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a local economic organization called sadcc  - EDR日英対訳辞書


a land-area economic organization the Senegal River Development Structure  - EDR日英対訳辞書


a governmentally defined region in China called {Coastal Economic Development Area}  - EDR日英対訳辞書


governmentally designated area called an {economic technical development zone}  - EDR日英対訳辞書



of the People's Republic of China, an area designated as an economic development region called a coastal port city  - EDR日英対訳辞書



a financial organization that aims to develop the economy of a district called the Bank of development of the provinces  - EDR日英対訳辞書


banking agency to try to develop the economy of an area called great-lake countries developing bank  - EDR日英対訳辞書


R&D was undertaken by local research collaboration among industry, academia, and public research organization to revitalize regional economies through the creation of new business and new industries.  - 経済産業省


However, we strongly believed that the Asia-Pacific region as a whole should aim to advance economic development and increase the region’s economic inclusiveness and vitality. - 経済産業省



For African countries to enjoy a scale of economies and to increase the impact of development, it is essential to accelerate regional integration.  - 財務省



RDAs are independent from the central government and designed to encourage economic development, re-development and employment at the regional level. - 経済産業省


Regional disparities, which can be seen between coastal areas and inland areas and between province-level areas, are related to economic development centering on coastal areas. - 経済産業省

1990年代以降、国際経済環境や開発戦略の変化により地域統合の動きが加速し、EPA / FTA5の締結数が増加した。例文帳に追加

Since the 1990s, we have seen an increase of the numbers of economic partnership agreements (EPAs) and free trade agreements (FTAs) concluded, as regional integrations were speeded up by changes of the international economic environment and development strategies. - 経済産業省


Moves toward regional integration have accelerated since the 1990s and the number of EPAs/FTAs 1 has been concluded due to changes in the global economic environment and development strategies around the world. - 経済産業省


For over three decades since inception, and as the only multilateral development bank with a regional focus on Asia, the ADB has remained dedicated to the development of Asia and has made a substantial contribution to the economic and social development as well as the quality of life in the region.  - 財務省


In closing, I would like to point out that, as the only multilateral development bank based in Asia, the ADB has made considerable contributions to regional development, to the economic growth and social progress in the region as well as to the quality of life.  - 財務省


As a result, a common understanding has come to be shared as one economic zone and there is increased expectation that policies for integrated infrastructure development and other measures will be implemented for the economic development of the region as a whole. - 経済産業省


To further examine the underpinnings of economic disparity among the three regions, they are compared in terms of their "exports," "inward direct investments," "agricultural development," and "improvements in education"—all of which have been believed to be major contributing factors to Asia's economic development. - 経済産業省


I also hope that the IDB will continue to play a major role in the economic and social development of the LAC region and strengthen its role as a bridge between the LAC region and Asia, including Japan, by using its Asian office in Tokyo.  - 財務省


In Japan too, companies have begun to use R&D tie-up strategies. - 経済産業省


In order to correct such regional disparities, the government has made a transition to a policy that focuses on the development of the central and western regions, including the “Western Development Project,” and has announced a policy that aims for balanced regional economic development. - 経済産業省


The large economic effect is estimated by including DLMV countries (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam) and islands of which GDP per capita are low into the wide-area investment projects (see Figure 2-4-3-3). - 経済産業省


In order to generate, in chain reactions, new businesses and venture enterprises supporting regional economies, activities such as the commercial development of technologies by second-tier enterprises and SMEs in collaboration with universities, etc., contributing to the creation of industries utilizing regional features will be pursued. (continuation)(\\45,951 million budget) - 経済産業省


At the outset ofthe new century, we note that conflicts in a number of African countries havebeen stabilized, and that several countries in the region have demonstrated increase in their real GDP growth rates. There is also an emerging movement in Africa to take the initiative in addressing its own economic issues, as exemplified by NEPAD, the New Partnership for Africa's Development. We should be pleased with such a progress in strengthening the foothold for sustainable economic development.  - 財務省


Recognizing the range of development levels, experiences, and systems across our economies, we reaffirm the importance of supporting our ambitious vision for a seamless and connected regional economy through our abiding commitment to delivering effective economic and technical cooperation. - 経済産業省


Support will additionally be provided for the development of SME overseas business development plans, selected by publicly advertising for proposals, that contribute to the development of developing regions, and the development of such projects into ODA projects will be considered, in order to use SMEsoutstanding technological capabilities and business ideas to contribute to the socioeconomic development of developing countries. (New)  - 経済産業省


