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4. Kyozen-ji Temple: Kuwazu-cho, Higashisumiyoshi Ward, Osaka City  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The library is available to any person who lives in, or commutes to Higashimatsuyama City, Namegawa-machi, Ogawa-machi, Tokigawa-machi, Kawashima-machi, Yoshimi-machi, Hatoyama-machi and Higashichichibu-mura in Chichibu-gun, under the agreement for mutual use of public library within the larger municipal area in the Hiki area.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The name came from Gojo-in Temple which was located on Teramachi-dori Street higashi iru which used to be dedicated to Kojin.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The 8th Shogun of the Muromachi Shogunate Yoshimasa ASHIKAGA (1436-1490) resigned his position in favor of his heir Yoshihisa ASHIKAGA in 1473, and in 1482 he began construction of his villa named Higashiyama sanso (Higashiyama-dono) on the foothills of Mt. Tsukimachi-yama in Higashiyama (Kyoto Prefecture).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



1583: The temple is relocated to Kyogoku Nijohigashi (in present-day Teramachi-dori Nijo-dori Streets) by order of Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


2003年3月3日 比企地区任意合併協議会設置(東松山市・比企郡滑川町・嵐山町・小川町・都幾川村・玉川村(埼玉県)・吉見町・秩父郡東秩父村)例文帳に追加

March 3, 2003: Established the Hiki Area Voluntary Council for Merger (Higashimatsuyama City, Namegawa-machi, Ranzan-machi, Ogawa-machi, Tokigawa-mura, Tamagawa-mura (Saitama Prefecture), Yoshimi-machi in Hiki-gun, and Higashichichibu-mura in Chichibu-gun)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He was child of Hidetoshi SAITO, a Samurai living in Kiyokawa Village, Shonai-han, Dewa Province (present day Shonai-machi, Higashitagawa District, Yamagata Prefecture).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Gomotsu (also called 'Gyobutsu') is the collections of famous things imported from China (pictures and art works) by Yoshimasa AHIKAGA, the eighth shogun of the Muromachi shogunate, are called Higashiyama Gobutsu, and the famous Japanese tea utensils handed down to the Tokugawa clan are called Ryuei Gomotsu (Ryuei is the name of the Shogun or the shogunate).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The examples of 'gyobutsu' are the Higashiyama Gomotsu, which was the collection of Yoshimasa ASHIKAGA, the eighth shogun of the Muromachi shogunate, and also the one called 'Ryuei Gomotsu, which consists of famous Japanese tea utensils (tea things handed down to the Tokugawa clan); however, the word 'Gyobutsu' simply means the belongings of the Imperial Family and is usually referred to as 'gyobutsu.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Shinkosai is a shrine ritual where three large portable shrines on which the gods are seated: Nakagoza mikoshi (hexagonal shaped portable shrine served by Sanwaka shinyokai); Higashigoza mikoshi (portable shrine enshrining Kushinadahime no mikoto - a goddess - served by Shiwaka shinyokai); and Nishigoza mikoshi (octagon shaped portable shrine enshrining Yahashiranomikogami (son of Kushinadahime no mikoto) served by Nishiki shinyokai), from the Yasaka-jinja Shrine pass through each ujiko machi (town of shrine parishioners) to otabisho (place where the sacred palanquin is lodged during a festival) located in Shijoteramachi; the otabisho is purified by the Yamahoko Junko.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



