



英和・和英辞典で「matters to be entrusted」に一致する見出し語は見つかりませんでしたが、

「matters to be entrusted」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 17


(v) Regarding the selection of the entities to which orders are placed and business operations are entrusted, whether the discretionary investment business operator has properly specified the matters concerning the entitiestransaction execution capability, the control environment for legal compliance, credit risk and trading costs as items that should be taken into consideration.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

⑤ 発注先や業務委託先等の選定に関し、当該者に係る取引執行能力、法令等遵守状況、信用リスク及び取引コスト等に関する事項が、勘案すべき事項として適切に定められているか。 - 金融庁

In the Patent Office the taking of decisions and other activities in all matters of trade mark protection and of the protection of geographical indications and designations of origin in accordance with Chapter VII, shall be the responsibility of the competent member, according to the allocation of activities, of the Legal Division entrusted with these matters, unless where such matters fall within the competence of the President, the Appeal Division or the Nullity Division.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

特許庁においては,商標の保護並びに第VII章の規定による地理的表示及び原産地呼称の保護に関する全ての事項について行う決定その他の処置は,それらの事項が特許庁長官,審判部又は無効部の管轄に属しているときを除き,これらの事項を委任されている法律部内にあって,業務分掌によって管轄することになる構成員の責務に属するものとする。 - 特許庁

The Federal Minister for Justice shall have power to establish by statutory order that officials of the higher and intermediate grades of the civil service, as well as comparable employees, may be entrusted with the handling of certain matters within the competence of the Utility Model Section or the Utility Model Divisions, with the exception, however, of the rejection of applications on grounds which the applicant has contested.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

連邦法務大臣は,実用新案課又は実用新案部に義務づけられている個々の業務についての監理を法規命令によって上級及び中級職の公務員に委ねることができる。このような職務は,出願人の争う理由に基づく出願の拒絶の権限を含まない。 - 特許庁

In cases where there is no designated ADR body, although business operators are required to state the details of their complaint processing measures and dispute resolution measures in these documents, it should also be kept in mind that appropriate matters should be stated in the context of actual conditions. If, for example, the Financial Instruments Business Operator utilizes an external organization, then the name, contact address and so forth of the said external organization (in cases where part of the services pertaining to the complaint processing or dispute resolution are entrusted to another organization, then including that other organization) should also be stated.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

それら書面には、指定ADR機関が存在しない場合は、苦情処理措置・紛争解決措置の内容を記載する必要があるが、例えば、金融商品取引業者が外部機関を利用している場合、当該外部機関(苦情処理・紛争解決に係る業務の一部を他の機関に委託している場合、当該他の機関も含む。)の名称及び連絡先など、実態に即して適切な事項を記載するべきことに留意する。 - 金融庁

Article 149 A physician, dentist, midwife, nurse, attorney (including a foreign lawyer registered in Japan), patent attorney, notary public or a person engaged in a religious occupation, or any other person who was formerly engaged in any of these professions may refuse to give testimony on matters pertaining to the confidential information of others which he/she came to know through entrusted professional conduct; provided, however, that this shall not apply when the person in question has given consent, when the refusal is deemed to be an abuse of rights wholly for the interests of the accused (unless the person is the accused), or where there exist other circumstances provided for by the Rules of Court.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第百四十九条 医師、歯科医師、助産師、看護師、弁護士(外国法事務弁護士を含む。)、弁理士、公証人、宗教の職に在る者又はこれらの職に在つた者は、業務上委託を受けたため知り得た事実で他人の秘密に関するものについては、証言を拒むことができる。但し、本人が承諾した場合、証言の拒絶が被告人のためのみにする権利の濫用と認められる場合(被告人が本人である場合を除く。)その他裁判所の規則で定める事由がある場合は、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 53 An employee or former employee of an Administrative Organ or a person engaged in or formerly engaged in the entrusted affairs under Article 6, paragraph 2 who provides another person with a Personal Information File (including a Personal Information File of which content has been reproduced or processed in whole or in part) pertaining to Article 2, paragraph 4, item 1 containing individuals' confidential matters without justifiable grounds shall be sentenced to imprisonment with work for not more than two years or to a fine of not more than 1,000,000 yen.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第五十三条 行政機関の職員若しくは職員であった者又は第六条第二項の受託業務に従事している者若しくは従事していた者が、正当な理由がないのに、個人の秘密に属する事項が記録された第二条第四項第一号に係る個人情報ファイル(その全部又は一部を複製し、又は加工したものを含む。)を提供したときは、二年以下の懲役又は百万円以下の罰金に処する。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(5) The Federal Ministry of Justice shall have power to establish by statutory order that civil servants of the higher and intermediate grades as well as comparable employees shall be entrusted with the handling of matters that are the responsibility of the Examining Sections or the Patent Divisions and present no particular technical or legal difficulties; with the exception, however, of the grant of a patent and the rejection of a patent application on grounds which the applicant has contested. The Federal Ministry of Justice may delegate such power by statutory order to the German Patent and Trademark Office.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

