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establishment schemeの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 21


(1) Establishment of lending scheme to supporter-challenges例文帳に追加

(1)再チャレンジ支援融資制度の創設 - 経済産業省

(2) Establishment of guarantee scheme to supporter-challenges例文帳に追加

(2)再挑戦支援保証制度の創設 - 経済産業省

I understand that the commission is continuing to debate the fiscal 2009 tax reform, including the establishment of the preferential tax scheme for small-lot investments that you mentioned. We have requested the establishment of this preferential tax scheme from the viewpoint of broadening the base of participants in the securities market. 例文帳に追加

ご指摘の少額投資優遇措置の創設ということも含めて、平成21年度税制改正については現在引き続き、与党税制調査会でご議論がされている最中であると承知しています。 - 金融庁

To improve the possibility of successfully establishing a radio link in a switched radio communication scheme in the case of switching a radio communication scheme, and to shorten a radio communication enabled time from the start of switching a radio communication scheme to the completion of switching and the establishment of the radio link.例文帳に追加

無線通信方式の切替えに際し、切替後の無線通信方式での無線リンクの確立成功の可能性を高めると共に、無線通信方式の切替えを開始してから切替えを完了して無線リンクを確立するまでの無線通信不可時間を短くする。 - 特許庁


A.In a committee meeting yesterday, it was pointed out that a staff member at a certain bank counter was not aware of the establishment of the emergency credit guarantee scheme. 例文帳に追加

答)ですから、昨日か何かの委員会での質問の中で、緊急保証制度が出来たことすら知らない銀行の窓口があったというご指摘がありました。 - 金融庁


In a committee meeting yesterday, it was pointed out that a staff member at a certain bank counter was not aware of the establishment of the emergency credit guarantee scheme. 例文帳に追加

ですから、昨日か何かの委員会での質問の中で、緊急保証制度が出来たことすら知らない銀行の窓口があったというご指摘がありました。 - 金融庁

(1) Establishment of a feed-in-tariff law in accordance with the circumstances of Japan The Excess Electricity Purchasing Scheme for photovoltaic power started in November 2009 to promote the use of photovoltaic power.例文帳に追加

(1)我が国の実情に応じた固定価格買取制度の実施太陽光普及のため「太陽光発電の余剰電力買取制度」を開始(2009年11月)。 - 経済産業省

The support package for corporate research initiatives has included the establishment of a tax relief scheme for total experimental research costs and for the experimental research costs for orphan drug and similar research.例文帳に追加

企業の研究開発への取組に対する支援策として、試験研究費の総額に係る税額控除 制度やオーファンドラッグ等の研究開発に係る試験研究費の税額控除制度の創設等を行ってきた。 - 厚生労働省

Regarding the double loan problem, the biggest issue of contention in negotiations between the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and New Komeito continues to be the idea of establishing a new organization to purchase existing loans. The government and the DPJ have argued that using the existing scheme would enable quicker actions. What do you think is the advantage of using the existing scheme and what is an obstacle to the establishment of a new organization. 例文帳に追加

二重ローン問題なのですけれども、民・自・公3党協議で最大の溝となっているのは、依然、既存ローンの買取機構の新設についてなのですが、政府・民主党は既存の仕組みを使った方が早いと説明しているのですけれども、大臣自身は既存の仕組みを使うことのメリットであるとか、新しく機構を新設することのハードルはどこにあるとお考えでしょうか。 - 金融庁


According the method proposed in the present invention, when a PoC client providing Open Mobile Alliance PoC (OMA PoC) multimedia communication service supports a plurality of floor control schemes and there is no floor control scheme appointed to be supported in a session, the floor control scheme requested by a PoC session establisher is transferred through a PoC session establishment procedure and is applied to the session.例文帳に追加

本発明は、OMA PoC(PTT over cellular)マルチメディア通話サービスを遂行するPoCクライアントが複数の発言権管理規則をサポートし、セッションでサポートする発言権管理規則が指定されていない場合、PoCセッション確立手続きを介してPoCセッション開始者が所望する発言権管理規則を伝達し、セッションに適用する方法を提案する。 - 特許庁


The items announced by the LDP's joint committee that are being considered in order to enhance elderly people's security and vitality included a proposal for deliberations on the establishment of a scheme to provide preferential treatment for investments by elderly people. 例文帳に追加

