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the act of inducing hypnosis  - 日本語WordNet


July 21: Groundbreaking ceremony for electrification and speeding-up work held.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


selective amnesia after being in a hypnotic state of events occurring during hypnosis or of information designated by the hypnotist  - 日本語WordNet


It was written about the origin of kagura (sacred music and dancing performed at shrines), Saibara (Japanese court song genre of the Heian period), folkways, and imayo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



June 1989: The meeting of the founders of Keihanna Interaction Plaza Incorporated took place.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



The origin of Takigi-noh dates back to the middle of the Heian period, and the first Takigi-noh was performed in Kofuku-ji Temple in Nara Prefecture.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A campaign arose asking to maintain a stop at the station, and it achieved the regular stop of trains even after the Osaka Expo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


January 12, 1967: The groundbreaking ceremony of the Kosei Line was held at Ojiyama General Sports Park/Ojiyama Sports Park.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide technique with which the venue and date and hour of a conference are decided without being adjusted by a conference sponsor. - 特許庁


6. 大臣は、2011年10月にAPEC青年業家サミットを開するというマレーシアの提案を支持する。例文帳に追加

6. Ministers support Malaysia’s proposal to organize the APEC Young Entrepreneurship Summit in October 2011.  - 経済産業省



To provide an advertising and promoting medium which is visible even from remote more than a small flag system and brings a visitor of an event place, having the novel impression sensation by using the equipment similar to that of the conventional small flag system in the event place. - 特許庁


It is a malodor like sour milk products caused by failure in fermentation of moromi and it is called tsuwariko because it makes a person feel like vomiting.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Atago-Hyakuin was poetry club that Mitsuhide held in Atago-jinja Shrine in Mt. Atago (Kyoto-shi) before he instigated Honno-ji no Hen.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He was listed as a promoter of Suiseki OHASHI Exhibition held by Japan Art Association in Ueno Tokyo in 1927.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


But a fatal accident occurred during the 1977 GP and after that, the Japanese GP was not held for several years.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


To obtain a medicine having excellent inhibiting actions on emesis caused by a drug having emetic actions by including a compound having excellent antagonistic actions on tachykinin receptors and the drug in combination. - 特許庁


Instead of driving the ventilation fan 7, an audio signal urging the person to actuate the ventilation fan 7 may be output from a speaker 13. - 特許庁

5 発人が申込者に対してする通知又は告は、第二項第一号の住所(当該申込者が別に通知又は告を受ける場所又は連絡先を発人に通知した場合にあっては、その場所又は連絡先)にあてて発すれば足りる。例文帳に追加

(5) It shall be sufficient for a notice or demand to an Offeror to be sent by the incorporators to the address specified under paragraph (2), item (i) (where the Offeror notifies the incorporators of a different place or contact address for the receipt of notices or demands, to such place or contact address).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

6 発人が申込者に対してする通知又は告は、第三項第一号の住所(当該申込者が別に通知又は告を受ける場所又は連絡先を発人に通知した場合にあっては、その場所又は連絡先)にあてて発すれば足りる。例文帳に追加

(6) It would be sufficient for a notice or demand to an Applicant by the incorporators to be sent to the address under item (i) of paragraph (3) (or, in cases where such Applicant notifies the incorporators of a different place or contact address for the receipt of notices or demand, to such place or contact address).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第三十二条 相互会社への入社の申込みをした者又は社員に対する通知又は告は、その者が発人又は相互会社に通知した場所又は連絡先にあてて発すれば足りる。ただし、保険関係に属する事項の通知又は告については、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 32 (1) It shall be sufficient for a notice or demand to an Applicant for membership, or member of a Mutual Company to be sent to the place or contact address notified by the Applicant or member to the incorporators or Mutual Company; provided, however, that this shall not apply to a notice or demand on any matter pertaining to the insurance relationship.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

