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該当件数 : 25



Expanding/implementing vocational training courses at public human resources development training facilities, etc.  - 経済産業省

・ 公共職業訓練施設等における職業訓練コース等の拡充、実施・被災地域の訓練生等が負担する学卒者訓練の入学料・授業料等の免除例文帳に追加

- Expanding/implementing vocational training courses at public human resources development training facilities, etc. - 経済産業省


a rapid and intense course of training or research (usually undertaken in an emergency)  - 日本語WordNet

そこを卒業した後は 特殊部隊訓練向けのQコースに入った例文帳に追加

He entered the q course for special forces training right after he graduated. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書



To support course-selection and curriculum-making for training and re-training, aimed at development and enhancement of competence of a worker required for job performance, corresponding to the aim and target of business, and to select a course and make curriculum for training and re-training, according to the needs of labor market and economic market, etc. - 特許庁



To support creating a course selection and a curriculum creation for training and retraining, which aims at development or improvement of ability necessary for worker's job performance, and to quickly select a course and create a curriculum for training and retraining which matches to needs of job market and economic market. - 特許庁


The policy placed particular emphasis on the shift “from school to vocational training, from vocational training to employment,” designed to have 100,000 young jobless people aged 24 or under participate in vocational training and qualification courses or get jobs. - 経済産業省


Third, the government created new training sources for young people who wish to take more specialized training or young people who have yet to participate in vocational training. - 経済産業省


If you can't make the cut, you shouldn't take this special training course. - Eゲイト英和辞典



In order to develop non-government training curricula which increase the possibility of hiring, we will establish local industry government- academia consortia (joint work bodies) to develop, verify and disseminate diversified occupational training courses, and implement training at accessible venues based on the developed curricula. - 厚生労働省



After follow-up training is done if necessary by making the industrial internship precede it to judge long standing job-hopping part timers finding employment ability. The training system that evaluates the ability by the main enterprise ahead is executed, and after training ends, the training course is adjusted to the recruitment condition that the industry requests is developed and executed. - 厚生労働省


A phrase data DB 10 and a learning data DB 12 are provided to retrieve a competence element 24 and a training course name 33 with high relevance, even if identical phrase is not found. - 特許庁


For example, a Japanese cargo service company is providing a course to train executive class seaman in maritime universities in Asian countries, and improvements in education and training systems for overseas human resources have been observed. - 経済産業省


For jobseekers, including the unemployed quitted a job, it is important to strengthen support such as providing information on job offers and human resources development, in addition to setting and revising training courses that meet labour demands. - 厚生労働省


"Workers' training programs" are designed to train highly skilled workers capable of serving as the core human resources of Monodzukuri industries in the future by providing sophisticated machineries used at manufacturing sites and setting up appropriate courses on high-level knowledge/skills in a wide variety of fields, such as addressing technological innovations or improving/upgrading production processes. - 経済産業省


For vocational capability development of persons with disabilities, public vocational capability development centers have established training courses for persons with mental or developmental disabilities so that such people can have more opportunities to participate in training. There are also vocational capability development schools dedicated to persons with disabilities (Vocational Schools for Persons with Disabilities), which provides detailed vocational training. - 厚生労働省


Notifying the Japan Vocational Ability Development Association to set up the "Earthquake Disaster Countermeasures Special Training Courses", such as driving skills of vehicle-type construction machine, with support by the Fund for Emergency Personnel Training and Job Assistance in Aomori Prefecture, Iwate prefecture, Miyagi Prefecture, Fukushima Prefecture, and Ibaraki Prefecture in order to train human resources who clean up rubbles from an enormous amount of damaged houses in the affected areas. (May 27, 2011) - 厚生労働省


Public job training programs implemented by the government are intended to train workers in the use of the kind of sophisticated machinery which has actually been installed at manufacturing sites to have them acquire advanced skills, so that they can serve as core human resources of the manufacturing industry in the future. - 経済産業省


Public job training programs implemented by the government are intended to train workers in the use of the kind of sophisticated machinery which has actually been installed at manufacturing sites to have them acquire advanced skills, so that they can serve as core human resources of the manufacturing industry in the future. At the same time, the training programs provide training for existing workers through training courses related to advanced knowledge and skills in a wide range of fields, such as adaptation to new technologies and improvement of production processes. - 経済産業省


Public vocational training programs are designed to train workers in the use of the kind of sophisticated machinery which has been used at manufacturing sites so as to make them highly skilled workers capable of serving as the core human resources of monodzukuri industries in the future. In addition, the programs provide training for existing workers through training courses related to advanced knowledge and skills in a wide range of advanced fields, such as adaptation to new technologies and improvement of production processes. - 経済産業省


During the training of driving ability using a first input section 14 (a steering wheel 24, an accelerator pedal 28, a brake pedal 30, etc.), a computer 22 sets the motion or setting of a simulated vehicle Vs or sets the events on a simulated course 50 aiming only at the input from a second input section 16. - 特許庁


Subjects of training courses for existing workers include the most advanced skills of machining difficult-to-machine materials and new materials, practical skills for lead-free soldering, investigation of the causes of hydraulic system problems and their improvement, and practical on-site management and improvement for efficient production. - 経済産業省


Subjects of training courses for existing workers include the most advanced skills of machining difficult-to-machine materials and new materials, practical skills for lead-free soldering, investigation of the causes of hydraulic system problems and their improvement, and practical on-site management and improvement for efficient production. - 経済産業省


Once compulsory education has been completed, students select from among three tracks designed to enable acquisition of the necessary knowledge and skills before employment. These tracks comprise: (1) liberal education aimed at university entrance; (2) the “dual system”, whereby education at a vocational school is combined with practical company training toward acquiring work qualifications; and (3) courses at vocational schools aimed at acquiring qualifications in particular areas. - 経済産業省



Responses regarding non-regular employees that were high compared to those regarding regular employees were “I'm too busy with family matters and childcare and have no time for self-development”, “I don’t know what I should be doing”, “Its hard to get hold of information about seminars and so on”, “I cannot find an appropriate education and training institution”, and “I don’t know what sort of course is appropriate for the career I’m aiming for”. - 厚生労働省


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