As for approaches to promoting economic development, it is said that Asia is an area where "the Japanese-style of support for developing countries that combines trade, investment and aid yields significant results lead to a departure of the aid ultimately" and where "a double-truck approach in which 'rural and local development spread of benefit of development political and social stabilization economic development' and 'development of infrastructure creation of investment environment advancement of export-driven industrialization economic development'" has taken hold. - 経済産業省

例えば、2008 年8 月のASEAN+6 経済大臣会合等の際、東アジア各国の経済大臣はインフラ開発及び産業開発の計画づくりを一体的に行う重要性を認め、地域大での総合的開発を進めるERIAの政策研究プロジェクト「東アジア産業大動脈構想」について歓迎するとともに、東アジアの首脳にERIAの活動成果を報告することが決定された。例文帳に追加

For instance, at theAEM+6 Working Lunch in August 2008, economic ministers of East Asian countries recognized the importance of the comprehensive plan of infrastructure development and industrial development, welcomed the proposals on ERIA's East Asia Industrial Corridor Project for the comprehensive development of the region and decided to report the outcome of ERIA's activities to the East Asian Summit. - 経済産業省


Fourth, participants noted that regional cooperation such as Mekong Basin Development and regional economic integration should be promoted to enhance sustainable growth in Asia. - 財務省


In the regional surveillance discussion, Deputies exchanged views on the economic situation of the region on the basis of presentations by the IMF, the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank.  - 財務省


I agree with the Eminent Persons Group's suggestion that it is necessary for the ADB to be reborn as a "new ADB" in order to continue to play a central role in the development of Asia, keeping up with these economic and social changes.  - 財務省

10. 我々は、適切なときに国際機関と地域開発銀行と十分に調整して対応し、全ての人々の利益と経済の安定のために策定される改革とともに、チュニジアとエジプトを支援する用意がある。例文帳に追加

10. We stand ready to support Egypt and Tunisia, with responses at the appropriate time well coordinated with the international institutions and the regional development banks to accompany reforms designed to the benefit of the whole population and the stabilization of their economies.  - 財務省


Reliable supply chains are crucial for maintaining sustainable development while contributing to economic, energy, food and environmental security in the region and in the world as a whole. - 経済産業省


Therefore, as a starting point for developing such methods, the following section will discuss the modalities of analysis methods by focusing on regional economic cyclical analysis. - 経済産業省

1990 年代以降、国際経済環境や各国の開発戦略の変化により地域統合の動きが加速してきた結果として、EPA/FTA96 の締結数が年々増加してきている。例文帳に追加

Since the 1990s, as a result of the acceleration of regional integration and the changing international economic environment and international development strategies, the number of concluded EPA/FTA has been increasing year by year. - 経済産業省


The project aims at bringing greater vitality to the local economy by promoting medical-related industry with the four pillars R&D, enterprise support, development of business opportunities, and human resources training.  - 経済産業省

第1 章第3 節でも述べたとおり、1990 年代以降、国際経済環境や各国の開発戦略の変化により地域統合の動きが加速してきた結果として、FTA/EPA の締結数が年々増加してきている。例文帳に追加

As mentioned in Section 3 of Chapter 1, the number of FTAs/EPAs has been increasing year after year, as a result of the accelerated movements toward regional integration, driven by the changes in the global economic environment and development strategies around the world, since the 1990s. - 経済産業省


For example, Japan and India will jointly prepare a basic plan to serve as a guideline for the development of a region between the two major economic zones of Delhi and Mumbai (Delhi-Mumbai Major Industrial Corridor). - 経済産業省

1990 年代以降、国際経済環境や各国の開発戦略の変化により地域統合の動きが加速してきた結果として、EPA/FTA の締結数が年々増加してきている。例文帳に追加

As a result of the accelerated regional integration in response to changes in the international economic environment and in development strategies of countries, the number of EPA/FTA signings has been increasing year by year since the 1990s. - 経済産業省


China Western Development since 2000 has brought investment in western regions, and the economic growth regard, which was 8.5% in 2000, has risen for five consecutive years to reach 12.7% in 2005. - 経済産業省

1990 年代以降、国際経済環境や各国の開発戦略の変化により地域統合の動きが加速してきた結果として、EPA/FTA19 の締結数が年々増加してきている。例文帳に追加

Movements toward regional integration have accelerated since the 1990s and a number of EPAs/FTAs18 have been concluded, driven by the changes in the global economic environment and development strategies around the world. - 経済産業省