5 発人が設立時株主に対してする通知又は告は、第二十七条第五号又は第五十九条第三項第一号の住所(当該設立時株主が別に通知又は告を受ける場所又は連絡先を発人に通知した場合にあっては、その場所又は連絡先)にあてて発すれば足りる。例文帳に追加

(5) It would be sufficient for a notice or demand to a Shareholder at Incorporation by the incorporators to be sent to the address under item (v) of Article 27, or item (i) of Article 59(3) (or, in cases where such Shareholder at Incorporation notifies the incorporator of a different place or contact address for the receipt of notices or letters of demand, to such place or contact address).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Physical characteristics of individuals that may be useful for assessing chemical contaminants would result from microbial or viral infection, some sort of tetragenic or carcinogenic effects during development of that individual. - 英語論文検索例文集


Physical characteristics of individuals that may be useful for assessing chemical contaminants would result from microbial or viral infection, some sort of tetragenic or carcinogenic effects during development of that individual. - 英語論文検索例文集


Physical characteristics of individuals that may be useful for assessing chemical contaminants would result from microbial or viral infection, some sort of tetragenic or carcinogenic effects during development of that individual. - 英語論文検索例文集

2 発人は、定款及び業務規程を作成した後、会員になろうとする者を募り、これを会議の日時及び場所とともにその会議開日の二週間前までに公告して、創立総会を開かなければならない。例文帳に追加

(2) After preparing the articles of incorporation and operational rules, the founders shall invite persons who intend to become members, and hold an organizational meeting by giving a public notice of said articles of incorporation and operational rules as well as the date, time and place of the meeting by two weeks prior to the day of the meeting.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第八十八条の四 発人は、定款を作成した後、会員になろうとする者を募り、これを会議の日時及び場所とともにその会議開日の二週間前までに公告して、創立総会を開かなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 88-4 (1) The founders shall, after creating the articles of incorporation, solicit persons to become members, and hold an organizational meeting by giving a public notice of said articles of incorporation, together with the time and place of the meeting, by two weeks prior to the day of the meeting.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第百二条の五 発人は、定款を作成した後、会員になろうとする者を募り、これを会議の日時及び場所とともにその会議開日の二週間前までに公告して、創立総会を開かなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 102-5 (1) Founders shall, after preparing the articles of incorporation, solicit persons to become members, and hold an organizational meeting by giving a public notice of said articles of incorporation, together with the date, time and place of the meeting, by two weeks prior to the day of the meeting.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 発人は、定款を作成した後、会員になろうとする者を募り、これを会議の日時及び場所とともにその会議開日の二週間前までに公告して、創立総会を開かなければならない。例文帳に追加

(2) After creating the articles of incorporation, the founders shall invite persons to become members, and hold an organizational meeting by giving a public notice of said articles of incorporation as well as the time and place of the meeting by two weeks prior to the day of the meeting..  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第六十条 発人は、定款を作成し、これを会議の日時及び場所とともに会議の開日の少なくとも二週間前までに公告して、創立総会を開かなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 60 (1) The founders shall, after having prepared the articles of incorporation, hold an organizational meeting by giving public notice of said articles of incorporation, as well as the time and place of the meeting at least two weeks prior to the date of the meeting.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


During the early Edo period, storytelling events, being very similar to Kodan storytelling, were held in borrowed spaces in the premises of temples or shrines, which were the origin of yose.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After the drills, Seki Junichi, the mayor of Osaka, said, "The drills have given me confidence. I think we can host the meet successfully whatever happens."  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


This year's awards ceremony was held just after a terrorist attack on a satirical newspaper in Paris and a cyber attack in revenge for a Hollywood comedy about North Korea. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

会議の参加者は,地域的な経済統合を促進し,APEC エコノミー間の一層の繁栄を強化することにおいて,教育が果たす重要な役割に留意した,韓国で開された第 5 回 APEC 教育大臣会合(AEMM)の成果を想した。例文帳に追加

Conference participants recalled the outcomes from the 5th APEC Education Ministerial Meeting (AEMM), held in Korea, where Ministers noted the critical role education plays in facilitating regional economic integration and enhancing prosperity among the APEC economies. - 経済産業省