July 2004: Withdrawal by Namegawa-machi from the Hiki Area Council for Merger of Three Towns and Three Villages due to support by the majority of citizens for the merger of eight cities, towns and villages including Higashimatsuyama City and Yoshimi-machi, as a result of plebiscite on the framework of the merger conducted in Namegawa-machi  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He headed Makisho, Yamanashi-gun District, Kai Province, and reconstructed the Joko-ji Temple (located in Yamanashi City, Yamanashi Prefecture, former Makioka Town, Higashi Yamanashi District) by inviting Soseki MUSO from Kamakura in 1305.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to "Azuma Kagami" (The Mirror of the East), Yoshitsune YAMAMOTO was the fifth generation descendant (the fourth generation in family trees) of Shinra-Saburo Yoshimitsu (a brother of MINAMOTO no Yoshiie) living in Omi Province, and the lord of the Yamamotoyama-jo Castle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Later, in 1763, Goshin became the head priest of Shozui-ji Temple in Omi (Gokasho Hiyoshi-cho, Higashiomi City), but after ten years, he quit the job, returned to his hometown, and secluded himself in "Jokoan," a retreat he built whose name means "Pure Light."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On March 28, 1573, it was established by Rodo, a Nenbutsu Senju priest (priest specialized in Buddhist invocation) in a temple land in the southern part of Kojinguchi Higashi-iru, Teramachi Street, assigned by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI's urban policy.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It has been passed down that after being defeated in the battle of Yashima, 30 remnants led by Taira no Noritsune escaped to Awa Province via the Sanuki Mountains and lived in the area of present Higashimiyoshi-cho, Tokushima Prefecture, and Ikawa-cho (Tokushima Prefecture, present Miyoshi City), but later they settled at Iya for fear of pursuers.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When Yoshihiro returned from 'the Battle of Sekigahara' in 1600, Tadanori went to Yatsushiro (today's Kunitomi-cho, Higashimorogata-gun) to meet him together with a company of 130 soldiers from the Suki area led by Shigeari MURAO and his son.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Yoshisada NITTA who was the supreme commander in the capture of Kamakura at the overthrowing of Kamakura bakufu, Takauji ASHIKAGA who started Muromachi bakufu, Yoshimoto IMAGAWA who were killed by Nobunaga ODA in the Battle of Okehazama, Yoshimasa SHIBA and Mitsuie HATAKEYAMA who formed the foundation of Muromachi bakufu in the early Muromachi period, Katsumoto HOSOKAWA and Sozen YAMANA who were the taishoes (general) of the West squad and the East squad in the Onin War, respectively, and the like were Yoshikuni's descendants.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


During the Muromachi period, Toshikage ASAKURA (Eirin Takakage) came to oppose his lord Yoshitoshi SHIBA with Tsuneharu KAI, and in the Onin War, which broke out from the internal squabble of the Ashikaga Shogun family over the family reign, he switched from the West army lead by Mochitoyo YAMANA (Sozen) to the East army lead by Katsumoto HOSOKAWA, and he expelled the Kai clan from Echizen Province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Kiji-shi were craftsmen who collected woods in mountains and made wooden products, such as bowls and trays, and it is said that in the mountain range from Okukoya to Yoshino there had been such craftsmen called 'Koshuwatari Kiji-shi' who had their base mainly in Ogura Village, Omi Province (Eigenji-cho, Higashiomi City, Shiga Prefecture) until the Taisho era.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When the Boxers occupied Blagoveshchensk along the Amur River in June, Russia destroyed Sixty-Four Villages East of the River of the Chinese Residency area within Russia and occupied Tosansho (literally three provinces of the east) (Manchuria) by moving the army south.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Upon hearing of the arrival of the dancers, the Emperor, wearing noshi sashinuki (a court nobles informal costume) and kutsu (footwear) started from the northern lower level of the Seiryoden palace's east eaves and went to the daishi no tsubone (a room for daishi) via nagahashi, which was temporarily set at the southwest corner of Shokoden palace, minami-sunoko of Shokoden palace, medo kisakimachi no ro of Shokoden palace and medo of Joneiden palace.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the "Yoshufu-shi" (a geographical description of Yamashiro Province) published in 1648, there is a description on kami-shi in Kyoto as 'This is now made in a number of places. However, the one made by the Iwasa clan of Nijo-minami, Higashinotoin is best for papering fusuma sliding doors, and is exclusively used,' and in the "Shinsen Kamikagami" (Newly edited Kamikagami) there is a description as 'a number of karakami craftsmen living in Higashinotoin and Hirano town, Kyoto.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

