwan, Pakistan, India, Australia, South Africa, South American countries, and Middle Eastern countries. - 経済産業省

世界の主要な株価について、先進では、2009 年の春先を底に緩やかに上昇、2010 年末時点で米、英が世界経済危機前の水準を回復、我が欧州は2011 年初に同水準を回復したものの、株価の低迷が続いている。例文帳に追加

As for share prices in major countries in the world, it was moderately rising from the bottom at the beginning of spring in 2009. At the end of 2010, United States of America and UK recovered their share prices to the level before the world economic crisis. Japan and Europe recovered to the said level at the beginning of 2011, but the share prices remained stagnant. - 経済産業省


As with Japan, major European countries generally face concerns about a decreasing in population and the graying of society, though to differing degrees. In Germany in particular, which has the largest population in the 27 EU countries (hereafter EU27), the fall of potential growth rate resulting from the steep decrease in population has become a large problem. - 経済産業省


(Changes in Worker's Lifestyles and Household Spending)With respect to worker's lifestyles, both income and disposable income grew significantly in line with arapid economic growth from 1960 to the first half of the 1970s, when possession of the so-called "threeholy durables", or "3C's", became common among ordinary households. - 厚生労働省


In Figure 1-2-2-1, the X axes represent the share of each industry to the total employees and the Y axes represent added values per employee by major industry of the four countries, based on the figures relating to national economic accounts of EU member countries prepared by the Statistical Office of the European Communities. - 経済産業省

ちなみに、5 年間失業した場合に給付される失業給付の所得代替率を見ると、イタリアを除く欧州主要国や北欧のデンマーク・スウェーデンでは、日本や米に比べて高い割合での給付となっている(第1-2-2-44 図)。例文帳に追加

As for the rate of unemployment benefits provided in place of income in case of 5 yearsunemployment, with the exception of Italy, Denmark and Sweden, the major European countries show a higher rate of benefits compared to Japan and the U.S (see Figure 1-2-2-44). - 経済産業省


The IMF says, “Major advanced countries/regions will see their economy recover growth slowly, and emerging economies will continue to enjoy relatively robust growth,” adding, however, that “the pace of improvement is very weak.” Thus, the IMF indicates that there continues to exist a high downside risk to the world economy, such as a further deepening of the European debt crisis and an oil price surge. - 経済産業省


For the cause of inferiority of continental Europe in international competitiveness in the service field to the United States and the United Kingdom, it is pointed out that excessive restrictions suppress the increase in productivity. For example, according to an investigation by the OECD, in comparison between major advanced countries in degree of regulation in the specialized services sector such as the legal, accounting and engineering sectors as expressed in the index, the regulations of continental European countries such as Italy and Germany are much stricter than those of the United States and the United Kingdom. - 経済産業省


This is seemingly because the enterprises of other major EU countries actively advanced and developed a production network after the 1980s, reflecting the cheaper production cost compared to other major EU countries such as Germany and France and the advancement of infrastructure construction utilizing an EC subsidy, which was granted to Spain, having been late to enter the European Community (EC) in 1986. - 経済産業省


According to a report on the result of investigation conducted among 183 countries by the World Bank on easiness of business operation in the respective countries as of June 2011, in overall evaluation of the business environments of major continental European countries, Germany is ranked 19th and falls behind the United States, ranked 4th, and the United Kingdom, ranked 7th. In particular, Italy is ranked 87th in overall evaluation, almost equal to emerging countries such as China, which is ranked 91st. - 経済産業省


We have fulfilled our commitment to ensure that the MDBs have appropriate resources through capital increases for the major MDBs, including the Asian Development Bank (AsDB), the African Development Bank (AfDB), the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the World Bank Group, notably the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC).  - 財務省


A survey of finance directors of large Japanese companies178 conducted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry found that 11.9% of the companies operating overseas spread their financial functions outside the country in addition to having them at their head office in Japan. The destinations of such functions included China (30.9% in Shanghai and 20.0% in Hong Kong) and Singapore (32.7%) in Asia and Germany (21.8%), the United Kingdom (14.5%), and the Netherlands (12.7%) in Europe as the countries with a large share. - 経済産業省


2011 年8 月の米債の格下げや欧州債務危機の 深刻化を受けて、それまで活況を呈していた海外から の証券投資は一気に落ち込み(第1-6-1-5 図)、9 月 にはブラジル・レアルのみならずメキシコ・ペソ、チ リ・ペソなどの主要中南米通貨が大幅に下落し、外貨 準備による自通貨の買い支えも一部行われた(第 1-6-1-6 図)中南米地域ではスペイン系の銀行のプレゼンスが大 きく、ブラジル、メキシコに対する外籍金融機関の 与信残高のうち4 割程度がスペインからのものとなっ ていることから(第1-6-1-7 図及び第1-6-1-8 図)、 欧州における銀行の資本増強の一環として中南米にお けるリスク資産の切離しが急速に進めば、信用収縮の 原因となる可能性がある。例文帳に追加

A downgrade of U.S.government bonds in August 2011 and the worsening of the European debt crisis resulted in a sharp decline in securities investment by foreign investors which had been experiencing a boom to that point (see Figure 1-6-1-5).In September, not only the Brazilian real but also other major Central and South American currencies such as Mexico's peso and Chile's peso sharply declined, and foreign exchange intervention was partly implemented by buying the country's own currency with foreign currency reserves (see Figure 1-6-1-6).Spanish banks have a large presence in Central and South American regions, and represents about 40 % of credit to Brazil and Mexico by foreign-registered financial institutions (see Figure 1-6-1-7 and Figure 1-6-1-8).Therefore, credit contraction may be caused due to rapid separation of risk assets in Central and South America which is implemented as a part of bank recapitalization in Europe. - 経済産業省


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