例文 (80件) |
該当件数 : 80件
any address of the person in Hong Kong that is shown in the Register; - 特許庁
that an application for registration of the trade mark has been filed in Hong Kong; - 特許庁
climbing garden plant having fragrant pastel-colored flowers - 日本語WordNet
that the trade mark has been used, or has been registered, in Hong Kong; - 特許庁
a climbing deciduous shrub with fragrant white or yellow or red flowers used in perfume and to flavor tea - 日本語WordNet
In surprise, prince Kagosaka climbed on a nearby big tree, but the wild boar dug out the root of the tree and finally killed him. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
deciduous climbing shrub with fragrant yellow-white flowers in axillary whorls - 日本語WordNet
Pictures of Nobita, Shizuka, Suneo and other characters from the manga series have been placed in the tramcar's windows. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
A person who in Hong Kong before the filing date of an application for registration of a design-- - 特許庁
that the trade mark is well known, or has been registered, in a jurisdiction other than Hong Kong; - 特許庁
that an application for registration of the trade mark has been filed in a jurisdiction other than Hong Kong; or - 特許庁
本条の適用上,商標に関して, (a) 「登録済」の語,又は (b) 明示的若しくは暗示的に登録への言及を意味するような語又は記号を,香港において使用することは,本条例に基づく登録についての表示とみなす。ただし,この言及が香港以外の他所での登録への言及であること,及び当該商品又はサービスについて商標が実際にそのように登録されていることが証明される場合は,この限りでない。例文帳に追加
For the purposes of this section, the use in Hong Kong in relation to a trade mark of-- - 特許庁
evergreen Chinese woody climber with shiny dark green leaves and intensely fragrant white flowers - 日本語WordNet
genus of climbing or epiphytic tropical American cacti with angular stems and mostly white very fragrant flowers - 日本語WordNet
any of numerous climbing plants of the genus Vanilla having fleshy leaves and clusters of large waxy highly fragrant white or green or topaz flowers - 日本語WordNet
rose native to Mediterranean region having curved or climbing branches and loose clusters of musky-scented flowers - 日本語WordNet
any of various evergreen climbing shrubs of the genus Stephanotis having fragrant waxy flowers - 日本語WordNet
It is said that the deity is the same as 'Ikatomi' that appears in the Robe of Feathers Legend of itsubun (surviving fragment of the document) of fudoki (description of regional climate, culture, etc.) of Omi Province. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
in the body of such vessels, or in the machinery, tackle, gear or other accessories of such vessels, when such vessels temporarily or accidentally enter the territorial waters of Hong Kong, but only if the invention is used in such waters exclusively for the needs of the vessel - 特許庁
The Registrar shall refuse to recognize as an agent a person who neither resides nor has a place of business in Hong Kong. - 特許庁
where another address in Hong Kong has been notified to the Registrar for that purpose by the proprietor since the last renewal, that address; or - 特許庁
The Registrar shall refuse to recognize as an agent a person who neither resides nor has a place of business in Hong Kong. - 特許庁
連合王国意匠(保護)条例(Cap.44)により改正され,香港に適用する1949年登録意匠法(1949年c.88 U.K.)例文帳に追加
the Registered Designs Act 1949 (1949 c. 88 U.K.), as amended and as applied to Hong Kong by the United Kingdom Designs (Protection) Ordinance (Cap.44), shall, if in force on the commencement of this Ordinance, and so far as it could have been done under this Ordinance, continue in force and have effect as if done under the corresponding provisions of this Ordinance. - 特許庁
In determining for the purposes of subsection (1) whether a trade mark is well known in Hong Kong, the Registrar or the court shall have regard to Schedule 2. - 特許庁
The owner of a registered trade mark has exclusive rights in the trade mark which are infringed by use of the trade mark in Hong Kong without his consent. - 特許庁
The Registrar shall refuse to recognize as an agent a person having neither residence nor a place of business in Hong Kong. - 特許庁
the goods are proposed to be imported into Hong Kong and the application of the sign in Hong Kong to the goods or their packaging would constitute an infringement of the registered trade mark; or - 特許庁
use of a trade mark in Hong Kong includes, where the trade mark is registered in respect of services, use in relation to services provided or to be provided outside Hong Kong. - 特許庁
登録されていない商標又は他の標識が,香港において業として,(a) 登録されている商標の香港における最初の使用日,及び (b) 当該商標の香港における登録日,の何れか早い方に先立つ日から継続して何人かにより又はその前権利者により使用されてきた場合は,登録商標は,商品又はサービスに関する当該登録されていない商標又は他の標識の何人かによる使用によって侵害されない。例文帳に追加
A registered trade mark is not infringed by the use by any person in the course of trade or business in Hong Kong of an unregistered trade mark or other sign in relation to goods or services if the unregistered trade mark or other sign has been so used in Hong Kong by that person or a predecessor in title continuously from a date preceding the earlier of-- (a) the date of first use in Hong Kong of the trade mark which is registered; and (b) the date of registration in Hong Kong of that trade mark. - 特許庁
本条及び第91条から第93条までにおける「1949年登録意匠法」とは,連合王国意匠(保護)条例(Cap.44)により改正され,香港に適用した1949年登録意匠法(1949年c.88 U.K.)をいう。例文帳に追加
In this section and sections 91 to 93, the "Registered Designs Act 1949" means the Registered Designs Act 1949 (1949 c. 88 U.K.), as amended and as applied to Hong Kong by the United Kingdom Designs (Protection) Ordinance (Cap.44). - 特許庁
If a party in any proceedings before the Registrar neither resides nor carries on business in Hong Kong, the Registrar may require him to give security for costs in such form and in such amount as the Registrar considers sufficient. - 特許庁
商標は,次の場合は又はその限り,登録されない。 (a) その使用が,法律に基づいて香港で禁止されていること,又は (b) 商標登録出願が,悪意でされていること例文帳に追加
A trade mark shall not be registered if, or to the extent that-- (a) its use is prohibited in Hong Kong under or by virtue of any law; or (b) the application for registration of the trade mark is made in bad faith. - 特許庁