阪急長岡天神・太鼓山・金ヶ原・友岡・小泉橋(大山崎町)・西日本旅客鉄道山崎駅(大山崎町)・奥海印寺・光風台住宅・美竹台住宅・光明寺・東台・薬師堂・舞塚・免許試験場前(京都市伏見区)・阪急東向日(向日市) 向日町郵便局前・向日台団地前(京都市西京区大原野・勝山町)・向日市役所前 経由)・新山崎橋(大山崎町)方面行き例文帳に追加

Buses bound for Shin-Yamazaki-bashi (Oyamazaki-cho) via Hankyu Nagaokatenjin Station, Taikoyama, Kanegahara, Tomooka, Koizumibashi (Oyamazaki-cho), JR Yamazaki Station (Oyamazaki-cho), Okukaiinji, Kofudai Jutaku (Kofudai residential district), Mitakedai Jutaku (Mitakedai residential district), Komyoji (Komyo-ji Temple), Higashidai, Yakushido, Maizuka, Driver's License Center (Fushimi Ward, Kyoto Prefecture), Hankyu Higashimuko Station (Muko City), Mukomachi Yubinkyoku-mae (Mukomachi Post Office), Mukodai Danchi-mae (Mukomachi Housing Complex) (Oharano and Katsuyama-cho in Nishikyo Ward, Kyoto City) and Muko City Hall  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


His wife, Kita no Mandokoro, (who was also known as Nene and later took the name 'Kodaiin Kogetsuni' after becoming a Buddhist nun) vowed to establish a temple to pray to Buddha for the happiness of her late husband, and originally attempted to use Kotoku-ji Temple (used to be in Teramachi, Kyoto), in which her mother Asahi no Tsubone was buried, for this purpose but it was too small so she established a new temple on Kodai-ji Temple's current site in Higashiyama.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, today it is said that both cultures are generally discussed together as 'Muromachi culture' according to the following reasons; when Higashiyama culture began and ended is not clear, there is criticism that the era of Yoshimochi and Yoshinori are ignored and both have many points in common such as the influence of the Zen sect and the fusion of the culture of the nobility and the culture of the samurai class.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Emperors themselves were deeply involved with the collection of the precious books and production of copies, and many of the contents and titles were written by the Shinpitsu (emperor's own handwriting), as for book collection seals, the era names on the throne such as the Emperor Gosai ('Meireki era'), the Emperor Higashiyama ('Genroku era'), the Emperor Gosakuramachi ('Meiwa Era') and so on were used, or unified seal called 'imperial line bunko' was used (for example, the Gosai Emperor, the Sakuramachi Emperor and the Emperor Komei), and some emperors made unique book collection seals such as 'Osahito,' 'Konohana,' 'Tenen' and so on, like the Emperor Komei.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the other hand, in 1979, concurrently with Kusumi Shuzo considering the revival of Kameno-o brand sake, another brewer Kazuyoshi SATO of Koikawa Shuzo, a brewery at Amarume-machi, Higashi-Tagawa County, Yamagata Prefecture, made up his mind to restore Kameno-o brand, since he believed that his predecessor Junichi SATO had kept an ardent wish to revive Kameno-o that was born in this Amarume-machi in the Meiji Period and to manufacture incomparable sake using the Kameno-o rice, although he has not seen the light of day yet because he had delayed one year before the debut of his newly brewed sake.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Note: "Tosaku-shi" (Topography of East Mimasaka Province), written in the late Edo period, explains that Musashi's birthplace was Mimasaka Province (present Okayama Prefecture), and since Eiji YOSHIKAWA wrote the novel "Miyamoto Musashi" using information about the topography, Mimasaka became famous as Musashi's birthplace, what's more, Okayama Prefecture and Mimasaka City (previous Ohara-cho, Okayama Prefecture) are encouraging the development of tourist attractions.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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