それから、自民党の合同部会で公表をなさいました、「高齢者の安心と活力強化に関する主要検討項目」というのがございましたが、この中に高齢者投資優遇制度というものの創設を検討する旨記載されております。 - 金融庁

The budget requests included an increase of 195 employees, a similar increase to the one requested in the previous year, while the tax revision requests included the establishment of a bold scheme that provides tax exemption to small-lot investors and elderly investors. Could you tell me why and for what purpose you are making these requests? 例文帳に追加

概算要求では前年並みの195人の増員、税制改正では小口投資家や高齢者向けの思い切った投資非課税優遇措置制度を求めておりますけれども、今回の要求・要望の理由や狙いなどについてお聞かせください。 - 金融庁

The FSA has also received a report about a similar case of ignorance. It is surprising that professionals are not aware of the establishment of the emergency credit guarantee scheme. However, as the situation is such, we intend to ensure that matters like those Mr. Mikuniya explained will be fully communicated to all relevant parties. 例文帳に追加

金融庁の方でも何かそういうことがあるやに一件報告がございまして、プロの人ですらまだ緊急保証制度が出来たことすら知らないということは普通信じられませんけれども、ということなので、今三國谷局長が言ったようなことを改めて周知徹底したいということでございます。 - 金融庁

1,723,873 loans worth a total of 28,943.7 billion were guaranteed under the scheme between its establishment in October 1998 and its termination in March 2001 (Fig. 1-1-39), and it is credited with staving off the bankruptcy of some 10,000 firms, the loss of around 100,000 jobs, and the loss of private enterprises worth a combined total of approximately 2,000 billion at the time of the financial crisis. 例文帳に追加

同制度は、98年10月の創設から01年3月の終了までに172万3,873件、28兆9,437億円の保証実績を挙げた(第1-1-39図)。この制度により、金融危機の状況下にあって、約1万社の倒産、約10万人の失業、約2兆円の民間企業の損失を回避することができたと試算されている。 - 経済産業省

1,723,873 loans worth a total of 28,943.7 billion were guaranteed under the scheme between its establishment in October 1998 and its termination in March 2001 (Fig. 1-1-39), and it is credited with staving off the bankruptcy of some 10,000 firms, the loss of around 100,000 jobs, and the loss of private enterprises worth a combined total of approximately 2,000 billion at the time of the financial crisis. 例文帳に追加

同制度は、98年10月の創設から01年3月の終了までに172万3,873件、28兆9,437億円の保証実績を挙げた(第1-1-39図)。この制度により、金融危機の状況下にあって、約1万社の倒産、約10万人の失業、約2兆円の民間企業の損失を回避することができたと試算されている10。 - 経済産業省

In light of this situation, as part of our efforts to promote a shift "from savings to investment," we think it is important to adopt preferential measures for small-lot, long-term investment and investment by elderly people. Therefore, we are requesting tax revisions centering on the establishment of the Japanese version of the ISA (Individual Savings Account: a tax exemption scheme for small-lot, long-term investment) and the introduction of tax exemption for investment by elderly people. 例文帳に追加

こうした状況を踏まえまして、「貯蓄から投資へ」の流れを促進していく中で、小口の継続的長期投資、そして高齢者の投資、これに対する優遇措置が重要であると考えまして、日本版ISA(小口の継続的長期投資非課税制度)の創設と、高齢者投資非課税制度の導入を柱として税制改正要望を行ったところでございます。 - 金融庁

SHARING the view that the Japan-ASEAN CEP should benefit from, and should be complementary to the economic integration of ASEAN and considering that achievement of the ASEAN Free Trade Area ("AFTA") will enhance the value of ASEAN as a regional market and attract investment to ASEAN and that it is desirable that the Common Effective Preferential Tariff ("CEPT") Scheme among ASEAN Member States be implemented on a timely basis; BEING confident that the establishment of an Japan-ASEAN FTA covering trade in goods, services and investment will create a partnership between Japan and ASEAN, and provide an important mechanism for strengthening co-operation and supporting economic stability in East Asia;例文帳に追加

