意味 | 例文 (224件) |
該当件数 : 224件
There are major differences in business strategies for the China market between Japanese and US companies. - 経済産業省
To enable the information system to contribute to the organization in implementing its management policies and achieving strategic goals - 経済産業省
The goals of the information systems overall optimization should be based on business strategies. - 経済産業省
Ensure that the IT investment plan is created in a manner consistent with corporate strategies. - 経済産業省
(3) 無収水削減と飲料水の安全を、水道事業体の経営戦略の中核に置くこと。例文帳に追加
(3) The core management strategy of the water supply works should be the reduction of Non Revenue Water and the Drinking Water Safety. - 厚生労働省
Generally speaking, management restructuring and integration are matters that should be considered by individual financial institutions, based on their own management decisions in accordance with their forward-looking management strategies. - 金融庁
In any case, it is very important that from a long-term perspective, individual financial institutions make efforts to establish management strategies and strengthen their management foundations based on their own judgment. - 金融庁
"Management innovation courses" will also be organized for entrepreneurs seeking to develop new businesses, young successors, etc. in order to equip them with knowledge and know-how in areas such as business strategy. (continuation) (\\1,605 million budget) - 経済産業省
To provide, in addition to a system for stores, an integrated management information management system capable of realizing efficient business management work, and of supporting decision-making of management based on management policies and management concepts selected by management executives, and allowing comprehensive and strategic mission management to be carried out. - 特許庁
Of course, I think that realignment and business integration are important options for individual regional banks when they consider what management strategies to adopt and how to enhance management. However, I understand that these are matters to be decided based on the management judgment of individual regional banks. - 金融庁
In addition, this may indicate that the power of the workplace itself to hold youngpeople may be declining. - 厚生労働省
Our management strategy is to aim for the expansion of sales and rise in customer satisfaction through stronger customer contacts. - Weblio英語基本例文集
a session (as of executives or advisors) to discuss policy or strategy or to solve problems or exchange ideas - 日本語WordNet
① Whether the strategic goals of the group concerning credit extension, which are inline with the business policies of the group, are clearly defined. - 金融庁
① Whether the strategic goals for managing assets having market-related risks in line with the business policies of the group are clearly defined. - 金融庁
Some banks have opted for business integration as a survival strategy, and I welcome such decisions. - 金融庁
To provide a pocket book form for strategy planning for simply putting control environment analysis, comparative analysis, to strategy planning on each business over the whole control in order, and smoothly planning the business plan according to concrete control values when starting the business in order for planning the control analysis, the strategy, an business plan on the business. - 特許庁
Japanese companies are putting more emphasis on the intellectual property in their management strategies, and patent applications to Asian countries are expected to increase. - 経済産業省
同社では、知的財産を経営戦略の要と位置付け、1957 年の創業以来、1,000 件以上の特許を出願している。例文帳に追加
They consider their intellectual properties as a vital point of business strategy and have applied for more than 1000 patents since their foundation in 1957. - 経済産業省
Working on this basis, we seek then to identify the stage at which overseas expansion becomes a viable option for SMEs, and business strategies that lead to successfully overcoming these risks. - 経済産業省
Today, the information system of an organization works as an important infrastructure of the organization to implement its management strategies. - 経済産業省
It has, in effect, the same direction as the so-called "management of technology"; yet, it is different in that it emphasizes the strategic viewpoint for intellectual property. - 経済産業省
Thus, they try to strengthen the management strategies, improve coordination and flexibly implement reforms in the area of personnel and labor management including the recruitment and development of human resources (Figure 29). - 厚生労働省
Has the Board of Directors, in accordance with the financial institution’s corporate management plans, its strategic objectives, the strategic objectives of various divisions and the Capital Management Policy, developed capital plans, etc. designed to achieve an appropriate level of capital targeted by the institution? - 金融庁
To provide a press release information distribution device for easily obtaining press release information which is beneficial in the case of planning a prospective business strategy or management strategy. - 特許庁
Referring to the business strategies that enterprises considered important in the past, as many as 65.9% of enterprises regarded scale expansion as important but no more than 22.2% of enterprises considered improvement of added value as important. - 経済産業省
An active business stance which tries to incorporate the vitality of high growth markets such as East Asia into the company’s business strategy is also seen in this kind of foreign business strategy of European and U.S. service companies. - 経済産業省
When Japanese companies intent to explore market in emerging economies, it is necessary that they shall clearly position the non-market strategy as one of their legitimate management strategy. - 経済産業省
The "intellectual property-backed management" goes beyond simple management of intellectual property and encourages top corporate executives to give greater importance to the aspect of intellectual property in planning and executing business strategies as well as R&D strategies. - 経済産業省
