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該当件数 : 95



3. Safeguards against International Capital Movements - 財務省


3. Safeguards to International Capital Movements - 財務省


Safeguards Against Capital Movements - 財務省


We shall examine the increase in international capital movement from a viewpoint of relation between outputs and consumptions. - 経済産業省



On the front of cross-border capital movements, it has gradually become difficult for the Chinese Government to completely control such movements in light of increasing capital inflows and expanding overseas business operations by Chinese companies. - 経済産業省



Toward this end, the IMF needs to deepen its understanding of financial sectors, capital markets, and capital flows.  - 財務省


Second, monitoring of international movements of capital must be strengthened at both ends-creditors and debtors.  - 財務省


In international finance, there is the well-knowntrilemma of international financein which the three elements ofexchange stability,” “free movement of international capital,” and “independent monetary policiescannot be achieved at the same time. In, China, however, of these three elements, by controllingfree movement of international capital,” exchange stability and the effectiveness of monetary policies have been secured. - 経済産業省


These countries have been growing rapidly, enjoying the benefits of globalization and increases in international capital flows.At the same time, they remain vulnerable to the rapid changes in these flows.  - 財務省



These economies have achieved remarkable growth by reaping the benefits of globalization and increased international capital flows. Nevertheless, they remain vulnerable to the volatility in capital flows.  - 財務省



As a leading international financial institution, the IMF should deepen its knowledge on international capital movements as well as financial and capital markets in order to enhance the quality of policy dialogue in this area.  - 財務省


In international finance, all of the following three - currency stability, free cross-border capital movements and independent monetary policy ? cannot be achieved at the same time. This is known as the “trilemma of international finance.” - 経済産業省


There is also the view that imbalance can now be permitted to a certain extent, due to the accompanying increased capability of economic systems. - 経済産業省


Additionally, we can have contribution from other relevant international organizations such as OECD on the capital transfer and UNCTAD. - 経済産業省


China has ensured currency stability and the effectiveness of independent monetary policy by strictly controlling cross-border capital movements. - 経済産業省


In a background of globalization of company activities, it appears that international capital movements are becoming increasingly active each year. - 経済産業省


While it is necessary to observe the imbalance carefully, we should not overlook the emergence of international capital movement behind the imbalance. - 経済産業省


If the international capital movement were increasing, foreign capital inflows enable domestic consumption not to be affected by the fall in domestic output. - 経済産業省


Such an increase of international capital movement is a prerequisite for continuous increase of deficit in countries with current account deficit. - 経済産業省


The IMF, which was established in the days of limited capital flows, has not fully attuned itself to addressing this type of crisis.  - 財務省


In this chapter, we will make a survey of economic conditions in major regions and analyze the growth structure and risk factors of the recent international economy, while discussing structural changes such as globalization, mainly the increased international capital movement. - 経済産業省


The progress in globalization has activated international movements of people, which has resulted in internationally intensified "competition for human resources" aiming to secure excellent human capital. - 経済産業省


Along with the progress of economic globalization, people have started to actively migrate internationally, and international competition for competent human resources has been intensifying. - 経済産業省


Internal investments are also expected to accelerate by upgrading domestic productivity through taking advantage of active international capital flow and deepening the formation of the international business network. - 経済産業省


In this section, we will discuss the expanding global current account imbalance which has been pointed out as one of the risk factors for the international economy. At the same time, an analysis will be made of increasing international capital movement behind the expanding current account imbalance. - 経済産業省


The backgrounds for the continuous increase in current account imbalance consist of (1) an increase in international excessive liquidity and (2) the emergence of international capital movement as fundamentals, and (3) attractiveness of the US as an investee country. - 経済産業省


As discussed above, the simultaneous increases in international capital movement and international excessive liquidity are the prerequisites for the increase in current account imbalance. - 経済産業省


At the same time, economic globalization facilitates even more rapid and large-scale international capital flow, and the risk still remains that an abrupt reversal of capital flows could result in another crisis.  - 財務省


The wave of globalization, which gained momentum with the end of the Cold War and the IT revolution, has resulted in the rise of emerging economies, sharp increases in international trade and capital flows, as well as outbreaks and contagion of capital account crises.  - 財務省