(5) 連邦法務省は,審査課又は特許部の責務であって,特に法律的又は技術的な困難性を伴わない事項についての処理を上級及び中級職の公務員並びにこれらに準じる職員に委任する旨を,法定命令をもって定める権限を有する。ただし,特許の付与,及び出願人が異論を唱えている拒絶理由に基づいての出願の拒絶については,この限りでない。連邦法務省は,法定命令によって,これらの権限をドイツ特許商標庁に委譲することができる。 - 特許庁

(7) Where a nonresident or foreign corporation receives payment of interest on general foreign-issued company bonds issued during the period from April 1, 1998, to March 31, 2008, which fall under the category of specified foreign-issued company bonds and for which the nonresident or foreign corporation has, pursuant to the provision of a Cabinet Order, entrusted custody with the person in charge of handling payment, if [1] the said person in charge of handling payment thus entrusted with custody (hereinafter referred to in this paragraph as the "person in charge of handling custody and payment") who provides intermediary, brokerage or agent services (hereinafter referred to in this paragraph as the "intermediary services, etc.") for the receipt of interest on the said specified foreign-issued company bonds has, before receiving the delivery of such interest in the course of the intermediary services, etc., given notice of the matters specified in each of the following items for the category listed in the relevant item and any other matters specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance with respect to the person who is to receive the interest (excluding interest subject to the provision of Article 3-3(3) or (6); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) (these matters hereinafter referred to in this paragraph and paragraph (14) as "interest recipient information"), to the person who pays the interest (in the case where the interest is delivered via another person in charge of handling payment with whom the said person in charge of handling custody and payment has further entrusted custody, notice shall be given to the person who pays the interest via such other person in charge of handling payment), and [2] the person who pays the interest has, upon payment of the interest, prepared a document stating the matters concerning the person who is to receive the interest and any other matters specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance (limited to a document prepared based on the information on the interest recipient provided by the said person in charge of handling custody and payment; referred to in paragraph (9) and paragraph (14) as the "interest recipient confirmation document"), and submitted it to the competent district director having jurisdiction over the place for tax payment prescribed in Article 17 of the Income Tax Act which pertains to the person who makes payment in terms of the said interest (in the case where another place has been designated pursuant to the provision of Article 18(2) of the said Act: the designated place for tax payment), the said nonresident or foreign corporation shall be deemed to have submitted a written application for tax exemption pursuant to the provision of paragraph (4) with respect to the interest receivable thereby:発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