The rising rate of early job leaving isinfluenced by changes in the attitudes of young people, specifically, the increasing number who acceptemployment without clear plans for their work lives, who take jobs reluctantly, or who don't seek stabilityin employment first. - 厚生労働省
Since the management can decide the name of their business: ryokan, minshuku, hotel, or "pension" (resort inn), in reality, they freely do so for purposes such as their image strategy regardless of size or management style. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Generally speaking, I think it is very good that regional banks decide to seek business integration after considering strategies for survival, although this is a matter that should be left to their own business judgment. - 金融庁
I believe that how to tackle these challenges is first and foremost a matter that the management team of each exchange should consider as a business strategy. - 金融庁
Does it ensure the consistency of the definition of capital used in the internal capital adequacy assessment and the financial institution's corporate management policy and plans, its strategic objectives, etc. in light of the fact that building up capital means preparing for potential losses? - 金融庁
・ 自己資本充実度の評価における自己資本の定義と、経営方針、経営計画、戦略目標等との整合性及び定義の決定根拠の妥当性例文帳に追加
- Consistency of the definition of capital as used in the internal capital adequacy assessment with the corporate management policy, corporate management plans and strategic objectives, etc. and validity of the grounds for determining the definition - 金融庁
When estimating the management condition (S11), management condition is estimated and a strategy drawer is informed of this estimation, and a coefficient for converting indefinite elements to a numeral is set per each business year. - 特許庁
Responding to the cross-border flow of the various elements of economy—goods, money,people and information—which has characterized the modern world, companies have been optimizing their corporate strategy planning and management resource allocation from a global perspective. - 経済産業省
Japanese business management is inferior in its capabilities to act and to plan strategy. In order to promote renovation, brave decisions and actions by corporate management are requested. - 経済産業省
In order to dramatically promote the exploitation of intellectual property as well as the creation and protection of intellectual property, it is important for companies to practice management strategies making full use of their intellectual property (the so-called "intellectual property-backed management"). - 経済産業省
I believe that it is important that insurance companies seek to strengthen their competitiveness and enhance convenience for users by making earnest efforts to establish forward-looking strategies and consolidate their management foundations based on their own management judgments. - 金融庁
Generally speaking, it is important that financial institutions strengthen their financial functions and governance and increase their corporate value by developing forward-looking business strategies and making earnest efforts to enhance their business foundation. - 金融庁
In order for business innovation activities to succeed, entrepreneurs themselves must determine a "strategy" formulated after an analysis of the business environment facing their company.35) However, competently steering a company has grown ever more difficult in recent years due to the changes in economic structure described in Section 1. - 経済産業省
Support will be provided by dispatching experts in intellectual property to SMEs with unique core technologies, to assist them with the development of intellectual property strategies so that they may develop their businesses with the benefits of such intellectual property strategies in the future. The development of human resources to support intellectual property strategies of local SMEs will also be targeted. (continuation) (\\354 million budget) - 経済産業省
An increasing number of people in Japan are also of the view that “a non-Japanese CEO is needed for management reform.”. A comparison of Japanese and non-Japanese managers reveals ten attributes of non-Japanese managers that are considered better than those of their counterparts, which include “career positions,” “reform and innovation skills,” “conceptualization skills,” “decisiveness,” “strategy development skills,” and “originality. - 経済産業省
Does the Board of Directors clearly develop strategic objectives for the financial institution as a whole that include institution-wide profit objectives and strategies for risk-taking and allocation of human and physical resources intended to help achieve the profit objectives, in accordance with the corporate management policy and without delegating the task to the representative - 金融庁
When developing corporate management plans, does the Board of Directors analyze how much capital the institution needs presently and will need in the future in light of the institution’s strategic objectives and take into consideration the desirable level of capital thus determined, the amount of capital that must be raised to achieve that level and suitable capital-raising methods? - 金融庁
2-1-10 [1] shows the challenges which exist in companies actively pursuing innovation. In addition to the problem in management strategy of “the strategy and vision behind activities was not clear,” challenges which were raised frequently included securing personnel and procuring funds. - 経済産業省
Section 2 The Attitudes of the Elderly and Issues Related to Employment PromotionCompared to many other nations, Japan's percentage of elderly in the labour force is high, as istheir cited ideal retirement age. - 厚生労働省
Generally speaking, exchanges are required to provide services that better meet the needs of users and investors and achieve development themselves, and how to cope with such challenges is a matter to be considered by the management teams of exchanges as part of their business strategy. Of course, exchanges' business strategy is a matter to be considered by the management teams of exchanges, so the FSA will refrain from making comments with prejudgment. - 金融庁
意味 | 例文 (224件) |
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