Such challenges reinforce the need for the IMF to play a front-runner role in this area, so as to strengthen its analysis on international financial flows and capital markets and further improve its economic analyses and policy recommendations.  - 財務省


The rest of the world account is divided into the current transaction account (which records income transfers arising from imports and exports of goods and services and cross-border movement of labor and capital) and the capital transaction account (which records all the financial transactions). - 経済産業省


China has been trying to gradually relax its grip on capital outflows and liberalize cross-border capital movements, aiming to ensure flexibility in its currency system. - 経済産業省


Promoted by reduced distance between markets brought by information and communications technology development, improved access to investment-related information and development of international capital market, the tendency for investors to invest in domestic equities (home bias) has fell down and international capital movement has increased. - 経済産業省


In particular, "the expanding global current account imbalance" and "surges in, and continued high levels of, crude oil prices" will be analyzed as risk factors for the international economy. At the same time, the features of increased international capital movement will be analyzed from these points of view. - 経済産業省

① 金融資本市場がグローバル化し、投資資金の国際的な移動が加速化する中で、コンバージェンスの加速化に加え、IFRSを適用した財務報告により、投資者から見た財務諸表の国際的な比較可能性の一層の向上、ひいては我が国金融資本市場の国際的な魅力の向上に資するという観点例文帳に追加

(i) Alongside the acceleration of convergence, in face of the globalization of these markets and the growing speed of international movements of investment funds, IFRS-based financial reporting is expected to enhance the international comparability of financial statements from the investor standpoint and ultimately the international attractiveness of Japan's financial and capital markets,  - 金融庁


The IMF needs to increase its credibility in these upcoming economies by broadening its toolkit so as to prevent capital account crises triggered by a large and rapid reversal of international capital flows, and also to respond appropriately and quickly to a crisis that has actually occurred.  - 財務省


Safeguards against international capital movements, better grasp of the real economy, appropriate fiscal and monetary policies and exchange rate regime for crisis prevention and resolution, Limited involvement of the IMF in structural issues, Improvements in the IMF procedures for the enhancement of the transparency and accountability - 財務省

(注) 同フォーラムには、HLIs、オフショアセンター、短期資本移動国際金融の安定性への影響、を研究するための3つの作業部会が設立された。例文帳に追加

(Note)The Forum formed three working groups on highly leveraged institutions (HLIs), offshore financial centers, and short-term capital flows' effect on global financial stability. - 財務省


In hindsight, we might even say now that the degree of output volatility and frequency of economic crises have been rather increasing, in the wake of the expansion in cross-border capital flows and deregulations of financial activities.  - 財務省


The recent increase in cross-border movements of capital requires that sufficient financial resources be available to resolve financial crises and I believe that the current level of the IMF resources is not adequate.  - 財務省


While our initial priority was to move quickly to stabilize financial markets and restore the global flow of capital, we never lost sight of the need to address the root causes of the crisis.  - 財務省


It is often said that the amount of foreign currency transactions overwhelms the volume of trade transactions by more than 40-50 times.  - 財務省


As globalization progresses, the international society faces greater challenges, including: how to maintain peace and security, how to protect the environment, and how to conserve natural resources.  - 財務省


I support the IMF’s action to make full use of its experience in monitoring movements in international capital flows, and formulate best practices in the areas of governance, institutional arrangements, and transparency.  - 財務省


For a little more than a year, Mr. Chairman, it has been at the top of our agenda to stabilize the markets in emerging economies that are exposed to dramatic capital movements on an international scale.  - 財務省


It is not just the industrial economies that have felt the impact. The events have also started adversely affecting the developing economies through increased risk aversion in international capital markets, reduced tourism revenues, and other factors.  - 財務省


One of the fundamental causes for the escalation of the Asian crisis lies in the fact that modern-day financial crises, like the one in Asia, result from large and abrupt cross-border capital movements.  - 財務省


Looking at the integration of the financial markets from the point of view of domestic investment and domestic savings, since 1990 domestic investment in 15 countries of the EU has moved away from restriction on domestic savings and the liberalization of international capital flows has rapidly advanced. - 経済産業省


The liberalization of cross-border capital movements and a flexible currency system are expected to increase the effectiveness of China’s independent monetary policy. - 経済産業省



An analysis of the recent trends shows that, for many country pairs, correlations of international consumption are higher than output across countries(Table 1.2.12) - 経済産業省


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