7 非居住者又は外国法人が、平成十年四月一日から平成二十年三月三十一日までの間に発行された一般民間国外債のうち特定民間国外債であつて支払の取扱者に政令で定めるところにより保管の委託をしているものにつきその利子の支払を受ける場合において、当該保管の委託を受けている支払の取扱者(以下この項において「保管支払取扱者」という。)で当該特定民間国外債の利子の受領の媒介、取次ぎ又は代理(以下この項において「媒介等」という。)をするものが、その媒介等に基づきその利子の交付を受けるときまでに、その利子(第三条の三第三項又は第六項の規定の適用があるものを除く。以下この項において同じ。)の支払を受けるべき者につき次の各号に掲げる場合の区分に応じ当該各号に定める事項その他財務省令で定める事項(以下この項及び第十四項において「利子受領者情報」という。)をその利子の支払をする者に対し(その利子の交付が、当該保管支払取扱者が保管の再委託をしている他の支払の取扱者を通じて行われる場合には、当該他の支払の取扱者を経由してその利子の支払をする者に対し)通知をし、かつ、その利子の支払をする者が、その利子の支払を行う際その利子の支払を受けるべき者に関する事項その他の財務省令で定める事項を記載した書類(当該保管支払取扱者から通知をされた利子受領者情報に基づき記載されたものに限る。第九項及び第十四項において「利子受領者確認書」という。)を作成し、これをその支払をする者の当該利子に係る所得税法第十七条の規定による納税地(同法第十八条第二項の規定による指定があつた場合には、その指定をされた納税地)の所轄税務署長に提出したときは、当該非居住者又は外国法人は、その支払を受けるべき利子につき第四項の規定による非課税適用申告書の提出をしたものとみなす。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Any person who has made an assignment to the Minister of National Defence under this section, in respect of any covenants and agreements contained in such assignment for keeping the invention secret and otherwise in respect of all matters relating to that invention, and any other person who has knowledge of such assignment and of such covenants and agreements, shall be, for the purposes of the Security of Information Act, deemed to be persons having in their possession or control information respecting those matters that has been entrusted to them in confidence by any person holding office under Her Majesty, and the communication of any of that information by the first mentioned persons to any person other than one to whom they are authorized to communicate with, by or on behalf of the Minister of National Defence, is an offence under section 4 of the Security of Information Act.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

本条に基づいて,上記のとおり国防大臣への譲渡を行った者は,当該譲渡契約に含まれる当該発明に関するすべての事項についての秘密保持等のための誓約及び合意事項その他に関し,又はかかる譲渡並びにかかる誓約及び合意について知っているその他の者は,情報保全法(Security of Information Act)の適用上,国の公職についている者から当該事項について秘密に委ねられた情報を所有し,又はこれを管理する者とみなされる。前記最初に記載の者がかかる情報の何れかを,国防大臣との間で,国防大臣により,又は国防大臣に代わって通知を受けることを認められている者以外の者に通知した場合は,かかる行為は,情報保全法第4条の違反となる。 - 特許庁

