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該当件数 : 233



an open letter to the editor  - 日本語WordNet


To total answers to questions, and to notify it to a questioner. - 特許庁


A question extraction part 14 extracts a previously decided question such as an 'operation', a 'state' and a 'question' from a question sentence transmitted from the questioner by an electronic mail. - 特許庁


Remarks concerning the open letter are seen in this novel.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



This is another symptom of the problem described in the preceding question.  - FreeBSD



The interrogator 2 receives the link request (S420) and detects a communication state between the interrogator and the responder (S430). - 特許庁

不具合の況確認に当たり、以下についてご質問できればと存じます。メールで書く場合 例文帳に追加

I'd like to ask you some questions in order to understand the details of the malfunction.  - Weblio Email例文集


There still remain many unanswered questions regarding reaction mechanisms under a variety of ultrasonic conditions. - 英語論文検索例文集


There still remain many unanswered questions regarding reaction mechanisms under a variety of ultrasonic conditions. - 英語論文検索例文集


質問があるかサポートが必要で、NetBeans IDE の機能の最新の開発況を知りたい場合は、例文帳に追加

If you have questions or need support,and want to keep yourself informed on the latest developments on the NetBeans IDE features,join the - NetBeans



It is an autobiographical novel written by Shiroyama, a novelist of the same generation as Tetsuro NAKAOAKA, an author of the "open letter."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In such cases, external auditors should assess the operation of internal controls through inquiries to relevant persons or observations.  - 金融庁


To keep the definition of a questioning and answering action such as question or answer in a state with high degree of freedom and high degree of order in a question and answer management. - 特許庁


Thereafter, the interrogator 200A sets a transmission interval of the interrogation signal as 600 ms, the information terminal 100A having received the logon request signal transfers to a logon state, and transmits an operation signal to the interrogator 200A when receiving user operation, and the interrogator 200A having received the operation signal sets the transmission interval as 900 ms for a prescribed period. - 特許庁


The intelligent user inference also accepts a free-text query from the user asking for help and combines the inference analysis of user actions and program state with an inference analysis of the free-text query. - 特許庁


Employees are allowed to answer questions related with the divisions of skills or talents desired by an enterprise, and the answers to those questions are evaluated so that it is possible to show the skill holding situations or the target of capability enhancement of the employees. - 特許庁


Thus, the interference of radio waves from the interrogators can be prevented as much as possible, thereby avoiding the state that a certain interrogator is disabled to communicate with the wireless tag for a long period of time. - 特許庁


If the inputted voice is not recognized or if the voice is recognized, but not the registered word to the question, the replay determination part 232 determines a simple reaction word and a next question according to the conversation state. - 特許庁


A principle 2 is a method that sequentially collects answers to questions to one respondent, and switches a question format from the independent research method to the bulletin research method, or from the bulletin research method to the independent research method depending on a state. - 特許庁


To provide a method capable of knowing situation of an information system more quickly using questions for members of an organization and a method other than questions. - 特許庁


The knowledge of emergency medical care is made into data and questions to be ordinarily asked by the ambulance crew for knowing the state of a patient in the case of an emergency is prepared as emergency questions to be asked by an agent. - 特許庁


When a wireless signal for inquiring about the presence of a user is transmitted from an interrogator 200, when a switch of a responder 100 is turned off, the responder sends a first response wireless signal x back to the interrogator, or the transmitter of the signal. - 特許庁


Plural first questions for evaluating the status quo levels are presented (a step 11), answers to the first presented questions are obtained (a step S12). - 特許庁


Then, questions related to health are published on the home page and when the client answers the question from the terminal equipment, corresponding to this answer, the CPU generates a reply showing the health condition of the terminal user. - 特許庁


a practitioner checks zheng by looking at the patient; asking questions; feeling the pulse, organs, and tissues; listening to body sounds; and smelling the body.  - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版


In the past, sugar and milk were served already mixed in the coffee, but in recent years, customers are asked if they want them separately.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It was drawn on a letter in which he answered questions about his works that were drawn when he was 41 or 42 years of age, and the signature and seal were Hachijusansai Hachiemon (八十).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Kyoto University Dogakukai prepared an "open letter" concerning five points and planned to submit it to the Emperor, but its acceptance was rejected.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The students asked Wakata questions on weightlessness and what astronauts eat while they are in space. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


The inference system 11 specifies the service corresponding to the question, and creates explanation of the reason for execution based on the situation at the execution. - 特許庁