2010年10月1日、21の APEC 参加エコノミーから、政府関係者、ビジネスリーダー、学者、ジャーナリストが集まり、第1回女性業家サミット(以降「WES」)を、日本の岐阜にて開した。例文帳に追加

Japan Government officials, business leaders, academics and journalists from the 21 Asia- Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) member economies convened the first Women’s Entrepreneurship Summit (hereinafterWES”) on October 1, 2010 in Gifu, Japan. - 経済産業省

2 発人は、定款を作成した後、会員になろうとする者を募り、これを会議の日時及び場所とともにその会議開日の二週間前までに公告して、創立総会を開かなければならない。例文帳に追加

(2) After creating the articles of incorporation, the founders shall invite persons to become members, and hold an organizational general meeting by giving a public notice of said articles of incorporation as well as the time and place of the meeting by two weeks prior to the day of the meeting.  - 経済産業省


The NSC, as one of measures taken after the JCO nuclear criticality accident occurred in September 1999, held the “First-Series Roundtable Discussions on Safety Culture” with unit managers and shift supervisors of twenty one (21) nuclear facilities in Japan from July 2001 to December 2003. - 経済産業省

3 前項の創立総会の議事は、会員の資格を有する者であってその創立総会の開日までに発人に対して会員となる旨を書面により申し出たもの及び発人の二分の一以上が出席して、その出席者の議決権の三分の二以上の多数で決する。例文帳に追加

(3) The business of the Organizational Meeting set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be decided by two-thirds or more of the votes held by those in attendance, where one half or more of the founders and those who have the qualification for membership and have notified the founders in writing by the date of the Organizational Meeting of their intention to become memberships are present.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

経済成長と事業創出の達成を後押しするため、米国と日本は、APEC からの女性ビジネスリーダーや女性業家の間での情報交換を促し、一連のベストプラクティスを確立する場として女性業家サミットを開した。例文帳に追加

To help achieve this economic growth and business creation, the United States and Japan organized the WES to facilitate information exchange and to establish a set of best practices among women business leaders and entrepreneurs from APEC economies. - 経済産業省

7 明渡しの告後に不動産等の占有の移転があつたときは、占有者は、明渡しの告があつたことを知らず、かつ、債務者の占有の承継人でないことを理由として、債権者に対し、強制執行の不許を求める訴えを提することができる。この場合においては、第三十六条、第三十七条及び第三十八条第三項の規定を準用する。例文帳に追加

(7) If possession of real property, etc. was transferred after a demand for surrender was made, the possessor may file an action seeking non-permission of compulsory execution against the obligee on the basis that he/she had no knowledge of a demand for surrender having been made and he/she is not a successor to the obligor's possession. In this case, the provisions of Article 36, Article 37 and Article 38(3) shall apply mutatis mutandis.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

機能や価格だけでなく、作り手のこだわりや歴史や文化など、ユーザーの感性に訴え感動や共感を呼びこす商品を作る事を提唱するとともに、我が国の「感性」というコンセプトを海外に発信するイベントとして、2008年12 月にパリで「kansei-Japan Design Exhibition」を開したところであり、2009 年5 月にはニューヨークでも同展示会を開する予定である。例文帳に追加

METI held the Kansei-Japan Design Exhibition in Paris in December2008 aiming to advocate the production of goods with values, refined skills of producers as well as history and culture that would appeal to the sense of users, intrigue them and arouse their emotions in addition to conventional values such as functionality and price. A similar exhibition is scheduled to beheld in New York in May 2009. - 経済産業省