Article 24-5 (1) A Person Entrusted With Performance shall, in assigning to any other person the Right to Obtain Reimbursement, etc. Pertaining to Performance under Entrustment, notify such other person that the Right to Obtain Reimbursement, etc. Pertaining to Performance under Entrustment has accrued from the performance of obligations under the Money Lender's Contract for a Loan, other matters provided by a Cabinet Office Ordinance, and to the effect that Article 12-7, Article 16-2, paragraph (3) and paragraph (4), Article 16-3, Article 17 (excluding paragraph (6)), Article 18 through Article 22, Article 24-6-10, and this paragraph (with regard to claims contained in mortgage securities provided in Article 1, paragraph (1) of the Mortgage Securities Act, Article 16-2, paragraph (3) and paragraph (4), and Article 17 (excluding paragraph (6)) shall be excluded and the penal provisions pertaining thereto shall be included) shall apply to acts conducted by said person in relation to the Right to Obtain Reimbursement Pertaining to Performance under Entrustment, by a method specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第二十四条の五 受託弁済者は、受託弁済に係る求償権等を他人に譲渡するに当たつては、その者に対し、当該受託弁済に係る求償権等が貸金業者の貸付けの契約に基づく債務の弁済により発生したことその他の内閣府令で定める事項並びにその者が当該受託弁済に係る求償権等に関してする行為について第十二条の七、第十六条の二第三項及び第四項、第十六条の三、第十七条(第六項を除く。)、第十八条から第二十二条まで、第二十四条の六の十並びにこの項の規定(抵当証券法第一条第一項に規定する抵当証券に記載された債権については第十六条の二第三項及び第四項並びに第十七条(第六項を除く。)の規定を除き、これらの規定に係る罰則を含む。)の適用がある旨を、内閣府令で定める方法により、通知しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 70 In filing a written application for a registration of change due to a reduction in the amount of stated capital, a document evidencing that the public notice and the notices under Article 449, paragraph (2) of the Companies Act (in cases where, in addition to public notice in an official gazette, a public notice has been given by publication in a daily newspaper that publishes matters on current affairs or by means of electronic public notices pursuant to the provision of paragraph (3) of said Article, public notice by such method) have been given, and, if any creditor has raised an objection, a document evidencing that the company has made a payment or provided equivalent security to such creditor or has entrusted equivalent property for the purpose of making such creditor receive the payment, or that there is no risk of harm to such creditor by such reduction in the amount of the stated capital, shall be attached thereto.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第七十条 資本金の額の減少による変更の登記の申請書には、会社法第四百四十九条第二項の規定による公告及び催告(同条第三項の規定により公告を官報のほか時事に関する事項を掲載する日刊新聞紙又は電子公告によつてした場合にあつては、これらの方法による公告)をしたこと並びに異議を述べた債権者があるときは、当該債権者に対し弁済し若しくは相当の担保を提供し若しくは当該債権者に弁済を受けさせることを目的として相当の財産を信託したこと又は当該資本金の額の減少をしても当該債権者を害するおそれがないことを証する書面を添付しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 59 (1) When an licensee of nuclear energy activity, etc. (including a person to which shipment has been entrusted from an licensee of nuclear energy activity, etc.; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) shipments nuclear fuel material or material contaminated by nuclear fuel material outside of the factory, etc. (excluding shipment via a vessel or aircraft), he/she shall take the necessary safety measures (necessary measures for safety and physical protection of specific nuclear fuel material when specified nuclear fuel material specified by Cabinet Order is included in said nuclear fuel material) in compliance with the technical standards specified in the Cabinet Order of the competent ministry (order issued by the minister prescribed respectively in those items in accordance with the classifications for licensee of nuclear energy activity, etc., listed in following items; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) with respect to the material to be shipped, and with the technical standards specified in the Cabinet Order of the competent ministry (Cabinet Order of MLIT for shipment via railway, tram, cableway, trackless train, vehicle and light vehicle) with respect to other matters.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第五十九条 原子力事業者等(原子力事業者等から運搬を委託された者を含む。以下この条において同じ。)は、核燃料物質又は核燃料物質によつて汚染された物を工場等の外において運搬する場合(船舶又は航空機により運搬する場合を除く。)においては、運搬する物に関しては主務省令(次の各号に掲げる原子力事業者等の区分に応じ、当該各号に定める大臣の発する命令をいう。以下この条において同じ。)、その他の事項に関しては主務省令(鉄道、軌道、索道、無軌条電車、自動車及び軽車両による運搬については、国土交通省令)で定める技術上の基準に従つて保安のために必要な措置(当該核燃料物質に政令で定める特定核燃料物質を含むときは、保安及び特定核燃料物質の防護のために必要な措置)を講じなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(viii) a document evidencing that a splitting company in absorption-type company split has given the public notice and the notices under Article 789, paragraph (2) of the Companies Act (excluding item (iii), and including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 793, paragraph (2) of said Act) (in cases where, in addition to public notice in an official gazette, a public notice by publication in a daily newspaper that publishes matters on current affairs or by method of electronic public notices pursuant to the provision of Article 789, paragraph (3) of said Act (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 793, paragraph (2) of said Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item), that the public notice was given by such method (in the cases excluding where separate notices are not required to be given pursuant to the provision of Article 789, paragraph (3) of the Companies Act, that the public notice and the notices were given)), and, if any creditor has raised an objection, a document evidencing that the company has made a payment or provided equivalent security to such creditor or has entrusted equivalent property for the purpose of making such creditor receive the payment, or that there is no risk of harm to such creditor by such absorption-type company split; and発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

