
英訳・英語 take to the woods、run away、scat、lam、scarper、escape、head for the hills、turn tail、bunk、break away
JMdictでの「脱けだす」の英訳 |
該当件数 : 16件
leave an aircraft rapidly, using an ejection seat or capsule発音を聞く - 日本語WordNet
それでも度々 祖父がベッドから 脱け出すのを止められませんでした例文帳に追加
And even then often failed to catch him leaving the bed. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
だから、ウイスラーを脱獄できなければ、 サラとljを助け出すしかない。例文帳に追加
So,if I can't break whistler out of here... you're gonna have to break them out of there. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
A protrusion 34 for regulating the swing of the arm body 12, such that the engaging pin 17 comes off from the opening Q1, is detachably provided on the guide frame 30. - 特許庁
Similarly to the state where the bad smell dissolved in water from the excrement 4 is gradually decreased to a certain extent with the passage of time, the bad smell emitted from the surface of water into the interior of the toilet device 5 is decreased with the passage of time, so that the blowing air quantity of the deodorizing device 3 performing strong deodorization is gradually decreased. - 特許庁
To prevent a functional failure, caused in such a manner that a spring pin interferes with a peripheral member, or that it falls out, by surely preventing the spring pin from slipping out of a pin hole. - 特許庁
The binding member 13 comprises a holding plate 19 for holding down the arm body on the side of the base plate 11, and a regulation part 18 for regulating the swing of the arm body 12, such that the engaging pin 17 comes off from the opening Q2. - 特許庁
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Weblio例文辞書での「脱けだす」に類似した例文 |
to depart from the convention―leave the beaten track
get out of the straits
該当件数 : 16件
The releasing slot 4d is set so that the cap lock axis 6 may slip out from the releasing slot 4d, when an external force beyond the setup acts to the releasing direction at the perfect jointing state. - 特許庁
When the separating load exceeds the predetermined value, the pair of elastic bodies 45, 46 runs onto the chamfer 34 in this order from the body part 33, and they break free from the housing groove 29 of the inner shaft 26. - 特許庁
To provide a wiper for cleaning the breast of a milk cow, having proper water-holding properties and performance hardly damaging the breast of the milk cow and hardly generating dropped lint such as waste yarns at wiping, especially not only hardly generating the dropped lint but also containing little components to be extracted and dissolved in water, and hardly causing rough skin of the breast. - 特許庁
To provide an endoscope with a jacket sheath where a moving-out regulating mechanism for regulating the distal end part of a flexible insertion part to avoid moving out from the inside of the distal end part of a jacket sheath is reliably attached and detached without the fear of breaking a member. - 特許庁
A detachment prevention means 33 for preventing an adjusting member 32 from being detached from a screw hole 31 is installed to the weight balance adjusting member 32 detachably screwed into the screw hole 31 formed to the stopper member 62, so that the detachment prevention means 33 prevents the adjusting member 32 from coming off from the screw hole 31. - 特許庁
When a necessity for procedures required in the jammed state occurs, a handle 26 is turned in the clockwise direction so that a rotary shaft 27 and a slide pin 40 rotate integrally. - 特許庁
To provide a valve of a pipe joint for preventing a seal ring fitted into the outer periphery groove of a valve section from displacing from the outer periphery groove when the pressure of the fluid passage is released, by being pressed by high-pressure fluid penetrating and/or intruding to a groove bottom in the outer periphery groove from a fluid passage and accumulated. - 特許庁
To provide an endoscope with a jacket sheath capable of certainly engaging and disengaging a slip-off preventing mechanism for controlling the slip-off of the leading end part of a flexible insertion part from the interior of the leading end part of the jacket sheath without fear of causing the damage of a member. - 特許庁
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