
「習慣で」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(20ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 習慣でに関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 967



A car navigation system 10 performs action prediction processing for predicting the action of a user on the basis of an action history, an action habit that is a feature of an action which can be statistical from the action history, and general common sense stored in a general common sense data table 12e in accordance with user preference and user attributes. - 特許庁


To provide a home health management system capable of quantifying an ambiguous concept related to knowledge of a disease using a fuzzy set, checking and advising a health state from a symptom and findings based on a distance type fuzzy inference method and further predicting a future disease risk from a present health state and hereditary information and a lifestyle of the family. - 特許庁


With the provision of information relating to health promotion, utilization of a variety of channels such as mass media including ICT, volunteer groups relating to health promotion, industry, school education, medical insurers, and health project health consultations, and giving effective encouragement that meets the characteristics of the target group by combining several methods are important. - 厚生労働省


The synthesized carboxylic acid is a ligand activating an intranuclear receptor superfamily such as a retinoid receptor, a retinoid-orphan receptor, a PPARα (peroxisome proliferator activator receptor α) or a PXR (a steroid receptor) and has therapeutic effects on diseases such as life style related diseases, chronic inflammations and cancers. - 特許庁



To provide a fat metabolism improver, as a new application of tea blossoms, expectable to contribute to prevention and amelioration of various diseases (lifestyle-related diseases such as obesity, diabetes and hyperlipemia) by reducing neutral fat in liver cells; to provide a medicine and food having fat metabolism improving efficacy; and to provide a new compound contained in tea blossoms. - 特許庁



To shorten the time for procedures at a reception window and to improve the efficiency of window operations and to prevent the customer from feeling unpleasant by enabling the customer to input his/her request in personalized operation environment properly corresponding to the preference, habit, characteristics, etc., of the individual customer before following the procedures at the window. - 特許庁


This cell differentiation promoter from precursor fat cells to fat cells, containing an ingredient extracted from the rhizomes and/or leaves of Zingiber officinale; the cell differentiation promoter from enlarged fat cells to small normal fat cells; a visceral fat-increasing inhibitor; an agent for preventing and improving life-style related diseases originated from fat cells. - 特許庁


To provide a beer or sprinkling sake having an effect of suppressing the elevation of blood sugar, insulin and neutral fat after eating on ingesting together with the food, preventing the deterioration of sugar metabolism and lipid metabolism on ingesting for a long period and capable of reducing the crisis of life habit diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, etc., and deterioration of liver function. - 特許庁


The functional goods using the concentrated mineral solution separated from cool water peculiar to the Sea of Japan particularly make use of a function for stabilizing the blood pressure, a function for improving allergic physical conditions and a function for improving lifestyle-related diseases, respectively or in combination, among the functions the concentrated mineral solution has. - 特許庁



To obtain an edible composition useful for prophylaxis and treatment of gastric mucosa failure, lifestyle-related diseases, obesity, malignant tumor and osteoporosis, reduction of organ transplant rejection reactions, prophylaxis and reduction of organ failure accompanied with living body invasion reactions against invading factors such as infections, treatment of pollinosis and, further, hair restoration and using natural components having no adverse effect without accompanying stimulation to digestive organ. - 特許庁



The receiver is provided with a means that uses an agent processing function 410 to detect a program whose coincidence with a preferred keyword is high, or a program customarily viewed in real time, or a historical special program or the like when the user retrieves its preferred program, and uses a preset communication means to predictively inform the user about the detection of the programs above in a prescribed time before the program starts. - 特許庁


In addition, if an area with which the conversation example is associated in the conversation history DB 108 is different from an area corresponding to the current position in terms of the climate thereof and/or lifestyle habits, either of information related to the current data and time or the date and time associated with the conversation example is appropriately changed. - 特許庁


To attain convenience improvement and cost reduction by letting a customer know the result of walking for preventing a life-style related disease, and executing the collection and reference of data or guidance from a medical side to a patient for an insulin self-injection patient or a non-insulin injection patient who executes blood sugar self-measurement for diabetes control or a medical staff. - 特許庁


There is no doubt that essentially, the lender-borrower relationship in each country strongly reflects the various circumstances of the country, such as social customs and the state of human relationships. The lender-borrower relationship is not pure and mechanical. The FSA will conduct its inspections, etc. based on the judgment that loans to which the moratorium scheme is applied are not necessarily non-performing loans, so I do not think foreign companies should regard that as unnatural  - 金融庁


Also, the program enables the leaner to acquire the habit of such reading. - 特許庁


A regulation in the ritsuryo codes ('Gisei-ryo,' or the regulation of ceremonies code) regarding the title to be used for the Tenno states that the Emperor should be called 'Sumemimanomikoto,' 'Sumeramikoto,' or another such title in accordance with the customs of that time; this was despite the fact that there were already seven ways of addressing the Emperor—'Tenshi' at ceremonies, 'Tenno' in Shosho (imperial edicts or decrees), 'Kotei' in relations with China (domestic and diplomatic), 'Heika' when addressed by vassals in close proximity, 'Daijo-Tenno' when retired, 'Joyo' when going out, and 'Shaga' when travelingbecause these names are only used in writing ('Tenshi' attending ceremonies in particular were addressed as 'Sumemimanomikoto').  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



However, only those close to the shogun who came from the Royal Family or the court noble class were devoted to Onmyodo, whereas, the Regent Hojo clan was indifferent and, from Bando hachi Heishi (the Taira clan in Eastern Japan) to the class of warriors originating from all regions throughout the country who later became known as 'kokujin' (people of the country) serving under the Hojo clan were not interested in prestige of the Imperial Court nor were they in the habit of consulting onmyoji on the code of conduct, onmyoji never acquired the power of spiritual influence to trample on the entire samurai class, limiting their visibility to within the powerless Imperial Court as well as the world of kugyo and court nobles.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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