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family grouping
family grouping (countable かつ uncountable, 複数形 family groupings)
- (countable) The method in which individuals are grouped together into families that live together.
1963, Alvin W. Urquhart, Patterns of Settlement and Subsistence in Southwestern Angola:
- This close family grouping may be a fairly recent development, for Lang and Tastevin (1937, p. 70) report that the Mwila once lived in villages of fifteen or twenty families consisting of approximately one hundred people and that, at the time they were writing, five or six families still grouped around a chief.
2002, Dorothy Whyte, Explorations in Family Nursing, ISBN 1134785437, page 7:
- Frude's (1990) discussion of the psychological definition of family, further elaborated in Chapter 2, accords well with family nursing, in that it recognises the non-traditional family groupings such as cohabiting couples, blended families, homosexual couples and any variations on traditional family groupings which may be encountered when working with families from cultures other than that of the host country.
2004, Cheris Kramarae & Dale Spender, Routledge International Encyclopedia of Women, ISBN 1135963150:
- (countable) A group of individuals who are related by blood and/or by marriage.
1996, Miriam J. Wells, Strawberry Fields: Politics, Class, and Work in California Agriculture:
2014, Alan S. Gurman & David P. Kniskern, Handbook Of Family Therapy, ISBN 1317773055:
- The intervention can also be interpreted as drawing the youngster into the boundaries of the family grouping and as giving him greater power in that situation because of the attention and company he received.
- (countable) A group of family members who are posed together.
2012, Carolyn Parkhurst, Lorelei's Secret, ISBN 1444757040, page 10:
- I feel certain, looking back, that we must have walked through someone's family grouping at the exact moment the shutter closed; surely, some father wielding a video camera must have captured us somewhere, climbing into a teacup or reading the gravestones outside the Haunted Mansion, while his children, fidgety and drunk with excitement, ran around people's legs in the foreground.
- (countable) A taxonomic grouping at the family level.
1887, Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society - Volume 9, page 353:
- To a large extent the grouping is built up from partially facial characters, and I am not at all surprised to find Palamtologists offering suggestions, or making re-arrangements of the family grouping. The family Cerioporidae is particularly obnoxious, for there is not the least affinity between the Spiropora of Haime and the Heteroporella of Busk.
2014, Harold Cogger, Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia, ISBN 0643109781:
- Alternatively, once the genus or family grouping is known, you may prefer to look up the distribution maps for that particular group and then list the species known in the area from which your specimen comes.
- (countable) A group of related items.
2010, Christopher M. Bono, Diana D. Cardenas, & Frederick S. Frost, Spinal Cord Medicine, ISBN 1935281771, page 302:
- The individual members of the cytochrome P450 superfamily are referred to using the nomenclative CYP (for the superfamily) plus a number identifying a family grouping of isozymes with a more than 40% homology of amino acid sequences (e.g., CYP2).
2012, Marion Nichols, Encyclopedia of Embroidery Stitches, Including Crewel, ISBN 0486139778, page viii:
- The stitches in each family grouping are explained in order of progressive difficulty.
- (uncountable) The strategy of putting related inventory items together.
2011, Max Muller, Essentials of Inventory Management, ISBN 0814416551, page 79:
- Effective item placement can often be achieved through tying both the inventory stratification and family grouping approaches together.
2012 -, Riccardo Manzini, Warehousing in the Global Supply Chain, ISBN 1447122739:
- (uncountable, Britain) The system of grouping children of differing ages together, used primarily at the preschool level.
2004, Elinor Goldschmied & Sonia Jackson, People Under Three: Young Children in Day Care, ISBN 0415305675, page 24:
- Family grouping, as Elsa Ferri pointed out in her study of combined nursery centres (Ferri etal., 1981), similarly carries an element of wishful thinking. What could be less like the average family in the 1990s than up to ten shildren of different ages spending all day in the same room in the charge of one or two young nursery workers?
2012, Susanne A. Denham & Rosemary Burton, Social and Emotional Prevention and Intervention Programming for Preschoolers, ISBN 1461500559:
- As Mindel (1995) has noted, use of a “family grouping model” in child care, in which small cross-age groups stay together with the same child care professional during their entire time in child care, benefits children through the grade school years. How many more benefits could be seen in family grouping models staffed by teachers trained on attachment relationship building?
2012, John Paull, Through My Eyes: On Becoming a Teacher, ISBN 1469125676, page 136:
- When doing so, he gave his head teachers ownership of how they ran their schools, encouraging them to adopt an approach to teaching similar to the infant school “family grouping” practices, which were getting a lot of publicity in education circles.
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Details of the ryo are unknown as the text no longer exists, but it is believed that the framework of the Ritsuryo system including the creation of family registers every six years (rokunen ichizo), the local government system grouping 50 households into units called ri, and the regulations of the rice field allotment system was formed in the ryo.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
令原文が現存していないので、詳細は判明していないが、戸籍を6年に1回作成すること(六年一造)、50戸を1里とする地方制度、班田収授に関する規定など、律令制の骨格がこの令により形成されたと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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