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I tried digging underneath the floor - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書


The rail cover 4 covers a dug area on the floor on which the rail is disposed. - 特許庁


The nagaya (row houses) is in commotion because a brown dog had dug up a blood stained clothing from the floor of Dogen's house.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Earth 2 is dug deeply downwardly from the bottom floor 4 of a reactor building body 1, and a waste storage building 21 is constructed adjacent to and beneath the reactor building body 1 in the dug part. - 特許庁



The operator's cab 2 for the subsoil excavator is frontward and rearward slidable, and has the see-through section 8 at a front portion of the floor plate 7. - 特許庁



To provide a Hori-Kotatsu(sunken Kotatsu) unit which does not require special construction to a floor, can be used in any place, and, additionally, imparts, to a user, the same feeling as in the case where the user uses a traditional Japanese sunken Kotatsu. - 特許庁


The ground under the floor is dug down, and a bottom surface and four side surfaces are enclosed with a wallboard 11 to form a top opened storage 10. - 特許庁


A hole of approximately 5-6 m in depth from a ground surface is dug, a shelter outer shell floor slab 3 is provided therein, and a shelter inner shell 1 is set thereon. - 特許庁


A double floor 17 structure is provided having a floor of a steel plate watertight structure on a reactor container concrete floor 16 upper part of a reactor container 3 lower part and it is composed as a flat concrete floor 16 with no recessed holes by housing a steel plate made drain sump tank 18 in its interior. - 特許庁



To provide a detached house having a wide space in under floor capable of excavating down the ground under floor and easily providing a foundation slab therein by shortening a construction period of time at a low cost. - 特許庁



As a result, in installing a separately placed show case, it is not necessary to dig under the floor to construct piping, and the foundation, floor work and piping work therefor are not needed, so that the separately placed show case can be installed at a low cost in a short period. - 特許庁


In a Western flush toilet for those in need of nursing care, a toilet seat is set at about a floor level, and a foot portion is lowered about 35 cm from the floor level. - 特許庁


In the dry treatment method, sludge 3 is laid from one end of a drying bed 1 and is exposed to sunlight, thereafter, a self-propelling agitation means 4 is introduced into the other end of the drying bed 1, and while digging up the sludge 3, it is moved to the other end side of the drying bed 1. - 特許庁


The "Uji Shui Monogatari" (a collection of Tales from Uji) contained a story in which Yasusuke made a hole under the floor of the storehouse in his residence, called merchants there one after another, bought goods and killed them by pushing them down the hole.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The dwellings found at Ichani Karikariusu Site in Shibetsu Town near Shiretoko Peninsula had pits dug as deep as 2 to 2.5 meters, with the entrance probably located on the roof.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In this way, the floor pallet 8 can be moved following the base isolation building body 1, in an earthquake or the like, and such conventional disadvantageous problems that inflow of rainwater caused by digging down the foundation ground or in making use of space can be solved. - 特許庁


A small-diameter bit is fitted to the boring machine 20, the reinforced concrete floor 10 around the pipe 16 of the funnel 12 is dug down into a circumferential shape to its lower end section, and the pipe 16 is extracted. - 特許庁


This device comprises an excavating device 7 for excavating the ballast 2 of the track 3 and a machine frame 5 capable of being moved on the track by a vehicle 4 on the track. - 特許庁


A large-diameter bit 24 is fitted to a boring machine 20, and a reinforced concrete floor 10 around the funnel 14 of a funnel 12 is dug down into a circumferential shape. - 特許庁


The method comprises a step of forming a continuous underground wall above the underground cavity formed by the past mining in which pillars are left as supports, and a step of strip-mining a region enclosed by the continuous underground wall, and quarrying stones existing at least in one of a ceiling portion, column portions, and a floor portion of the underground cavity. - 特許庁


Then, after the repetition of the digging up and movement of the sludge by the self-propelling agitation means and the charge of new sludge, the moved sludge which remains at the farthest position and in which the content of water reaches a desired one is successively carried out from the drying bed 1. - 特許庁


In this carrying device for cask, a frame 3 mounted with a cask 2 is loaded on the loading platform 4 of a trailer 5 in the state where it is raised by an air pallet 9, and the trailer 5 is carried into a trailer yard 6 dug below a floor surface 8 that is located in a position below the frame 3 in the raised state. - 特許庁


A housekeeping room 2 mainly for a housewife to achieve the housekeeping is provided adjacent to a living room 1 where the family gathers, and an oblong ironing desk 4 of sunken-heat-source type having a recessed part 4a is provided, in which a floor is recessed lower than a tatami (floor) level 2a along an external wall 3 on one side of the housekeeping room 2. - 特許庁


To provide an air shower apparatus that prevents dust, or the like from being brought into a clean room while one who enters the clean room has adhered dust and hair to the bottom of shoes, and can reduce installation costs by dispensing with a construction, for example, for digging the floor of a building even if the air shower apparatus is installed in an existing building. - 特許庁


The table moving device 1 is provided with a base 2 provided on a floor surface D formed by digging down a floor F, a table 3 arranged over the base 2, and an elevating mechanism 4 provided between the base 2 and the table 3 to elevate the table 3 for movement. - 特許庁


For their part, the regions need to uncover latent business opportunities and enhance measures to assist the formation of cluster networks that will act as seedbeds, and such a course will be essential to revitalization of manufacturing clusters as well. - 経済産業省


The strawberry raising seedling system has the following construction. - 特許庁



The particularly effective cleaning machine 1 for cleaning the ballast 2 of a track 3 comprises a machine frame 5 capable of movement on a truck 4 on the track 3, and two cleaning chains 7, 8 arranged successively in the longitudinal direction of the machine between the trucks 4 on the track 3 in order to dig up a ballast 10. - 特許庁


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