This system is provided with a memory domain which stores items including names, personal relationships to the deceased, amounts of money and incense orders, a personal relationship registration means which registers character sequences which indicate the classification of personal relationship inputted to the item of personal relationship, an obituary gift book input screen and an incense order input screen. - 特許庁
The first entry about citrus in Japanese historical records appeared in the "Kojiki" (The Records of Ancient Matters) and the "Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan) that "Tajimamori who was ordered by Emperor Suinin to visit Tokoyo no kuni (parallel universe beyond the sea) brought back tokijikuno kakunomi (cracker berry) fruit and branch (snip) the fruit is today's 'Tachibana' (the translation of Nihonshoki.) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In determining for the purposes of section 4 (meaning of “well-known trade mark”) whether a trade mark is well known in Hong Kong, the Registrar or the court shall take into account any factors from which it may be inferred that the trade mark is well known in Hong Kong. - 特許庁
In particular, the Registrar or the court shall consider any information submitted to the Registrar or the court from which it may be inferred that the trade mark is, or is not, well known in Hong Kong, including, but not limited to, information concerning the following-- - 特許庁
a person has been permitted under section 22 to register an identical or nearly resembling trade mark in respect of those goods under a registration extending to use in relation to goods to be sold, or otherwise traded in, in Hong Kong (otherwise than for export from Hong Kong), or in relation to goods to be exported to that market, or the tribunal is of opinion that he might properly be permitted so to register such a trade mark, on application by that person to the Court or, at the option of the applicant and subject to the provisions of section 80, to the Registrar, the tribunal may impose on the registration of the first-mentioned trade mark such limitations as the tribunal thinks proper for securing that that registration shall cease to extend to such use as last aforesaid. - 特許庁
vigorous deciduous climber of Europe to Afghanistan and Lebanon having panicles of fragrant green-white flowers in summer and autumn - 日本語WordNet
West Indian woody climber with spiny stems and numerous fragrant white flowers in panicles followed by small yellow to orange fruits - 日本語WordNet
evergreen climbing shrub of southern Florida and West Indies grown for its racemes of fragrant white to creamy flowers followed by globose white succulent berries - 日本語WordNet
It starts, typically for a Kyogen play in which most of the characters are killed, with a villain Takuro SEKIGUCHI who kills a guard and steals the family heirloom, an incense burner that dates from the Reiki period. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Sanuki Province Kozai Clan: Tanba Province Shugodai; Noto Province Yusa Clan: Kawachi Province Shugodai; etc.) increasingly often, and as the positions became hereditary, they replaced the Shugo as effective rulers. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The Murai family was financially well off, with a kokudaka (assessed yield) of around 16,500 koku, and Shunmoji worked on the reconstruction of the Kumakabuto-jinja Shrine in the Noto territory after the death of Nagatsugu MURAI (according to "Toshiie MAEDA" by Yoshihiko IWASAWA etc.). - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
There are three kinds of genealogies in which Kagemasa appears; in two genealogies, clans such as Kagawa clan, Oba clan, Kajiwara clan are described as family lines which continued to Kagemasa's brothers or cousins; so we do not have accurate information on Kagemasa. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
At the event, about 300 people welcomed two maiko, 20-year-old Ryoka and 18-year-old Tomitae, with a big round of applause when they appeared in glamorous kimono. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
The factors mentioned in subsection (2) are intended to serve as guidelines to assist the Registrar and the court to determine whether the trade mark is well known in Hong Kong. - 特許庁
商標が登録されたサービスに関して,(a) 香港において利用でき又は受けられるサービス,又は香港外の国又は地域で利用できるサービスに関する商標の不使用に関する限り,(1)(b)の事項が示される場合,及び (b) ある者が,香港において利用でき又は受けられるサービス,又は香港外の国又は地域で利用できるサービスに関する使用に効力が及ぶ登録に基づき,そのサービスに関して同一又は酷似する商標を登録することを第22条に基づき許可された場合,又は裁決機関が当該人に当該商標のそのような登録を適正に許可することができるという意見の場合は,裁決機関は,当該人による裁判所への申請,又は申請人の選択で,かつ,第80条の規定に従うことを条件とする登録官への申請に基づいて,登録の効力を前記の使用に及ばなくさせることを保証するために適切と認める制限を,冒頭の商標の登録に賦課することができる。例文帳に追加
Where in relation to any services in respect of which a trade mark is registered-- (a) the matters referred to in subsection (1)(b) are shown so far as regards non-use of the trade mark in relation to services for use or available for acceptance in Hong Kong, or for use in a country, territory or place outside Hong Kong; and (b) a person has been permitted under section 22 to register an identical or nearly resembling trade mark in respect of those services under a registration extending to use in relation to services for use or available for acceptance in Hong Kong or for use in that country, territory or place, or the tribunal is of opinion that he might properly be permitted so to register such a trade mark, on application by that person to the Court or, at the option of the applicant and subject to section 80, to the Registrar, the tribunal may impose on the registration of the first-mentioned trade mark such limitations as the tribunal thinks proper for securing that the registration shall cease to extend to such use as last aforesaid. - 特許庁
例文 (80件) |
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