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英語 Ikunoyanishi 2-chome



該当件数 : 27



When a medicine is impregnated into the core layer 2, the medicine flows inside along the core layer 2, and since this medicine permeates into the outer layer 3, the medicine can be uniformely permeated inside so that an effect of the medicine can be exhibited over a long period. - 特許庁


A pot 1 containing rice and water is heated by a heater 2, and the heater 2 is controlled by a microcomputer 3 constituting a control means having at least two cooking menus according to a cooking sequence of the selected cooking menu. - 特許庁


Where the evidence furnished under section 30(1) or any document filed in accordance with Rule 94(2) is in a foreign language, a translation of the evidence or of that document verified to the satisfaction of the Controller shall be filed within two months of the request to file the translation. - 特許庁


In the good-night mode, the humidity conditioning/control section 8f controls each device in the outdoor unit 2, the outdoor air conditioner unit 5, and the air supply/dehumidification unit 4 so that the humidity in the room is second target humidity that is lower than the first target humidity. - 特許庁


The invention relates to the aquarium system comprising the aquarium 2 partitioned into a plurality of chambers by partitions 2d, a micro camera 6 for photographing small fancy fishes housed in the chambers, a motor 9 for moving the aquarium 2 so to switch the chambers to be photographed by the camera 6, and a display device 7 to show the image photographed by the micro camera 6. - 特許庁

4 租鉱権者及び採掘権者は、第二項の規定により存続期間を延長しようとするときは、経済産業省令で定める手続に従い、契約書を添えて経済産業局長に申請し、その認可を受けなければならない。例文帳に追加

(4) Holders of mining lease right and holders of digging right shall, when they intend to extend the period of duration thereof pursuant to the provision of paragraph (2) above, apply with contracts to and receive approval from the Director of Regional Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry pursuant to the procedures prescribed by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



With this in mind and with the target of "issuing new government bonds of less than 30 trillion yen" in compiling the FY2002 budget, we have set up a policy to "re-allocate 2 trillion yen to core areas, while making an overall reduction of 5 trillion yen". We have accordingly pushed for further efficiency in spending, while significantly shifting budget allocation to such core areas as measures against the declining birthrate and aging society, and promotion of science, education and IT. - 財務省


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!


該当件数 : 27



As examined in Section 2 of Chapter II, formation of an international business network by Japanese companies is in process in Asia. In order to expand the scale of external investments in the future, it is important to arrange an environment for investments and fund-procurement within Asia, the recipient of such investments. It is also necessary to set up a system to promote investorsincluding financial institutions and corporate investorsto encourage further external investment. - 経済産業省


Larger enterprises therefore appear to have developed a better environment for balancing the demands of work and parenting. Nevertheless, according to the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research's Second National Survey of Family Trends (March 2000), 27.3% of those who were employed before the birth of their first child remained in work, and 78.2% did not.33) - 経済産業省


If the applicant claims convention priority under section 63 of the Act, by reason of an application made or deemed to have been made to register the trade mark in a convention country as defined in section 2 of the Act, the applicant shall, within three months of the date of the application in the Republic, lodge with the Registrar a copy of the application in the convention country duly certified, to the satisfaction of the Registrar, by the Trade Marks Office of such country. - 特許庁


Specifically, we will probably receive explanations about the U.S. financial rescue plan that was recently announced, and then there will probably be explanations about the U.S. Financial Stability Plan, a plan for the purchase of securities, including ABS (asset-backed securities), ethics and restrictions on income. In the recent telephone conference, Mme Lagarde (French Minister for the Economy, Industry and Employment) expressed hopes to put the “buy Americanprovision, or protectionism, on the agenda and everyone agreed to this, so there will be discussion on how to deal with protectionism, which is probably the opposite of international cooperation, and Japan intends to make some concrete proposals, including proposals on matters such as this one. As a result, it will be probably confirmed that a positive course of action should be taken leading up to the G-20 summit on April 2 and that international cooperation should be conducted properly, that protectionism should be avoided and that each country should do all it can domestically based on an exchange of opinions regarding recognition of the current situation and measures to be taken by individual countries.発音を聞く  - 金融庁

(2) 最先の特許出願の出願日又は実用新案登録出願の出願日から12月以内に,特許庁に特許が出願され,優先権が主張されたときは,次に掲げる日を基にして,優先権を確立することができる。 1) 工業所有権の保護に関するパリ条約(RT II 1994, 4/5, 19)の同盟国又は世界貿易機関の加盟国における最先の特許出願の出願日又は実用新案登録出願の出願日 (1998年6月16日。1998年7月25日施行-RT I 1998, 64/65, 1003) 2) 工業所有権の保護に関するパリ条約の同盟国に該当しない国又は世界貿易機関の加盟国に該当しない国における最先の特許出願の出願日又は実用新案登録出願の出願日。ただし,その国がエストニア共和国においてされた最先の特許出願又は実用新案登録出願に同等の条件を保証していることを条件とする。 (1999年10月27日。2000年1月1日施行-RT I 1999, 84, 764)例文帳に追加

(2) If a patent application is filed with the Patent Office within twelve months after the filing date of the first patent application or registration application of a utility model and priority is claimed, priority may be established: 1) on the basis of the filing date of the first patent application or registration application of a utility model in any State party to the Paris Convention of the Protection of Industrial Property (RT II 1994, 4/5, 19) or member of the World Trade Organisation; 2) on the basis of the filing date of the first patent application or registration application of a utility model in a state which is not a State party to the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property or in a state which is not member of the World Trade Organisation if such state guarantees equivalent conditions for first patent applications and registration applications of utility models filed in the Republic of Estonia.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


The preformer for the stranding device is provided with the preformer pin having a coating layer 4 obtained by coating a diamond-like carbon on the surface of a base layer 3 which contains at least one or more elements among Si, Cr, Ti and W and is formed on the surface of a cylindrical base material 2 composed of an ultra-hard material. - 特許庁

第二十四条 市町村は、保護者の労働又は疾病その他の政令で定める基準に従い条例で定める事由により、その監護すべき乳児、幼児又は第三十九条第二項に規定する児童の保育に欠けるところがある場合において、保護者から申込みがあつたときは、それらの児童を保育所において保育しなければならない。ただし、付近に保育所がない等やむを得ない事由があるときは、その他の適切な保護をしなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 24 (1) In the case where a guardian' working or illness or any other reasons prescribed by a Municipal Ordinance in accordance with the standards specified by a Cabinet Order causes lack in daycare of an infant, a toddler or a child prescribed in Article 39 paragraph (2) whose custody must be taken by the guardian, a municipal government shall, when the guardian applies, provide daycare to those children in a nursery center; provided, however, that other adequate aid shall be provided when there is any unavoidable reason such as non-existence of an adjacent nursery center.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



If the applicant claims convention priority under section 63 of the Act, by reason of an application made or deemed to have been made to register the trade mark in a convention country as defined in section 2 of the Act, the applicant shall, within three months of the date of the application in the Republic, lodge with the Registrar a copy of the application in the convention country duly certified, to the satisfaction of the Registrar, by the Trademarks Office of such country. If such application is in a language other than one of the official languages of the Republic, it shall be accompanied by a translation into one of the official languages of the Republic, verified to the satisfaction of the Registrar. - 特許庁


Ikunoyanishi 2-chome 日英固有名詞辞典

生野屋西2丁目 日英固有名詞辞典

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