
「重要でない証拠」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 重要でない証拠に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 17



this weight of evidence is something mystical and unanalyzable-M.R.Cohen  - 日本語WordNet

二 事案の内容、特定の検察官請求証拠に対応する証明予定事実、開示の請求に係る証拠と当該検察官請求証拠との関係その他の事情に照らし、当該開示の請求に係る証拠が当該検察官請求証拠の証明力を判断するために重要であることその他の被告人の防御の準備のために当該開示が必要である理由例文帳に追加

(ii) The importance of the evidence which is requested for disclosure in judging the credibility of the evidence for examination requested by the public prosecutor and other reasons why the disclosure is necessary for preparation of the defense of the accused according to the context of the case, the facts planned to be proved by the particular evidence for examination requested by the public prosecutor, the connection between the evidence which is requested for disclosure and the evidence for examination requested by the public prosecutor and other facts.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


but that such certificates should confer no advantage over competitors, other than the weight which may be attached to their testimony by public opinion.14  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』

2 前項に規定するほか、訴状には、立証を要する事由につき、証拠となるべき文書の写し(以下「書証の写し」という。)で重要なものを添付しなければならない例文帳に追加

(2) In addition to what is provided for in the preceding paragraph, a complaint shall have attached a copy of any document that is to serve as evidence (hereinafter referred to as a "copy of documentary evidence") which is material, with regard to any grounds that require proof.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


「異議あり! 弁護人は、罪体《コーパス・デリクタイ》が立証されていないということを理由に、そのような申立を行うというのですか? 冗談を言っちゃいけません! それとも、証拠のことを頭に入れておられないのですか? 罪体《コーパス・デリクタイ》とは法律用語でして、犯罪構成事実、あるいは犯罪が実行されたことを示す重要証拠品のことを指すんです。例文帳に追加

What!he said, "the gentleman bases his motion on a failure to establish the corpus delicti? Does he jest, or has he forgotten the evidence? The term 'corpus delicti' is technical, and means the body of the crime, or the substantial fact that a crime has been committed.  - Melville Davisson Post『罪体』


第三百十六条の十五 検察官は、前条の規定による開示をした証拠以外の証拠であつて、次の各号に掲げる証拠の類型のいずれかに該当し、かつ、特定の検察官請求証拠の証明力を判断するために重要であると認められるものについて、被告人又は弁護人から開示の請求があつた場合において、その重要性の程度その他の被告人の防御の準備のために当該開示をすることの必要性の程度並びに当該開示によつて生じるおそれのある弊害の内容及び程度を考慮し、相当と認めるときは、速やかに、同条第一号に定める方法による開示をしなければならない。この場合において、検察官は、必要と認めるときは、開示の時期若しくは方法を指定し、又は条件を付することができる。例文帳に追加

Article 316-15 (1) With regard to evidence other than that which has been disclosed pursuant to the provision of the preceding Article, belonging to any category of evidence provided in the following items and which is deemed to be important to judge the credibility of particular evidence for examination requested by the public prosecutor, the public prosecutor shall, upon the request of disclosure by the defendant or his/her counsel, promptly disclose it by the means prescribed in item (i) of the same Article when he/she deems it appropriate considering the extent of the importance, other necessities for disclosure in order to prepare for the defense of the accused and the contents and the extent of possible harmful effects of disclosure. In this case, the public prosecutor may, when he/she deems it necessary, designate the time or method of disclosure or set appropriate conditions for disclosure.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第五十三条 訴状には、請求の趣旨及び請求の原因(請求を特定するのに必要な事実をいう。)を記載するほか、請求を理由づける事実を具体的に記載し、かつ、立証を要する事由ごとに、当該事実に関連する事実で重要なもの及び証拠を記載しなければならない例文帳に追加

Article 53 (1) A complaint shall contain statements of the object and statement of the claim (meaning the facts necessary for identifying the claim), concrete statements of the cause of action, and statements of material facts related to said cause and evidence for the respective grounds that require proof.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


If the auditor determines that the risk of material misstatement is higher than the preliminary assessment, he or she shall revise the original audit plan, which reduces the detection risk, and perform audit procedures to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence.  - 金融庁

3 監査人は、継続企業の前提に重要な疑義を生じさせるような事象又は状況に関して経営者が評価及び対応策を示さないときには、継続企業の前提に関する重要な不確実性が認められるか否かを確かめる十分かつ適切な監査証拠を入手できないことがあるため、重要な監査手続を実施できなかった場合に準じて意見の表明の適否を判断しなければならない例文帳に追加

(3) If the management does not present its assessments or plans for future actions in relation to the events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern, there may be cases where the auditor is not able to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to verify whether a material uncertainty regarding the going concern assumption exists. In such cases, the auditor shall determine whether to disclaim the opinion, having followed the provisions similar to the situations where he or she is not able to perform the audit procedures that he or she believes are necessary.  - 金融庁


・ 海外子会社の監査において、他の監査人の監査結果を監査証拠として利用しているが、当該他の監査人による監査が日本の監査の基準に準拠して実施する場合と実質的に同一であるかを検討していないほか、他の監査人が採用した重要性の基準値も把握していないなど、主たる監査人として実施すべき監査手続を実施していない例文帳に追加