When answers to all question items are stored, a host computer 2 is requested to examine the credit state of the applicant on the basis of the answers. - 特許庁


A user's response as to the interrogation is provided by speech recognition, and final determination as to the presence of the specified situation is carried out thereby. - 特許庁


When, on the other hand, the switch of the responder is turned on, the responder sends a second response wireless signal y back to the interrogator, or the transmitter of the signal. - 特許庁


When the possibility of the specified situation is determined, an agent issues an interrogation to confirm it by his voice. - 特許庁


To allow a user to properly grasp an updating state by visualizing the updating state of using knowledge in a question answering system. - 特許庁


Thus, it is not necessary to grasp current conditions with the truth/false value question and to judge the truth/false value. - 特許庁


The generated specification input template picture plane 1200 is displayed, and the completing condition of the input of the questions, answers, or approval is decided. - 特許庁


Julia, who was carrying in a column of table-napkins, turned to her sister and said, simply, as if the question had surprised her:  - James Joyce『死者たち』


In a responder (radio communication apparatus) 12 for communicating with an interrogator 11 by microwaves, an inherent activation command transmitted from the interrogator 11 is received and the responder 12 is turned on for enabling communication with the interrogator 11, only when the received activation command coincides with a reference command for determination. - 特許庁


The tag information managing device equipped with a tag as a movable information communication body and an interrogator communicating by an induced magnetic field so that the tag and interrogator are arranged in an arbitrary management area, is equipped with at least one loop antenna connected to the interrogator and at least one looped conductor arranged within a range the induced magnetic field from the loop antenna effectively operates. - 特許庁


This testing apparatus includes: a storage section 10a which stores music and test questions related to the music; audio output means 5 for outputting the music; display means 2 for displaying the test questions; input means 3 where a subject inputs answers to the test questions; and testing means 1 which determines the level of the dementia or forgetfulness of the subject based on the input answers. - 特許庁


With respect to a series of actions of a questioner and a respondent from generation or setting of an item to completion of its evaluation in a procedure for solution of a problem or attainment of a subject, the structure of actions including question and answer is form-displayed and state-displayed by use of a formulated procedure view of actions, and presented to the questioner or respondent. - 特許庁


A control unit 20 of an interrogator 2 causes a second data communication unit 21 to transmit, together with an interrogation signal, a control signal indicating the switching of reception sensitivity of a first data communication unit 10 included in a transponder 1 to a high state or a low state. - 特許庁

5. 有限責任組合員は、随時、無限責任組合員に対し、書面で、本組合の財産況及び無限責任組合員による本組合の業務執行況につき質問することができる。かかる場合、無限責任組合員は[ ]日以内に適切な方法で当該質問に答えるものとする。例文帳に追加

(5) A Limited Partner may from time to time make inquiries in writing to the General Partner regarding the financial status of the Partnership or the General Partner’s management of the Partnership’s business affairs. In such case, the General Partner shall reply to such inquiries within [__] days in an appropriate manner.  - 経済産業省


A health condition deciding method is provided with a first step for displaying questions concerning health, a second step for urging the user to input answers to the displayed questions and a third step for deciding the health condition of the user based on the inputted answers. - 特許庁


When the information terminal 100A is in a logoff state, the interrogator 200A transmits the interrogation signal at 300 ms interval, collates the identification information included in the received response signal and stored identification information, and transmits a logon request signal to the information terminal 100A when they accord. - 特許庁


Thus, since the wireless tag 33 has low directivity for signal transmission/reception and can also transmit and receive a circularly polarized signal, the degrees of freedom are high for arrangement of an interrogator antenna 32 and the wireless tag 33, hence, the wireless tag can receive a modulated interrogation signal with high reception sensitivity, using a plurality of arrangement states. - 特許庁


When the viewing of the broadcast program is finished, an input menu of a question answer form is displayed on the appreciation recording format and an appreciation recording of a form corresponding to the appreciation recording format is generated and displayed on the basis of answers corresponding to questions of the input menu. - 特許庁


To transmit a question to a patient, appropriately determine and perform a detailed question, relax information or a notification based on the presence/absence of a response and the state of the response, and take appropriate measures according to the mental state of the patient in a patient monitoring method monitoring the state of the patient and taking appropriate measures. - 特許庁



When a human body detection means S does not output a human body detection signal, power consumption is reduced by maintaining detection device 10 in a stopped state or a suspended state (a state in which a duty cycle of interrogation signal is small). - 特許庁


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