八 吸収分割会社において会社法第七百八十九条第二項(第三号を除き、同法第七百九十三条第二項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定による公告及び催告(同法第七百八十九条第三項(同法第七百九十三条第二項において準用する場合を含む。以下この号において同じ。)の規定により公告を官報のほか時事に関する事項を掲載する日刊新聞紙又は電子公告によつてした場合にあつては、これらの方法による公告(同法第七百八十九条第三項の規定により各別の催告をすることを要しない場合以外の場合にあつては、当該公告及び催告))をしたこと並びに異議を述べた債権者があるときは、当該債権者に対し弁済し若しくは相当の担保を提供し若しくは当該債権者に弁済を受けさせることを目的として相当の財産を信託したこと又は当該吸収分割をしても当該債権者を害するおそれがないことを証する書面 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(viii) a document evidencing that a splitting company in incorporation-type company split has given the public notice and the notices under Article 810, paragraph (2) of the Companies Act (excluding item (iii), and including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 813, paragraph (2) of said Act) (in cases where, in addition to public notice in an official gazette, a public notice has been given by publication in a daily newspaper that publishes matters on current affairs or by means of electronic public notices pursuant to the provision of Article 810, paragraph (3) of said Act (including the cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 813, paragraph (2) of said Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item), that the public notice was given by such method (in the cases excluding where separate notices are not required to be given pursuant to the provision of Article 810, paragraph (3) of the Companies Act, that the public notice and the notices were given)), and, if any creditor has raised an objection, a document evidencing that the company has made a payment or provided equivalent security to such creditor or has entrusted equivalent property for the purpose of making such creditor receive the payment, or that there is no risk of harm to such creditor by such incorporation-type company split; and発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

八 新設分割会社において会社法第八百十条第二項(第三号を除き、同法第八百十三条第二項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定による公告及び催告(同法第八百十条第三項(同法第八百十三条第二項において準用する場合を含む。以下この号において同じ。)の規定により公告を官報のほか時事に関する事項を掲載する日刊新聞紙又は電子公告によつてした場合にあつては、これらの方法による公告(同法第八百十条第三項の規定により各別の催告をすることを要しない場合以外の場合にあつては、当該公告及び催告))をしたこと並びに異議を述べた債権者があるときは、当該債権者に対し弁済し若しくは相当の担保を提供し若しくは当該債権者に弁済を受けさせることを目的として相当の財産を信託したこと又は当該新設分割をしても当該債権者を害するおそれがないことを証する書面 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Article 325 (1) When any of the persons listed in Article 322, paragraph (1), items (i) to (viii) inclusive or any person who has been entrusted with the solicitation of funds or subscribers to the bonds of a Mutual Company (meaning bonds prescribed in Article 61), in soliciting subscribers for the shares, funds, share options, bonds (meaning bonds prescribed in Article 61 and bonds prescribed in Article 2, item (xxiii) of the Companies Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph), or bonds with a share option, has used materials explaining the business of an Insurance Company, etc. or other matters or an advertisement or other documents relating to said subscription which contain a false statement regarding a material matter, or has offered an electromagnetic record which contains a false statement regarding a material matter for carrying out affairs for said solicitation for subscription in the case where an electromagnetic record has been created in lieu of the creation of said documents, he/she shall be punished by imprisonment with work for not more than five years or a fine of not more than five million yen, or both.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第三百二十五条 第三百二十二条第一項第一号から第八号までに掲げる者又は基金若しくは相互会社の社債(第六十一条に規定する社債をいう。)を引き受ける者の募集の委託を受けた者が、株式、基金、新株予約権、社債(第六十一条に規定する社債及び会社法第二条第二十三号に規定する社債をいう。以下この項において同じ。)又は新株予約権付社債を引き受ける者の募集をするに当たり、保険会社等の事業その他の事項に関する説明を記載した資料若しくは当該募集の広告その他の当該募集に関する文書であって重要な事項について虚偽の記載のあるものを行使し、又はこれらの書類の作成に代えて電磁的記録の作成がされている場合における当該電磁的記録であって重要な事項について虚偽の記録のあるものをその募集の事務の用に供したときは、五年以下の懲役若しくは五百万円以下の罰金に処し、又はこれを併科する。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム







matter toの意味を調べる

Matters to be discussedの意味を調べる


「matters to be entrusted」を「Weblio翻訳」で翻訳して得られた結果を表示しています。






matters /ˈmætɝz/
matterの三人称単数現在。matterの複数形。問題, 事, 事柄
to /toː/
be /(弱形) bi; (強形) bíː/
(…で)ある, です
entrusted /ɛˈntrʌstɪd/


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