Of the above 3 pillars, the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) aims to enhance competitiveness for economic growth and development through closer economic integration, and proposes (1) accelerating integration processes for a single market and production base, (2) designating 11 priority fields for integration 70 , and (3) promoting the ASEAN investment area (AIA) through the liberalization, acceleration, and promotion of investment. It also includes schedules, etc. in order to eliminate tariffs in the ASEAN region in preparation for the AFTA. - 経済産業省


For the Structural Fund, approximately 70 percent of the budget is used to aid underdeveloped regions, approximately 11.5 percent for economic and social conversion in areas experiencing structural difficulties, and approximately 12.3 percent for modernization of training systems and the creation of employment.4 - 経済産業省

第八十八条 経済産業局長は、同種の鉱床中に存する鉱物の鉱区が錯そうする地域において、鉱業権の交換又は売渡を行わせることによつてその地域の鉱床を経済的且つ能率的に開発し、公共の利益を増進することができると認めるときは、鉱業権の交換又は売渡について、当該鉱業権者に勧告することができる。例文帳に追加

Article 88 If the Director of Regional Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry finds it possible to economically and efficiently develop ore deposits and promote public interest by having holders of mining right exchange or sell their mining rights in an area where mining areas of minerals that occur in the same type of ore deposits are complicated, he/she may give recommendations to such holders of mining right concerning exchange or sale of their mining rights.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Previously, each of the cities placed priority on its locality, and there was no integrated regional development. However, a line shifted from competition to cooperation in June 2004 when leaders from the above provinces and municipalities, the State Development Planning Commission, and other organizations held the "Bohai Sea Rim Economic Circle Corporation Mechanism Conference" and confirmed their resolve to promote the Bohai Sea Rim Economic Circle concept. - 経済産業省


In light of the purpose of developing a method of economic analysis, the latter definition will be used for the following sections, since those regions that have sufficient urban concentration are consideredurban areas,”22 the concept ofurban employment areas,”23 which breaks down the country into 269 units based on the flow of commuters between municipalities, will be used to discuss the analysis method of regional economies based on each urban areas.24 - 経済産業省


In promoting Research and Development Business and Supervisory Business by Specified Multinational Enterprises, the national government shall take necessary measures to prevent patented inventions, technologies and others held by Japanese business operators from leaking outside the country without cause, and shall give due consideration so that such business would neither harm the healthy development of Japanese business operators who support local economies nor otherwise impoverish local economies.  - 経済産業省

また、広域経済連携とあわせて、ASEAN サミットで合意された「ASEAN 連結性マスタープラン」や、ERIA(東アジア・ASEAN 経済研究センター)が2010 年の東アジアサミットに報告した「アジア総合開発計画」の実現を我が国が後押しすることにより、ハード・ソフトの両面から広域インフラ整備、地域の連結性強化を進めていけば、地域全体の成長を一層促すことができよう。例文帳に追加

Along with efforts for broader regional economic partnerships, Japan would be able to support the realization of theMaster Plan on ASEAN Connectivityadopted at the ASEAN Summit Meeting as well as the “Comprehensive Asia Development Planproposed by ERIA (Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia) at the East Asia Summit in 2010, thus helping promote the broader regional infrastructure development and strengthen regional connectivity in both hard and soft aspects. - 経済産業省

その他の国・地域に関しては、「基本方針」に則り、「ドーハ開発アジェンダ交渉、アジア太平洋地域地域統合及び主要国との経済連携強化の取組などの進捗状況を見極めつつ、その他のアジア諸国、新興国、資源国等との関係においても、経済的観点、さらには外交戦略上の観点から総合的に判断の上、EPA の締結を含めた経済連携関係の強化を積極的に推進する」こととしている。例文帳に追加

The “Basic Policystipulates that “taking into account of the progress in the negotiations on the Doha Development Agenda, efforts for regional integration in the Asia Pacific region, and efforts for the strengthening of economic partnerships with major countries, the Government of Japan will work actively to strengthen economic partnerships, including conclusion of EPAs, with other Asian countries, newly emerging powers, and resource-rich countries, based on a comprehensive assessment from economic as well as diplomatic and strategic viewpoint. - 経済産業省



Participants agreed that this forum, where high-level Asian practitioners in the field of development cooperation, representatives from international organizations and other regions, and development economists meet to share experiences and exchange candid views, could make great contributions to the progress of Asian assistance policy. - 財務省


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