(2) 何人かが特許の所有者,譲渡抵当権者,実施権者その他として有する権益であって本法に基づいて登録されていないが前記のとおり登録することができるものについて他人を相手方として主張をし,又は訴訟(刑事訴訟以外のもの)を提する旨の脅迫をし若しくはその旨の自己の意思を通知するときは,当該他人は,その後1月以内にいつでも前記主張者又は訴訟提の脅迫者若しくは訴訟提の意図の通知者に対する告書により,前記の主張若しくは訴訟を提する旨の脅迫又は訴訟提する旨の意思の通知が関係する権益を本法に基づいて登録するようその者に求めることができる。また,その者は,本項の規定による告後6月以内に前記の手続をとらないときは,その後,登録を告した者を相手方とした前記主張又は権益に関する如何なる訴訟も提することができないものとする。例文帳に追加

(2) Where any person makes any claim, or threatens to bring or gives notice of his intention to bring any proceedings (other than criminal proceedings), against any other person in respect of any interest as owner, mortgagee, licensee, or otherwise in a patent, being an interest which is not registered under this Act and which is capable of being so registered, that other person may, at any time within one month thereafter by notice in writing given to the maker of the claim or threat or the giver of the notice of intention to bring the proceedings, require him to register under this Act the interest in respect of which the claim or threat is made or the notice of intention to bring the proceedings is given, and if he fails to do so within 6 months after the giving of the notice under this subsection he shall not thereafter be entitled to bring any proceedings in respect of the claim or interest against the person who has given the notice to register. - 特許庁


The holder of a license of right in accordance with Article 30 and of a compulsory license in accordance with Article 32 may institute patent infringement proceedings if the patent owner does not exercise his own right to institute such proceedings within six months of receipt of a written invitation to do so from the licensee.  - 特許庁

第二百六十五条の七 発人は、定款及び事業計画書を作成した後、会員になろうとする者を募り、会議開日の二週間前までにこれらを会議の日時及び場所とともに公告して、創立総会を開かなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 265-7 (1) The founders shall, after preparing articles of incorporation and a business plan, invite those who intend to become memberships, make a public notice of these together with the time and location at least two weeks before the date the meeting shall be held, and hold an Organizational Meeting.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 創立総会の議事は、会員の資格を有するもので、その創立総会の開日までに発人に対して会員となる旨を申し出たものの二分の一以上が出席して、その出席者の議決権の三分の二以上の多数で決する。例文帳に追加

(3) Decisions of the organizational meeting shall be made by at least a two-thirds majority of the votes of those present, with the participation of at least half of the parties who qualify for membership and who have notified the founders of their intention to become members by the date of the organizational meeting.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


By virtue of this structure, when the cooking container 20 is mounted throughout the region of the heating part and the operation part 18, the infrared sensor detects it and the attention is attracted by blinking of light or buzzer sound, so that a user can be urged to remount the cooking container 20 at a proper position. - 特許庁


With the strong conviction that Ishinomaki cannot revive without a recovery of industry that supports local employment and livelihoods, the Ishinomaki Chamber of Commerce and Industry called on local businesses, established the Ishinomaki Reconstruction Committee, and held its inaugural meeting on March 24, 2011.  - 経済産業省


The NSC held a series ofRoundtable Discussions on Safety Culture”, from October 2004 to April 2005, as one of the measures after the secondary system pipe rupture accident at the Mihama Power Station Unit 3 in August 2004, in order to exchange opinions with top managements of electric power companies and major contractors. - 経済産業省


We welcomed the recommendations from the 15th APEC Women Leaders Network Meeting, held in September in Tokyo, Japan, consisting of three pillars: career development of women in organization, realization of women’s entrepreneurship, and creating new economic opportunities for women. - 経済産業省


We commended APEC’s first Women Entrepreneurship Summit, held in October in Gifu, Japan, which proposed measures to promote equal access to financial services and achieve appropriate work-life balance, and to maximize women’s economic impact on economic growth. - 経済産業省



Japan raised this issue in the WTO Subsidy Committee in October 2006. In February 2007, moreover, the U.S. and Mexico requested consultations on their contention that export subsidies, etc., are included in China's subsidy system. Japan participated as a third party in the consultations among these countries in March 2007. - 経済産業省


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