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該当件数 : 66



a pass in a mountain ridge with no stream flowing through it  - 日本語WordNet

この根に沿って直接沿って キャリーの場所まで進みます例文帳に追加

Making their way directly down this ridgeline to carrie's coordinates. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


There are also compounds with three and four levels along the southwestern ridge.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the Edo period, Basho MATSUO lived temporary in Takenouchi Settlement along the road.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



In addition, it has been said that Omiwa-jinja Shrine is a head of a dragon, this shrine is its body, and Nagao-jinja Shrine in Taima-cho is its tail as these shrines line the Yokooji Road.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



At a stern portion 27 of a vessel, a stern fin 31 for damming and straightening a downward flow generated along a hull outside wall 28 is provided. - 特許庁


Sensors are attached to an upper part and a lower part of a series of solar cells along the direction of a tracking line. - 特許庁


The contact 12 includes a conductor 40 extending along a length between a tip 52 and a tail 54. - 特許庁


An edge or ridge line 6 of the reflection prism 5 is disposed along rectilinear axis lines x and y. - 特許庁



The ship 10 has a flat stern end face 22 extending along the vertical direction. - 特許庁



The pits 5 are formed in the shape of a groove, and the projections 6 are formed in the shape of a ridge along the pits 5. - 特許庁


To improve a tracking performance for a tracking target which meanders, by not performing processing of a jerk term which lowers presumption accuracy easily, and to enable tracking processing along the center axis of a meandering locus. - 特許庁


Accordingly, when the ship sails, a water stream flowing along the stern flows in the rear along the first ship's bottom and flows to the second ship's bottom, thereby increasing the hull surface pressure and pushing the stern upward by the hull surface pressure, and consequently, suppressing the sinking of the stern and reducing the hull resistance. - 特許庁


Another shrine called Matsuo-jinja, which is located along the Oi-gawa River, is believed to have had a relationship with the Tsukiyomi-jinja Shrine, a Sessha (auxiliary shrine (dedicated to a deity closely related to that of the main shrine)) of the Matsuo-taisha Shrine (in Kyoto City), which is located in the lower reach of the river.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Cooling air along the tail pipe 14 wall surface in a film shape is supplied as indicated as arrow heads B, C from the air supply gaps 16, 16a to protect the tail pipe 14 wall surface from high temperature combustion gas. - 特許庁


In order to cause solder tail parts 36, 38 to match with corresponding solder paste connection areas, the top part of each projection part extends along the upper surface of the printed circuit board 10 a distance longer than the length of the solder tail parts. - 特許庁


This fishhook has the ridge 5 extending in the longitudinal direction of the fishhook 2 and the water-cutting faces 6 are formed on both right and left sides of the ridge 5. - 特許庁


Air 150 compressed by a compressor is injected from the gap 1 along the inner wall surface 122 of the tail pipe 120, and a film of air 150 for cooling is formed on the inner wall surface 122 of the tail pipe 120. - 特許庁


a gecko that has membranous expansions along the sides of its body and limbs and tail that enable it to glide short distances  - 日本語WordNet


herbivorous ornithischian dinosaur with a row of bony plates along its back and a spiked tail probably used as a weapon  - 日本語WordNet


any of various food and sport fishes of the Atlantic coast of the United States having an elongated body and long spiny dorsal fin  - 日本語WordNet


Shuntoku-kaido Road and Jusan-kaido Road: Route crossing through Jusan-toge Pass in Heguri-cho, Yao City, proceeding southward along Tatsuta-gawa River and merging with Tatsutagoe at Tatsuta.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the aftermath of this change, Motonaga, who also carried out public administration in line with Kazan shinsei, was said to be dismissed under the pretext of his tyranny in Owari Province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The outboard motor 3 arranged on stern 13 of the hull 1 ascends and descends along a guide rail 5 by a hydraulic cylinder 4. - 特許庁


The tail pipe 45 is arranged along a face where a line segment in its longitudinal direction is substantially parallel with an end face of the electric motor 30. - 特許庁


The pits 5 are formed in the shape of a groove, and the projections 6 are formed in the shape of a ridge along the groove-like pits 5. - 特許庁


A ridge-part is disposed along a route for connecting a point on the first end faces to a point on the second end face on the active layer. - 特許庁


The claw 111 is shaped as an arc extending along the shape of the upper rim 41 of the can container and formed like a ridge. - 特許庁


An opening is provided between the two tail potions and adapted to receive a tube-like structure, such as the esophagus along the base portion of the body. - 特許庁


Each annual ring line 31 is arranged along the ridge part 26 and the long groove part 27 of the unevenness 22, and each vessel line 32 is arranged between the adjoining the annual ring lines 31 so as to extend along the annual ring lines 31. - 特許庁

垂線APから船首側に向かって船の長さの15〜25%の範囲のビルジ部、および 船首垂線FPから船側に向かって船の長さの15〜25%の範囲のビルジ部に、船体2表面流線に沿って船体2両舷外板にほぼ垂直にフィン3および4を設ける。例文帳に追加