40. In relation to the audits of overseas' subsidiaries, the audit team relied on other auditors' work. However, the team failed to ascertain whether or not the other auditors performed their audits in accordance with auditing standards that are virtually the same as the standards applied in Japan. They did not figure out the audit materiality amounts, either.  - 金融庁



This time, the BAC has decided to revise this provision considering international practices so that, if management does not present its assessment or plans for future actions, then the auditor would be required to determine whether to disclaim the opinion, as in cases where they are unable to fulfill an audit procedure that they believe is necessary and are unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence.  - 金融庁


The Director, Chief Hearing Officer or any Hearing Officer shall receive relevant and material evidence, rule on offer of evidence and exclude all irrelevant matter, and shall act according to justice and fairness. The Bureau in the exercise of its power to investigate and hear cases within its jurisdiction shall not be strictly bound by the technical rules of evidence. The Bureau shall, however, take judicial cognizance of the official acts of the legislative, executive and judicial departments of the Philippines, the laws of nature, scientific facts as published in treatises, periodicals, or pamphlets and other facts which are of public knowledge or general knowledge as would enable the Director, Chief Hearing Officer or Hearing Officer to rule upon the technical issues in the case. - 特許庁


If, subsequent to the provision by a person to the Controller of such evidence as is referred to in section 106(3A), there is any material change of circumstances affecting the person’s continuing to be qualified to act as a patent agent in the Member State concerned, the person shall, forthwith, notify the Controller in writing of that change of circumstances. - 特許庁

第八十一条 被告の答弁により反論を要することとなった場合には、原告は、速やかに、答弁書に記載された事実に対する認否及び再抗弁事実を具体的に記載し、かつ、立証を要することとなった事由ごとに、当該事実に関連する事実で重要なもの及び証拠を記載した準備書面を提出しなければならない。当該準備書面には、立証を要することとなった事由につき、重要な書証の写しを添付しなければならない例文帳に追加

Article 81 In cases where the plaintiff is required to make a counterargument due to the submission of an answer by the defendant, he/she shall promptly submit a brief that contains concrete statements of admission or denial of the facts stated in the written answer and facts of re-defense, and statements of material facts related to said facts and evidence for the respective grounds that require proof. Said brief shall have attached a copy of important documentary evidence for grounds that require proof.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第八十条 答弁書には、請求の趣旨に対する答弁を記載するほか、訴状に記載された事実に対する認否及び抗弁事実を具体的に記載し、かつ、立証を要する事由ごとに、当該事実に関連する事実で重要なもの及び証拠を記載しなければならない。やむを得ない事由によりこれらを記載することができない場合には、答弁書の提出後速やかに、これらを記載した準備書面を提出しなければならない例文帳に追加

Article 80 (1) A written answer shall contain statements of the answer to the object of claim, concrete statements of admission or denial of the facts stated in the complaint and facts of defense, and statements of material facts related to said facts and evidence for the respective grounds that require proof. In cases where it is not possible to include such statements due to unavoidable circumstances, a brief containing such statements shall be submitted promptly after submitting the written answer.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


No evidentiary material other than documents shall be allowed. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any of the parties may request the right to speak, at the same time specifying whether his statement will bear on matters of fact or of law. The allowing or refusal of the request shall be left to the discretion of the Chamber of the Tribunal, depending on the importance and implications of the case. Where the parties are summoned to an oral exchange, this shall take place with the persons who were present at the hearing. - 特許庁



(A) Trade name of the firm; (B) The fact that the firm is a financial instruments firm15 and its registration number; (C) The breakdown and total of the commission, trust charge, expenses and other consideration (except the consideration for securities or rights relating to derivatives, etc.) payable by customers for the relevant transactions, the maximum amount thereof, or its calculation method; (D) In the case of transactions that require the deposit of consignment guarantee money, the amount thereof and its calculation method; (E) If there is a risk of loss exceeding the amount of consignment guarantee money in a derivatives transaction, etc., that fact and the ratio of the transaction amount of such derivative transaction, etc. to the amount of consignment guarantee money (if calculation of such ratio is impossible, that fact and the reasons thereof); (F) If there is a risk of loss arising directly from such indicators as the interest rate, exchange rates or stock index, such indicators and the fact that fluctuation thereof may result in loss, and the reasons thereof; (G) If there is a risk of loss as referred to in the preceding item that exceeds the amount of consignment guarantee money, the indicator(s) which may directly lead to such loss, the fact that there is a risk of such loss, and the reasons thereof; (H) In regard to over-the-counter derivative transactions such as foreign exchange margin trading, where there is a difference between the selling price and buying price indicated by a financial instruments firm, etc., that fact; (I) Disadvantageous facts for customers in relation to other important matters; and (J) If the firm is a member of the Financial Instruments Firms Association, that fact and the name of the specific association.  - 経済産業省


Copyright © Japan Patent office. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. All Rights Reserved.
日本語ワードネット1.1版 (C) 情報通信研究機構, 2009-2024 License. All rights reserved.
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Copyright(C) 2024 金融庁 All Rights Reserved.
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原題:”On Liberty”

This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide.

Copyright on Japanese Translation (C) 2004 Ryoichi Nagae 永江良一
原題:”The Corpus Delicti”
This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide.
SOGO_e-text_library責任編集。Copyright(C)2006 by SOGO_e-text_library
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