日本と ASEAN との間の障壁を最小化し、経済的繋がりを深化させ、ビジネスコストを下げ、域内の貿易及び投資を増加させ、経済効率を高め、日本と ASEAN の双方のビジネスのためにより多くの機会とより大きな規模の経済を有するより大きな市場を創設し、資本と才能を引きつける我々の魅力を高めることを希求し、 - 経済産業省

As a result of a number of bilateral consultations, on December 21, 2001, both governments agreed that: (i) Japan would not impose safeguard measures on welsh onions, shiitake mushrooms and tatami-omote; (ii) China would withdraw the special import tariffs on automobiles, mobile phones and car phones and air conditioners; and (iii) a Japan-China trade scheme would be created, including the establishment of a "Japan-China Trade Council on Agricultural Products" to deal with the three products.例文帳に追加

累次の政府間協議の結果、同年12月21日、日中両国は、①日本側はねぎ等3品目に係るセーフガード確定措置を発動しないこと、②中国側は自動車等3品目に係る輸入特別関税措置を撤廃すること、③ねぎ等3品目に係る「日中農産物貿易協議会」の設立を含めた日中貿易スキームの構築を行うことで合意した。 - 経済産業省

I would like to ask you about the tax system, which is an issue of strong interest for market players and the financial industry. In early August, Prime Minister Taro Aso, who was then secretary-general of the Liberal Democratic Party, proposed the introduction of tax exemption for small-lot securities investors. The FSA (Financial Services Agency) included the establishment of a tax exempt account scheme similar to the ISA (Individual Savings Account) system of Britain, and tax exemption for dividends received by elderly people in its list of requests for the fiscal 2009 tax revision, which was submitted to the Ministry of Finance at the end of August. 例文帳に追加

引き続き、税制につきましてお伺いさせて頂きたいのですけれども、市場参加者、金融界からの注目の関心の高いテーマであるのですが、麻生太郎新総理大臣が自由民主党の幹事長でありました8月の初めに少額貯蓄非課税制度、マル優の証券版の導入を唱えたことに呼応して、金融庁が8月の末に財務省に対して提示した来年度2009年度の税制改正要望で、いわゆる英国の個人の貯蓄口座、「ISA制度」に似た非課税口座制度を設けるとか、高齢者を対象にした配当金の非課税制度を盛り込みました。 - 金融庁

Investments from overseas in Japanese venture capitals account for only 3% of the total capital they have received. According to the current tax code of Japan, a venture capital formed under a Japanese partnership scheme which a foreigner (non-resident) has invested in is regarded as the permanent establishment of the foreigner (referred to as Item-1 PE), and profits from the fund are taxed by Japanese tax authorities. Furthermore, in order to secure the taxation, they started in 2005 to impose a 20% withholding of income tax on the distribution to foreigners of business profits from such partnership agreements. 例文帳に追加

我が国のベンチャーキャピタルの投資受入総額に占める海外からの出資は3%に過ぎない。現在の我が国の税制においては、日本の組合制度によって組成されたベンチャーキャピタルファンドに外国人(非居住者)が投資する場合には、日本の組合が当該外国人の恒久的施設(いわゆる1号PE)と見なされ、その収益が日本の税務当局によって課税されることとなる。加えて、2005年度からは、この課税措置を担保するために、外国人に対して組合契約事業から生ずる利益の配分に20%の所得税源泉徴収措置がなされている。 - 経済産業省


(i) Establish a farmland re-distribution scheme where intermediary institutions that manage and lease farmland to responsible entities, such as corporate farmers, large-scale family farmers, consolidation farming associations, and companies, while outsourcing services to municipalities and private companies and building a community-wide system in consideration of farmland consolidation and intensification. (Set out details by autumn, and swiftly implement measures including development of legal system) After verifying the circumstances of corporate entry into agriculture, explore the further liberalization of corporate entry through farmland acquisition by easing requirements for the establishment of an agricultural production corporation. 例文帳に追加

(ⅰ)農地中間管理機構が、市町村や民間企業等に業務委託を行い、地域の総力を挙げた体制を構築しつつ、法人経営、大規模家族経営、集落営農、企業等の担い手への農地集積・集約化に配慮して貸し付ける農地再配分スキームを確立する。 【本年秋までに具体化、速やかに法制化を含む措置を実施】企業の参入状況の検証等を踏まえ、農業生産法人の要件緩和など所有方式による企業の参入の更なる自由化について検討を行う。 - 経済産業省


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