Fins 3 and 4 are provided in a bilge part within the range of 15-25% of a ship length looking from the after perpendicular AP toward the bow side and in another bilge part within the range of 15-25% of the ship length looking from the fore perpendicular FP toward the stern side, almost perpendicularly to both outboards of a hull 2 and along the surface streamline of the hull 2. - 特許庁


A mounting/dismounting jig 10 is equipped a guide unit 11 that has a tip 11f and a base end each supported in a cylinder 4 with at least the tip side disposed inside the cylinder 4 and supports the combustor tail pipe movably along a combustor shaft line L direction, and an advancing/withdrawing mechanism 13 capable of advancing and withdrawing the combustor tail pipe along the combustor shaft line L direction. - 特許庁


The joint member is characterized by joining a male wood member 2 with a dovetail tenon 4 of dovetail shape machined in a plate member along its length direction, and a female wood member 3 with a dovetail groove 5 machined along its length direction of a plate member so that the dovetail tenon 4 is fittable therein. - 特許庁


Seeing such discord between samurai and the imperial court, Saneeda faithfully obeyed the commands of the bakufu; this was in contrast to Michimura NAKANOIN, who like Saneeda held the position of bukedenso (liaison officers between the imperial court and the military government), but acted in accordance with the intentions of Emperor Gomizunoo (Michimura was dismissed the following year).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


From Rokuro Pass which was one of Koya Nana-kuchi (seven gates of Mt. Koya), a flat forestry road extends along the ridge, and it descends from a dug way before Susuki Pass to Odo-gawa River.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A road named 'Nanairo Yokote' road was built from Warabio to Nanairo in the first year of the Meiji era, however it was seldom used because it was a dangerous path along a cliff.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This statue is one of Sanjusan Kannon-zo (thirty-three statues of Kannon) which were built along the old road; the 1st Kannon-zo is located at Yagio, Hongu-cho and the 33rd Kannon-zo is located at Ichizako, Totsukawa Village.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It is a group of thirty-three Kannon-zo (statues of Kannon) located along the sections of mountain; it starts at Yagio, Hongu-cho (the 1st), stops by Hatenashi Pass (the 17th) and by Hatenashi Village (the 30th), and ends at Ichiizako (the 33rd).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although its north side, in the direction of Mt. Azuchi (now Azuchi-jo Castle) did not have any Kuruwa for the defense, they created a defense line along the mountain ridge by creating Kirigishi (bluff) and huge earthworks.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


During this period, the major part of these measures was restrictions of speech and of the press, such as banning the publication immediately after issuance of a record of the mining pollution "Ashio Dozan Kodoku, Watarase-gawa-engan Jijo" (Ashio copper mine Mining Pollution, Status of Watarase-gawa River) published in 1891 by the residents of Azuma Village (Tochigi Prefecture).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At the time, the drawing of the respective auxiliary lines is permitted only in a craniocaudal order in the extending directions of the vertebral column of the vertebral column image displayed on the monitor screen. - 特許庁


The rope clip is comprised of one end of a head 12 having an opening 17, the other end of a tail 13, and a body 11 having a length in the axial direction L. - 特許庁


When the wiper moves along the branch part of the inlet grid in such a manner as to rub against it, the wiper abuts on the inlet grid and swings the grid downward into a position where the stern end of the cantilever branch part is separated from a pump jet housing. - 特許庁


A plate-like member 3, which extends symmetrically and horizontally into water from the bottom edge part of the rear end of the skeg 2 provided projectingly along the center line of the hull 1, is provided in the lower part of the bottom of the stern of a hull 1. - 特許庁


Fittings 7 are mounted on a ridge along a joint 5 between folded plates nearly at specified intervals and an elongated cover plate 8 is mounted on the ridge through the fittings 7. - 特許庁


Thus, the water hitting the hook point is forcibly separated into the right and left flows from the ridge top and the cut-separated water is very smoothly flown along the water-cutting face 6. - 特許庁


A seaweed wiper is constituted to push out seaweed from the inlet grid of a rotatable cantilever branch part when the wiper moves along the branch part toward the stern side end of the branch part. - 特許庁


In some instances, a support structure 135 is utilized to orient a molded green body 10 in a preferred direction to reduce deformation during fining (e.g. orienting a thin tail section is a plane parallel to the direction of gravity). - 特許庁


The pocket 16 is provided with depth not inhibiting rotation of the swash plate 13, and the strut 17 is provided at an approximately central position in a stern direction of the swash plate 13 along a center line in a thickness direction. - 特許庁



The beam catcher 38a has a roof-shaped part 44 having an angle section elongated in the Y-direction along a center bridge 28 and pointed on the center bridge 28 side on the position opposite to the center bridge 28 of an irradiation window 22. - 特許庁


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